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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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A lack of content at launch is understandable, even forgivable.


A lack of features such as UI customisability? Unforgivable.


To say 'well it took Blizzard X years to come up with that idea'.... so?


Are Bioware in some sort of quarantine zone? Did they never have access to the internet while coding this game?


It shouldn't be that the feature took X years for Blizzard to come up with, it should be the feature has been out for X years, how come we don't have it?


You don't have to just get the idea to customize your UI, you also have to be able to do so in a way that doesn't infringe on copyrights/patents.


That can be difficult. Was it Lotus? That tried to patent mouse cursors?

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You don't have to just get the idea to customize your UI, you also have to be able to do so in a way that doesn't infringe on copyrights/patents.


That can be difficult. Was it Lotus? That tried to patent mouse cursors?


This has nothing to do with patents its about control.

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OP Come one!!


I mean, so they release this new car, its a new brand a Func carrera 2012. Now this car is supposed to be competing with the Newest Supra, so we start looking at the car... It has an old as engine, same engine as an old crappy toyota corolla, it has a biog *** steering wheel no sportscar steering, 15" tires with old rims... But HEY there is 4 seats so you cant complain...


The game is not what it should be, it should be as good as any new modern MMO that has been spent so much resources on, its not, it has a good story, its a singleplayer game, that has some MMO elements, crappy warzone, crappy flashpoints. UI that hasent been worked on alot etc. They spent all their power on the damn dialogs, and thoose wont win you any epic battles.

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People compare because they want SWTOR to be the best game it can be, and SWTOR is competing against 2011 WoW, not 2004 Wow.


Really it is this.


When you get right down to it Both games are out right now and you have to look at what you have right now and that will always give WoW a great headstart. However right now I am grooving more on starwars and that says something.

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Do people compare a 2012 Hyundai to a 1940's Ford? No? Why not?


They are both cars, surely the 2012 Hyundai should be on the same level (and not better) than the 1940's ford right? Correct? Is this seriously your logic?


LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL what a joke; of course you're going to compare the 2012 Hyundai it to a 2012 ford because THAT IS THE CURRENT COMPETITION. When I look at games, I don't look at how they are/were when they were released, I look at the CURRENT rendition. Why? Because I'm not a moron.

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i agree, swtor is one month old, wow has 7 years of improvments. Still a game that is coming out to compete agaist a 7 year veteran, has to be a the same level or similar level to survive. And if you expect for people to wait 7 years for this game to be good, good luck with that. Sadly wow has put a standar on mmos, lot don't like it, other do, but the fact that is the biggest and most succsefull mmo out there tells you everything.

Still i would just like to see a dev post saying they are working on something, still i see not 1 but 100's of post complaning the same thing, still u don't see 1 single post of a dev saying something about it. They need to be more informative on whas going on or they will if not all ready, loose a lot of players.

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same price

same class, why no?

Ok I'm going to buy SW:TOR (non collectors edition) and experience all the content they have to offer. What is the price?

Now I'm going to buy World of Warcraft (non collectors edition) and experience all the content they have to offer. What is the price?



Now what are we comparing again?

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because it had 7 years to do research and development. A game released after it, should have an idea based on whats already done of what should be included an a next gen mmo.


As it stands, swtor is like WoW when it launched. Not how WoW is today. Which is the problem.


this ^^ and


"People compare because they want SWTOR to be the best game it can be, and SWTOR is competing against 2011 WoW, not 2004 Wow. "


finally people getting the picture. Its like developing a car thats gets 18mpg (one thats not an italian sports car) on purpose becasue back in 1990 gas was like 1.10 (ive seen is for .88 , .90 cents in my area but) a gallon and we started developing the car in 1990 so we could release it in a yr where gas is $4.00 a gallon.

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Haven't play that in a year and I resubed yesterday but at least I know round tires work better.


you saved me from replying to what that guy said. People like that just dont comprehend. They dont want a quality product. Theyre fine with whatever trash is shoveled their way. Trying to reason with them is just like trying to tell a hoarder hes living in a landfill.

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Do people compare a 2012 Hyundai to a 1940's Ford? No? Why not?


They are both cars, surely the 2012 Hyundai should be on the same level (and not better) than the 1940's ford right? Correct? Is this seriously your logic?


LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL what a joke; of course you're going to compare the 2012 Hyundai it to a 2012 ford because THAT IS THE CURRENT COMPETITION. When I look at games, I don't look at how they are/were when they were released, I look at the CURRENT rendition. Why? Because I'm not a moron.


thank you

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let's begin from simple

Ok I'm going to buy SW:TOR (non collectors edition) and
and guess what?

To maintain a high quality of service, only certain regions worldwide will be able to pre-order Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.



What is the price?
Standard Edition

$55.95 +

60-Day Pre-Paid Digital Game Time Code $29.96

which u can't avoid



Now I'm going to buy World of Warcraft (non collectors edition)

What is the price?

World of Warcraft® Battle Chest® $18.16 (with one month) +

World of Warcraft®: Wrath of the Lich King® $24.98 +

World of Warcraft®: Cataclysm™ $26.99




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let's begin from simple

and guess what?

To maintain a high quality of service, only certain regions worldwide will be able to pre-order Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.



Standard Edition

$55.95 +

60-Day Pre-Paid Digital Game Time Code $29.96

which u can't avoid




World of Warcraft® Battle Chest® $18.16 (with one month) +

World of Warcraft®: Wrath of the Lich King® $24.98 +

World of Warcraft®: Cataclysm™ $26.99





SW:TOR $55



Battle Chest $20

Wrath $30

Cata $40

Total 80.



Difference $25 which is aprx 45% more than the cost fo SW:TOR. That's BIG difference with car prices. Even $15 from your numbers cause you find it cheaper elsewhere that's still a 27% more cost.




Bottom line... These comparisons are stupid. Thought you would of gotten that from my first post.

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