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Attention! Bioware and sw:tor community


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That’s it, we need an official Response


Overall the game is great, like it love it or whatever i spend quite a bit of time not being bored on this game. However there are a fair few bugs flying around still, and while the game is still young and fresh and the bugs need kinked out and everything, we are getting very little response from Bio Ware.


SO, i am not demanding to get an instantaneous quick fix, I am not threatening to leave the game if things don’t work out now. I simply would like to know the intentions of Bio Ware.


Many people like me see these bugs and view the forums and scroll through the troll and see if there has been some kind of official response to our questions. Very often this is not the case. So im opening this thread in the hopes to get your attention.


Below is a current list of issues that seem to be on allot of peoples minds :


FPS issues acrossed the board: high spec systems and down seem to have randomized (but all pretty low for there systems) FPS, as well as specific issues where walking into enclosed spaces causes fps to drop


FPS issues in PVP: high spec systems that are not having trouble in game still have little to no fps in warfronts.


Client stability: This ranges from client freezing to client crashing to falling through the ground and drifting into space.


Ability activation to action lag in game: This is typically fixed by changing the processor priority to high for swtor.exe as the people who report this problem are having not latency issues and high performance systems, its believed to be client based.


Ability actions forcing non-cast past global cool down: this explains itself


PVP afk timers: typically force out players who join mid game because of the time running out before there allowed to join the field, actually hurting that teams chances of winning further.


Now there are plenty of other bugs out there but these seem to be big complaints. Im not asking for an immediate fix i am not asking for the details involved in fixing it. Bio Ware i simply wish for a statement. An official release saying that you are aware of the problems i noted (and maybe a few more) and your intentions to fix them. And though it may be asking a little much, a general time frame IE the next couple weeks, within the next month, throughout the year.


In no way would stating something like this harm your personal image. If anything it would set to rest many forum explosions about these issues. I simply ask for a response. As for responders to this thread, speak up, bump this post, hopefully we get there attention.

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I have no issues with FPS nor client crashes. This is something with your computer and not the game. I would highly suggest changing your rig instead of demanding the game company to make their game play on your specific computer.


You have not been paying much attention int he forums then. A lot of people are crashing. I thankfully have not however a friend os mine crashes every hour or so and his system certanly can handle it. (AMD FX 8150, 8Gb DDR3, Radeon 6970)


Just because you have not crashed does not mean the software is without crashes.

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Yes, the pvp afk timer needs to be fixed. There hasn't been a single time i joined a warzone in progress that i was able to compete in. The moment I actually load the map, i have 4 seconds if i am lucky to leave the starting area. Most of the time the 45 seconds have already passed, and then i get ported to the fleet, not on the planet i was leveling.


FPS issues need to be addressed, I dont care what these people say, if they are saying they have no FPS issues they have spent more money and/or time on their pcs than most people can afford to. Myself, and many of my friends/guild members have good pcs, we are all running BF3 and Skyrim on High/ultra, we are getting anywhere from 70-100 fps minimum while questing in SW:ToR. Then somehow, we jump in a warzone, ALDERAAN is the worst, FPS will drop to 10 or lower. Dropping Resolution far below where we want it, and turning all graphics down helps and we can get 15 Fps at times, but cmon. This is obviously a problem, and just because you see a few people saying they have no fps problems, does not mean there isn't. I will see 5 people complain about fps for every 1 person that says theirs is fine.

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Try reading the dev tracking and or community blog, also theres a few twitter accounts you can follow, plus patch notes. Reading is good. Btw, nice colorful, pointless thread.


Actually it was a nice, polite and constructive thread that is already being attacked by slack-jawed fanboys before it makes it to page 2. btw, nice rude, pointless response.

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You have not been paying much attention int he forums then. A lot of people are crashing. I thankfully have not however a friend os mine crashes every hour or so and his system certanly can handle it. (AMD FX 8150, 8Gb DDR3, Radeon 6970)


Just because you have not crashed does not mean the software is without crashes.


AMD = trouble.

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I've had major issues with the tail; end of the Taris Bonus quests. I'd just finished a group for the last heroics and when I went to turn them in my fps dropped to 1-4 then memory usage went through the roof.


Took a while to QT out and get to my ship. After that, my game played normally, but if I go back to Taris I get the fps & memory leaks again within a short time period.

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I am not haveing crashing problems but i know alot of people still are, Also i have read through a multitude of forum posts in all subcategorys aswell as traveled to patch notes and some twitter channels. I wouldent be makeing this post if it had the awnsers. IF some of you find awnsers through other posts quote them here.


I dident post this because i am experiencing all of these problems, im posting this because alot of people are haveing a variety of them.

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On certain planets I get crazy frame rate loss. Alderaan and Dromund Kaas seem to be the biggest offenders thus far of the planets I have been to. I know it's not a GPU thing because it happens intermittently.


While it would be nice to get some official responses as to when a lot of these things will be ironed out, the best thing to do if these issues really annoy you is to NOT play MMO's til they have been out for a few months. I do it with Bethesda games. I won't play Skyrim til a few patches have come out for it and the modding tools are in the hands of the community for a few months.


I think there are more than a few members of this community that could stand to use this reasoning for SW:ToR.

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I have no issue at all in PvP and I do not have a high-end system by any stretch of the imagination.


May want to check your system settings.


Alot of people have and pretty much ripped there card to bare minimum quality to try an etch our a few fps and cat makes headsway. the fact you arent haveing porblems on a low system and high spec systems are points to a client side issue

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That’s it, we need an official Response


Overall the game is great, like it love it or whatever i spend quite a bit of time not being bored on this game. However there are a fair few bugs flying around still, and while the game is still young and fresh and the bugs need kinked out and everything, we are getting very little response from Bio Ware.


SO, i am not demanding to get an instantaneous quick fix, I am not threatening to leave the game if things don’t work out now. I simply would like to know the intentions of Bio Ware.


Many people like me see these bugs and view the forums and scroll through the troll and see if there has been some kind of official response to our questions. Very often this is not the case. So im opening this thread in the hopes to get your attention.


Below is a current list of issues that seem to be on allot of peoples minds :


FPS issues acrossed the board: high spec systems and down seem to have randomized (but all pretty low for there systems) FPS, as well as specific issues where walking into enclosed spaces causes fps to drop


FPS issues in PVP: high spec systems that are not having trouble in game still have little to no fps in warfronts.


Client stability: This ranges from client freezing to client crashing to falling through the ground and drifting into space.


Ability activation to action lag in game: This is typically fixed by changing the processor priority to high for swtor.exe as the people who report this problem are having not latency issues and high performance systems, its believed to be client based.


Ability actions forcing non-cast past global cool down: this explains itself


PVP afk timers: typically force out players who join mid game because of the time running out before there allowed to join the field, actually hurting that teams chances of winning further.


Now there are plenty of other bugs out there but these seem to be big complaints. Im not asking for an immediate fix i am not asking for the details involved in fixing it. Bio Ware i simply wish for a statement. An official release saying that you are aware of the problems i noted (and maybe a few more) and your intentions to fix them. And though it may be asking a little much, a general time frame IE the next couple weeks, within the next month, throughout the year.


In no way would stating something like this harm your personal image. If anything it would set to rest many forum explosions about these issues. I simply ask for a response. As for responders to this thread, speak up, bump this post, hopefully we get there attention.


Perhaps you'd get more of a response from Bioware if you posted it in the correct forum, namely Customer support.

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Yes, the pvp afk timer needs to be fixed. There hasn't been a single time i joined a warzone in progress that i was able to compete in. The moment I actually load the map, i have 4 seconds if i am lucky to leave the starting area. Most of the time the 45 seconds have already passed, and then i get ported to the fleet, not on the planet i was leveling.


FPS issues need to be addressed, I dont care what these people say, if they are saying they have no FPS issues they have spent more money and/or time on their pcs than most people can afford to. Myself, and many of my friends/guild members have good pcs, we are all running BF3 and Skyrim on High/ultra, we are getting anywhere from 70-100 fps minimum while questing in SW:ToR. Then somehow, we jump in a warzone, ALDERAAN is the worst, FPS will drop to 10 or lower. Dropping Resolution far below where we want it, and turning all graphics down helps and we can get 15 Fps at times, but cmon. This is obviously a problem, and just because you see a few people saying they have no fps problems, does not mean there isn't. I will see 5 people complain about fps for every 1 person that says theirs is fine.


I have a 3 year old PC and my game runs flawlessly on high graphics settings. I spent 1500 on it 3 years ago at Sams and it is running in a single PCIE slot. 3 years old is ancient in the computer world. Problems combined with computers (AMD and non NVidia VCs) and DSL connections seems to be the problems I see most people complain about. I had 1 time in which my FPS was bad and it was in an area where 100+ gamers were crammed into a tiny area. (Just before first patch). Worry about your computer, you can get a good midgrade VC for barly what you paid for the game initially. I got my VC from Best Buy for $80 last year. It is not that hard to get you specs on you comp and come up with minor adjustments to get it to run properly.


Another thing to keep in mind is what speed HD to you have if you have a huge one with low RPM's your game is going to load slowly and thus get you kicked out of warzones. I have a midgrade HD and have entered into warzones in the middle 3-4 times and have always made it to the BF before the timer went out. Please provide specs on your comps and I would be happy to newegg you cheap ways to upgrade your computer.

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Perhaps you'd get more of a response from Bioware if you posted it in the correct forum, namely Customer support.


I did post in customer support twice. They closed the ticket both times and told me they are investigating and for me to read upcoming patch notes on the issue. I can screenshot both the tickets if need be.


I have crashed to desktop at least once a day and twice in a day one time. No error just as if I quit the game. Most of the time it was during bg's but one time it was on my SI storyline during the middle of a cutscene.


I'm changing out my videocard today to see if this helps what the OP is talking about. Well not all of it but some.

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I did post in customer support twice. They closed the ticket both times and told me they are investigating and for me to read upcoming patch notes on the issue. I can screenshot both the tickets if need be.


I have crashed to desktop at least once a day and twice in a day one time. No error just as if I quit the game. Most of the time it was during bg's but one time it was on my SI storyline during the middle of a cutscene.


I'm changing out my videocard today to see if this helps what the OP is talking about. Well not all of it but some.


What kind of card? You need an Nvidia card!

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What kind of card? You need an Nvidia card!


I'm with ya there! Right now I have two ( SLI ) 8800 GTS with 512G. I have just bought from newegg a 560GTX 1G. Cost me $230.00. Hope this helps :)


Edit : 8800 GTS with 512mb that is lol.

Edited by DiottFei
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My 8800 isn't SLI and hte game runs great


No kidding? Wow that doesn't make me feel better at all lol. I thought to myself...man Skyrim is coming out I'm going to need to replace these badboys...but they run it great...on medium settings.


Then TOR comes out and in the IMP Fleet I lag a bit there and especially in that Cap three bg....in the middle...yeah I might as well not even go in the middle to grab the node. I do have the latest drivers on the 8800's....I wonder if it's not something else. :(

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FPS issues are caused by GPU drivers and players hardware. Not the game.


Thats why Bioware havent stated anything yet. They know its a driver issue but cant do anything or say anything, until the GPU Manufacturers release teh profiles needed for the game.


Unfortunately for all of us, they are taking a very long time to do so. It's just pains me to see multiple threads about this issue, that are made by people with very little knowledge of what they are actually talking about.

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