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SWTOR Future Ideas/Changes


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SWTOR has been it's own success story, first fully voiced MMO and first go at MMOs for EA/Bioware. Though there is still much to be learned from the 5 years it has been out, both game specific and some more MMO specific that they are yet to catch onto. Here is my list for changes needed in the game to guarantee a good future for the game and its players. The MMO genre in general is having issues.




- Although 4.0 and 5.0 were very good story driven content updates and I congratulate the writers, you dropped the ball on what makes an MMO a Multiplayer experience. For the last 2 years there has been no development in end game content for PvE or PvP :eek:. The message may have finally landed belatedly with 5.2. The game really stagnated after 5.0 and more than that, it's player base became shaky. There were no operations going on (highest end game PvE) and no ranked PvP, for a multiple of reasons. DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE AGAIN.




1. No gear in operations at 5.0, straight away killed any interest in raiding on all servers. Forcing players to grind and get endlessly frustrated by doing things that get you "geared" faster. We had endless mob grinding in KP, resets, then fractured farming. It was like putting your hands on a hot stove, but knowing you had to do it to seal the open wound. Traumatizing!

2. Command System should have been thought out better, not just the cxp gain, the amount of levels were unnecessary. Most of the items are also necessary. If it's an end game gearing system, then it should provide end-game gear, logically. There should be proper RNG calculations and I would even go so far as to make a guaranteed piece drop every 5-10 lvls. I know this is all changing in 5.2, but you need to know to not do some things again. If you introduce a gearing system, first and foremost you need to test it with players who “gear-up”. This is why it fell apart and led to a multiple amount of changes wasting your time when you could be doing other things.




1. Arenas unranked/ranked, these should all be team based equally, i.e. 1H, 3DPS or 1T, 1H, 2 DPS. The groups you get are just silly, 4T, 4H, it's just nonsensical in an unwinnable position and most people just quit.

2. There should never be a time where AFKing during PvP combat is more preferential to actually playing. The amount of players doing this at 5.0 release was hilarious. Perhaps the medal changes will help this. But most don't bother with some warzones if there are too many healers, too many tanks, etc. These should also have a cap of some sort.

3. People quitting warzones, this really kills PvP. They guard an objective and quit. There needs to be penalties for people who do this. 5 mins queue lockout or something if they quit. Group finders get lockout, why not in PvP? Are you afraid of tinkering?


Structural Changes


So how can we change all this fundamentally rather than game specific? We need go to the heart of what an MMO experience is, its extremely broad and you have to cater to a lot of tastes.




Introduce “Challenges”, similar to the theme parks idea in SWG. Just google Kashyyyk in SWG. A variety of challenges not necessarily operations, but they could be lots of single bosses. Or 2s or 3s, which are for end-game gearing. You need to vary the raiding content. Who said each operation needs 5? S&V has 7. Mix it up. Just content specific on multiplayer experience, one every 3-4 months isn't a bad target (if it is 1-2 bosses) after first making the planet for example considering other game content.


Rryatt Trail or The X Trail! Hunting challenges, fishing...anything involving multiplayer participation. And by fishing I don't mean simply catch a fish....I mean you could catch a Nefra??!?! Why the hell not? Of course similar lockouts...maybe 5 times per week max, but it would be fun.! And then they will be able to drop the same piece as that boss in a normal operation. And the lesser bosses could drop companion gifts, crafting matz, schematics. Each for tier, basic, intermediate, advanced, and now that we have tier 4 gear, tier 5 gear difficulty could be called...drum rolls..suicidal/insane/expert...take your pick.


Theme Parks – This would be a great way to make it “questable” to get companion gifts rather than opening all those silly crates which have been gotten from re-hashed heroics content...i.e. nothing new. Or maybe a special weapon, armour set, endless ideas!!! It doesn't need a great deal of thought, just a few innovative quests that give rewards specific to that location or theme park. You could work towards a particular companion or gift, military gear for example. Can you imagine...40 companions on 30 alts? You guyz are funny. I think I'm gonna have a heart attack, a stroke and a migraine. And they keep coming! More companions! And still more to come! :confused::eek: Kira, Kira, here girl :rolleyes::rak_02:


Harder 4 player content. Uprisings were an odd idea, maybe an attempt to fill the gap in faster flashpoints and lack of new flashpoints, either way, I don't think they add any meat to the game. I have been screaming for 4 player NIM flashpoints for years, I must be senile. Reason for this is most guilds are not that big and after 5.0 have gotten even smaller, you need to cater to 4 player content and make it relevant to the gearing tiers. Maybe reserve highest tier for Master Ops always though. Do some research on guild activity, number and login frequency and see what you come up with, then plot against number of guilds.




Cross Server PvP Warzones. Why? Well for starters people got banned for win sharing. That's right people actually said “We Lose” next one “You Win” next one “Ug!”. Utterly disgusting. But it has been caused by only a few teams doing ranked PvP. Cross-server would remove timing issues and this deplorable behaviour. You'll probably tell me you're framework/servers can't handle it...so what? Look into it and make it happen. While in Cross-server PvP certain server based items will need to be disabled obviously, unless you find a workaround. And if you are shutting a specific server down, you'll need to “host” on a different server 15 mins before shutdown for example, and not allow queuing before shutdown I guess. I don't know x-server can be messy to program :).


Open World PvP....Ilum...the amount of fun happening there until people whined about their

computers not being able to handle it and exploding. Hilarious...but expensive. You need to revisit this again, perhaps dipping your toe in with Iokath 5.2, who knows. But re-layer the already gotten worlds rather than make new stuff, I'm not saying re-hash, I'm saying redesign, like a house that gets a refurbishment. This has been sorely missed by the PvP player base AND surprise, surprise the PvE players. Now that gearing is the same, it's a perfect opportunity to introduce it back.


Player Olympics!!!!! Better than warzones maybe....who knows. How about like in 100m sprint, you have players who dps a target, heal a target (3mins), take damage from a target...perhaps use a team like a relay and then final target requires all 8 players. It could be 4 groups of 4. or 2 groups of 8. It's fun, dynamic and involves the whole team. It would be great. It's not PVE! You are competing against other players, but simply dummies are your target, fastest/most survivable teams win. We have enough out and out KILL HIM! PvP...let's make some variety ok?


AND a 1vs1 team based duelling PvP match...imagine your in a 1 vs 1 cell with a bracket blue box towards the rest of your teammates (like a 3D blue cuboid cell (cube is not the always the same size in each direction), think TRON, I CAN FEEL THE EPIC BEAT NOW!), sealed in. so let's say TEAM A win 5, TEAM B win 3. Therefore 2 people sit out and can be subbed in next round. All cooldowns reset for each duel of course. Then TEAM A lose all 3! TEAM B win 3. Still with me? Therefore, 2 left on Team A vs 3 left on Team B. Team B wins against remaining 2 team A players. 1 sub left on Team B. This will really test out class balance. Duelling is a lost art and doesn't happen unless you and a mate are seriously bored. Give it a reason to be in PvP! And whoever is lowest health after 3 mins wins. Maybe make it 2 mins...I don't know, that's what testing is for....


Option to queue for warzones or arenas or olympics. I don't want to do unranked arenas until the player setup is corrected. It's just a real waste of time and a lot of people feel the same way. For the love of god I don't want to see another 4 healer arena or I am gonna pass out. We had one arena where everyone just gave up, 4 healers against 4 healers dancing to their party bombs. We were like you know what...why bother, let's get to know each other instead. Just like in group finder, people have options...PvP is just one road, whatever the system says you do...




Dynamic Weather! Where has it gone? It does not make the game very dynamic or graphically pleasing if it is a constantly stagnant background and foreground. Please someone get a dynamic paint brush! :cool:


Traveling made easy. This looks to be changing with 5.2 also, Galaxy Map. SWG had a good idea with something called GPP. Group Pickup Point. Works the same as Summon via Guild Flagship and you don't need a rank, but it doesn't cost anything...and why should it, and how does someone un-guilded summon you? :rak_02:


Performance. This is a tricky one, and something the engine may have difficulty doing, but you can only make it better (he says). Performance is key to a good experience. 16 man ops still have a great deal of latency issues, even some warzones when ppl are going nutz. Somehow you need to look at the framework and try to gradually improve it. It is very noticeably poor compared to other similar games out there.


Testing and Feedback!!! My goodness enough has been said on this subject. Closing down the PTS was a silly idea. All non-story content must be thoroughly tested by a player base. If you tested GC, we would not have had this debacle on the 1st week or asked for player feedback about completely removing end game gear from raiding (Uh-oh).


Huttball, the only warzone that is a sport. Special abilities like roll, high-tail it, Guardian Leap, intercede etc. should have been disabled. You can't do it now, because players will have a panic attack. But it is extremely unpleasant to see a group of operatives just face roll across the warzone and win in a minute or two against these helpless marauders. Not at all skilful or entertaining. If they were disabled it would actually encourage team based wins, rather than individuals or a pair of individuals. I doubt it was your original intention, but with no thought, something will get taken advantage of.


Economy – the amount of credit sinks in SWTOR is ridiculous. I feel it has been an aim of the Devs to destroy our hard earned credits...I think because of the ludicrous goings on of before. Who knew? Heroics used to give 80k credits instead of just 20k now for the bonuses. The team stack should come back. There ain't enough time in the day for everything, for most. It will make a healthier market, if you ask me, the prices have dropped due to lack of gamewide credits. And my high gear relics went down 60% in a week! True enough someone tanked the market, because he was cash strapped I think. :(


Player Homes – hmmm an attempt with strongholds, but they are expensive, massive...you have to give people keys...it's just over the top and I don't feel I am on Nar Shadaa when I am in my Sky Palace. It's just a place that looks like Nar Shadaa....would be nice to be near the red light district you know? Location, location, location. But again something that might be unchangeable...maybe introduce campsites, guild campsites! Endless possibilities!!!! In order for us to do this you need to expand the space on planets. It's all just mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob....basically the longest tunnelling theme park you have ever seen.


Encourage Exploration – some people haven't even got their ship....WTH?!??! :rak_02:


Hangouts! - Something like a place where players looking to group for ops or flashpoints can go rather than endlessly spamming on fleet (though this will always be the norm) or in the top secret raiding channels. Also a good place to have...drum rolls...A NEW CLASS!!!! I quite liked the idea of an Entertainer, that are in most MMOs now. They are not combat specific, though with appropriate gearing, they can be. It would be an excellent way to be social and to attract players to the game who don't do combat, I know a few...they happen to be awesome healers. Entertainers could buff players for credits, a way to gain money to, why not? We could also start to have main-hands being kloos, chidinkalus and maybe an electric guitar if LucasArts/Disney would be ok with that (I know it has cartel market written all over it, right!)....A new class would ignite the game. :D


Another new class...the only thing this game is lacking really is a decent off-tanking skill set. To make a more flexible group make-up. No substitute for a flat out geared guardian/juggernaut tank or geared raw dps...but maybe the literal version of decent dps/decent tank combo. A DROID CLASS! Yes people a droid. As we got rid of droid gear...creating armour for it is the only issue. Use HKs shells should be an easy starting point. Besides it's one way of spicing up the game-play...with not ONE...but TWO NEW CLASSES! And better than that, they are not faction specific! Wouldn't that be new. Now the CLASS quests as it were will be “new content”, hopefully...but not necessarily need new areas/planets. I would not say Entertainers necessarily need a class story but something, maybe. Either way am sure players are dying for some variety after 5/6 years.


These issues won't be solved overnight, and to be fair all games suffer a troubling 4th to 6th year in MMOs. But don't exacerbate the situation by removing gearing progression. Don't make an MMO all about gear, it's a Multiplayer experience at it's heart. Make the gear more gettable and people might actually start realising who their healer is (the amount of people LOSing the healer then asking for more heals is just daft :mad: facepalm), or the tank that hates them for not using their threat dropper in ops...ever, or that clever dps who uses...*don't say it*...A CLEANSE or a defensive ability while not being in an AOE attack! My ideas are not golden and I'm sure other people have better opinions or ideas. Much to the much, enrich the game by offering your ideas. You guys need to use something's to re-brand SWTOR out of the tunnelled and grindy PvE, to the boxed in PvP it is at the moment. Come up with some whacky ideas, that are relevant to multiplayer experience and couple end game progression with social aspects. I'm sure I've just given you 2-3 years of ideas. GL!

Edited by CaptJames
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4.0 and 5.0 were good story driven content? In what universe?


They went from 8 different story of various quality (I'm looking at you, Jedi Consular, after chapter 1 you were crap) to one cliche-laden, cookie cutter trope fest with writing on the level of your local tumblr fanfic, a massive reduction of actual story content. The writing is just a few inches above the abysmal rubbish that lurks around in Mass Effect Andromeda (whoever wrote FemRyder's lines should be publicly flogged.)


What this reduction in actual story content shows us is: one size doesn't fit all.


Within the Star Wars universe 4.0 and 5.0 themselves were utter rubbish. Oh, look, a big third party so powerful that it defeats both factions. Yeah, so new and original. Not. 5.0 took the cake with the whole idea of "take the throne!" which pretty much guarantees that these events will never be canon in Star Wars. Player characters never get that amount of power and influence, because, canonically, which character is going to be that one? Oh, the "Outlander"? And who is that? Which of the thousands of player characters is it? Yes, there would have to be a canon decision from the top, like in both KOTOR games, similar to Revan's and the Jedi General's genders.


It's good that, officially, all of this is no longer canon and deposited under Legends.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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4.0 and 5.0 were good story driven content? In what universe?


They went from 8 different story of various quality (I'm looking at you, Jedi Consular, after chapter 1 you were crap) to one cliche-laden, cookie cutter trope fest with writing on the level of your local tumblr fanfic, a massive reduction of actual story content. The writing is just a few inches above the abysmal rubbish that lurks around in Mass Effect Andromeda (whoever wrote FemRyder's lines should be publicly flogged.)


What this reduction in actual story content shows us is: one size doesn't fit all.


Within the Star Wars universe 4.0 and 5.0 themselves were utter rubbish. Oh, look, a big third party so powerful that it defeats both factions. Yeah, so new and original. Not. 5.0 took the cake with the whole idea of "take the throne!" which pretty much guarantees that these events will never be canon in Star Wars. Player characters never get that amount of power and influence, because, canonically, which character is going to be that one? Oh, the "Outlander"? And who is that? Which of the thousands of player characters is it? Yes, there would have to be a canon decision from the top, like in both KOTOR games, similar to Revan's and the Jedi General's genders.


It's good that, officially, all of this is no longer canon and deposited under Legends.


It may have not been the est, but it was story wether you liked it or not. Future xpacs should have more focus on everything in a big package, not just story.


I pretty much agree with everything OP wrote.


I would also like to ad, cross faction for pvp, and replace the current announcers with factio neutral announcers saying "this is a battle simulation" just like when you have the same faction v the same faction.


EVENTS - For the love of the stars WE NEED NEW EVENTS!!!More than half of the players do not even bother with the old events because they are half a decade old at this point. Extremely boring.


Expand the current planets - There is SO MUCH unused space on the planets we ALREADY have. Come up with some way to utilize those open spaces! Colicoid hunting games , wrangling rancors, racing nerfs, SOMETHING! And lets get more seasonal events, not just that lame " lets throw snowballs at each other " life day event. Get creative for once!

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By good story I meant on it's own. Knight/Warrior it was more applicable. It's illogical to expect another fully voiced 50 or so quests for 8 classes, they might as well remake the whole game then, which is pointless because as I said before its an MMO not a solo RPG game. But ye it was rather silly to be a mando using all these force thingys. That's why PvP needs to step up, I am at home when organising world PvP or whatever, and mandos just look better out there :). Edited by CaptJames
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There were some fine story elements in KOTFE and KOTET, but overall they had a serious problem with power creep. I hate stories that give you a ton of power and influence, only to take them away again. After all, we can't really command the Eternal Fleet or the might of Zakuul, despite sitting on the throne.


I like the idea of hangouts. Perhaps a working dejarik table, some dice and card min-games, would liven up the cantinas on Fleet and various planets.


Huttball needs to have its own queue. There are people who love it and those who hate it, to the point it impacts their willingness to join a PVP queue.



The stronghold key system really needs to be reworked. I would push for --

* Bronze -- You can enter the stronghold when the owner is logged in.

* Silver -- You can enter when they're not logged in.

* Gold -- You can also decorate the stronghold.


I don't see why a silver key is required to use Utility items in a stronghold. Why would you want to limit someone's ability to use an item with unlimited uses?


People also need to be able to hold more than 5 keys!

Edited by Xina_LA
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I would like to them put the star ship upgrades in the collections. Have them where they are like the shrouds data cubes & ALL of them can be unlocked for your legacy without having each character buying them.


I also would love to see them get rid of the GTN's fees when sales are completed. If they want to charge fees, then charge only ONE fee. Make it where when you put the item up for sale it is ONLY that fee that is taken out of the sale & no others. If your sale expires then the fees are refunded as normal. But getting charged commission fees when in-game credits aren't used for anything but in-game is kind of annoying. Especially when some people are charging really high amounts for items. Or lower the amount items can be sold for.


The last thing I would like to see done is having cartel certificates put back into the cartel packs. Grand chance cubes should give decent items not just common ones. Have chance cubes for regular items & have grand chance cubes give the harder or rarer items only.


Just my thoughts & desires for future development.

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4.0 and 5.0 were good story driven content? In what universe?


They went from 8 different story of various quality (I'm looking at you, Jedi Consular, after chapter 1 you were crap) to one cliche-laden, cookie cutter trope fest with writing on the level of your local tumblr fanfic, a massive reduction of actual story content. The writing is just a few inches above the abysmal rubbish that lurks around in Mass Effect Andromeda (whoever wrote FemRyder's lines should be publicly flogged.)


What this reduction in actual story content shows us is: one size doesn't fit all.


Within the Star Wars universe 4.0 and 5.0 themselves were utter rubbish. Oh, look, a big third party so powerful that it defeats both factions. Yeah, so new and original. Not. 5.0 took the cake with the whole idea of "take the throne!" which pretty much guarantees that these events will never be canon in Star Wars. Player characters never get that amount of power and influence, because, canonically, which character is going to be that one? Oh, the "Outlander"? And who is that? Which of the thousands of player characters is it? Yes, there would have to be a canon decision from the top, like in both KOTOR games, similar to Revan's and the Jedi General's genders.


It's good that, officially, all of this is no longer canon and deposited under Legends.


Adulation: You bring up at least ten percent of the flaws with this new storyline.


Objection: Comparing this new storyline to fan fiction is an insult to fan fiction.

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By good story I meant on it's own. Knight/Warrior it was more applicable. It's illogical to expect another fully voiced 50 or so quests for 8 classes, they might as well remake the whole game then, which is pointless because as I said before its an MMO not a solo RPG game. But ye it was rather silly to be a mando using all these force thingys. That's why PvP needs to step up, I am at home when organising world PvP or whatever, and mandos just look better out there :).


They voiced all 8 classes for KOTFE/KOTET. Most of the effort is in the story writing. SWTOR launched with a master story, and each class was a player in that master story. I loved it.


3 chapters each for the 8 classes, is 24 chapters. 24 chapters that are the same for all 8 classes(and 16 voices) really dulled the game. The former would of been a much happier audience. Voice acting amounts lower, you do not need duplicates for 16 different main character voices. Detail goes up, you can refer to her/him, faction, class titles, etc. Because planets would be shared with classes, level building does not go up linearly to run multiple class stories.


A good story release for each class could of been made for the same budget as KOTFE/KOTET. Less chapters per class, but much much better chapters. An assault on Ziost by the Republic, etc.(Retaliation for Corellia).


Most of the difficulty, is in getting a good story writer. Without a good story writer, it does not matter if ram all classes into the same 24 chapters, or write separate stories.


KOTFE/KOTET just need to be removed, and SOR's ending changed(Make it turn out to be Jadus in disguise instead of Revan, there are many lines if you choose certain options that would make this fit).


For those that love KOTFE and on, put it in a side game accessed by a terminal, similar to how it is replayed. Make it non canon, and advance the story from a more solid footing. A footing that respects Empire/Republic, Male/Female, and separate classes.


And one final big flaw with the new story - the story telling. The original storyline was immersive, the player saw only what their character was exposed to. This made you feel a part of the galaxy. SOR, KOTFE, and KOTET, continually show things your character does not see, or worse, does not even know.


It is a huge immersion break to see Satelle/Marr talking in cutscenes early in KOTFE, then much later meet them with a clueless character that didn't know about them.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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It is a huge immersion break to see Satelle/Marr talking in cutscenes early in KOTFE, then much later meet them with a clueless character that didn't know about them.

It is really, really common to tell stories this way in novels and films. Even in first-person narrative novels, this happens, although it's jarring there for a different reason. A good example that I've read is one of the Deathworld series by Harry Harrison, where it is important to see a specific thing that happens, but one that the narrator-protagonist would not see. The style break was a little disconcerting.


The fact that we the players see Satele and Marr talking, but our character knows nothing about their conversation, is entirely reasonable. It is useful for the narration to let us see Vaylin/Arcann or Vaylin/SCORPIO conversations, and it is equally useful for it to let us see Satele and Marr speaking. But we know that our characters are not present, so it is natural that they learn about what happens in the conversation later on.


KotFE had immersion-breakers, like my stealthed Shadow and Assassin being revealed and locked in combat with foes that are so far away round a corner that I can't even see where they are, during every single moment of Chapter X, but for me at least, the point you remarked on isn't one of them.

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It is really, really common to tell stories this way in novels and films. Even in first-person narrative novels, this happens, although it's jarring there for a different reason. A good example that I've read is one of the Deathworld series by Harry Harrison, where it is important to see a specific thing that happens, but one that the narrator-protagonist would not see. The style break was a little disconcerting.


The fact that we the players see Satele and Marr talking, but our character knows nothing about their conversation, is entirely reasonable. It is useful for the narration to let us see Vaylin/Arcann or Vaylin/SCORPIO conversations, and it is equally useful for it to let us see Satele and Marr speaking. But we know that our characters are not present, so it is natural that they learn about what happens in the conversation later on.


KotFE had immersion-breakers, like my stealthed Shadow and Assassin being revealed and locked in combat with foes that are so far away round a corner that I can't even see where they are, during every single moment of Chapter X, but for me at least, the point you remarked on isn't one of them.


Here is the deal, in LOTR, you continually change which character's perspective you see; however, you realize you are seeing a changed perspective. In KOTFE it drops these things with no discernment to the player. I thought it must of been a force vision, but it turned out not to be.


For a single player game, book, or movie, these things can be done well. For an MMO - it needs to be character centered. Character centered story creates immersion, important to an MMO-RPG. Your character could find out the interactions between Vaylin/Arcann from a captured knight. This wouldn't break immersion.


The Vaylin/Arcann ones were obvious that your character wasn't clued in, but many, many others occurred that were not.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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For me I would like to see the following:




More features within each planet for exploration, i.e. new areas of the map. For example on Belsavis the map is huge and there are buildings/locations off the map which could be used for expansion. The main capital planets have a wide array of images portraying buildings etc. and yet no of these are accessible. Having access to such buildings for say artefact collecting (not crating btw.) that are applicable to each race/character type would be useful and in higher levels they help boost CXP, light/dark side affiliation would be good.


An ability to explore the universe with your ship, visiting colonies within larger asteroids and undertaking quests on them, farming in space for crafting materials. The creation of your own ships from schematics (hulls, weapons, shields etc.). Transportation of goods across shipping lanes and battles/boarding of large capitol ships, this could all give a new spin on any new storyline/expansion.


Having more planets/space stations appearing with expansions. At the moment we have a primary space station however smaller stations with there own quest areas and defense turrets for incoming enemy incursions would be useful. Guilds currently hold planets however having the ability of take over areas of space depending which side you are on would be really useful and tie nicely with the current light/dark side points system etc. The initial trailer for SWTOR had sith incursion when they returned to Korriban, why not have the same for different areas of space.


Having more control of your surroundings, for example if you are a jedi/sith the ability to lift/up throw or push objects at NPC's rather just your own abilities. Ripping-up a tree and hurling this towards a group of NPC's, or drawing a group towards you and then bury them in a landslide, pulling a group towards a river and them drowning them in a torrent of water. In conjunction with your own class abilities learning how to perform such things would put a different spin on things for each class.


I would also like to see a new class, neither light or dark but grey, having the option of choosing light/dark side abilities to make up their character and as such none of the rep/imp planets would be off limits to them within their own story arc. In addition to this they would have their own core planet, similar to the Voss but not constrained by strict teachings one way or the other.




Battles which not only involves characters but also vehicles (transports/attack craft etc.) where you are responsible for attacking/retaining portions of the map from the opposite side. If you destroy an object (vehicle/turret/enemy) you can collect the associated crafting item.


The use of NPC's in PVP so your area is not only occupied by the side you are on but also has a number of randomly spawning NPC's which if killed gives you additional commendations/points in-game and afterwards.


The use of better and more engaging maps, at the moment everything is land based, why not have maps on space stations, at sea, sky cities (i.e. like Bespin) etc. For each location equipment would be specific for that scene, i.e. jet packs, grapple hooks to scale buildings depening on the class. It could help this become more immersive and likewise the same for PVE.


Having PVP areas which are larger in size and can accommodate more players however given the constraints of the game engine, I am not sure if this is even possible.



There so much more you could do however it all depends upon the game engine, coding, costs, time and effort to expand SWTOR as we know it today. It would also be useful to understand how limiting the current game from a developers perspective, they seem to get slated whatever they do and you cannot please everyone and all the time whatever is decided upon.


Have the developers reached the limit of what they can do SWTOR in it's current form and in order to truly make something more immersive a new game engine would be required and ultimately a new game?


Anyway just a few ideas which would be useful from my perspective.




Edited by SWGOKrenEmp
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