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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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People say wow has so many fetures and swtor is bad because it does not have them... wow has had 7 years to improve upon its self. Give Swtor a chance and time to put in the things your ******* complaining about.... ¬.¬


WoW was not the first MMO nore was it original all WoW did was take the MMO template and improve upon it by removing things that were annoying (e.g crafting had a chance to fail) it did this with games Such as Ever Quest and so on.


SWTOR has done the same it has take the MMO TEMPLATE not copyed wow but taken the MMO TEMPLATE Which all MMO's use and removed useless stuff, ADDED its own stuff and improved upon existing stuff.


People need to remember WoW its self is a quoat un quoat "Clone" of the MMO's that came before it.


My final point. Who cares if it borrowed things from other games, it happens all the time in everything. just shut up, get on with the game and stop comparing it to WoW; an MMO thats long out lived its greatness WoW "died" along time ago and is just clinging onto life and dragging its self out to long. Its 7 gosh darn years old, its had its time at the top and has set a good standard for MMO's to go by and people should accept the fact its long out lived its awesomenes.



You sir, are a genious. Thank you for clearing that up for some of the r-tarded 12yr'olds that wasn't even born when EQ or UO came. Thank you.

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Don't know if this has been mentioned, but some people act as if Bioware has access to all the tricks, trade secrets and 7 years of accumulated knowledge Blizzard has at their disposal. I would think successful companies would keep the secrets of their success a secret. I admit, I know nothing about how the process of creating a game works, but I would think it would be like anything else, and companies would closely guard the "secrets" to their successes using disclosure agreements, patents and various other legal avenues. In other words, I highly doubt it's as easy as, "let's just copy from WoW", etc., and Bioware had/has to "re-invent the wheel" many times in many different ways and for many reasons. Something people think should be simple, like say LFG, may be very difficult to accomplish without infringing on Blizzard. I could be wrong, like I said, I don't know.


EAware hired and/or absorbed devs from SOE, Mythic, and other mmo development companiese and they are all on their fricken' team. The knowledge SHOULD have been easily and readily available to them.

Edited by Zorvan
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I'm guessing, I just figured it out.

Let's pretend that BW has dumbest freaking devs in entire universe but it is not the case.

What I'm thinking is that, from high, one very heavy fist fell on to desk with words "I want like that...". Non motivated devs said "Yes ma'am/sir" and started working.

Result is what we see, can't find any better logic for current mess, lack of motivation is only explanation for all happenings. Few more things but I can not put them down here, forum is been monitored from "higher".


i don't think it was a lack of motivation, far from it.


however i think there may have been an element of not being quite sure what direction to take with some aspects of the game rather than lack of motivation.


some of the mixed messages and responces from bioware on things seems to indicate confusion of the direction to push in and thats not a new thing for them, i was most worried when i read some of the early responces by bioware during the early beta stages.

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I can bet ur bottom dollar that when Blizzard bring out their new mmo, that it will have problems like swtor. It goes with the game and no amount of beta testing puts it right.


You're saying "Titan" will be no more advanced than WoW 2004 ( as ToR is now )?


I'll take that bet son. Whatever it is that Blizz puts out, it will have everything WoW has and more.


Keep your wallet handy.;)

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You're saying "Titan" will be no more advanced than WoW 2004 ( as ToR is now )?


I'll take that bet son. Whatever it is that Blizz puts out, it will have everything WoW has and more.


Keep your wallet handy.;)


Wow in 2004 was a lot worse than this, so yeah ;)

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But then again, people ***** for the sake of it nowadays. If it ain't good enough for them then it's rubbish. Pretty black and white really.


that is true, but perhaps there is an underlying reason for it as well.


aside from how accessable the internet is.....


perhaps gamers have far higher expectations because games were doing the same thing 12 years ago...and developers aren't really adding much to the mix.


ultima online and eq are still regarded better than almost all modern mmo's does that not say we won't better games instead of the same games just done a smidge different?

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Wow in 2004 was a lot worse than this, so yeah ;)


Bugs and crashes, yes. Features and content wise? Not hardly.


In fact, let's move away from WoW.


EQ2 launched same time. It's UI is completely customizeable ingame. EAware couldn't even manage the UI of another game made 8 years ago.

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Bugs and crashes, yes. Features and content wise? Not hardly.


In fact, let's move away from WoW.


EQ2 launched same time. It's UI is completely customizeable ingame. EAware couldn't even manage the UI of another game made 8 years ago.


To tell you the truth, I don't have any problem with the features and content. Thing is WoW took a long time to get to lvl 60 back then. A lot longer than this game to get to 50. There were bored players back then even. I am sure in the same space of time there will be alot more end of game stuff. People just don't give it a chance though. This is Biowares first go at MMo's. Everyone has a learning curve, even if they think they don't.

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Because it's like Halo 3 being the same as or worse than Halo 1.. and making the same mistakes/bugs Halo 1 did

Only acceptable for SWTOR apparently


Was Halo 1 and 3 by the same company. I think so. You learn by ur mistakes if you've done it before.

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So when you buy a car made in 2012 do you expect it to have the same problems as a car made in 2000. Or do you expect that they learned from the earlier model and don't make the same mistakes. Do you except less quality in a product just because you were sold on the idea that mmos are just always crappy when they come out? Or should you demand a better running game and bigger beta tests before launches to ensure a better play experience right out the gate.
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So when you buy a car made in 2012 do you expect it to have the same problems as a car made in 2000. Or do you expect that they learned from the earlier model and don't make the same mistakes. Do you except less quality in a product just because you were sold on the idea that mmos are just always crappy when they come out? Or should you demand a better running game and bigger beta tests before launches to ensure a better play experience right out the gate.


This is a better game than when WoW came out. WoW was one of the worst launches in MMo history. This game launch has been good. Things get ironed out. Its the way of the world. Even in car world

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This is a better game than when WoW came out. WoW was one of the worst launches in MMo history. This game launch has been good. Things get ironed out. Its the way of the world. Even in car world



Really? Because if I have to choose between cars priced exactly the same, I will choose the one with more features.


You can't compare your car to the Ford model T and declare victory. If your car doesn't have airbags you do not have the right to say "Fords first vehicle never had airbags!".




WoW didn't release with a lot of things, but what was it competing against? What was the standard of the day? Now look at what TOR is competing against and the standards now.



I'm a subscriber but I am not blind to the fact that TOR has major issues that the glue of having the rights to the Star Wars franchise cannot hold together for too long.

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Was Halo 1 and 3 by the same company. I think so. You learn by ur mistakes if you've done it before.


So if you see someone make the mistake of building a square wheel, will you make the same mistake because you weren't the one who made the mistake originally?

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Really? Because if I have to choose between cars priced exactly the same, I will choose the one with more features.


You can't compare your car to the Ford model T and declare victory. If your car doesn't have airbags you do not have the right to say "Fords first vehicle never had airbags!".


I get what you're trying to say, but this doesn't quite work. Cars don't change or update themselves after you've bought them, nor do you 'subscribe' to a car and have the opportunity to unsubscribe. This analogy is misleading.

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I get what you're trying to say, but this doesn't quite work. Cars don't change or update themselves after you've bought them, nor do you 'subscribe' to a car and have the opportunity to unsubscribe. This analogy is misleading.



It's not misleading because car companies don't release brand new models, price them the same as their competitors and then declare that they didn't put in airbags,cd players, air conditioning, power steering and a 6 speed transmission because the Ford model T didn't have them so cut them some slack because they are learning.


Bioware employees should know damned well what works and what doesn't. The only conclusion is that nobody in Bioware had played an MMO before and they made the game using information they garnered from a 5 minute phone call from someone explaining what an mmo is.



If we went back in time and only verbally described what a car was to someone 200 years ago, they would have built a box with 4 wheels. We have the technology, we can make things better.

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It's not misleading because car companies don't release brand new models, price them the same as their competitors and then declare that they didn't put in airbags,cd players, air conditioning, power steering and a 6 speed transmission because the Ford model T didn't have them so cut them some slack because they are learning.


Bioware employees should know damned well what works and what doesn't. The only conclusion is that nobody in Bioware had played an MMO before and they made the game using information they garnered from a 5 minute phone call from someone explaining what an mmo is.



If we went back in time and only verbally described what a car was to someone 200 years ago, they would have built a box with 4 wheels. We have the technology, we can make things better.



adding a larger wheel to a car doesn't change how far the seats recline though.


but on average, a new automobile has over 100 recalls at the 6 year mark.


also, if you know anything at all about working on cars, the more they have the more they break. how honda was making cars in the 70s is how ford is making them now. tighter and more precise tolerances = better longevity. honda was getting a lot out of every liter of engine even in 1980. most other companies, especially US companies, were still going with loose tolerances and trading reliability/durability for a low tech, cheap solution to better power.


the evolution of a car and even the philosophy behind them is anything but linear. not even really comparable to a computer game.

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The main point behind the car analogy is about expectations. When a game is 7 years newer it should have everything the old model had + some. At the very least what the old model had should be improved upon. This game does not reflect 7 years of technological progress. It is a good game. It is fun. The thing is its going to take probably a year just to be an acceptable title. Yes I know lots of mmo's have bugs when they come out thats fine. Bugs get ironed out. This game has fundamental design flaws that aren't about bugs they are about horrible ideas that never work. That is what needs to change.
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adding a larger wheel to a car doesn't change how far the seats recline though.


but on average, a new automobile has over 100 recalls at the 6 year mark.


also, if you know anything at all about working on cars, the more they have the more they break. how honda was making cars in the 70s is how ford is making them now. tighter and more precise tolerances = better longevity. honda was getting a lot out of every liter of engine even in 1980. most other companies, especially US companies, were still going with loose tolerances and trading reliability/durability for a low tech, cheap solution to better power.


the evolution of a car and even the philosophy behind them is anything but linear. not even really comparable to a computer game.



but if a company came along today and made decided to make a car today they would have to have the same features as the other cars coming on the market built by Honda, Ford, or GM if they expected to compete with them on price point. Which SWTOR is doing with all other major MMO titles.

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