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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Devs, please check you bolstered both sides equally in 5.2


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The same Maras I've been owning on my sniper in Imp v Imp matches can now global my GS and I can't do any damage to them. Something broken 😢


ikr, I'm glad someone else is seeing it too.. I've managed to get some impside wzs in and its much the same, somethings gone weird. Is conceivable its class based, maybe faction based, idk what... but definitely something - out of 25-30 odd wz today, rep and imp side, most ended with 40+ kills on one side and 2 or 3 at best on the other. I remember maybe 2 vaguely balanced 8m ones.

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Just been playing a few games on my GS after playing 18hours on my sniper and I can say there is something weird happening.

I've got the same gear and the stats are the same, but I get blown up in an instant by Mercs even through my defences.

These are guys I've been playing with and I know what gear they have on. Even guys in 230 gear are blowing me up through dodge which has a 200% chance to dodge and defensive screen at the same time.

For the life of me I don't know what is happening. One minute Im half health with about 70k health and one hit for 1600 and I'm dead. I even checked the combat log to confirm any other hits.

I think there is a bug, it's not Bolster, but it's weird all the same. Who knows, I'll keep testing.


Oh snapple! We have a conspiracy theory backed up by ambiguous anecdotal evidence provided to us by our very own merc slaughtering sorc!

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It's just a gap between those who played a lot and hoarded crates at rank 300 and have cashed in and stored UCs in components and bought a lot of BiS gear to kit themselves out.

Then there's the players who did a few hours a day and are close to 300 or got good drops

Then down through the ranks tier 2, tier 1, old WZ comms gear,

Down to light casuals and recent 70s and start at 65 or 70, who don't have much experience or gear.

At the bottom is people in it for something else and go AFK, or reinforce an uncontested node.


The biggest problem in regs is the low population which makes for a lot of uneven matches. ( especially when people are playing content and don't queue until it's played through) - And when queues peter out late at night then you get more OPG which is usually a crap-shoot and arenas which don't suit every class and need close co-ordination to do well at ( and are rarely balanced at low population times)

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It's just a gap between those who played a lot and hoarded crates at rank 300 and have cashed in and stored UCs in components and bought a lot of BiS gear to kit themselves out.


It really isn't... please don't assume, merely because I am bringing it up that I am ungeared and new to pvp. Why do people do that?


I am totally normalised to the difference in your average group rep side and imp side... I play both, A LOT. My main is rep side, but I play both a rep and imp through each weekly and move on after each is done... REP > IMP > REP > IMP and so on. I am very aware of all the stuff people have said about the subject. I have played through every re-gearing release in the game, so I also have experience of the ups and downs of the bolstering/gearing impact in wzs. This is something different though.


Even in a one on one, as a healer, I am now struggling to keep up for more than a few seconds - weirdly, not quite so much of an issue imp side... but I am taking that onboard as maybe just some crappy rep side players, for now, even though it informs opinion about where the issue may lie.


It may be, and probably is, just a conflation of individual reasons, its also possible it is just a single setting somewhere (which could be easily fixed)... either way, they (Bioware) really should look into it, this cannot be intended design... if it is just a reflection of gearing, then that will be sorted in a week or so, if it is something else and isn't sorted, the disparity currently is game-breaking. Time will tell I spose :p

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The same Maras I've been owning on my sniper in Imp v Imp matches can now global my GS and I can't do any damage to them. Something broken 😢


I have this exact same problem. I play my gunslinger and sniper and I face the same enemies on my sniper and i blow them to bits, and then i play them on my gunslinger and its a fail fest. I think the problem is, gunslinger has the two weapons, and the chacnes to miss more and have less dps from missing is much higher.

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Having played a bit more since Tuesday, I think something is a bit strange, yes. I'm not the sharper Sentinel of the pack, but I don't remember getting trampled by this much since 2.0 days.


In fact, I got so much abuse by a team mate after spending the whole match stunlocked and doing crap damage that I decided to quit pvp for the day. This has never happened before.

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Imps all have Vitamin D def. , didnt you know? Seriously if I would have ONLY grinded one character since 5,0 dropped I would have smashed my head against the wall by now.


As someone who did just that ::::rubs the big red area on his forehead soothingly:::: It was a crude but effective method to keep gearing 242 a viable and realistic possibility. Did it from day 1 of 5.0's release and got geared full 242 just a few days before 5.2 dropped. And what do you know, now there is new gear to grind for!


I'm not complaining though, I'm glad for the new gear. Raider's love gearing!!


While I understand the concerns of others who feel it was way too soon to have new gear released because they hadn't even got fully geared in 242 yet, there is something to be said for providing the carrot at the end of the stick.

New gear can revitalize doing the same old content over again. More to strive for, more possibilities, MORE POWER!!


When you're fully geared, it's hard to find incentitve to do the same old things over and over again. When they took gear out of Operations, what happened? Raiding dried up. Raid groups disbanded. Many raiders left the game and everyone felt the lessoning of options.


Maybe some new gear releases at sooner intervals than we had otherwise become accustomed to, might not be so bad for business. I know people don't love the grind, but how you get gear is a different thing than the desire for better gear. You can argue the methodology of obtaining it, but, at least for me, gaming/raiding is all about getting better gear.


I'm very happy with the new tier of gear being released, and I just finished the grind fest to get 242. Methodology aside, I hope new gear tiers will be released with greater frequency than has been the case up til now.


Buy hey, that's just me.

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As someone who did just that ::::rubs the big red area on his forehead soothingly:::: It was a crude but effective method to keep gearing 242 a viable and realistic possibility. Did it from day 1 of 5.0's release and got geared full 242 just a few days before 5.2 dropped. And what do you know, now there is new gear to grind for!


I'm not complaining though, I'm glad for the new gear. Raider's love gearing!!


While I understand the concerns of others who feel it was way too soon to have new gear released because they hadn't even got fully geared in 242 yet, there is something to be said for providing the carrot at the end of the stick.

New gear can revitalize doing the same old content over again. More to strive for, more possibilities, MORE POWER!!


When you're fully geared, it's hard to find incentitve to do the same old things over and over again. When they took gear out of Operations, what happened? Raiding dried up. Raid groups disbanded. Many raiders left the game and everyone felt the lessoning of options.


Maybe some new gear releases at sooner intervals than we had otherwise become accustomed to, might not be so bad for business. I know people don't love the grind, but how you get gear is a different thing than the desire for better gear. You can argue the methodology of obtaining it, but, at least for me, gaming/raiding is all about getting better gear.


I'm very happy with the new tier of gear being released, and I just finished the grind fest to get 242. Methodology aside, I hope new gear tiers will be released with greater frequency than has been the case up til now.


Buy hey, that's just me.


You can achieve all of this by introducing intersting loot like a rare item with a unique proc...that would draw massive people to that encounter whatever it is....or maybe a Rancor (Companion) I would knock down and old lady to get that....


In some games people go back and solo old raids sometimes 30 or 40 times just to get a rare mount or a cool gear skin....


Not in this game...you run content over and over and over to get basic gear only (Which will likely become irrelevant in short order), but you can drop real cash for cool stuff.... Yeah.

Edited by Soljin
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My experience in this is; I'm an Imperial Sniper- Marksmanship. I have a mixture of 210-230rated gear. I was almost 40000 health below people with 246 rated gear. I'm also having difficulty doing damage and actually staying alive for more than two seconds... I am an unhappy bunny *Sighs*
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Pubs were doing better the last month or so because a solid portion of the imperial pvpers (my guild included) had swapped pubside and started pvping once our mains were capped imp side. We all switched back to re-gear our imperial mains once 5.2 hit, thus the immediate deficit of competent players pubside.


Dont worry, in three weeks we'll come back and carry some more.


And always remember, it'll go easier if you just STop Resisting.

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Just been playing a few games on my GS after playing 18hours on my sniper and I can say there is something weird happening.

I've got the same gear and the stats are the same, but I get blown up in an instant by Mercs even through my defences.

These are guys I've been playing with and I know what gear they have on. Even guys in 230 gear are blowing me up through dodge which has a 200% chance to dodge and defensive screen at the same time.

For the life of me I don't know what is happening. One minute Im half health with about 70k health and one hit for 1600 and I'm dead. I even checked the combat log to confirm any other hits.

I think there is a bug, it's not Bolster, but it's weird all the same. Who knows, I'll keep testing.

Actual same.. I use to love my sniper but now I just get used as a trash can to be honest...

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You can achieve all of this by introducing intersting loot like a rare item with a unique proc...that would draw massive people to that encounter whatever it is....or maybe a Rancor (Companion) I would knock down and old lady to get that....


In some games people go back and solo old raids sometimes 30 or 40 times just to get a rare mount or a cool gear skin....


Not in this game...you run content over and over and over to get basic gear only (Which will likely become irrelevant in short order), but you can drop real cash for cool stuff.... Yeah.


Some may feel that enough, but not Raiders.


I don't care what color it is, I don't care how fast it goes, I don't care how cool of a sound effect it has, or how big it is, I'm only interested in if it makes me do more damage.


Leave all that other stuff for where it belongs, cartel packs.

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My experience in this is; I'm an Imperial Sniper- Marksmanship. I have a mixture of 210-230rated gear. I was almost 40000 health below people with 246 rated gear. I'm also having difficulty doing damage and actually staying alive for more than two seconds... I am an unhappy bunny *Sighs*


if you only have 80k health, something is wrong besides gear.

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Some may feel that enough, but not Raiders.


I don't care what color it is, I don't care how fast it goes, I don't care how cool of a sound effect it has, or how big it is, I'm only interested in if it makes me do more damage.


Leave all that other stuff for where it belongs, cartel packs.


Not really, I was having the time of my life 4,0 with the way gearing worked for pvp. Meticulously min maxing my gear because it was accessible through only pvping. Now I can play a match or two, and because I have a life outside this game, I just get obliterated because I dont play the fotm classes / specs.


Unless I am intoxicated. Then I play my commando because it is face roll easy.

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Pubs were doing better the last month or so because a solid portion of the imperial pvpers (my guild included) had swapped pubside and started pvping once our mains were capped imp side. We all switched back to re-gear our imperial mains once 5.2 hit, thus the immediate deficit of competent players pubside.


Dont worry, in three weeks we'll come back and carry some more.


And always remember, it'll go easier if you just STop Resisting.


Oh dear. Hubris. Look it up.

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Not really, I was having the time of my life 4,0 with the way gearing worked for pvp. Meticulously min maxing my gear because it was accessible through only pvping. Now I can play a match or two, and because I have a life outside this game, I just get obliterated because I dont play the fotm classes / specs.


Unless I am intoxicated. Then I play my commando because it is face roll easy.


The problem is just that, one type of gear for both modes of play. It's impossible to reconcile the two without seriously hurting one mode of play.


Fast gearing for PVP when there was still expertise, that's fine, but you cannot make raid worthy gear [even more so BIS gear] a fast process like PVP gear use to be.


4.0 was my favortite time in this game as well, I was very happy with how things were set up around raiding and PVP, but they were separate and distinct from each other and that is the way it should be.


I am a PVPer and a Raider [At least I was raider until 5.0 came along] but since 5.0 dropped, I am essentially a PVPer only.

Even still, I would be against any fast tracking of the gearing process now [now as of 5.2's additonal gearing options and amendments]. As of 5.2, gearing, if you are willing to take advantage of all the options, is even better now than it was in 4.0. If you aren't willing to do Operations, or aren't willing to do PVP,. that does limit the options, but those are self-imposed limitations.


There are only two options that are fair and workable to everyone and hurt neither camp [PVPers and PVEers]. Bring back PVP gear with it's fast and alt friendly gearing process, or institute a bolster high enough to overcome any gear differences amongst players in warzones and arenas.


You do not speed up the gearing process because people think that they should be able to gear 7 characters at the same time quickly. One character's time, experience and advancement should have absolutely no effect whatsoever on the advancement of other characters. The Command system is what's wrong, it's what's causing these problems. Why one character's command level should have anything to do with another character's is beyond me. It would be wrong to make one player have to start from scratch, but just because someone else played another character on the same account, that a new character should have a short cut.


It's a bad system. There shouldn't be command levels and things gating what gear you can use other than character level.


PVP bolster solves all the gearing issues and concerns of both camps. One shouldn't have to pay the price for the other. PVP bolster = win/win

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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...but I don't even try really unless I perceive that the group I'm has some competent healers and dpsrs, then I start trying (but this is quite rare) otherwise I just deek around and accept the loss as "pub life".


This is my biggest gripe with pubs on harb, and you're far from the only one who does it.

I obviously have the memory of a goldfish as every few days I'll go and pug on pub side to do weekly/dailies/something different. This is what happens on a far too regular basis; in novara coast or civil war at the beginning of the game, 3 players will go camp the off-node; in hypergate 3 players go and camp the pylon. So these players have knocked before the game has even started, because "pub life." In civil war if the team doesn't get 2 nodes at the first try, 3 players will go and camp the off-node. People mock imps because they have all the rage quitters; with rage quitters at least you have the chance to be back-filled by players who will actually try. I much prefer rage quitters to people who blatantly go and sulk in the corner because they can't get carried to victory. If you can only do well when the odds are stacked in your favor, how do you improve as a player? If you actually put in effort you'd improve and wouldn't need to be carried.

As soon as I get a team comprised of 2 or more sulkers, I go back to imps. Pubs deserve to have a lower population and a less skilled player base. I feel sorry for the few remaining players who play exclusively on pubs that make an effort; they deserve better team mates.

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I have this exact same problem. I play my gunslinger and sniper and I face the same enemies on my sniper and i blow them to bits, and then i play them on my gunslinger and its a fail fest. I think the problem is, gunslinger has the two weapons, and the chacnes to miss more and have less dps from missing is much higher.


That wasn't happening for me pre 5.2. It's only since the patch that I've seen it.

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