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Spoilers.. WHO IS THE BETRAYER? want your opinions.


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It kind of makes me think it is Theron. He and my Sith warrior are at odds(no romance there). He has been passive aggressive since my Sith Warrior took the throne. She isn't a merciful ruler at all .With the whole thing with Theron's dad ; She pretty much said who gives a damn about Republic scum ,even if that scum was his dad. Theron threw Quinn under the bus pretty quick, saying he could be the betrayer. Of course she defended her husband. But, the Betrayer is supposedly close to the Commander? That isn't a very long list at atl. I'm curious to find out though,
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My game was glitching out massively during that scene, I got to see a little more of the traitor than I should have. No names, but a lot of narrowing down:



They were wearing scion robes under the black robe, the robe itself was flapping in every direction,

and I'm pretty sure that while doing so I could make out the shape of breasts. I'm fairly sure it was a female in zakuulan-esque robes, though I may be wrong.


Scion Olima, I think her name is? Maybe.. But I would imagine that it would be someone with more presence in the story, no? She wasn't very memorable.

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For it to be a betrayal, it would presumably need to be someone that the Outlander trusts beforehand. Tyth seems to explain what the traitors motives are. My Warrior has treated Theron badly enough that it probably would match his description, but it has to be someone from before the trip to Iokath.


The description also matches all the other traitors since Fallen Empire.


But unless they are doing a mechanic like in "Chaos Rising" where it can be one of 6 people, then it would have to be someone who's hope is eroded for both LS and DS Outlanders.

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Lana or Theron. Probably mind controlled.




Because it has to be a class-neutral character to keep things inexpensive (1 VA doing lines is cheaper than 8), it has to be someone relevant to the Alliance plot or it won't have an impact, most likely in the inner circle, and literally everyone in the inner circle of the Alliance besides Lana or Theron can be killed off, so can't be them.


Oh, and people will get suuuuuuuuper pissed if their char romanced the char that backstabbed them knowingly. So, mind control's the out there.


And since he got a "throw away" mention, I'd put money on Darth Jadus doing the mind controlling, this sorta this is totally up his alley.



Edited by Kyrrant
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I guess I'll post here to. My game was glitched and saw a Scion uniform. By the looks of it several people have had this happen to them.


So unless Bioware is a lot craftier then I think they are. I think it's a safe bet that it's one of the last Scions.

A) Uniform

B) We are fighting their gods, Tyth being one of them.

C) Scions want us to become a god for some d*** reason

D) They would technically be the ones to gain the most (C is the only thing I could think of)

E) Lana or Theron would really only be the ones who fit Tyth's description (Lana more so) but I really don't see that happening. It's too obvious and unless they were both betraying you I think the other would figure it out. Plus they are our poster boy and girl.

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Just came to my mind, I know it won't be happening, but it would be awesome! What if Bioware thought: Hey, a lot of people conplained about one story for all characters. So you know what? We gonna split it up again.


And the traitor is the starting point, each class will get a different traitor from their vanilla story. I don't know, maybe: Agent - Jadus, Warrior - Vowerone/Hand, ...

Edited by ThePsyEagle
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If we remove all companions that PC can just not recruit into Alliance or just kill before Iotath, then we are left with:


- Lana






- T-7


- Alliance Specialists.


Now if we add this to what we seen in the cutscene... I don't know. It wasn't T 7 obviously. Gault normally doesn't wear robes. Lana was on Iokath and Theron was with PC. Unless the traitor is not same person for everybody, I really have no clue.


P.S. The whole point of termin "traitor" means that he was loayal to Alliance. So it can't be Malgus. Jadus. etc because they are not in the Alliance in the first place. They can be behind that person, sure, but they are not him.

Edited by Gelious
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For the love of Scyva!


Someone cannot betray you if they were never close to you.


Darth Malgus? Betrayed you how? He defected from the empire to form his own and failed. No connection to anyone on the Republic Side.


Jadus? really? What connections does he have with anybody besides the Agent?


Vitiate? You honestly would feel betrayed by Vitiate after he manipulated you to kill his children and tried to steal your body?


un-Returned companions- What have they go to do with anything? You haven't had any contact with them for over five years. And companions are specific to each class so how would Jaesa, for example, betray a bounty hunter?


Scions? LOL ***? The Scions were never on your side. They were blindly following prophecy and didn't lift a finger to help you, and they are in service to Zakuul. Their leader died and no one knows where they rest went to hide.


The only betrayal that would make sense is Lana or Theron. At the moment they are the only ones who could "betray" you and it made any kind of sense. I don't see why Theron would betray you, he's a lapdog. Lana is a Sith and far more ambitious.


Acina? they could sell me that, after all ,we did team up with her on Dromuind Kaas.


NB: maybe they shouldn't have used the word betrayed. Manipulated would have been more open-ended. The Scions definitely have a motive to pit you against each other in order to reclaim the eternal Empire of Zakuul, and Jadus could maybe try to come back and rule the Galaxy, though is Epoc of Terror was realised by the Zakuulain Campaign.

Edited by Yezzan
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For the love of Scyva!


Someone cannot betray you if they were never close to you.



NB: maybe they shouldn't have used the word betrayed. Manipulated would have been more open-ended. The Scions definitely have a motive to pit you against each other in order to reclaim the eternal Empire of Zakuul, and Jadus could maybe try to come back and rule the Galaxy, though is Epoc of Terror was realised by the Zakuulain Campaign.


This guy gets it!:cool:

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I got the glitch as well and saw the Scion type robes underneath the black ones. As others have said though, I don't know why on earth I would feel betrayed by them, I honestly completely forgot they were even a thing. Are there even any Scions IN the alliance? But the gods they mentioned were worshipped by Zakuulans so I could see some fanatic trying something.


I also don't really see how it could be Acina. After all, this person supposedly alerted all 3 factions at the same time. Why would Acina (or Jace for that matter) purposely alert the Republic/Empire instead of just stealing the weapon and using it? Heck, I doubt they'd even be willing to alert the Eternal Alliance, unless it was a "show of faith" or something like that. If I were them and had that information somehow, I'd do what I could to get control of it and keep it as my ace in the hole against all factions.


As for it being somebody in the Alliance, I suppose it makes sense if you're playing DS and acting like a tyrant, but the droid specifically mentioned that it was somebody pissed off at you. If you're playing the game LS5 (as my character is, the only DS choice I made in either expansion was to kill Saresh), who in the world would be angry enough at my character to want to go through all this trouble?


In terms of it being Lana or Theron, they would be highly enough placed to pull something like this off, but I highly doubt Bioware would risk pissing off people by making a potential LI betray you, especially ones that are featured so prominently for all 8 classes. Though I suppose they could have it be one or the other depending on the original faction for your class or if you are romancing them. EX: Default choice would be whoever is a member of the opposite faction to you (Lana for pubs, Theron for imps). But if you are romancing that character, then have it switch to the other one. And if they just wanted to try and kill you, I'm sure they could have found plenty of opportunities without even bothering to go to Iokath.


TL;DR Scions make the most sense, but only because every other option I can think of makes absolutely no sense being applied to EVERY Outlander.

Edited by nicholestar
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For the love of Scyva!

Someone cannot betray you if they were never close to you.


Darth Malgus? Betrayed you how? He defected from the empire to form his own and failed. No connection to anyone on the Republic Side.


I believe the writers are using the term "betrayer" rather liberally here. Im fairly sure the "betrayal" in question is the act of informing everyone about the superweapon under false premise to instigate the fighting over it, not a betrayal within the alliance itself.


Also, as a side note, Malgus is connected to every character because the story assumes you played through the Ilum storyline and False Emperor flashpoint, which means every character/outlander personally defeated him and destroyed his fleet. So, he is a character that every player is presumed to have interacted with regardless of class or story. So he fits as a "blast from the past" revenge story arc fit for every character.

Edited by thepilk
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I believe the writers are using the term "betrayer" rather liberally here. Im fairly sure the "betrayal" in question is the act of informing everyone about the superweapon under false premise to instigate the fighting over it, not a betrayal within the alliance itself.


Also, as a side note, Malgus is connected to every character because the story assumes you played through the Ilum storyline and False Emperor flashpoint, which means every character/outlander personally defeated him and destroyed his fleet. So, he is a character that every player is presumed to have interacted with regardless of class or story. So he fits as a "blast from the past" revenge story arc fit for every character.


Plus, Tyth could easily have been referring to Malgus as the Betrayer because ,algus's title literally IS the Betrayer

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I'd put my money on a similar system to choosing the divine in Dragon Age Inquisition, decisions you make add to a scoreboard for the candidates up until the reveal and then boom 'personal' traitor #choicesmatter
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I'd put my money on a similar system to choosing the divine in Dragon Age Inquisition, decisions you make add to a scoreboard for the candidates up until the reveal and then boom 'personal' traitor #choicesmatter


I just wanted to say: "Oh, that would be Koth for my SW." But then I remembered I already killed that *****. :cool:

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what if....both Theron and Lana betray you?...I mean literally both (not one depending on the faction you chose),

They could say:

- the Alliance has served it's purpouse, you are too poweful but non needed anymore

- they can make both the current Republic and Empire rulers fight over a superweapon, wipe them all

- With them and you gone they can go back to their homes and shape their factions to their liking, not yours

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Tyth also says we have been betrayed and were blinded to the knife at our throat. That doesn't apply to Malgus. And really "Malgus The Betrayer" is really only ever betrayed Imperial characters.

Those quotes still apply to literally any character that they decide to make the puppetmaster...


"You have been betrayed"- someone gave information leading you here, you thought you were getting a superweapon out of the deal, but they only baited you out for their own gain and likely want to kill you instead.

This is still a betrayal, even if its not personal betrayal, much in the same way that If you are going to test drive a car you want to buy, and the salesman cuts the brake cables, you were betrayed even if you never met the guy before. Betrayal is about intent and misplaced trust or reliability not about personal knowledge of the other party. When the person is someone close to you it just makes betrayal hit harder but its not a required component.


"You were blinded to the knife at your throat"- Youve been fighting with the Republic/Imperials with all your efforts in a battle that was only a diversion, The real enemy who is about to strike at you has completely blinded to what is really at work and who he is.


So really, Tyth is speaking in such vague terms that he basically doesnt tell you anything at all. it could be Kai Zykken and Tyth could still be technically accurate in what hes saying.

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what if....both Theron and Lana betray you?...I mean literally both (not one depending on the faction you chose),

They could say:

- the Alliance has served it's purpouse, you are too poweful but non needed anymore

- they can make both the current Republic and Empire rulers fight over a superweapon, wipe them all

- With them and you gone they can go back to their homes and shape their factions to their liking, not yours


I suggested that as well

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Lana or Theron probably, depending on which faction you tied the Alliance to.


It can't be Acina or Malcom, the other people you can accuse, because neither was actually ever part of your Alliance. In order to be a traitor, they'd have to be part of your organization. For similar reasons it can't be an external threat like Malgus. If Malgus is tied to the events on Iokath at all, he would still need an ally within the Eternal Alliance to betray the Outlander. As an outsider he can't be the traitor.


The traitor was described as feeling hurt and betrayed, which would make sense for either Lana or Theron, if you choose the opposite faction. Of course that could all turn out to be misdirection on Bioware's part and we're merely meant to suspect Lana or Theron, with the actual traitor turning out to be someone else.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I think it is someone tied to the ancient Ikonia, who want us to fight for their amusement much as - to reference the old Star trek tv series: the superintelligent beings pit Kirk vs. the Gorn. And they are somehow tied to someone in Zakuul.
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I don't think it will be anyone who appeared previous to KotFE, especially a faction specific person. For example, someone like General Garza wouldn't be "betraying" the Empire since she never stood with them in the first place. Same with Jadus, Malgus, etc...I'm betting on Satele right now. That is of course assuming that we're not just being tricked into thinking it's someone we know betraying us rather than a random Scion or ancient Iokath being. Edited by Nefla
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