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New Nerf request - please Nerf pvp Lag


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Lag is so OP.. Bioware Please nerf lag


I haven't played since they did the backend server update this week. I jump on and there is ability activation lag and jitter/teleport/rubber band lag in most maps for me. Checked all the usual suspects to make sure it wasn't me or the hops to the server. But even the server Ping seems more stable than usual.

What is with this lag in WZs, it's not happening out side of them. It doesn't even happen in all maps. So far there are only 2 maps that seem playable. Civil War and Nova. Playing Arena is pointless as I'm dead before my stun breaks, healing, phase walk or bubble will even activate. Even in 8 man I have to spam them in the hope they work. Dps output's been cut in half because stuff isn't activating or if it does the lag makes it miss by a long way.

If I kill someone I see them disappear as if to respawn, then I'm dead and they're alive in front of me. I watched an enemy cap a node from start to finish and I was helpless to do anything because nothing works. I'm running around them ok, hiting my keys, then I try my mouse cause the keys didn't seem to activate anything, nothing, the person caps and my team rages at me because they could see me running around the person and it looked like I just let them cap.

So if my movement is ok and my team can see me move fine, then it's not traditional lag, it's something wrong on the back end.

Hutt Ball was the worst. I got stunned 5 times in 6 secs with full resolve and in force bubble. Then my Force speed wouldn't activate even trying to come out if Force bubble. Then I'm dead 2 secs later. It's got to be lag and I can honestly say I've never seen activation lag this bad since launch. I've seen plenty of other types of bad lag and activation lag before.

Is anyone else getting extra lag, even if it's just a little bit.


Edit : just jumped to the fleet and that rakgaul rubbish is on again. That always causes lag for some reason. I wish they'd just stop doing it or fix it. Not sure if that's all it is, but I'm sure it's contributing.

Edited by Icykill_
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There are cheat hacks that make the stun rules not apply to players, other cheats that can make an opponent lag so bad that they are unresponsive, also, throwing bubbles won't work because there is a god hack that their dps is so high it breaks through the bubble
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There are cheat hacks that make the stun rules not apply to players, other cheats that can make an opponent lag so bad that they are unresponsive, also, throwing bubbles won't work because there is a god hack that their dps is so high it breaks through the bubble


Evidence please?

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There are cheat hacks that make the stun rules not apply to players, other cheats that can make an opponent lag so bad that they are unresponsive, also, throwing bubbles won't work because there is a god hack that their dps is so high it breaks through the bubble


I know about all the ways to cheats in this game. I'm a big anti cheat crusader. But these weren't cheats, it's stupid lag.


There is also no such thing as a god hack. If you get damaged through bubble it is lag or some sort. No damage is high enough to break bubble.

Edited by Icykill_
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Thats not proof, thats someone posting in more detail than you, thats all. Video evidence is what you need. While you're at it, have a fellow teammate get video of the same incident as well so we can compare the 2 different perspectives and rule out hardware issues or visual bugs.


You can't post video proof or Bio ban you.


But you are correct. None of that link is proof and it is only discussing one of the ways to cheat. Certainly not a god hack and it makes no mention to creating lag for players.

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I know about all the ways to cheats in this game. I'm a big anti cheat crusader. But these weren't cheats, it's stupid lag.


There is also no such thing as a god hack. If you get damaged through bubble it is lag or some sort. No damage is high enough to break bubble.


actually, I got pounced at Novare Coast and I couldn't call for help, and my connection was fine

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actually, I got pounced at Novare Coast and I couldn't call for help, and my connection was fine


Sounds you like suffer from keyboard stun lock. It is okay it is fairly common among the window licker community. It is okay, this is a safe space.

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I'd remove those if I were you. It's against TOS to post them


Edit :'first one isn't a hack. It's force speed. The other 2 are hacks


force speed only works for a short time, you can't dart across the room that fast... the first video shows a mob on top of the wall killing everybody that steps on the safe zone

Edited by Sebas_Negsan
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Lag is so OP.. Bioware Please nerf lag


I haven't played since they did the backend server update this week. I jump on and there is ability activation lag and jitter/teleport/rubber band lag in most maps for me. Checked all the usual suspects to make sure it wasn't me or the hops to the server. But even the server Ping seems more stable than usual.

What is with this lag in WZs, it's not happening out side of them. It doesn't even happen in all maps. So far there are only 2 maps that seem playable. Civil War and Nova. Playing Arena is pointless as I'm dead before my stun breaks, healing, phase walk or bubble will even activate. Even in 8 man I have to spam them in the hope they work. Dps output's been cut in half because stuff isn't activating or if it does the lag makes it miss by a long way.

If I kill someone I see them disappear as if to respawn, then I'm dead and they're alive in front of me. I watched an enemy cap a node from start to finish and I was helpless to do anything because nothing works. I'm running around them ok, hiting my keys, then I try my mouse cause the keys didn't seem to activate anything, nothing, the person caps and my team rages at me because they could see me running around the person and it looked like I just let them cap.

So if my movement is ok and my team can see me move fine, then it's not traditional lag, it's something wrong on the back end.

Hutt Ball was the worst. I got stunned 5 times in 6 secs with full resolve and in force bubble. Then my Force speed wouldn't activate even trying to come out if Force bubble. Then I'm dead 2 secs later. It's got to be lag and I can honestly say I've never seen activation lag this bad since launch. I've seen plenty of other types of bad lag and activation lag before.

Is anyone else getting extra lag, even if it's just a little bit.


Edit : just jumped to the fleet and that rakgaul rubbish is on again. That always causes lag for some reason. I wish they'd just stop doing it or fix it. Not sure if that's all it is, but I'm sure it's contributing.


YUP!!! i havent been able to play for 2-3 weeks now cus of this crap, its pretty sad to be honest i dunno if ill resub, and i have played hardcore im full 242 and just want to play to bad tho -110-190 ping or more on average now when i was at 80-90 which was playable

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YUP!!! i havent been able to play for 2-3 weeks now cus of this crap, its pretty sad to be honest i dunno if ill resub, and i have played hardcore im full 242 and just want to play to bad tho -110-190 ping or more on average now when i was at 80-90 which was playable


The absolute best Ping I can get when I don't have stupid Bio lag is 180ms. The joys of not having APAC servers anymore and my normal ping is between 200-220ms.

I wish I had 80-110 Ping 😉

I went from 17ms Ping on the APAC servers to 220ms. It took a lot to get used to in pvp. About 3 months till I was used to it. Ranked was impossible for about 18 months till I got used to that. Now I can play ranked, but if some one has low Ping, I'm done before I can even do anything, even though I'm spamming something to help me, they kill me with the Ping.

I have a "Lag kills" t-shirt, lol... and in this game it's more true than in any other game. I'd go as far as saying 50% of my deaths are from lag than players killing me because of skill.

It's been nearly 3 years since we lost our servers and it's been a hard learning curve with the Ping. I've had to learn just about every class rotation and priority on all classes and specs so that I can anticipate ahead of time what someone is most likely to do next. I basically have to nearly spam what I need and hope I've predicted it right. If people play unorthodox or unpredictable I'm easier to defeat. But if they play what is considered the "standard", then I'm likely to get my prediction right.

It's also a reason I'm an unorthodox player because I know what will activate for me in certain situations and what won't. Half the time people don't know what the hell im doing.

In my old pvp guild we used to duel for hours in between pops. It made me a much better player, but my style used to piss off my guildies because my tactics were so different. Half the time they'd be saying "you should do this next, not that".. but I still beat them a lot using my weird tactics.

I guess what I'm trying to say is 110-190 ms is definitely playable, but it takes a while to get used to much higher Ping than you're used to. It's also easier if it's stable and it stays within 20ms of the norm for you. When it bounces up and down like it does, then it's hard to get used to it. I'm struggling with 220-400ms bouncing Ping sometimes.

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I get 30ms ping, but I have the same issues. Specifically the arena's and in Huttballs. Any of the PVP maps with elevation changes have severe skipping and rubberbanding. Huttball is nearly unplayable. Operatives and Snipers will completely disappear off the map if they roll off the edge of a platform... and won't reappear for seconds. The Rishi map is awful as well, if someone force speeds up or down one of the ramps, the server can't tell what level they are on and will glitch out for 1-2s while it resolves the problem... Edited by BigDumbViking
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The Quesh Huttball disappear act is a pain in the butt. Suddenly they look like they fell through the floor but you can still see the light moving up. Can agree with the ability lag, hitting abilities twice or an ability that channel staling while channeling is annoying.


BW, your game is becoming Wal-Mart tier, you should be ashamed.

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I don't know about cheats or anything, but several damn times a match I'll have a moment where I'll start moving get a few feet, be back where I started, repeat 3-4 times before I can actually move away. It's gotten me killed more than a few times, and I know it isn't lag.
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