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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Devs, please check you bolstered both sides equally in 5.2


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Because frankly its ridiculous at the moment... the shift in just 48 hours is bizarre... it is simply not down to just hitting pre-mades. Reps are getting utterly ruined in every single wz currently, significant difference to before 5.2.
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Now you know all those Empire players have been sitting on massive CXP boosters and crates...Disintegrate everything in the old crates and boom new crates with potential for 248 first day...Now there is an even further gear deficit in PvP between factions.


It's not likely a bolster issue...

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Reps have always gotten utterly ruined in almost every single warzone, in my experience, on harbinger. That's why I went from a die-hard Repub player to 100% imp about two years ago. If there were a bolster difference between the two factions, it would be pretty easy to check, and we probably would have heard a lot of complaints about it by now.
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Not a bolster issue. Some players probably were sitting on a hoard of CXP packets from Flashpoints and whatnot, or had quite a few UCs in reserve.


I play both Pub and Impside. My pub toon is getting trounced even more since the patch and my Imp toon -- who only fought other Imp teams since Tuesday -- is also facing a fierce opposition. In fact, the very same Imp teams that my pub toon fights.


TL;DR: Full-time PvP'ers prepared for 5.2 better than I did.

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Maybe the odd one or two imps in any random group have stacked cxp, but then so would the rep players... there has been a massive step.


All I am asking for is they check... like they finally did with the "mirror" abilities, I'm thinking sage bubble... that went unchecked for 3 years.


The game is horribly biased, from the ground up... always has been... but it just got even dafter.

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Maybe the odd one or two imps in any random group have stacked cxp, but then so would the rep players... there has been a massive step.


All I am asking for is they check... like they finally did with the "mirror" abilities, I'm thinking sage bubble... that went unchecked for 3 years.


The game is horribly biased, from the ground up... always has been... but it just got even dafter.


bolster is the same for both faction i have the same gear on my imp toon and my shadow they both have the same stats pools. What your going up against is players that stacked boxes for over a month to gain end game gear since there now are in top end gear faster they have a slight advantage like when a new expac came out it will settle down in a few days or so. So you will have to stick with it till then.

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Maybe the odd one or two imps in any random group have stacked cxp, but then so would the rep players... there has been a massive step.


All I am asking for is they check... like they finally did with the "mirror" abilities, I'm thinking sage bubble... that went unchecked for 3 years.


The game is horribly biased, from the ground up... always has been... but it just got even dafter.


We just lost a match to reps on TRE cause we were dumb and didnt respond to call. Bolster is fine.


Truth is the majority of rep players dont give a damn about PVP they just que for the dailies... cxp or whatever. Their involvement in the matches is very shallow and I dare say sometimes they were utterly dumb too.


Of course I am not generalizing here as there are some good rep players on TRE for example, but they aren't the dominant part and thus imps ruin reps many many times and I think it's no different on the Harbinger too.


On imp side for whatever reason people have a greater interest in competing and it shows in matches and their attitude. those dudes want to win. period. Dont get me wrong, Imps have plenty of bads too.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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I agree with others. I doubt there is an issue with bolster. The massive gear imbalance between imp and pub is just magnified with the 5.2 for a couple of reasons.

1.) (as stated by others) Imps were so far ahead gear wise they hit a ceiling, which sort of started to look like pubs were catching up a bit, but they stashed tons of cxp and crates for day 1 tier 4 upgrades.

2.) As time goes on, more and more quality pubs stop playing 70 pvp because of the gear imbalance. So you are not likely to ever get good teammates on pub side anymore. There is a rare case when a very solid pub premade plays and then utterly destroys the imp team because the imps have lost any skills they once had because they haven't had a real match in months. And also all wimps have switched from pubs to imps for the easy wins which dilutes the actual skill level of imps. (not enough to lose though in normal matches).


Frankly, if they did up the pub bolster by accident it would inadvertently fix the gear issue. Things that make sense never happen though.

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Now you know all those Empire players have been sitting on massive CXP boosters and crates...Disintegrate everything in the old crates and boom new crates with potential for 248 first day...Now there is an even further gear deficit in PvP between factions.


It's not likely a bolster issue...


Was saving cxp packs from Operation bosses and command crates to be used to gain cxp from disintergration after 5.2 an IMP state secret or something that pubs were purposefully left out in the dark about?


About 10 threads below this one there has been a whole thread devoted to using this strategy. This has been talked about for weeks already.


If no pubs decieded to do this when it has been a suggested thing to do openly for weeks now than they deserve everything they get. [but, to be fair, they already deserved it - All pubs must die =] ]


Some people act like that the reason IMPs waste pubs more often than not is somehow due to something sordid.


They are the same exact classes, they are mirror's of each other, they have the same potentials, same rotations and are equally available to play and learn by all.


When pubs win of course it's because of better skill, better coordination, better tactics. When IMPS win, it's because of some background conspiracy or plot. Gearing is gearing, u do not need premades to gear u do not need to do well in pvp to gear, and in case some people may have missed this little diddy, I know one IMP or two or 97000 that also have pub characters, so that skill, that knowledge, that doesn't get left at the door going in and out.


The reason pubs get globaled by IMPs is because IMPs aren't careful, we're don't care about dieing, and because we love to fight.


Are pubs better than IMPs with regard to objectives, yeah, they tend to be, but IMPs are better at fighting and killing.

IMPs more inclined as death matchers? Abso-friggen-lutely.


If it weren't for more UCs being granted for a win, many IMPs would be happy to let you win every match while we ere enjoying rollstomping you.


Right or wrong IMPs for the most part, judge a player's skill but how much DPS or Heals or Protection we put out.


Sure, we want to win, but pounding pubs into oblivion is our first love. Fortunately there are times when killing pubs in mass can directly leads to victory.


Saying there are massive gear diffences between IMPs and Pubs provides an excellent excuse for getting the snot beat out of you. Furthermore, I'd be interested to see the official quarterly report that proves IMPS are unitlaterally better geared than PUBS. Unless you are privey to some unknown source, you have nothing to base that thoery on objectively.


That pubs did not do the very same thing, when the idea was openly discussed and talked about on multiple threads over the last few weeks says it all. Stupidity follows us all every where we go.


Check bolster, you've got to be kidding me. Besides last time I checked, you beat us sometimes.


Rarely, but still =p


If pubs want to win more they should stop taking fighting lessons from Mon Mothma.


The Darkside is more powerful, Yoda lied to you.

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I've tried to grind a few gear pieces on my republic toons on Harbringer and its an absolute nightmare. Its equivalent to taking a hammer and just smashing your hand over and over again. Harb pub pvp is not enjoyable in the slightest bit (mostly due to lack of real dps from pub players) but every once in awhile I will do it to help my guild with conquest, but I don't even try really unless I perceive that the group I'm has some competent healers and dpsrs, then I start trying (but this is quite rare) otherwise I just deek around and accept the loss as "pub life".


Trying to farm UC on a republic toon is a freaking joke, specially when the Imp gang bang premade number farmers are on and just slaughter everyone with there maxed geared stacked merc/sorc combos with the token engi sniper thrown in for shiz and giggles. Good luck trying to plant the bomb or take a turret.


I recommend if your a yolo player (that is, mostly playing solo) then Impside is a lot easier and quicker to grind for UC - you will get dailies and the weekly done much faster and more wins = more UC. This has been my experience on Harb, can't speak for other servers.

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It's not just about the stats on your chars, its the impact on the damage output (and how that is received too) - I'm guessing (and yes it is a guess) that something along the lines of the old expertise increase to specific areas (damage = X%, heal = Y% so on)... because simply, I'm over the bolster level anyway, and I am getting utterly mashed in 1-on-1's EVERY TIME when 2 days ago this simply was not the case.


It is not a case of one or two (or even half) getting gear quickly (I've gotten gear too! as people say here... they use legacy gear on both sides... all players are like this, mostly) its that every imp, in fact, any imp is now god mode, seemingly.


The amount of 0 kill wzs now is indicative of this... lots of them in the last 24 hours for me.



And please don't assume because it should be the same for both factions that it is... BW/EA has shown time and time again that it doesn't work like that, and the fact that it is aligned is merely due to diligence... so, err, yeah.. can we check please? :p

Edited by leehambly
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I've tried to grind a few gear pieces on my republic toons on Harbringer and its an absolute nightmare. Its equivalent to taking a hammer and just smashing your hand over and over again. Harb pub pvp is not enjoyable in the slightest bit (mostly due to lack of real dps from pub players) but every once in awhile I will do it to help my guild with conquest, but I don't even try really unless I perceive that the group I'm has some competent healers and dpsrs, then I start trying (but this is quite rare) otherwise I just deek around and accept the loss as "pub life".


Trying to farm UC on a republic toon is a freaking joke, specially when the Imp gang bang premade number farmers are on and just slaughter everyone with there maxed geared stacked merc/sorc combos with the token engi sniper thrown in for shiz and giggles. Good luck trying to plant the bomb or take a turret.


I recommend if your a yolo player (that is, mostly playing solo) then Impside is a lot easier and quicker to grind for UC - you will get dailies and the weekly done much faster and more wins = more UC. This has been my experience on Harb, can't speak for other servers.


I can vouch for the merc/sniper/ sorc stacking, as a carnage marauder I just get ripped apart, especially with that cheese ball OP plasma probe BS that just gets spammed everywhere locking up melee with 70% slows so there is no prayer of breaking LOS. It's friggen terrible. Being as tho most of the time its IMP Vs IMP, we get nailed with premades like that ourselves.


But to be fair, I see republic teams doing the same exactly thing on the Shadowlands. RBL runs double premades sometimes, stacked with commandos and gunslingers doing the same exact tactics.


I don't doubt you run into IMP premades, but I'll be honest with you, they are the exception, not the rule. It's most pugs and even when some people join up together, it's not about gaining an advantage with FOTM classes, stacking, it's usually people who are just friendly with each other and so they like to play together. Couple of healers than sometimes will ask me to duo with, which im happy to because Ive got no self heals! heh, but in those cases its just two people.


There really isn't anything stopping pubs using the same arrangements that can be found IMP side. There may be a smaller PVP pool though of active PVPers pub side though which would make it take a bit more preperation before hand to get some people together.


I get slingers throwing plasma probe all around just as much as snipers do, RBL is some of greatest offenders of premade stacking of optimal classes that I've ever seen. And if they get lucky and get the double premade going, you are doomed from the start even if you have one premade on your side. Mostly though, it's pug style play on the Shadowlands.


You mentioned in your post that there is a lack of decent DPS on your side, how do you account for that? Same classes IMP side, they play the same,. just aestetic differences. It's not like you need other people in order to learn rotations and class skills and the like. Come up leveling in the same vanilla story enviornment, so I wonder why you notice such a profound difference.


Over all, PVP's pretty disgusting right now with the class imbalances. Which is the real problem. Snipers and mercs are disgustingly OP and it just ruins the experience for other players even skilled ones who just happen not to be playing one of the OP classes. You cannot have fun spending 80% percent of a match being slowed and getting executed by the fire squads that just line up like they're going duck hunting. And if you get premades like that, you might as well just take a nap.

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You mentioned in your post that there is a lack of decent DPS on your side, how do you account for that? Same classes IMP side, they play the same,. just aestetic differences. It's not like you need other people in order to learn rotations and class skills and the like. Come up leveling in the same vanilla story enviornment, so I wonder why you notice such a profound difference.


You can just see the difference OVERALL in output in the final score table. Its clear and distinct in all but the oddest rep wins. And please, if they were true mirrors, that would be great... but they are not, they are simply aligned... which means two separate sets of tables and config to alilgn... and they have shown that, well, its clear they play imp in testing any changes, put it that way... since the setting always seems to be right for imp, but not always for rep. There is a precedent for this.


I am not talking about general pvp... you are giving reasons why pvp is generally like this... I am saying specifically in the last 24 hours, as a healer I have gone from being able to handle 2 or 3 dps at once while using dcd's, to struggle to cope with a single dps. One tier of gear should not be having this much impact... may be that is the reason, if so, that's still game-breaking.

Edited by leehambly
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I You mentioned in your post that there is a lack of decent DPS on your side, how do you account for that? Same classes IMP side, they play the same,. just aestetic differences. It's not like you need other people in order to learn rotations and class skills and the like. Come up leveling in the same vanilla story enviornment, so I wonder why you notice such a profound difference.


Over all, PVP's pretty disgusting right now with the class imbalances. Which is the real problem. Snipers and mercs are disgustingly OP and it just ruins the experience for other players even skilled ones who just happen not to be playing one of the OP classes. You cannot have fun spending 80% percent of a match being slowed and getting executed by the fire squads that just line up like they're going duck hunting. And if you get premades like that, you might as well just take a nap.


I don't know how to account for it. If you pvp on Harb, you will just know. I've done numerous matches on mirror classes and without fail the Pubside is worst - matches are more lopsided, losing streaks are more apparent, and the amount of undergeared players is pretty staggering. The most obvious thing I notice is the merc to commando ratio. It's super common to fight 3 - 5 mercs on the imperial team in regs. Imps on harb are practically merc/sniper/sorc exclusive, that combo makes up the bulk of the team, with scattered amounts of PT/Juggs/Mara in the match. Even in Imp vs Imp matches its not uncommon to have 3 mercs on your side and a sniper and your fighting 2 snipers and 2 mercs on the other side, with sorc healers and a token PT/Jugg/Assassin. Republic side its mostly Guardian's and Sages, no joke. In fact, when I pvp on my Mando on republic side, I would say 75% of my matches I'm the only mando, going up against 3 mercs and sorc heals. This is super common and I will be the top dpser on my team, but like the 4rth or 5th in the entire match, simply because no one else is able to survive long enough to farm numbers.


Pubs just don't stack the OP classes as well as the imps do. Again, this all observation based on experience, but anyone who pvps regularly on harb will probably resonate with my post. Pub life pvp is rough, and it only got worse since 5.2 ( I don't pvp on pub very often anymore, I main imp full time nowadays, and last night being in full 246/248 I was really spiking republic players health down on my carnage, skank tank, and sniper characters, way more then usual prior 5.2)

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Just been playing a few games on my GS after playing 18hours on my sniper and I can say there is something weird happening.

I've got the same gear and the stats are the same, but I get blown up in an instant by Mercs even through my defences.

These are guys I've been playing with and I know what gear they have on. Even guys in 230 gear are blowing me up through dodge which has a 200% chance to dodge and defensive screen at the same time.

For the life of me I don't know what is happening. One minute Im half health with about 70k health and one hit for 1600 and I'm dead. I even checked the combat log to confirm any other hits.

I think there is a bug, it's not Bolster, but it's weird all the same. Who knows, I'll keep testing.

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