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Face Animations.


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Yes...I opened this expecting something mass effect.... lol :D


SWTOR animations somehow manage to be better than Andromeda, in my opinion. o_o


Well, at least we don't have glitches where our heads spin 180 degrees. Instead, we--

*looks at Thana Vesh*


(Encountered a hilarious glitch the other day as I was going through the Imperial Taris story arc. At the very end, the assault on the spaceport where Thana joins you for the fight, every time Thana would gesture threateningly at enemies with her lightsaber...her head fell off her shoulders and both arms stretched into claws, similar to what happened a while ago with body type two female characters on the orobird, kybuck, or tauntaun mounts. Dang near gave me a heart attack the first time I saw that out of the corner of my eye. :p)


Anyway, I agree with the OP - I like the improved facial animations. In vanilla, they can get a bit...weird, but as you move into expansions, they smooth out considerably and look very realistic.

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SWTOR animations somehow manage to be better than Andromeda, in my opinion. o_o


Well, at least we don't have glitches where our heads spin 180 degrees. Instead, we--

*looks at Thana Vesh*


(Encountered a hilarious glitch the other day as I was going through the Imperial Taris story arc. At the very end, the assault on the spaceport where Thana joins you for the fight, every time Thana would gesture threateningly at enemies with her lightsaber...her head fell off her shoulders and both arms stretched into claws, similar to what happened a while ago with body type two female characters on the orobird, kybuck, or tauntaun mounts. Dang near gave me a heart attack the first time I saw that out of the corner of my eye. :p)


Anyway, I agree with the OP - I like the improved facial animations. In vanilla, they can get a bit...weird, but as you move into expansions, they smooth out considerably and look very realistic.


LOL OMG that is some nice parlour trick! I bet it achieves what she wants too. Upon seeing that I bet her victims probably crap their pants to death. Super fast way to kill a group without breaking a sweat.

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thanks for the new animations. makes them look more alive and perhaps older on soma faces.



Yea I like the new animations as well, plus, Lana's face looks so damn attractive now- faces looks more detailed and females have somekind make up now, I love the red'ish eyeline on lana's eyes, took a screenshot of her and made it my desktop background image :D

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SWTOR animations somehow manage to be better than Andromeda, in my opinion. o_o


Sad but true. And SWTOR is running on a much older bastardised game engine. ***? Andromeda should be putting SWTOR to shame not the other way round! It's so sad it's almost funny.

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Really, what are you talking about? Care to link a Youtube vid or something?


In 5.0, there was a blurb in the patch notes about updating the facial animations across the entire game - only if you have higher graphics settings, or something... sorry, I can't recall it from memory. :o Characters' expressions now look a lot more realistic, instead of only the eyebrows moving on an otherwise plastic and unchanging face; when a character frowns, for example, there are little wrinkles on the forehead and around the nose. Smiles, there are laugh lines; etc.


Edit: Found it. From the 5.0 patch notes:

Added new engine technology to improve fidelity of facial expressions in conversations and cinematics for all characters across the entire game. This graphical improvement is visible on High Shader setting.
Edited by Jagaimee
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In 5.0, there was a blurb in the patch notes about updating the facial animations across the entire game - only if you have higher graphics settings, or something... sorry, I can't recall it from memory. :o Characters' expressions now look a lot more realistic, instead of only the eyebrows moving on an otherwise plastic and unchanging face; when a character frowns, for example, there are little wrinkles on the forehead and around the nose. Smiles, there are laugh lines; etc.


Edit: Found it. From the 5.0 patch notes:


So, you are talking about those wrinkles etc.


Tbh, I hate when such an update happens. Means I've to reshoot all my previously shot cutscenes...

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Yes...I opened this expecting something mass effect.... lol :D


Same. The gross looking people is one reason I haven't bought it. The walking freaks me out.


And I love the new updates, but they were kinda ruined for me for Kotet because my main is human male face 2, which was bugged with a red smudge the whole time until they fixed it. :(


I've been really impressed with the game since launch how well the animations match the dialog. Kotet and Kotfe were also really well directed.

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Since I play mostly Vanilla I have come to hate them. In Vanilla they look ridiculously overdone. Poor Elara is furiously frowning 95% of the time. She must have chronic migraines! I'm not fond of the hyperdetailed textures they are using on some of the new faces either. Far too jarring and quite frankly, ugly.
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Since I play mostly Vanilla I have come to hate them. In Vanilla they look ridiculously overdone. Poor Elara is furiously frowning 95% of the time. She must have chronic migraines! I'm not fond of the hyperdetailed textures they are using on some of the new faces either. Far too jarring and quite frankly, ugly.


I agree with you, and I call the recent changes Knights of the Furrowed Brows. Everyone is frowning constantly. Even when making jokes they're frowning. Your example of Elara in vanilla is by far the most egregious that I've seen as well, but everyone with a face is still frowning about almost everything possible. I shudder to think how frowny Elara will be on Iokath.

In some of the KOTFE/KOTET chapters, if your toon is REALLY angry, the frowns look horrid as the bottom of your forehead gets pulled down to the bottom of your nose, and your mouth frown becomes grotesque. I HATE when their value inputs for the animations are so far off like that. It looks ugly and sort of makes me hate my character for a second.

And forcing emotions on my toons that I wouldn't ascribe to them bugs me too. Like my Warrior is going to show such a dumb "shocked" face everytime someone betrays her. The Warrior isn't used to being betrayed and suddenly only in KOTFE it surprises her? :rolleyes:


Edited by aerockyul
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Well, my Inquisitor has her eyeballs poke out through her cheeks on a fairly regular basis with the new animations.


I guess I've learned amazing new things about Chiss biology with the update. I need context though, what does a Cheek Wink mean in Chiss culture? Also, why is there no visible seam on the Cheeklids even when I zoom all the way in?


I guess I'll just have to wait for subsequent patches to find out.



Still, even with eyeballs poking out where they shouldn't, it does still look better than main character gameplay trailers for ME:A.

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