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How much accuracy do we need for PvP?


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I've heard a lot of people say we don't need any accuracy at all in PvP, and I've heard others say we need the same amount as PvE. I play a vigilance guardian and am a little confused about this right now. If anyone would elaborate on this, I would greatly appreciate it.
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accuracy is pretty useless for most specs. the amount of dcd's out there that are going to make you automiss anyway, you have 101% already from the companion, force/tech can't be defended against... If you're playing something like MM sniper or carnage mara, a little accuracy would probably not go amiss since you're mostly white damage but most of the time, no, I wouldn't bother with accuracy.
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at least 105% if you have a lot of white damage, 100% if you don't

accuracy is pretty useless for most specs. the amount of dcd's out there that are going to make you automiss anyway
this logic is fallacious


there are actually very few dcds that make you "auto miss," most just increase your odds of missing so extra accuracy still serves a purpose


more generally: not running any accuracy on classes with big, white hits (of which there are many) is a pretty good way to have them whiff in clutch moments. I don't want 15-20K railshots whiffing on my merc just because it might give me like 100 extra dps on the scoreboard

Edited by yellow_
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at least 105% if you have a lot of white damage, 100% if you don't

this logic is fallacious


there are actually very few dcds that make you "auto miss," most just increase your odds of missing so extra accuracy still serves a purpose

yes, things like deflection. you are correct, it is not an automiss. It just may as well be. It IS a 50% chance that an extra 5% accuracy is going to do next to nothing against.


more generally: not running any accuracy on classes with big, white hits (of which there are many) is a pretty good way to have them whiff in clutch moments. I don't want 15-20K railshots whiffing on my merc just because it might give me like 100 extra dps on the scoreboard

I do believe I covered this.

If you're playing something like MM sniper or carnage mara, a little accuracy would probably not go amiss since you're mostly white damage but most of the time, no, I wouldn't bother with accuracy.
Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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yes, things like deflection. you are correct, it is not an automiss. It just may as well be. It IS a 50% chance that an extra 5% accuracy is going to do next to nothing against.

It quite literally isn't going to do nothing but I understand what you're getting at. It's just beside the point -- the popularity of 105% is less about deflection, which is up relatively rarely, and more due to the fact that every class in the game has a base defense chance of 5%. Every enemy you attack is guaranteed to have it and the accuracy is there to cover that. 5% accuracy is never wasted because targets in PVP always have at least 5% defense chance.


The whole line of thinking is fallacious because, technically, you could be attacking into saber ward or deflection literally all game and this wouldn't make accuracy any worse for your overall DPS. I bring this up mostly because I'm just pedantic. I think the main reason to run accuracy is the stuff below

I do believe I covered this.
I disagree. I specifically mentioned merc railshot because it isn't among the things you mentioned. I'll keep going to drive my point home. IO mag shot. Marauder's furious strike, annihilate, or rupture. Juggernaut's furious strike, impale, crushing blow. Assassin's maul or assassinate.


And so on. Increasing the odds of these extremely important abilities missing because they might miss anyway for an amount of extra overall dps (this outcome is totally debatable, for that matter) that is almost certainly not going to have an impact is clearly a mistake

Edited by yellow_
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I wouldn't recommend running with 0 Accuracy on any Melee class other than Operatives.


The reason is quite simple.. White damage is a véry large portion of your damage, and every time you miss something that hits hard (Sins for one, have 3 of their 4 hard hitters depending on it) you'll wish you dropped that tiny bit of Crit for Accuracy.


And unlike some people above me are argueing, you DO want accuracy ESPECIALLY against the sort of cooldowns to the likes of Deflection. Sometimes you just have no other option but to try and roll your dice of luck with something that would not always go through.


If you do that without Accuracy at all, you will be significantly less effective than if you try it with. This doesn't just stretch to damage though. It also goes for white damage roots and slows like Low Slash or whatever Marauders I think have to root you?



Point being, Accuracy is a god stat and the <1% damage you gain from the extra Crit/Surge will easily go to loss in the 4-9% less chance you have to actually hit people with white ****. It's a bit sad to see only Doc seems to understand this concept thus far.


Try taking 2 Enhancements with Accuracy. Seriously.

And then think to yourself, do you really notice the difference in hard numbers?

Of course you won't.. It's too tiny. But you'll notice missing less often if you pay attention at all.

Edited by Evolixe
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Also everyone has a 5% defence chance, except Sorc which is 10%. Anything much over 105% accuracy is a waste of other stats.

You also get bolstered in pvp, so you should check your stats inside a match or at the fleet Bolster terminal. Sometimes you only need to equipe 103% accuracy outside of the WZ and Bolster will take you to the 105% mark or over it in the WZ

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It quite literally isn't going to do nothing but I understand what you're getting at. It's just beside the point -- the popularity of 105% is less about deflection, which is up relatively rarely, and more due to the fact that every class in the game has a base defense chance of 5%. Every enemy you attack is guaranteed to have it and the accuracy is there to cover that. 5% accuracy is never wasted because targets in PVP always have at least 5% defense chance.

Except it doesn't. As you say you are being pedantic, I'll use the other extreme. Should a sorc be stacking accuracy? No, because force/tech isn't defended. Healers also do not need accuracy. You can flip your point around just as easily. Stacking accuracy for a couple of moves reducing the effectiveness of all moves just because one move might miss seems like a waste to me.


I disagree. I specifically mentioned merc railshot because it isn't among the things you mentioned. I'll keep going to drive my point home. IO mag shot. Marauder's furious strike, annihilate, or rupture. Juggernaut's furious strike, impale, crushing blow. Assassin's maul or assassinate.

I already mentioned mara, but I guess it was too specific that you thought the other trees that have almost as much white damage didn't count. Melee naturally has a lot of white damage. I have already stated that if your class uses a lot of white damage abilities, some accuracy would not hurt. other classes use none, and others use a mix with few such abilities. At most if these classes really felt they needed it they could go with the accuracy stim which brings you to just about 105% without gearing for accuracy at all.

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unless a very limited part of your rotation is ranged/melee damage type attacks, I'd say go with 105%.


The idea behind that is, the 101-105% gap is fairly small (2 enhencement, roughly) and stacking those further into crit or alacrity won't help much.


The "why" 105% is that its a great "bang for your buck" for your melee and ranged attacks, since EVERYONE has 105% defense AT LEAST against those. So that 5% is constantly useful on the melee/ranged part of your rotation, and occasionnaly on the force/tech part.


As jedc said, it won't prevent misses, as many classes have extra defenses on a good uptime, debuff, dcds etc, but where my opinion differs from his is I think its a better investment than the hard DR of crit and alacrity you are encountering.


On the other side, people mentionned some classes : Operative, sorcs and I'd add to that engi snipers, have attack that are entirely or majoritarily tech/force.


There are 0% baseline defenses on those, and while some resist % exist on significant uptime on some classes, its not enough to warrant use of accuracy to fight only those classes. Most of the time, those 5% accuracy are totally useless.


Its also why going over 105% isn't recommended either. Sure some classes have some buff that raise their defense to 10-15% or have 10% baseline, but its mostly going to not be used, so its better invested into more crit and alacrity, or if its from augment, power or mastery.


The typical "pure pvp" gear is heavy crit enh with power or mastery aug and some people mix and match alacrity and some accuracy in it.


Are 101% accuracy build working? Sure. Are they mathematically better than 105%? No. RNG might smile on you and make you not miss a single attack, or it might screw you and you'll miss 2 in a row on an opponent that is out of dcds and just has its small 105% baseline.



And of course, goes without saying....please don't use accuracy on a tank or healer.

Edited by verfallen
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I wouldn't recommend running with 0 Accuracy on any Melee class other than Operatives.

You meant to write Concealment Operatives.


Lethality mainly does white damage. The "bonus" damage for having a fully debuffed target is yellow but obviously Corrosive Assault needs to actually hit for it to apply, and Toxic Blast is white too, a miss would ruin your day.

Edited by Mubrak
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I don't think you quite grasp the strength that gearing for a little bit of accuracy can have,

so let me give you a small example;


All accuracy above 100% goes directly against all defense.


You fight an Assassin. He has 10% default defense chance.

You have 101% accuracy. So you have 100-9=91% chance to hit.

He pops deflection. He now has 60% defense chance.

That means you have a 100-59=41% chance to hit on all white damage applications.


Now I fight the same Assassin. I have 106.64% accuracy.

He still has 10% defense chance. I have a 100-3.36=96.64% chance to hit.

He pops Deflection. He now has 60% defense chance.

I have 100-53.36=46.64% chance to hit.



All this means that without enemy cooldowns, you're 9/3.36=267% as likely to miss as I am.

Nevermind the 5% defense classes on which I won't miss without cooldowns period.


Even in Deflection, you're 46.64/41=13.75% more likely to miss as I am.



I'd wager that to be worth the 1.5% Surge and maybe 1% Critical Strike Chance drop.

But if this still doesn't convince you, you can't be reasoned with. Take it as you will.

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You will always get multiple answers on this question as it is preference. The three popular options are:

1) 101% base accuracy

2) 105% accuracy

3) 110% accuracy


I generally run with 101% or 105% but never 110%. The best thing you can do is test them all out and see what feels best for you, there is no wrong answer if it works with for you, it's perfect.


My suggestion is run 101% if you feel like you are getting misses on key abilities crank accuracy up to 105% and see if it rectifies the issue...If the answer is no drop back to 101% and start watching your debuff bar a little closer.


I will say 110% is generally considered for PvE raiding etc...

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at least 105% if you have a lot of white damage, 100% if you don't

this logic is fallacious


there are actually very few dcds that make you "auto miss," most just increase your odds of missing so extra accuracy still serves a purpose


more generally: not running any accuracy on classes with big, white hits (of which there are many) is a pretty good way to have them whiff in clutch moments. I don't want 15-20K railshots whiffing on my merc just because it might give me like 100 extra dps on the scoreboard


I thought the purpose of using accuracy is to increase your dps by having less misses? And now you say you want to miss less eventhough it will decrease your overall dps?


I think if you chose accuracy over crit or whatever stat then it should be for the purpose of increasing your dps.


The question is whether it does actually increase your dps or lower it.


For PvE we have quite solid numbers and many many experiments on repeating bossfights.


But for PvP it is hard to find the answer since every fight and every parsed result is unique.


Some people say that according to their logs they will miss with up to 40% of their white dmg no matter whether they use accuracy or not. And most of they time, they say, their misses are based on dcds of the enemies.


Others say that just like in a PvE some accuracy will always increase your dps up to a certain point.


I did not find a satisfying answer so far. Atm I just gear all my chars PvE-wise since I can do both PvP and PvE with one set of gear and I think that it still works fine in PvP. The only thing I change is my stim. Before 5.0, when we needed 2 Sets of gear anyway, I used to completly ignore accuracy.

Edited by Bobby_McDonald
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I did not find a satisfying answer so far. Atm I just gear all my chars PvE-wise since I can do both PvP and PvE with one set of gear and I think that it still works fine in PvP.

I don't see it that way at all. My Marauder PvE and PvP gearing is wildly different.


My PvE Marauder: tons of Alacrity and Crit (well over 40% Crit), 110% accuracy, Crit and Alac augments.


My PvP Marauder: No more than about 40% Crit, 101% Accuracy, little to no Alacrity (depends on spec...close to zero Alac for Fury, fair amount of Alac for Carnage), mostly Power augments.


So I would have to rip out most of my augments and several enhancements to go PvE - PvP. The Accuracy stim lessens this a little, but not enough. I'd still have to spend a lot of credits pulling augments, and a few enhancements. I spent a good amount of time trying to make this work. No dice. Not to my satisfaction.

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I thought the purpose of using accuracy is to increase your dps by having less misses?
That is one purpose, yes


And now you say you want to miss less eventhough it will decrease your overall dps?


I think if you chose accuracy over crit or whatever stat then it should be for the purpose of increasing your dps.


The question is whether it does actually increase your dps or lower it.

For some specs it unquestionably increases your overall DPS. Some are borderline, especially if you keep dot spread in mind. Unfortunately modeling it to get exact numbers is so complex as to be essentially impossible.


I'll summarize it this way: If running accuracy costs me 100 DPS in a spec like hatred (and I'm not saying it would, but it's plausible) in order to make my lacerates and autocrit assassinates reliably land I will take that deal every time.


Losing a tiny bit of DPS is rarely going to be what allowed a guy to survive. Not so much for whiffs on important abilities.

Edited by yellow_
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That is one purpose, yes



For some specs it unquestionably increases your overall DPS. Some are borderline, especially if you keep dot spread in mind. Unfortunately modeling it to get exact numbers is so complex as to be essentially impossible.


I'll summarize it this way: If running accuracy costs me 100 DPS in a spec like hatred (and I'm not saying it would, but it's plausible) in order to make my lacerates and autocrit assassinates reliably land I will take that deal every time.


Losing a tiny bit of DPS is rarely going to be what allowed a guy to survive. Not so much for whiffs on important abilities.


Its mostly about when the stat is effectively going to be used. 5% accuracy is used 100% of the time on your white damage.


Its used sometimes against some classes on your yellow damage.


So the overall value, regardless of DR of 1% of crit over 105% drops radically, as the situation where its useful (ex against tank or a DCD like deflection, or a spec with higher defense like Carnage, or a ranged against a sniper in cover) are less common, and for the most part, its not going to be as useful as the extra crit alacrity or power/mastery you would run in the same ammount. If you want to do a precise model you'd need some extensive stats of the average defense % encountered in a wz, by know each spec % of chance of being there over a period, their basic defense, cooldowns, possible defense uptime, and there is 0 way to compensate player errors, and dynamic of the teams and who you end up fighting.


Even if there is a tank and a carnage mara in their team to make your 110% useful, maybe you'll an anni mara and his sniper buddy on your melee character most of the match. In which, 105% is aplenty (outside some hard dcds, in which the ammount of time they are typically up are too short for RNG not to play the biggest role)

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Quick question for the experts. My sorc is a healer for ops and obviously I am gearing through PvP as well. I'm on tier 2


Crit 39-40%

Alacrity 8-9%

Accuracy 103


Obviously she's not in 242 gear. I'd think as a healer taking away from crit and alacrity would be detrimental. One piece of gear has accuracy stat. Is that ok for ops/PvP? Working on getting my alacrity up.

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Quick question for the experts. My sorc is a healer for ops and obviously I am gearing through PvP as well. I'm on tier 2


Crit 39-40%

Alacrity 8-9%

Accuracy 103


Obviously she's not in 242 gear. I'd think as a healer taking away from crit and alacrity would be detrimental. One piece of gear has accuracy stat. Is that ok for ops/PvP? Working on getting my alacrity up.


You do not need ANY accuracy on a healer in either PvP or PvE. Heals don't miss.

With the rare exception of Dread Master Styrak, because you can't afford your overload missing.

Then again, that's a Nightmare-only thing. So it probably doesn't even apply to you.

Edited by Evolixe
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