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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cross factiong queues are needed now MORE THAN EVER


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I wanted to check the numbers last night because I noticed I wasn't able to get more than 2 warzone matches in 2 hours between 23:00 CET and 01:00 CET on Rep side on TRE, and the difference of population on both fleets was staggering.


Rep side 50-70 players.


Imp side 3 instances 300-330 players.


I know imp has always been a little more popular, but this is getting to the point where if you do not play imp, your gaming experience, warzones, starfighter , uprisings, or ops is being effected negatively now. For all the talk BW always does about QOL improvements, this is one that NEEDS to be implemented now.

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My friend, what I don't get is why you're surprised!? The initial CXP, when pvp is concerned, favored the winning team with more CXP, thus enabling the better gear, thus increasing the discrepancy in perceived accomplishment, thus getting people to reason; if I stay, I'll close to never, get that max cap gear, thus is the largest migration from 1 fraction to another a fact.


Yep this was going to happen any way, but the behavior got a extreme boost by the initial 5.0 CXP rewarding system, and no back end adjustment is gonna change that fact. But Gear doesn't matter one could argue, only skill, well that might very well be the case. But what players perceives as truth and experience as a truth render that argument useless.


The story needed to get more cross faction WZs going was all there; All thru KotFE/KotET the opportunity was there; "This is a Alliance battle training simulation in an Alderaan environment" and wham we could have done civilwar cross faction without any Lore argument!!! And Sure, Have miss Beniko doing the occasional sheer/pep talk just like in Odessen.


5.2 is reversed engineering to get the game back on track. But Unassembled components is just as messy as the planetary comms ever were. #The War For Iokath will become a zone in the game that actually represent how the whole game worked earlier!!


I very much prefer to put on my White Knight armor but, all of this, it's a mess really . . .

Edited by t-darko
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I wanted to check the numbers last night because I noticed I wasn't able to get more than 2 warzone matches in 2 hours between 23:00 CET and 01:00 CET on Rep side on TRE, and the difference of population on both fleets was staggering.


Rep side 50-70 players.


Imp side 3 instances 300-330 players.


I know imp has always been a little more popular, but this is getting to the point where if you do not play imp, your gaming experience, warzones, starfighter , uprisings, or ops is being effected negatively now. For all the talk BW always does about QOL improvements, this is one that NEEDS to be implemented now.


I disagree. On t3m4 reps are dominating on warzones, though imps aren't that bad. If they make it cross-faction it won't be original star wars, where reps are fighting imps.

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I disagree. On t3m4 reps are dominating on warzones, though imps aren't that bad. If they make it cross-faction it won't be original star wars, where reps are fighting imps.

This isn't a Imp vs Pub thing! People are drawn to the perceived winning side, it's as simple as that. when one side gets to dominant the whole gaming experience will ultimately suffer . . .

Edited by t-darko
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My friend, what I don't get is why you're surprised!? The initial CXP, when pvp is concerned, favored the winning team with more CXP, thus enabling the better gear, thus increasing the discrepancy in perceived accomplishment, thus getting people to reason; if I stay, I'll close to never, get that max cap gear, thus is the largest migration from 1 fraction to another a fact.


Yep this was going to happen any way, but the behavior got a extreme boost by the initial 5.0 CXP rewarding system, and no back end adjustment is gonna change that fact. But Gear doesn't matter one could argue, only skill, well that might very well be the case. But what players perceives as truth and experience as a truth render that argument useless.


The story needed to get more cross faction WZs going was all there; All thru KotFE/KotET the opportunity was there; "This is a Alliance battle training simulation in an Alderaan environment" and wham we could have done civilwar cross faction without any Lore argument!!! And Sure, Have miss Beniko doing the occasional sheer/pep talk just like in Odessen.


5.2 is reversed engineering to get the game back on track. But Unassembled components is just as messy as the planetary comms ever were. #The War For Iokath will become a zone in the game that actually represent how the whole game worked earlier!!


I very much prefer to put on my White Knight armor but, all of this, it's a mess really . . .


Agree with this.


The most cost effective method to manage PvP at this point is:


1) Raise bolstered stats in WZ's to roughly match the current highest tier of gear ( and raise it every time a new tier is released).


2) Cross faction WZ's. The premise is that these are contests and training exercises not actual war conflicts. If an absolute must (due to continuity issues) leave one or two WZ's faction specific (those WZ's would likely only pop during server peak hours though).


At this point I think salvaging quality of life for the remaining players should be top priority...

Edited by Soljin
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This isn't a Imp vs Pub thing! People are drawn to the perceived winning side, it's as simple as that. when one side gets to dominant the whole gaming experience will ultimately suffer . . .


Exactly. I respect role playing. But This is bigger than that now. This is about QOL in this game for warzones and starfighter. It doesnt matter if on one server its rep dominated or if the other its imp dominated. The fact is there is a major discrepancy and we need cross faction to balance the numbers out . It isnt just about wins, it is about the fact that one faction suffers massively when it isnt peak times when it comes to - everything- . People need to look passed the " me me me " attitude and need to realize the community is suffering with the current system.

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Agree with this.


The most cost effective method to manage PvP at this point is:


1) Raise bolstered stats in WZ's to roughly match the current highest tier of gear ( and raise it every time a new tier is released).


2) Cross faction WZ's. The premise is that these are contests and training exercises not actual war conflicts. If an absolute must (due to continuity issues) leave one or two WZ's faction specific (those WZ's would likely only pop during server peak hours though).


At this point I think salvaging quality of life for the remaining players should be top priority...


Exactly my thoughts.

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This isn't a Imp vs Pub thing! People are drawn to the perceived winning side, it's as simple as that. when one side gets to dominant the whole gaming experience will ultimately suffer . . .


Translates too: Most the pubs joined the empire to be on the winning side and now those that are left want cross faction.


Why don't we just take the factions out, get a big bonfire and all sing songs together?

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I wanted to check the numbers last night because I noticed I wasn't able to get more than 2 warzone matches in 2 hours between 23:00 CET and 01:00 CET on Rep side on TRE, and the difference of population on both fleets was staggering.


Rep side 50-70 players.


Imp side 3 instances 300-330 players.


I know imp has always been a little more popular, but this is getting to the point where if you do not play imp, your gaming experience, warzones, starfighter , uprisings, or ops is being effected negatively now. For all the talk BW always does about QOL improvements, this is one that NEEDS to be implemented now.


I couldn't disagree more. The Sith and Republic hate each other. They came together to fight a common enemy but that enemy is gone now. There is no way the factions should be running things together. If they did that then it would prevent any future war they plan on doing between the factions.

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Translates too: Most the pubs joined the empire to be on the winning side and now those that are left want cross faction.


Why don't we just take the factions out, get a big bonfire and all sing songs together?


Your attitude speaks volumes. This isnt about winning , losing, or whatever you think, this is about the minority faction being able to even get a pop. ( BTW some servers imp is the minority and people flocked to Rep. ) If cross faction made you quit, something that would benefit everyone, then I dont even know. I bet you would change your tune if imp was the minority faction on TRE and you could never get warzone pops outside of peak times. People need to see the big picture instead of thinking " me me me "

Edited by mmmbuddah
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I couldn't disagree more. The Sith and Republic hate each other. They came together to fight a common enemy but that enemy is gone now. There is no way the factions should be running things together. If they did that then it would prevent any future war they plan on doing between the factions.


Again, QOL and salvaging pvp takes priority over role play at this point. And they could easily make the battles training exercises or simulations. Easy as that. I have full respect for roleplay, but at this point, again, salvaging the game takes priority.

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Again, QOL and salvaging pvp takes priority over role play at this point. And they could easily make the battles training exercises or simulations. Easy as that. I have full respect for roleplay, but at this point, again, salvaging the game takes priority.


I have to agree, if you can't even get pvp pops, then there isn't any RP happening anyway.

It's better to actually be able to play pvp because they gave us cross faction than not having pvp because it will unsettle RPing.

I mean what's Proving grounds but one big simulation. Hutt Ball is a sport, so it's not a real fight and shouldn't have RP issues anyway.

There is no reason they can't mix sides and call it a training sim like they do when you go up against your own faction.

I know when I'm playing against my own faction I dont stop and have a cuppa tea and polite chat about those dirty imps/reps with my friends on the other team, Im there to kill them and they may as well be the opposite faction.

Better to have crossfaction pvp than no pvp at all.

Plus I'm sure there are enough RP people out there that can be creative enough about playing in a mixed faction team.

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Translates too: Most the pubs joined the empire to be on the winning side and now those that are left want cross faction.


Why don't we just take the factions out, get a big bonfire and all sing songs together?


What it's actually translates to is; Most the players joined the Winning faction to be on the winning side . . .


I dare say, the only ones that still thinks it's about Imp vs pub or vise versa is those on the winning side, or are fairly new to pvp in the game . . .


IF you are on the losing end then your wait for pops is long; When it finally pops it's an Arena or a Proving ground.

IF you're on the winning side then your pops comes fairly regular, but the 8 vs 8 is more often a same faction sim than not, IF you're facing the other faction it will most often be in an arena, or together with them in an proving ground.


When it comes to swtor pvp it will boil down to same faction pvp all over before the summer ends, whether its pub vs pub or Imp vs Imp, that's where we're at now . . . and things happens rapidly now in the game

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