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Are sorc dps pointless in PvP?


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Don't think my parses increased by nearly as much, but they did increase a bit for sure with force speed on cooldown. roughly you can squeeze one extra LB every 15 seconds, vs every 20 seconds. Drawback is I'm getting used to aggressively using force speed, which can be bad in some ops fight or pvp.


Still, I agree with you on the "dps drop when focused", and I ate some bad flack for saying sorc needed a change to the way utilites are built, some should be in the dps trees, to allow dps more of them, and healers less of them and doing 2 birds with one stone. All of sorc dps current defenses are best suited for healers.


Sadly for saying "sorc needs more defense under pressure" I kinda attracted the herd of people who wake up at night to hate sorc healer and make 0 difference between specs, and the thread derailed.


Brainstorming ideas on a pvp forum is apparently a bad thing, who'd have thought :D:rolleyes:


The increase i mentionend was in contrary to not using force speed at all (or only to match a relic/adrenalprocc). Using surging speed is just the cherry on top :)


i agree with you about the brainstorming here, sadly. There are too many people here without a clue. What this games really needs is a plattform for toptier players and developers to communicate without the interference of noobs voicing their absurd concepts. People crying here so loud about sorcs output, bioware will eventually buff it. And then, when they give it a 10 or even 20% buff, sorc will still underperform a lot under pressure because the real issues remain unfixed :(

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Recently cam back to my madness sorc and it seems like they are totally unviable in PvP. No DPS and no survivability. Is corruption the only sorc class that's viable now?


It depends on how you define viable. As dps you need decent sustain with strong burst or strong sustain.


Madness sustain is mediocre. Lighting sustain is non-existent. Survivability, IMO is decent. Merc, snipers and mara needs a suvivability nerf. Assuming they do not in 5.2, I suggest playing something else.

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Don't think my parses increased by nearly as much, but they did increase a bit for sure with force speed on cooldown. roughly you can squeeze one extra LB every 15 seconds, vs every 20 seconds. Drawback is I'm getting used to aggressively using force speed, which can be bad in some ops fight or pvp.


Still, I agree with you on the "dps drop when focused", and I ate some bad flack for saying sorc needed a change to the way utilites are built, some should be in the dps trees, to allow dps more of them, and healers less of them and doing 2 birds with one stone. All of sorc dps current defenses are best suited for healers.


Sadly for saying "sorc needs more defense under pressure" I kinda attracted the herd of people who wake up at night to hate sorc healer and make 0 difference between specs, and the thread derailed.


Brainstorming ideas on a pvp forum is apparently a bad thing, who'd have thought :D:rolleyes:


Have you tried taking the defence boost on cloud mind? or the 30 % less periodic damage? or 30% less damage when stunned? our bubble stun? or any of the many other defences a sorc has? The underlying problem is that sorcs were originally designed to be a squishy high damage class. Unfortunately people cried they wanted high defences as well. So now the sorc is left in a terrible middle ground of having great defences but still being quiet squishy if people don't use them, and no dps. While this is not a great place to be look at pts. They were designed to be a hard hitting mid range class with some defences so sorc players can thank bioware they still have something.


So to brainstorm ideas, how about we leave sorcs where they are. We don't want to turn them into vastly OP gods again. They have the best bar none dcds. They have self heals. They have amazing resource management. They have good utilities. They have the best Mobility it is entirely directional and no charges to build, with a very short cooldown, and phasewalk. They are the easiest class to play offensively and healing. They have mediocre damage. When compared to other classes they still come out way up the table.


Here's another brainstorming idea nerf sorc healers who have a defensive buff on every heal as well and make Lightening sorc damage be more useful exactly where it is.

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Not sure if trolling or just flat out wrong. Sorcs objectively do the worst damage outside of maybe pyrotech if you ignore fluff damage that only boosts opposing team's healing numbers. This is from my experience (and just about anybody else's) but in case you need data: https:// http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=847112


Sorcs honestly haven't done good damage since the early 3.0 days with force storm before the mega nerf. In recent past expansions their survivability was insane in comparison to other dps classes, but they have had a single target damage issue for 3 expansions running.


I'm going with trolling considering this person loves to get personal.

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Problem with that data is that its theory crafted and does not include severall mechanics and are therefore not entirely correct. Also you should never use bants numbers in reference for pvp, because its comparing apples to bananas

I just uploaded a parse i had with a pug a week ago, so you can see that sage can easily compete with other dps in real life conditions: http://parsely.io/parser/operations/dashroode/8/HM/dps/all/all/all/live/1/ ;)


As for fluff damage, i agree to a certain amount, however once you go above 7k dps, it isnt just fluff, its heavy pressure for the enemy team.


You do realize you are using the TK bug on that fight so.......yeah, bug extra dps on single target is bit over 600 and alot more with multiple targets, your dps would been around 9k on that right, maybe 10k.

Edited by Nelsitokiller
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please stop filling this forum with your wicked idea of pvp. I dont even know if youre reffering to lvl 70pvp, but certainly not to pvp on educated level.

Sorc doesnt have a damage problem. If you cant get kills while not dieing, youre doing it wrong. Sorc has among the highest dps potential on both speccs, and on lightning it even has tier1 burst potential.

The only real downside both speccs have is when beeing attacked your dps drops way too hard. This wont be any better if you sacrifce more defensives for offensive. Quite the contrary, sorc needs better defensives to be able to use its current damage potential.


LoL.. wicked idea.. what the hell does that mean... I'm guessing English is not your first lanaguage?


I've been maining a Sorc for 5 years. I've seen them be strong, weak and balanced. I've probably played over 1800 hours on my Sorc, I do know that the hell im talking about. But if you don't believe me, ask anyone who mains a Sorc.

Burst was nerfed on Lightning after 3.0 QQing about force storm. Instead of Bioware nerfing FS, which was needed, it nerfed lightning burst instead... then 2 months later worked out they should have nerfed FS like we'd all told them. But they never reversed the burst nerf. The dps since then has had a slow decline when they nerf the whole Sorc class instead of different spec nerfs. This has made lightning Sorc the least powerful burst spec in the game.

I'm not sure where you are getting your delusions that they have tier one burst potential, but you obviously have zero idea what you are talking about. Go play a Mara, sniper, Merc... even my Jugg hits harder than my Sorc.


What sorc really needs is protection against beeing tunneled, especially by multiple targets. One melee can shut a sorc completely down, thats the real problem. A good example is current merc. Its damage wasnt buffed with 5.0, but they can deal WAY more damage since 5.0 because they can play much more offensively. Note that i dont suggest to buff sorc defensives to merc level, i just wanted to clarify that sorcs problem is defense, and definately not offense


And what's this rubbish you've written ^^^

Sorcs need protection from being tunnelled, lmao... OMG you have no idea how to play the class if you think they need anymore protection. If one melee can shut you down, then you need to go back, roll another lowbie Sorc, pvp all the way to 70 and learn how to LoS 😉


Youre either the most delusional Sorc player in the game or you are trolling. Any sane person can tell you that Sorc defence is excellent, if it was anymore it would by OP. I'm guessing you just spam FS and think those fluff numbers mean your offensive damage is high. But when someone focuses you so you can't spam FS all match, then there must be a defence problem because you cant stand there anymore spamming away.

Edited by Icykill_
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Problem with that data is that its theory crafted and does not include severall mechanics and are therefore not entirely correct. Also you should never use bants numbers in reference for pvp, because its comparing apples to bananas

I just uploaded a parse i had with a pug a week ago, so you can see that sage can easily compete with other dps in real life conditions: http://parsely.io/parser/operations/dashroode/8/HM/dps/all/all/all/live/1/ ;)


As for fluff damage, i agree to a certain amount, however once you go above 7k dps, it isnt just fluff, its heavy pressure for the enemy team.


Looks like Force Storm fluff in a pug match lol

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im parsing 9,5k on ops dummy, you?


Edit: after 5 years of sorc you might want to enlarge your hero pool and learn some other classes, it might broaden your horizon. Something you definately need


Dummy parsing.. yeah.. that's a real good indication of what a class is like in pvp... lmao


I'd like to widen my pool of characters... LoL.. I guess 37 alts aren't enough... I've got multiple of every class, I've played them all in the old ranked 8 man format. I've played them in ranked arena, which I dispise, but I can still play it adequately to know how classes perform in arena.


Keep trolling.. LoL


You must be elite if you play team ranked 🦄

Edited by Icykill_
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Dummy parsing.. yeah.. that's a real good indication of what a class is like in pvp


1. if its so easy why cant you do it?

2. if its not relevant how high you can parse, what determines a strength then? The performance under pressure? Oh wait, i actually said this the last five times i postet, so it cant be true?


so enlighten me, what good would it be to buff sorcs pupet damage when its not relevant at all? Was i right about saying sorc struggle under pressure?

Edited by Qwurdilu
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This doesnt make you a good player by default. Show some reputation you earned in ranked or **** off. Youre just some pug idiot who thinks has a clue about proper pvp. What annoys me the most is how you keep blaming for me to get personal, yet you do nothing else all the time. Its double standarts par excellence. You never adressed a single argument of mine with evidence.

Youre not even adressing your arguments with evidence. You keep saying sorc has bad burst potential, yet parsely clearly shows that telekinetics has as high burst spikes as other classes.

Could you care to enlighten me how that is any lower of a burst than a jugg? Did it ever crossed your mind that you maybe need to actually ADD all those proccs and dots numbers and not only look for the highest hit done?


And just fyi protection against beeing tunneled doesnt refer to dtps, it refers to the ability to do dps while under pressure. Id really love to see you playing teamranked against me with your little sorc, me playing a marauder. And then please show and enlighten me how its not a problem for you im tunneling you 24/7. Id love to see that. Im pretty sure i beat the crap out of you, because im beating the crap out of sorcplayers who actually got reputation (titles on tofn back when it was relevant). According to you its no issue to be tunneled right? well guess what, Defense is not only about not dying, its about performing under pressue, and sorc is by FAR the worst class in that regard. Good luck getting kills while beeing tunneled.

But then again youre not even playing teamranked. Youre just a little ***** claiming to perform better than me with not evidence to back up those claims :rolleyes:




im parsing 9,5k on ops dummy, you?



Edit: after 5 years of sorc you might want to enlarge your hero pool and learn some other classes, it might broaden your horizon. Something you definately need


Every time you post I am more and more convinced that you are your own biggest fan.


To the OP: Sorc dps is in a bad spot, it's a bottom 3 pvp class at the moment (from a dps perspective, sorc healing is obviously #1).


Its burst isn't on par with other burst classes and its squishiness makes for an easy target to switch to in a team and solo ranked setting. Why people would use PVE parses to validate their opinions are beyond me. Marksman, for example, is a bottom 2-3 pve spec from a parsing perspective but its unparalleled efficiency in target swapping off guard and highest uptime in the game puts it in the top classes.


Sorc could likely use an additional cooldown like its damage reduction on cloud mind (or just buff that one to last longer and provide more DR). Lightning right now is in a weird spot where its single target burst is pathetic but it does good AOE damage (but not enough AOE damage to be in a pressure comp, making it an irrelevant spec). Madness sorcs are an anachronism at this point, you'll bring an anni mara or engi sniper to perform a similar role in a vastly superior way.


To that end, I would like to see lightning's single target burst buffed in addition to a defensive cooldown buff for the class that ideally doesn't benefit sorc healers.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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.Why people would use PVE parses to validate their opinions are beyond me.


I didnt say pve dmg of sorc is good, so it must be good in pvp. My point is something else.


Every class right now has enough dps potential on a pupet. thats what i wanted to prove by the parse.

The vast differences in performance for pvp result purely from uptime, interrupts, ccs.


Given the uptime, even Rage jugg could be a lethal character. The problem is it lacks a lot of defensives, it dies too fast. Thus it lacks uptime.


The classes currently excelling, all have super good uptime. Sniper for its range, and cc immunity, marauder for its incredible movement (and immunities) and merc with its defensives can pretty much facetank a lot, resulting in good uptime aswell.


Due to class mechanics, sorcs lacks the potential to deal consistent dps while pressured. For sure you can survive everything, you bubble, phasewalk, forcesprint to break LOS. But that will result in your dps to drop. Nothing will change if we, the community, ask for a burst buff. If sorc deals 20% more damage while freecasting (which would make this class toptier in pupetparses &pve) this class would still be unable to compete with mercs, snipers and marauders in pvp.



Lets not repeat the same mistakes as for mercheals. This forum craved for defensives buffs, while the experts of those class never wanted that. They asked for more protection against interrupts, especially for more mechanically efficient aoe heals. Today we have mercheal who has the best defensives imaginable, but its been the wrong buff. Its still **** in pvp compared to sorc due to mechanics.


If we just ask for burst buffs for sorc, this class will still be ****, due to mechanics.

Edited by Qwurdilu
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You can exploit Cartel market by adding those files to your game directory...



Leaked footage from pts for new iokath area



How can anyone take you seriously when you start making these "fake news" threads like the ones in the general section to troll or to get attention like a child all because Eric is ignoring you.

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How can anyone take you seriously when you start making these "fake news" threads like the ones in the general section to troll or to get attention like a child all because Eric is ignoring you.


Thats the third consecutive post where you add nothing to this discussion else but trying to mock me. Reported :rolleyes:

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Thats the third consecutive post where you add nothing to this discussion else but trying to mock me. Reported :rolleyes:




LoL, for what, showing you are making fake threads and trolling to get your point across. Why should I or anyone else take what you say seriously, youve make personal attacks on me in most threads I've been involved in.


Good luck with that, but then I guess you don't care because you've already said in another post that your sub runs out tomorrow and you don't care if they take action against your trolling.


Let me just add to the topic.. parsing doesn't represent class potential in pvp

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Let me just add to the topic.. parsing doesn't represent class potential in pvp


Thats what i just said the post above. A class strenth isnt determined by its pupetparse potential, and thus buffing sorcs dmg will do nothing.

Sorc needs some help against interrupts and ability pushback, the same way mercheal needs help. And no, you repeating for the thousands time that sorc already has good defense wont help. Mercheal has godlike defense and still struggles. Its the ability to perform under pressure that determines a class strength in pvp the most, and sorc is by far the worst there.


As a contrary, marksman is barely parsing more than sorc, and while parsing not even bursting higher than a sorc. However in pvp he doesnt suffer ability activation pushback, is immun to leap and interrupts (!) and good enough defenses to not change position immidiately when attacked. Hes basically freecasting.

Sorc is basically allways on the run, trying not to get any focus.

Thats whats need to change slightly. Im not advocating to make sorc into another turret, but he needs some help to work under pressure


And now thats my point, we dont need to buff sorcs damage values, because theyre already as good as snipers (or close). We need to buff sorcs potential to perform under pressure. This is going to be the last time i write that, if you still dont get why i mentionend the parses, i cannot help you any further. I just pray bioware will understand. Did i just say bioware might understand? just realized how stupid i am



As for specific ideas:


The duration of the lvl 64 talent (3% dmg reduction per stack lightningbolt) needs to be increased to 20 seconds. That buff falls off way to often in pvp. (we could also add 3% range melee defense to it, but that could be too much)


Beeing interrupted makes your next mind crush activate instantly


Reduce pushback from lighntin bolt by 100% (currently 75%)



a talent that gives flat 3% dmg. reduction, plus 5% healing received



utility: unnatural vigor (currently giving 15% dmg reduction for 6 seconds on unnatural preservation and reducing its cd by 5) remove the reduced cooldown and make it last 10 seconds instead

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I didnt say pve dmg of sorc is good, so it must be good in pvp. My point is something else.


Every class right now has enough dps potential on a pupet. thats what i wanted to prove by the parse.

The vast differences in performance for pvp result purely from uptime, interrupts, ccs.


Given the uptime, even Rage jugg could be a lethal character. The problem is it lacks a lot of defensives, it dies too fast. Thus it lacks uptime.


The classes currently excelling, all have super good uptime. Sniper for its range, and cc immunity, marauder for its incredible movement (and immunities) and merc with its defensives can pretty much facetank a lot, resulting in good uptime aswell.


Due to class mechanics, sorcs lacks the potential to deal consistent dps while pressured. For sure you can survive everything, you bubble, phasewalk, forcesprint to break LOS. But that will result in your dps to drop. Nothing will change if we, the community, ask for a burst buff. If sorc deals 20% more damage while freecasting (which would make this class toptier in pupetparses &pve) this class would still be unable to compete with mercs, snipers and marauders in pvp.



Lets not repeat the same mistakes as for mercheals. This forum craved for defensives buffs, while the experts of those class never wanted that. They asked for more protection against interrupts, especially for more mechanically efficient aoe heals. Today we have mercheal who has the best defensives imaginable, but its been the wrong buff. Its still **** in pvp compared to sorc due to mechanics.


If we just ask for burst buffs for sorc, this class will still be ****, due to mechanics.


I think Dec Sins are the most balanced class in terms of survivability. Sturdy enough as a melee dps with passive damage reduction, but does not have major healing or over the top DCDs that make them unkillable for a prolonged period of time. This can be a solid base line to balance around.


I agree with you sorc survivability should trade-off some of the off healing survivability with passive survivability or DCDs. Same with operatives as well. BW though is extremely stubborn on this end. They refuse to reduce or remove off healing from dps specs and give them DCDs, which renders these specs not competitive when it matters the most.


Damage though is still a problem. Even if sorc gets same survivability as a arsenal, they still would not be as good cuz they lack the damage.


The solution is a three fold steps:


1) Select a base line spec. I think dec sins are ideal, but we can use arsenal as the base line (which would be lame). Then change the remaining classes survivability based on that.


2) Sorc trades some of the off healing with DCDs.


3) Sorc get a reasonable damage buff. Not too much, just enough.

Edited by Ottoattack
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Have you tried taking the defence boost on cloud mind? or the 30 % less periodic damage? or 30% less damage when stunned? our bubble stun? or any of the many other defences a sorc has? The underlying problem is that sorcs were originally designed to be a squishy high damage class. Unfortunately people cried they wanted high defences as well. So now the sorc is left in a terrible middle ground of having great defences but still being quiet squishy if people don't use them, and no dps. While this is not a great place to be look at pts. They were designed to be a hard hitting mid range class with some defences so sorc players can thank bioware they still have something.


So to brainstorm ideas, how about we leave sorcs where they are. We don't want to turn them into vastly OP gods again. They have the best bar none dcds. They have self heals. They have amazing resource management. They have good utilities. They have the best Mobility it is entirely directional and no charges to build, with a very short cooldown, and phasewalk. They are the easiest class to play offensively and healing. They have mediocre damage. When compared to other classes they still come out way up the table.


Here's another brainstorming idea nerf sorc healers who have a defensive buff on every heal as well and make Lightening sorc damage be more useful exactly where it is.


When I talked about people who wake up at night to hate sorc heals: winner.


You can list every utility there is, you cannot take them all. Your post tells me you have 0 idea how limited you will be by them. Its also 15% less periodic damage, 30% would be merc, and its actually very doable to take that utility without leaving something on the table.


The cloud mind damage reduction is 6 seconds, which is very low for such a small damage reduction, and its a utility point. At least a Masterful one, not heroic or legendary I guess.


Because right now, all the "good" ones are together in Heroic. Bubble Stun, instant-WW, Surging Speed, Emersion, the Stun DR and the overload root. So stop listing them all and suggesting a sorc has all that, he has too choose two, and imo Surging Speed and Emersion are must there. Also, since when sorc heals are present they'll most likely take care of bubbling, any game with a sorc healer is a game where you wasted a precious utility point if you took Backlash.


THe more I read you, the more its apparent you have very litle experience with more than one class.


A well specced marauder will have 2-3 roots. Kiting Carnage works decently, kiting Fury, not so much. A sniper, lets not go there. Merc doesnt but it has rotational snares and Enet, which is worth more than a bunch of root anyday. Sin, mez every 15 seconds roughly (with alacrity) the time it takes for your force speed to get off cooldown WITH surging speed. Operatives have you totally beat on mobility, as well as stuns and movement impairing. They also break theirs faster. The one thing lightning has for it, is its the ranged class that can best sustain its damage WHILE moving, but tbh not significantly more than Arsenal mercs right now (not talking about defensives, Arsenal merc damage is mostly fine).


I strongly suggest you try a dps sorc asap before writing more about it, its very obvious you only fight them.

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I find these utilities for lightning spec to work the best in pugs if staying alive all match without a healer is your objective..

Empty Body - increase all healing by 5%

Dark Resilience- increases heals done by unnatural preservation by 30%

Emersion - Force speed removes movement impairing effects and grants immunity to them for the duration (unless you lag and someone stuns you just after you activate 😢)

Backlash - static barrier blinds up to 8 enemies for 3 secs (bubble stun)

Unnatural Vigor - unnatural preservation increases damage reduction by 15% for 6 seconds. Reduces CD unnatural preservation by 5 secs.



Those unnatural healing utility boosts make you extremely hard to kill if you can kite and have enough LoS about. Especially when you can spam it every 25 secs and costs no force. If you aren't in position to attack or waiting for a crit or CD or even just on the move. Using unnatural preservation in between can keep you close to max health (if you aren't being vigorously focused).. it also gives you 15% damage reduction for 6 sec every 19 secs.

I find this setup really favours Hypergates where staying alive and escaping is sometimes more important for a Sorc than getting a kill, which you can leave for another dps to finish off. It also takes pressure off the healer in that map.

It's also great for Hutt Ball.

But not always that great in arena unless you want to play rabbit while your team tries to tunnel down your focus target unmolested

Obviously thats not a full range of utility choices and you'd need to choose a few more, but that depends on your goals and style of play.


If you are in a premade with healers, then you can pick some other utilities instead of just focusing on defence.

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god forbid sorcs are weak-ish for the first time since 2.x. And really that's only because mercs/mando's are so common: e-net.


Let's lower the burst on merc/ mando's before we go making sorcs #1 AGAIN.


They don't need to be number one and that's the last thing I'd want. I hate it when they become FOTM because then I stop playing my fav class. I refuse to play FOTM classes. Mercs went from being a challenge to play to being stupid, no finesse needed or even LoS most of the time.


I would just like to see lightning bolt have a bit more burst potential (it doesn't need to be much more) and procs that don't rely on force speed so much. Similar to how it was in 3.0 before they nerfed it.

I'm more interested in solo target burst over AOE burst/damage from chain lightning or Force Storm. Adding Force Storm to the rotation back in 3.0 is what caused that initial burst nerf before Bio realised it was not burst people were complaining about, it was Force Storm being part of the rotation and it had slow as well. They nerfed the wrong thing and then never reversed it when they realised their mistake. Lightning burst has never recovered from that nerf and other burst specs have just got stronger.

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Recently cam back to my madness sorc and it seems like they are totally unviable in PvP. No DPS and no survivability. Is corruption the only sorc class that's viable now?


Sorcs in Rwz are not bad..they're just horrible.. actually I'll take that back..if you're proficient in the use of technology such as Key biding, gaming keybore/mouse, and macros.. then maybe you stand a chance Oh and a good gear team..


"Their sin is only wanting to play the class that is perceived as the best at the time, and their punishment is to be nerfed to the ground so bad as to be unplayable and to be stuck on that class with gimpy moves for the rest of their days.” I shuddered at the thought at having my own class nerfed, and prayed that there weren’t players out there abusing my class so bad that such a fate would become of me. " The The 9 layers of PVP hell in SWTOR



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Sorcs in Rwz are not bad..they're just horrible.. actually I'll take that back..if you're proficient in the use of technology such as Key biding, gaming keybore/mouse, and macros.. then maybe you stand a chance Oh and a good gear team..


"Their sin is only wanting to play the class that is perceived as the best at the time, and their punishment is to be nerfed to the ground so bad as to be unplayable and to be stuck on that class with gimpy moves for the rest of their days.” I shuddered at the thought at having my own class nerfed, and prayed that there weren’t players out there abusing my class so bad that such a fate would become of me. " The The 9 layers of PVP hell in SWTOR




Some of us do alright.. just not as good as we should... I spend more time kiting and self healing at the moment than dps.. lag just compounds the problem for me at the moment. 1.8 mil dps and 1.2 self heals is dumb

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