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Warning to Potential Buyers: the Facts about SWTOR.


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Seriously. I read two posts this morning that were far better. If you want to troll, at least put some effort into it.


Agreed completely, I'm not even sure he opened the game case and installed the game with all of his assumptions and misinformation. 10 bucks says he's the type that buys credits and gold(if in wow) from websites because he's too lazy to play the game.

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Your post is very littered with false information.
Mostly It's true.


Could have summed it up a little nicer though.


Basically, If you like the KOTOR linear story play style ( nothing wrong with that ), you will probably enjoy the game quite a bit.


If you're looking for a ground breaking MMO with open worlds to explore, you're going to be very disappointed. ( nothing wrong with that as well. )

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I'm looking at this thread and I really wish I could edit the OP post by saying this:



Look at the response from community. This community is not worth being part of as a paying customer


Some of you are pointing out flaws of facts and personal oppinions. Great we get constructive discussion. And then theres the majority making this thread about 3-4 pages of garbage hostility that serves no purpose other then flaming someone.

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Many people feel the need to post when they leave a game. Just leave and go back to wow if this is not your thing. In the end its your opinion which counts. Most will give Bioware time to work it out. Every mmo has issues on launch. Improvements will come. If you don't like it and want to leave then do so. Some will stop and go back to wow and come back later as patches come. It all comes down to each person and what their wants are.


You can't compare this to wow. Its not wow. If you enjoy wow keep playing it. It's as simple as that.

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He just joined the forums and just joined the game... must have all of 5 days experience he should know it all by now GOSH!.....


What is funny is the WoW love is pouring from his post... the irony though is that he forgot you could not fly anywhere in wow at one time when it started... let alone end game or it being NOT buggy.


Thats the funny part...


I am entertained by this post though.



I agree that the OP just straight up lied about some of that and some of the stuff he's complaining about doesn't ever need to be in the game. It really does just sound like he's wondering why this isn't WoW.


But I must take a sec to say something to the people who say "WoW didn't have that stuff at launch!"


SWTOR isn't competing with Vanilla wow. SWTOR and any other mmo for that matter is competing with WoW as it is right now.

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I'm looking at this thread and I really wish I could edit the OP post by saying this:



Look at the response from community. This community is not worth being part of as a paying customer


Some of you are pointing out flaws of facts and personal oppinions. Great we get constructive discussion. And then theres the majority making this thread about 3-4 pages of garbage hostility that serves no purpose other then flaming someone.


This post is full of a single person's opinion.

And we all know we can't stand anyone's opinion but our own really.

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These “planets” are approximately the size of Elwynn Forest.


Stopped reading here. On behalf of Bioware, I would like to say that we are sorry that all your raid buddies left for a better game, but we wish you the best of luck with your new Panda!

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I think the OP made some valid points. However, the majority of them (except the first one about starships, which is absolutely correct and the one about there being no LFG tool) are subjective to the player.


I love the game, don't plan on unsubbing any time in the near future. Unfortunately for the OP, it wasn't his cup of tea. And, to be honest, his post here just may help others that don't really understand the type of game SWTOR is make a better informed decision.


His point about starships is spot on. There is no embellishment here. In the missions, the starship is on rails.


17 planets, yes. More to come. While I've played, I've noticed that planet's questing areas do get larger. But, this is subjective unless BW wants to share some info.


No flying mounts, so what? True point, not a lie, but not a game-breaker for me. Again, subjective to the player.


Character a wimp without a companion? Well, perhaps, but this depends on your playstayle and skill, I would assume. Subjective, but I look at the companion as an extension of the character, not an 'extra' unneeded thing.


All characters looks alike? Again, subjective, but one of the biggest complaints is that there are limited character creation options. No argument here from me but, again, this is subjective.


Voice acting gets old? Not to me. I love the voice acting and I'm in no rush. Others may want to quickly get through it all, though. Subjective.


So, what the OP posted isn't outright lies as some have claimed. They're just subjective points made from his point of view. People with similar playstyles and tastes will find that information useful, I guess, but don't say the OP is outright lying just because you don't agree.


Again, I love the game, I think it's awesome and I can't wait to get off work so I can play more tonight. But, I'm not going to flame someone because their opinion is different from mine. This guy made valid points, just worded them in an inflammatory way, I guess. But, then again, on this board I've noticed that even well thought out posts can get flamed simply because they have some concerns about the game.

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Mostly, the OP is full of fetid elephant droppings.


Opinion, opinion, lie, opinion. That's the largest part of that drivel. Thanks for shoveling that into the eyes of those that mistook the thread for being one put forth by anything other than a mouth-breather.


+100 fail for j00 sir.

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I'm looking at this thread and I really wish I could edit the OP post by saying this:



Look at the response from community. This community is not worth being part of as a paying customer


Some of you are pointing out flaws of facts and personal oppinions. Great we get constructive discussion. And then theres the majority making this thread about 3-4 pages of garbage hostility that serves no purpose other then flaming someone.


Hostility what the hell are you on about man?


we're basically saying this post is full of lies and here you come racing to preach that we're being hostile..

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This is a warning to anyone who is considering buying SWTOR. Here are some things you should know about the game before you drop $60.


Starships. So misleading. Sorry, but you don’t actually get a starship. All you get is a flightpath from planet to planet that has the appearance (not functionality) of a spacecraft. You can’t control your ship manually at all. It just shoots a straight line through the galaxy and all you can see are blurred stars out the window. Want to actually CONTROL your starship? Nope, sorry. Want to FLY your starship? Nope, not happening. As if to apologize for this, BW has offered “space missions.” These also are just teases. You don’t even get to control where your ship flies in the space missions. Your ship is on “invisible rails” and all you can do is tell it to shoot. And the goofy enemy AI ships just fly right in front of you for you to shoot.


They said starship, didnt say sandbox space combat system. Im happy with my ship. The space combat isnt open world, I would of liked it to be but with as much work thats gone into the game, I have no complaints about the current implementation of space combat.


17 planets. Yeah…sorry, not quite. These “planets” are approximately the size of Elwynn Forest. It’s not like you can circumnavigate a planet and land your ship where you choose. Each “Planet” consists of 2-3 planes that you can walk across in about 4 minutes. Yay for being able to walk across your planet in 4 minutes.


I think you need to play a bit more. Obviously you have not been to taris. I promise you that you cant get across it in 4 mins.


No flying mounts, not even at max level. NEVER. The reason why is obvious. When each “planet” is the size of Elwynn Forest, being able to actually fly would put them in perspective and show the really quick.


This isnt WoW, there are no "mounts". Speeders, and Staps are available and again the game just released, I would expect more down the road but you're obviously not capped and probably dont even have you're first speeder.


Your character is a wimp. Unless you have a companion with you who gets in the way and prevents you from clicking where you need to, you’re going to get owned by the mobs.

No damage meters or other addons or any sort of customizable UI. This translates into no legit endgame. No way of quickly seeing who the fails are in your group.


Again, I doubt you capped a toon. The companion doesnt get in my way. Must be you. No need for damage meters, which again has no bearing on endgame in the first place. If you are not smart enough to figure out why you failed a mission without a little meter for you to "place" blame on someone else, then you should probably go play the suzy homemaker MMO.


No LFG. All you see in chat is LFM and LFG spam. By the way, all chat is pretty terrible. Barrens chat x10.


Only legit gripe. UI improvements and customization is their top priority as has been stated by them.


No dual spec. No achievements. No searching the auction house. Ability animations and cooldowns don’t sync. No day/night cycles on planets. No swimming. Spaceship improvements not visible. No target of target. Can’t sit in chairs or even target most NPCs. They’re just as inanimate as the walls and floors. Game has a single-player feel because the servers are split into smaller servers. This is called “sharding”. Literally. There are like 3 different instances of Korriban per server. [/Quote]


No need for dual spec. want a healer? Roll one and level him up. Want a tank? roll one. I HATE people thinking they should be given everything for free which is what this is. The game is about choice, and one of the most important ones is which role you want to fill, not I want to fill all the roles crap. I like the instancing as it keeps the lag to a minimum.



All characters look pretty much the same (all humanoid with slight cosmetic differences) and no gear appearance customization. When you’re walking around the imperial fleet, all the characters will look nearly identical. No target of target. Light/dark choices are pointless. If you answer each one true, you’ll be stuck somewhere in neutral, which gives no rewards. The only way you get benefits is if you answer all dark or light choices, so it’s not much of a choice at all.


Shouldnt of expected that much custimization at launch, but you can bet its in the works down the road. I've yet to run across a clone of any of my characters tho. you're light/dark argument is very weak as well. The SW galaxy has always been about light/dark.


Voice acting gets so old. The characters are extremely chatty and it’s not rare to get conversations lasting 5-7 minutes. If you’re the type of player who actually wants to play and not watch a movie, this game isn’t for you. No option to skip the conversations either.


Try the space bar, it skips the dialoge. I love the voice acting and appreciate its tie into the flashpoints and what not. If you are a player who likes indepth story lines the games for you.


In conclusion, this game feels like it’s still in the first month of Beta and they never took the advice of one single beta tester. It seems like they put all 300 million dollars into creating the story and voice acting, while leaving out all the basic MMO improvements that have developed in the last 5 years.


First person who posts can have my stuff. And don’t worry, I won’t let the door hit me on the way out.


Sounds like you are just butt hurt this is not World of StarWarscraft. Have fun, thanks for shortening the que's for others.

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I'm looking at this thread and I really wish I could edit the OP post by saying this:



Look at the response from community. This community is not worth being part of as a paying customer


Some of you are pointing out flaws of facts and personal oppinions. Great we get constructive discussion. And then theres the majority making this thread about 3-4 pages of garbage hostility that serves no purpose other then flaming someone.

nah its just that the OP's post is such a huge load of bull that my F-150 would not carry it all, I would have to call in the 3500 Dodge to carry it.


Just as a reference I have had a 310 gallon water tank in my F-150, full to the top.

Do the math.

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This post is full of a single person's opinion.

And we all know we can't stand anyone's opinion but our own really.


Thats still a very poor grounds to post personal insults and flame on last time I checked.


Not to mention some of it is not personal oppinion considering that there are false fact from early interviews how combat is supposed to feel epic one on one combat for example, how actual starships are yours to fly, epic storylines (Again word Epic is purely subjective as it is) and when mentioned 'several worlds to explore' one kinda wonders how much they actually feel difrent from one another.


Hate it or love it I don't care, what really breaks the game for me is this community becouse let's face it we were not sold an entire packet of an MMO and it requires alot of work to be salvagable to even be competitive on the free to play market, specially when they announced that the primary goals of the first patch is to get realmoney-in-game-shop.

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Your post is mostly composed of lies and I'm assuming you only played until level 5, You say you can run across planets in 4 minutes, this is the biggest piece of bull **** in your entire post. Running on foot through ONE ZONE on the Planet Tatooine, would take you roughly 15 minutes.
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A WARNING to those same buyers:


Most of what this person wrote are bold faced lies.


For instance: No one was mislead by the space combat in this game, it's been known for almost a year. Your ship also serves a story function as you characters home, with storage locker.


The planet areas are huge, many planets are the equivalent of seven or eight WoW zones.

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A WARNING to those same buyers:


Most of what this person wrote are bold faced lies.


For instance: No one was mislead by the space combat in this game, it's been known for almost a year. Your ship also serves a story function as you characters home, with storage locker.


The planet areas are huge, many planets are the equivalent of seven or eight WoW zones.

I would like to add that the storage locker is very handy and is FREE even before you get a ship.

Neat huh?

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All characters look pretty much the same (all humanoid with slight cosmetic differences) and no gear appearance customization.

No gear appearance customization?


Have you played the game? ORANGE armor. If you get a set you like, you can keep it for XX levels, just keep buying better upgrades.


Sorry, in WOW, the armor and weapons look so bad..............they HAD to do a customization. Recolor armor from blue to red = new tier armor for WOW. WWF championship sized belts and shoulder armor that looks like it weights more than I do.

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