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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will we ever be getting a new race


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They have added new races already.


And I would assume that Wookies are too tall to be a PC race, just like Kel Dor wouldn't become one because of their face mask. It would affect the visuals too much.

Edited by Dragondog
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Possibly in the future. They already have the majority of the models for any new race we would want.

(Personally I think Wookies should be the next race.)


Wookies can't wear any gear in the original KOTOR series, and they're pretty much naked in SWTOR, so I don't see this happening.


Personally my vote is for the Togruta.

Edited by LegionPothIX
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I was thinking of possibly two new races to be added: the droid and rakghoul



Since Doctor Lokin is a modified race, I was thinking that maybe this idea could lead to possible race. The social ability would be for the character to turn into a rakghoul for a period of time (or until the player dismisses the ability). The ability causing the player to becoming a melee character. Republic's addition would sacrifice offense for defense and the imperial (addition) to have vice versa.


While rakghoul is in process, the character would get a whole new set of skills custom to the race (relatively close to Lokin's combat abilities).



This would be more of an extreme droid, excuse the character would be all-out robotic in appearance. They could still wear clothes, but now it's a droid in rags.

This idea was inspired by the droid series gear set.

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Wookies can't wear any gear in the original KOTOR series, and they're pretty much naked in SWTOR, so I don't see this happening.


Personally my vote is for the Togruta.


You do know this one is in the game already right? As with the cathar you have to purchase the unlock from the cartel shop.



I would like to see a Zeltron added.

Edited by casirabit
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Patience young padawan...


New species seem to released during the summer every two years.


Launch was in Dec 2011

Summer of 2013 saw Cathar

Summer of 2015 saw Togruta

Summer of 2017 we should see a new species.


Reminder: new species MUST have the following basic characteristics


1. Speak Basic; that means wookies and jawas are out

2. be roughly human sized; again that rules out wookies, ewoks, jawas and the yoda species among others

3. have a roughly human face; because they have to overlay the new species over existing dialogue scenes. so species like rodian (greedo) could be a problem

Edited by psandak
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Well, rakghouls would be easy. Upon entering dialogue, they automatically dismiss their mutated state (much like mounted characters dismiss).


Droids' voice will be affected much like a character that has a cybernetic head piece, so this one would be easy as well. And with there being cybernetic gear, the avatar for droid characters can easily be adapted for being playable.

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Droid is highly unlikely for dialogue reasons. Nope, not the characters, but everyone else's. Think about the mem-wipes, the "we don't serve their kind here", etc. Just like being a non-human gets commented on at times, especially Imp side, so would being a droid, on both sides. For a player being a droid to feel right, that would need to happen. And they can't just use the standard "alien" lines that another alien race would have, because they're droids, not aliens. There is also the matter of gender... are they male or female? Both? Romance options (face it, the kissing scenes would be ludicrous). Conversations about kids that happen, and again, these are lines from the companions, not the player. So properly integrating droid as a player race wouldn't be easy. Edited by Battilea
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Well, rakghouls would be easy. Upon entering dialogue, they automatically dismiss their mutated state (much like mounted characters dismiss).


The main problem is that it would be strange if the people you're talking to were indiffernt about what they just saw. Not everyone is as jaded and pragmatic as the agent, most people would run away or try to put you out of your misery.


Would make for an interesting game mode, though. An addition to the Rakghoul event's disease: Instead of dying at Stage 3 you turn into a Rakghoul, being flagged for open PVP for all factions (and even on fleet). Can still group up with other Rakghoul players to go full zombie apocalypse.

Edited by Mubrak
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The main problem is that it would be strange if the people you're talking to were indiffernt about what they just saw. Not everyone is as jaded and pragmatic as the agent, most people would run away or try to put you out of your misery.


Would make for an interesting game mode, though. An addition to the Rakghoul event's disease: Instead of dying at Stage 3 you turn into a Rakghoul, being flagged for open PVP for all factions (and even on fleet). Can still group up with other Rakghoul players to go full zombie apocalypse.


WoW did that...and it was fun. It was a prelude to the Wrath of the Lich King Expansion.

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I think we can say about a lot of species, that they will never be a playable race, because all npcs of those species have the same face. For example: Kel Dor, Wookie, Kaleesh, Gaults species, Nikto (I think they are called like that, thos human reptiles),...


As a playble species they must always have some sort of customization option, so those above fall out, which is pretty sad, because Kaleesh and Kel Dor are one of my favourite species.


I love the droid idea and it should be definitly possible.


Edit: Now, where I think about it, droid isn't possible :D

Edited by ThePsyEagle
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