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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing: Why it had to be nerfed.


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Also are you realizing what yo are saying... you are saying that a situation which hasn't yet happened and probably won't happen will be the downfall of....... everyone else but him....?


A full account of level 50s running slicing missions? Is that what you are saying will happen?


Here is what I think about it - SO WHAT?


Prices will change with the market, and it isn't like you can't abuse people who abuse the system.


Lets say someone does this, and somehow has a full account of level 50 slicers, and spends every waking moment slicing - How does this effect you?


Please answer the question so we can follow real logic not jump off to some other unreasonable tangent.

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Also are you realizing what yo are saying... you are saying that a situation which hasn't yet happened and probably won't happen will be the downfall of....... everyone else but him....?


A full account of level 50s running slicing missions? Is that what you are saying will happen?


Here is what I think about it - SO WHAT?


Prices will change with the market, and it isn't like you can't abuse people who abuse the system.


Lets say someone does this, and somehow has a full account of level 50 slicers, and spends every waking moment slicing - How does this effect you?


Please answer the question so we can follow real logic not jump off to some other unreasonable tangent.


Because that inflates the prices beyond reasonability.


In a good MMO, the auction house prices should be in line with the NPC prices.

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Also are you realizing what yo are saying... you are saying that a situation which hasn't yet happened and probably won't happen will be the downfall of....... everyone else but him....?


A full account of level 50s running slicing missions? Is that what you are saying will happen?


Here is what I think about it - SO WHAT?


Prices will change with the market, and it isn't like you can't abuse people who abuse the system.


Lets say someone does this, and somehow has a full account of level 50 slicers, and spends every waking moment slicing - How does this effect you?


Please answer the question so we can follow real logic not jump off to some other unreasonable tangent.


It effects me because I could slice on my main and have some funds to get decent gear, riding, whatever flair there is that i would need. Then i could go do real life stuff and not worry about "grind crafting" like so many hardcores want. Hence the game becomes FUN to me... not a job like FFXI and Rift became.

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Stopped reading at "Bioware doesn't want players to be able to press a button, wait, and receive money.", if they didnt want that, they wouldnt put an auction house in the game. My counter-arguments:


1. If the market is good, slicing makes A LOT less money then all the other gathering skills.

2. You dont receive materials to craft things, just pure money

3. Overnight you are going to make much less money then someone putting things in the GTN


How it was before, it ended up evening out, if I set all my companions on a mission over night (talking level 30 or so) I end up making roughly 10k. Now my friend who has stuff on the GTN ends up making 100-150k overnight. Now I don't even make money from slicing. If they didnt want you to make money from slicing, WHY GIVE PURE CREDITS!?!?

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Your argument is that level 50s with lots of free time make money?................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I really don't know what to say to you besides LOL



Why not mention the gold sinks you have up to level 50?



You really aren't looking at the big picture, you are looking at things from a purely profit standpoint and are completely ignoring everything else.


Talk about some major FUD and jealousy being thrown out there!


On that note too, why are skyrocketing prices a bad thing? Because as long as you are a crafter and selling, aren't you making money? Or are you jealous because you don't use the auction house and can't afford anything? Isn't that you not being smart rather than slicing needing to be nerfed? So prices can stay cheap for you because you don't feel like making money?


Honestly, I think this is stupidity at its best with pre-slicers that wanted to exploit the system. Fact is YES, people who have an avenue for farming money WILL do it. Man is not naturally good. They will exploit it if given the reason for it, and inflation WILL do it. Even if LVL 50s didnt spend every waking moment slicing, there would be a few that would do it, and it would be even worse.


Good riddance to you and your kind of slicers. Death to slicer exploits. You can cry about it for hours, demand everything else be 'nerfed' but you know something, at the back of your mind like many other pre-slicers, you will still be insecure you can't make money like you used to.


Why are "skyrocketing prices a bad thing" You actually ask someone this and then tell them they "Fail to grasp economics?" Tell you what, when you show me your AP score of 5 on AP Economics exam like me from HS and a BS in Economics (yes that is me), I will believe you to actually be a credible person on these forums or in general.



Thank you BIOWARE for doing this.


Edited by CtJackHarkness
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Honestly, I think this is stupidity at its best with pre-slicers that wanted to exploit the system. Fact is YES, people who have an avenue for farming money WILL do it. Man is not naturally good. They will exploit it if given the reason for it, and inflation WILL do it. Even if LVL 50s didnt spend every waking moment slicing, there would be a few that would do it, and it would be even worse.


Good riddance to you and your kind of slicers. Death to slicer exploits. You can cry about it for hours, demand everything else be 'nerfed' but you know something, at the back of your mind like many other pre-slicers, you will still be insecure you can't make money like you used to.




Thank you BIOWARE for doing this.



You have no numbers to back up anything you are saying, nor have you taken the time to read these posts where everything you just mentioned was addressed and already fought over.


You have added nothing but the usual juvenile call of "He looks like he is making lots of money" while refusing to look at the long term benefits, and you have also not bothered to follow any sort of logic to that end.


Also, contrary to the rude way you are putting this.


I think all professions should be buffed and vendor items should be removed from the game. This is the only way a healthy economy will be able to get going.


This is not about "man being good", this isn't philosophy, making money isn't evil. It is about what you do with it.



If slicers sit on their money, it doesn't hurt you. If slicers spend that money on the GTN, it helps crafters and gatherers alike. What is slicing hurting? Please tell me what it is hurting?



You are still setting up an unrealistic situation where someone is generating a lot of money without realizing that it only really effects those who only have money.


The value of credits will plummit as the supply increases which means the value of goods will go up. This doesn't hurt sellers at all, it hurts the ones who are buying.



Yes, slicing will hurt the slicers. Imagine that. Why are you so angry?

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You have no numbers to back up anything you are saying, nor have you taken the time to read these posts where everything you just mentioned was addressed and already fought over.


You have added nothing but the usual juvenile call of "He looks like he is making lots of money" while refusing to look at the long term benefits, and you have also not bothered to follow any sort of logic to that end.


Also, contrary to the rude way you are putting this.


I think all professions should be buffed and vendor items should be removed from the game. This is the only way a healthy economy will be able to get going.


This is not about "man being good", this isn't philosophy, making money isn't evil. It is about what you do with it.



If slicers sit on their money, it doesn't hurt you. If slicers spend that money on the GTN, it helps crafters and gatherers alike. What is slicing hurting? Please tell me what it is hurting?



You are still setting up an unrealistic situation where someone is generating a lot of money without realizing that it only really effects those who only have money.


The value of credits will plummit as the supply increases which means the value of goods will go up. This doesn't hurt sellers at all, it hurts the ones who are buying.



Yes, slicing will hurt the slicers. Imagine that. Why are you so angry?


Why am I "so angry" This coming from some who is trolling people and calling them jealous while insulting anyone that has spoken out reasonably to why slicing is an inflation hazard?


Lets say this again, I know what I am talking about. You do not need "numbers" to back this up, but here's a number for you: my level 15 friend has 300K. That is the epitome of inflation. If a lvl 15 is capable to produce this much yield, it is only logical a lvl 50 can do x5 of this (you have to establish an assumption here that the person IS crafting once they realize what a prenerf goldmine it is). If you are saying everything is fine and dandy, you're only kidding yourself. I know this is not philosophy, but the principle applies. You crafted why? To genuinely make items? Is this your actual arguement? No, you crafted in the hopes of gaining an advantage in useable items and making money in the hopeful future (perhaps exasperatingly a lot). Are you to tell me when someone sees a huge yield from a skill they will NOT milk it to death?


And lets suppose you say "no! NO!! It doesn't matter what they do with it! UGHH!!!?" But here you say the same thing and this is the reason you have literally sunk yourself into your own logical black hole (and seriously when I write this out I am assuming you have great logic but I'm at severe doubt about wasting my time..and I don't meant to insult you but I don't think you will be capable or willing to understand the fallacy of your statement):


You are still setting up an unrealistic situation where someone is generating a lot of money without realizing that it only really effects those who only have money.



HRM. Okay. "Slicing (it) only effects those that have money." and you also say "If slicers spend that money on the GTN, it helps crafters and gatherers alike. What is slicing hurting?" You are horridly wrong. If people realize slicing is giving insane money, there will be NO MARKET NEED. Do you understand this economics concept? Market need (like in the 'REAL WORLD') is justified in people being limited to their capabilities. Some people get rich doing things others naturally CANNOT at the press of a button. In SW:TOR and any MMO - you need MARKET NEED. If all the splicers are mass-generating money, which as you claim would be a "good thing" as they would "help crafters alike" then tell me what is the need of someone to craft anything if the end-game is BUY/SELL which all leads to ONE thing:




They might as well just do slicing, get tons of money and you know what WILL happen? They will SIT on it because it is VALUELESS. There is nothing they cannot buy, and nothing that is worth even selling. WHY? BECAUSE YOU GET:


MARKET CRASH. Everyone will have money because slicing would be the direct money incentive, there would be no MARKET because people will not need to buy anything that has been CRAFTED (because as it stands loot drops are better than crafted items).


In reflection, I suppose you have somewhat of a point, but one you failed to realize or bring up: these class skills need more 'unique items' that you cannot get on loot drops. It has nothing to do with "put slicing back to the way it is." In fact, slicing should STAY the same and get its own special benefits where people cannot USE their own lockboxes and rather only SELL lockboxes. Otherwise, slicing is utterly a gaping money printing machine pre-nerf.


I hate to tell you this, but realistically despite the terrible mistake of slicing and using your own lockboxes for $$$ (which was never its intention) it will NOT be put back the way it is. There are infinitesimal reasons for why it SHOULD not be put back to the way it is. It should be used for just that..making 'chance' boxes and selling them to people for moderate prices or using it yourself.


It is not supposed to make you rich, no class is. If this didn't make sense or came off as rude, I do want to apologize...but I really would love to talk to you more about this. I feel I have explained this better than any thread that has 500 pages.

Edited by CtJackHarkness
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Why am I "so angry" This coming from some who is trolling people and calling them jealous while insulting anyone that has spoken out reasonably to why slicing is an inflation hazard?


Lets say this again, I know what I am talking about. You do not need "numbers" to back this up, but here's a number for you: my level 15 friend has 300K. That is the epitome of inflation. If a lvl 15 is capable to produce this much yield, it is only logical a lvl 50 can do x5 of this (you have to establish an assumption here that the person IS crafting once they realize what a prenerf goldmine it is). If you are saying everything is fine and dandy, you're only kidding yourself. I know this is not philosophy, but the principle applies. You crafted why? To genuinely make items? Is this your actual arguement? No, you crafted in the hopes of gaining an advantage in useable items and making money in the hopeful future (perhaps exasperatingly a lot). Are you to tell me when someone sees a huge yield from a skill they will NOT milk it to death?


And lets suppose you say "no! NO!! It doesn't matter what they do with it! UGHH!!!?" But here you say the same thing and this is the reason you have literally sunk yourself into your own logical black hole (and seriously when I write this out I am assuming you have great logic but I'm at severe doubt about wasting my time..and I don't meant to insult you but I don't think you will be capable or willing to understand the fallacy of your statement):


You are still setting up an unrealistic situation where someone is generating a lot of money without realizing that it only really effects those who only have money.



HRM. Okay. "Slicing (it) only effects those that have money." and you also say "If slicers spend that money on the GTN, it helps crafters and gatherers alike. What is slicing hurting?" You are horridly wrong. If people realize slicing is giving insane money, there will be NO MARKET NEED. Do you understand this economics concept? Market need (like in the 'REAL WORLD') is justified in people being limited to their capabilities. Some people get rich doing things others naturally CANNOT at the press of a button. In SW:TOR and any MMO - you need MARKET NEED. If all the splicers are mass-generating money, which as you claim would be a "good thing" as they would "help crafters alike" then tell me what is the need of someone to craft anything if the end-game is BUY/SELL which all leads to ONE thing:




They might as well just do slicing, get tons of money and you know what WILL happen? They will SIT on it because it is VALUELESS. There is nothing they cannot buy, and nothing that is worth even selling. WHY? BECAUSE YOU GET:


MARKET CRASH. Everyone will have money because slicing would be the direct money incentive, there would be no MARKET because people will not need to buy anything that has been CRAFTED (because as it stands loot drops are better than crafted items).


In reflection, I suppose you have somewhat of a point, but one you failed to realize or bring up: these class skills need more 'unique items' that you cannot get on loot drops. It has nothing to do with "put slicing back to the way it is." In fact, slicing should STAY the same and get its own special benefits where people cannot USE their own lockboxes and rather only SELL lockboxes. Otherwise, slicing is utterly a gaping money printing machine pre-nerf.


I hate to tell you this, but realistically despite the terrible mistake of slicing and using your own lockboxes for $$$ (which was never its intention) it will NOT be put back the way it is. There are infinitesimal reasons for why it SHOULD not be put back to the way it is. It should be used for just that..making 'chance' boxes and selling them to people for moderate prices or using it yourself.


It is not supposed to make you rich, no class is. If this didn't make sense or came off as rude, I do want to apologize...but I really would love to talk to you more about this. I feel I have explained this better than any thread that has 500 pages.



1) You haven't proven you do and by not giving me any sort of numbers to go by, it sounds like you are just complaining because a friend of your doesn't need your help to get started in the game.


2) I know how economics works which is why I laugh so hard at people who cry about slicing to begin with, and I have news for you,


You aren't BioWare therefore saying this is how it is and this is how it will be is beyond your authority and as such I scoff at anything you try to argue from that point of view. Frankly, you should bite your tongue, because if it is changed that makes you look foolish and bitter.


3) Are you under the assumption that people don't want the easy way out? If I can make 5k in an hour or 15k in an hour slicing, and people are buying stacks of Aluminum for 25k, you think I am going to waste my mission times Slicing when I can make a profit from selling Aluminum? Do you think I am stupid?


4) A Pure Market Economy won't crash, this isn't America, this is SWTOR. What will happen is items will get more and more expensive and people will stop relying on slicing because the buying power slicers will have will only diminish. It will correct itself, you just have to leave it alone.


5) The fact that loot is currently better than crafted goods is an internal flaw, and nerfing slicing is possibly the worst sort of cure. That is like saying that because my car is more gas efficient than the bus, that you should remove the tires from my car to fix that disparity. You aren't fixing the problem that the bus is a hunk of junk, but you are destroying the other means of getting to the destination in an attempt to make it look like a better choice.


6) What this game needs are less people trying to tell us how to play the game like they own it or something. This isn't 'your' game. You are 'not' in charge. You are not even close to an authority. You are someone posting their opinion and are getting vehemently angry at anyone who doesn't share your opinion.


Just because you are mad that slicing is good early game, doesn't justify the actions taken, and there are thousands who stand with me on this.


That is all I am seeing here.

Edited by Zennshi
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1) You haven't proven you do and by not giving me any sort of numbers to go by, it sounds like you are just complaining because a friend of your doesn't need your help to get started in the game.


2) I know how economics works which is why I laugh so hard at people who cry about slicing to begin with, and I have news for you,


You aren't BioWare therefore saying this is how it is and this is how it will be is beyond your authority and as such I scoff at anything you try to argue from that point of view. Frankly, you should bite your tongue, because if it is changed that makes you look foolish and bitter.


3) Are you under the assumption that people don't want the easy way out? If I can make 5k in an hour or 15k in an hour slicing, and people are buying stacks of Aluminum for 25k, you think I am going to waste my mission times Slicing when I can make a profit from selling Aluminum? Do you think I am stupid?


4) A Pure Market Economy won't crash, this isn't America, this is SWTOR. What will happen is items will get more and more expensive and people will stop relying on slicing because the buying power slicers will have will only diminish. It will correct itself, you just have to leave it alone.


5) The fact that loot is currently better than crafted goods is an internal flaw, and nerfing slicing is possibly the worst sort of cure. That is like saying that because my car is more gas efficient than the bus, that you should remove the tires from my car to fix that disparity. You aren't fixing the problem that the bus is a hunk of junk, but you are destroying the other means of getting to the destination in an attempt to make it look like a better choice.


6) What this game needs are less people trying to tell us how to play the game like they own it or something. This isn't 'your' game. You are 'not' in charge. You are not even close to an authority. You are someone posting their opinion and are getting vehemently angry at anyone who doesn't share your opinion.


Just because you are mad that slicing is good early game, doesn't justify the actions taken, and there are thousands who stand with me on this.


That is all I am seeing here.


Then you are blind.


FYI I am myself Splicing, so no - I am not mad and your entire points about "jealousy" etc which you seem to be clinging to in your defense of splicing is baseless.


"1) You haven't proven you do and by not giving me any sort of numbers to go by, it sounds like you are just complaining because a friend of your doesn't need your help to get started in the game."


Um....who said I cared about if my friend needs my help or not. He's my friend last I checked, if he needs my help I will help him. Who are you to say otherwise or assume what our friendship is about? Get a life.


Furthermore, you are saying the buying power of splicers will diminish? Way to be utterly dense. How would this work if they are loaded? How would their buying powers DIMINISH?


This isn't America this is SW:TOR. Rather than laughing yourself into insanity, maybe you should pay more attention to the clearly wrong statements you make.


3) Are you under the assumption that people don't want the easy way out? If I can make 5k in an hour or 15k in an hour slicing, and people are buying stacks of Aluminum for 25k, you think I am going to waste my mission times Slicing when I can make a profit from selling Aluminum? Do you think I am stupid?


You just repeated exactly what I said and failed to see I was implying the contrary...people DO want the easy way out. Please re-read what I wrote and feel free to edit your answer because it sounds deranged.


Clearly while it is not America, THE SAME ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES APPLY. And No, you don't know ANYTHING about Economics, so please instead of telling me to bite my tongue, stop ripping yours out.


"5) The fact that loot is currently better than crafted goods is an internal flaw, and nerfing slicing is possibly the worst sort of cure. That is like saying that because my car is more gas efficient than the bus, that you should remove the tires from my car to fix that disparity. You aren't fixing the problem that the bus is a hunk of junk, but you are destroying the other means of getting to the destination in an attempt to make it look like a better choice."


Nerfing slicing is not the cure, but it is one NECESSARY step to take away money from being valueless. Leaving it alone WILL not fix the problem of the market "balancing out" as I said, people will just all become slicers and it will crash.


Honestly...with your last response and repeating what I said.....and repeating something which I agreed with, I am beginning to think you are not reading anything I say properly.

Edited by CtJackHarkness
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It's a shame a post like this is needed, but thanks for making it :)


I took slicing on exactly the day it was nerfed, but in those few hours pre-nerf I managed to get my skill above lvl 200 and make a huge profit.

It was obvious and only logical to me it would be nerfed. Just as the majority of the topics in this section changing from "OMGWTF NERF SLICING!!1!11!" to "OMGWTF BUFF SLICING!!1!11!", from the kind of players who lack the intelligence to see situations from a point of view that does not benefit them the most.


I still enjoy slicing, and the occasional benefits it provides (like shortcuts) in flash points :)

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It's a shame a post like this is needed, but thanks for making it :)


I took slicing on exactly the day it was nerfed, but in those few hours pre-nerf I managed to get my skill above lvl 200 and make a huge profit.

It was obvious and only logical to me it would be nerfed. Just as the majority of the topics in this section changing from "OMGWTF NERF SLICING!!1!11!" to "OMGWTF BUFF SLICING!!1!11!", from the kind of players who lack the intelligence to see situations from a point of view that does not benefit them the most.


I still enjoy slicing, and the occasional benefits it provides (like shortcuts) in flash points :)


=) Well...if only more slicers can be like you and I. Without greed hehe

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=) Well...if only more slicers can be like you and I. Without greed hehe


What happened was people leveled something other than slicing. Realized that slicing was an easy cash cow, so they switched. Slicing was nerfed so now they have level TWO crafting skill and the one they have isn't OP and the one they wanted is reset...IE RAGE onslaught

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Ok you make some good points but heres what i think



BW please nerf the drop rate on anything other then money from slicing i dont need speeders or auguments. i just wanted it for money


fix slicing or get rdy for hordes of gold farmers >.< sigh


please please re think the 50% nerf to slicing before i go crazy

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As much as I would miss the crazy high returns on slicing missions, I keep it simply for the chances of obtaining the rarer mission tickets. Those are nice payouts, especially in diplomacy and treasure hunting for me right now.


I haven't seen a net loss overall with slicing, but the profit margin definitely isn't what it once was. However, that's simply sitting in Fury clicking mission submissions. If I am out doing dailies, I can come across an extra 100k easily, which IS nice.

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ok so slicing did need a nerf but now it is just broken and pointless. I am potless most of the time and having both slicing and scavenging you would think this not possible but nothing sells at GTN from scavenging and it generally costs more to send companions on slicing missions than the return I recieve from them. I agree it needed a nerf but theres nothing stopping them from giving something extra like small stat buff or re useable item rather than leave it in its current broken state with nothing to show for it
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The fact is the BW has went too far. You are wrong in saying that Slicing is a 100% gathering professions. have you tried slicing. Not all the time people are ready to buy the junk that you get from low level missions.


But in actual gathering professions you can sell pretty much what you gather. Whether you gather from nodes or send you companions. We are actually losing money right now from slicing because the nerf has been huge.


People listen, slicing is a GATHERING skill, Says so by Bioware, and as such is beyond contestation, so give it up

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People listen, slicing is a GATHERING skill, Says so by Bioware, and as such is beyond contestation, so give it up


Yes it is tagged as gathering however, if their intent was to make it so you only gathered, why would they give you the option of doing crew missions?


If BioWare did say that slicing missions were meant for only this one thing, then please link where this was said, if not, please stop lying.

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I also got my thread closed instantaneously and a re-link to a thread that's bogus. The only way I was making any headway in the game was slicing. Now I am considering not playing until BW fixes the profit margins. My lvl 26 sage on Tatooine isn't making crap for money. I do not have my speeder skill yet, and I can not afford to train my skills. For every 6-10 kills I do, I get 1 MAYBE 2 trash items to sell. Missions are not giving as much as they should in rewards. All this adds up to me not being able to have fun. Slicing was fun. I wasn't making obscene amounts of cash, but I was making enough to support myself. I won't be slicing anymore or doing ANY crafting at all, or even using the auction house. Instead of leveling, i'm going to have to give up my leveling and go back to Nar Shaddaa or Taris where I can survive long enough to MAYBE get some cash. Nerfing slicing and a lack of income from enemies killed and too low income from mission rewards has killed me. The speeder skill being 40,000 credits, and my sage skills being 2,500 credits is too much for the income lvl. I say raise slicing to be 20% profitable AT THE LEAST and raise the enemy drop percentages. I love grinding and killing monsters for fun, but this is plain stupid. The last game I played where the income was like this was a game called Rappelz. I do not want SWTOR to end up like that crappy game.


Please BW, take note and fix things. I know a lot of people that are DONE with SWTOR over the slicing nerf. The game isn't fun to them, the economy has been trashed... People don't want to grind for 6 days to get 5000 credits. And that is PRECISELY what the nerf has done.



Except you don't grind. You press a button and you get credits 30 minutes later. I jumped on the slicing band wagon a day before it was nerfed. I went from 4k credits to 250k in a single day. This isn't a lie or an attempt the slander slicing. I was disappointed that it was nerfed right after i picked it up myself, but I knew it was going to happen. This like this have to be kept on a tight leash. You cant allow credit inflation in the economy. If I hade 250k in one day just imagine what would happen in a week... a month.. a year.. 2 years... with thousands of people doing it.

Edited by Arbaal
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Except you don't grind. You press a button and you get credits 30 minutes later. I jumped on the slicing band wagon a day before it was nerfed. I went from 4k credits to 250k in a single day. This isn't a lie or an attempt the slander slicing. I was disappointed that it was nerfed right after i picked it up myself, but I knew it was going to happen. This like this have to be kept on a tight leash. You cant allow credit inflation in the economy. If I hade 250k in one day just imagine what would happen in a week... a month.. a year.. 2 years... with thousands of people doing it.


How exactly did you make 250k in a day?


I don't think that would even be possible to level slicing in a day...?

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