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Killing Quinn


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I do agree though with the why only two choices thing, its silly we are the third choice, neither of you get it.


And again with regards to the scumbag and Elara. There is nothing to even indicate they joined you at the end, no conversation nothing unless you are a trooper or sith warrior. My assassin looked over their shoulder and there is scumbag creeping on me.......son of a motherless goat monkey.:eek:

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Well I avoided fangirl army because it removes the possibility non-girls were his fans and I didn't want to make that statement.


And any character might know if they speak to the right Sith Warrior, or one of his followers....which you do have in your follower list by this point ( or did).


My commando kills imps for very little reason, he just hates imps. Years of fighting them has worn his soul down and now he has little to no remorse over killing for any reason.

1:Your wife was Imperial

2. You have a bunch of imperials in your alliance - among them some of Elara's friends (read the loveletter she sends you)

3. Quinn betrayed you more than seven years prior, - on the other hand he was the ONLY one who bothered to attempt to find you other than Lana. And servered years in Imperial prison (I am guessing this is no walk in the park). Yet your first instinct is to take revenge for some old nonsense. If this is the type of warrior he meets, I'd say Quinn should not regret attempting to kill SW, but that he didn't succeed.


That being said, I'm glad people got the opportunity to kill him they wanted (also there was the option originally, but it was removed because he was the SW only healer. Beta testing was the result in this - not poor writing). But it would make no sense for others to kill him. He is just some random person who you exchange two lines with. Also Elara is extremely light side. Do you think your wife would approve of you killing a stranger over a minor insult?

Edited by Cowoline
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Thanks for the info, I was able to kill Quinn with my Sith warrior and savored every second of it. Even recorded it so I can watch it over and over again.


The only sad part was that part of the cut-scene glitched and I didn't get to see my lightsaber sticking out of Quinn's back.

Edited by Kalabakk
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Thanks for the info, I was able to kill Quinn with my Sith warrior and savored every second of it. Even recorded it so I can watch it over and over again.


The only sad part was that part of the cut-scene glitched and I didn't get to see my lightsaber sticking out of Quinn's back.



A true humanitarian. You sir are worthy.

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The only sad part was that part of the cut-scene glitched and I didn't get to see my lightsaber sticking out of Quinn's back.

I had that same glitch. :( But ohh joy!...I pressed etc and watched that scene at least 5 times. :D My biggest complaint about that scene tho was that I just stabbed him....I wanted to behead that punk. :mad:

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm a republic commando married to Elara and Quinn insults her first time I meet him.....good enough reason to me.


As for anyone else, well he's Quinn, a traitorous scum who needs to die, his league of squeee followers have alerted us all to his scum bag qualities, so we kill him. Seems fair to me.


Your trooper has some anger management issues to kill someone because they insulted your woman.

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Thanks for the info, I was able to kill Quinn with my Sith warrior and savored every second of it. Even recorded it so I can watch it over and over again.


The only sad part was that part of the cut-scene glitched and I didn't get to see my lightsaber sticking out of Quinn's back.


I had the same problem. I wonder if it's the type of lightsaber? my friend used the classic sword and it worked just fine. But the lightsaber showed nothing. It was pretty disappointing. We wait all this time and the devs still find a way to screw up our ending....

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Your trooper has some anger management issues to kill someone because they insulted your woman.



He's an imp major....really the only reason he needs, and that he has a huge fan club of sith warriors...well that is just icing on the cake.


But seriously they need to let every class kill him, I mean if you choose republic he is a worm who sabotages your base while claiming to be there to negotiate and then he just abandons to her fate his empress. Why we weren't allowed to shoot him instead of letting him flee is beyond me.

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He's an imp major....really the only reason he needs, and that he has a huge fan club of sith warriors...well that is just icing on the cake.


But seriously they need to let every class kill him, I mean if you choose republic he is a worm who sabotages your base while claiming to be there to negotiate and then he just abandons to her fate his empress. Why we weren't allowed to shoot him instead of letting him flee is beyond me.


Yea that's bad. Especially if you are sith warrior siding with republic. So Quinn after pledging loyalty and wanting forgiveness for the Darth Baras issue years ago, now betrays again and throws a bomb at the SW. Poor guy just flip flops his loyalty all the time. Interesting too his "dislikes" are betrayal, selfishness, and irrational behavior. :confused:

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Yea that's bad. Especially if you are sith warrior siding with republic. So Quinn after pledging loyalty and wanting forgiveness for the Darth Baras issue years ago, now betrays again and throws a bomb at the SW. Poor guy just flip flops his loyalty all the time. Interesting too his "dislikes" are betrayal, selfishness, and irrational behavior. :confused:


my ls warrior accepted him back despite his grovelling, however he mentioned that he can't trust Quinn especially after the second stunt he pulled for Acina. if he had force powers, he would make a perfect sith, dispicable, treacherous and looking for power.


I wouldn't be surprised in Jadus was in contact with Quinn since the days of Baras and gave dirt on Baras and then when Jadus left Quinn, he did his job to get close to the next powerful sith to dig up dirt on like the warrior and then acina. Quinn was on long term assignment waiting for his master to return this whole time, Jadus.

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But seriously they need to let every class kill him, I mean if you choose republic he is a worm who sabotages your base while claiming to be there to negotiate and then he just abandons to her fate his empress. Why we weren't allowed to shoot him instead of letting him flee is beyond me.


Should let every class kill Elara in that case as well. If you choose Empire, she does the exact same thing, no matter who you are. The only difference is it's more out of character for Quinn, because:


Yea that's bad. Especially if you are sith warrior siding with republic. So Quinn after pledging loyalty and wanting forgiveness for the Darth Baras issue years ago, now betrays again and throws a bomb at the SW. Poor guy just flip flops his loyalty all the time. Interesting too his "dislikes" are betrayal, selfishness, and irrational behavior. :confused:


Either he's the only character in the game the codex outright lies about, orrrr the Iokath writing is extremely inconsistent with his vanilla character. One of those.


IMO they just wanted Quinn and Elara to be carbon copies who would do the same exact thing in a situation, and it really doesn't make sense. Same thing is obvious in the superweapon throne scene. Would either of them actually just run off and abandon their faction leader in that scenario? They both do the exact same thing because it was easier that way, to hell with their characterization (especially since it makes them both look outright cowardly).


We'll probably see more of the carbon copy behavior/lack of variation in the lines going in to future companion re-introductions, and people will be less likely to accept it when there's a scenario with two likeable companions versus this scenario, which includes a rather likeable companion and an extremely polarizing one.


if he had force powers, he would make a perfect sith, dispicable, treacherous and looking for power.

Again, that directly goes against his codex entry and pretty much everything we are shown throughout his vanilla story. Looking for power? Talk about a leap.

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Careful now. I got a forum warning for calling you all fangirls. It's almost like the moderators don't read the forums or something. :rolleyes:


We're actually Quinnmancers. Or the Eternal Order of Quinnmancers. :)


And just for the record, I want to shoot Elara in the face until she's dead. Thank you. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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I've said it before and I'll say it again.


Killing Quinn on Iokath for something that happened in vanilla is just petty. We should always have been able to kill him at the time if we'd wanted (and requisitioned a replacement because back then he was the only healer companion for Warriors ;) ).


Now, killing him in battle because you choose Republic on Iokath makes sense (ditto Imperial-leaning characters killing Elara during the fighting).

Like several others, I feel like the Iokath story isn't finished yet - there should be a lot more Elara & Quinn screen time to come before the situation is resolved. Hopefully they'll prove us right.

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I'm a republic commando married to Elara and Quinn insults her first time I meet him.....good enough reason to me.


As for anyone else, well he's Quinn, a traitorous scum who needs to die, his league of squeee followers have alerted us all to his scum bag qualities, so we kill him. Seems fair to me.


That's not really a good reason. The warrior has a reason but the rest of the characters don't. The player behind the toon may know what Quinn has done but your character doesn't. Killing him on any other toon doesn't make sense as he has not done anything that deserves killing.


As far as insulting someone, imperials do that all the time but you don't kill someone for it, that actually makes no sense.

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The only sad part was that part of the cut-scene glitched and I didn't get to see my lightsaber sticking out of Quinn's back.


My Sith Warrior doesn't use a lightsaber. She has an axe, because she likes blood flying all around her. She killed Quinn by pushing the edgeless front of her axe into his stomach. ;)


It looked ridiculous, even though it might have been pretty painful for Quinn to get an edgeless axe pushed through his guts. (I esc'd anyway and decided to keep him alive, so that he can live in fear for the rest of his life.)

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.


Killing Quinn on Iokath for something that happened in vanilla is just petty. We should always have been able to kill him at the time if we'd wanted (and requisitioned a replacement because back then he was the only healer companion for Warriors ;) ).


Now, killing him in battle because you choose Republic on Iokath makes sense (ditto Imperial-leaning characters killing Elara during the fighting).

Like several others, I feel like the Iokath story isn't finished yet - there should be a lot more Elara & Quinn screen time to come before the situation is resolved. Hopefully they'll prove us right.



I disagree you are killing him because before he had plot armor which he has lost now.....and he has long deserved the death. The less Quinn screen time the best...unless we get to kill him over and over again...

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That's not really a good reason. The warrior has a reason but the rest of the characters don't. The player behind the toon may know what Quinn has done but your character doesn't. Killing him on any other toon doesn't make sense as he has not done anything that deserves killing.


As far as insulting someone, imperials do that all the time but you don't kill someone for it, that actually makes no sense.


Sure I do, I have no problem with a republic soldier killing an imperial any time they can. Why does it make no sense? Once Quinn is obviously of no value to me, he becomes just an enemy soldier and thus someone worth killing. When I am given a choice to go with what Elara asks or some imp soldier....I shoot the imp soldier and don't give him a chance to say any more....why would I?

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