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What would you really be?


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Let's face it. As much as we may think we'd all be able to use the force in this world, but let's face it. most of us wouldn't.


I know sure as hell I wouldn't. So what would we all be really?


Out of the 4 non force classes, I'm going to do process of elimination.


Agent, well I've had a TS/SCI clearance before, but I was an collection analyst, I'm no field agent, and I just don't have the stomach for some of the nasty stuff the Ciphers have to do.


Bounty hunter, possible. I could be come that callous and that much of an ***hole. Big plus, I get freedom, which is something I prize.


And that leads into the Smuggler, which again, freedom to take jobs as I want, build my own crew, have my own ship, it appeals. And I am a truck driver so I'm not home all that much to begin with. And I don't have to be the full on gunslinger, I can be more like a normal transport pilot.


And then there's the solider, again I could do it, I was a Marine(where I was the collection analyst) so the soldier's life is nothing new for me and I could excel.


So in the end what do I think I would be. Likely a Bounty Hunter. Jobs as I want, bad*** armor. Great weapons, jobs as I please, no matter who can pay. Don't have to kill if I don't want to, don't have to take jobs I don't want or I think beneath me. Total freedom.

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Of those four, of course a Bounty Hunter(too bad the ingame story's worth practically nothing). I mean, you don't even have to kill anyone. Or you can dispense justice as you see it fit(bad person? BLAM! No more). But I guess a Smuggler's an option too, but I don't think I could lie that much. That's one of perks of a BH, you don't even have to communicate with people unless absolutely necessary.


But please, no regimes or armies or anything of that sort. I could never take neverending orders about everything.

Edited by Cuiwe
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Bounty Hunter for sure. Back in my late 20s and early 30s i was a bounty hunter for a local bails bondsmen. Only weapon i had was my Baton and my good humor. I only ever had to use my Humor on the jumpers.


I mean, how's it to be a real life BH? I know it's legal in the US(you just need a permit). Please don't tell me it was more interesting than BH story(lol). Also, as someone who used to be a BH, even of FAR lesser grade, what do you think of BH's story?

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I'd be a smuggler. I think my personality lends itself well to an agent's work, but I really don't like having to answer to anyone. I'd rather govern over myself :)


But come now, I'd be Force sensitive for sure. I'd probably be that Jedi who has a secret lover, but pretty okay otherwise. Just an average Jedi, but still a Jedi. Where there's a will there's a way, and there's so much will in me to become a Jedi!

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Well, I'm not racist. I don't believe in slavery. I don't believe in killing people just because they're below my station.


So, that leaves anything Empire related out the door.


So, smuggler and trooper and I hate hate hate taking orders and feigning respect to someone, just because they're higher rank and/or been in the service longer when I've never met them. Sooo...Smuggler!

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I mean, how's it to be a real life BH? I know it's legal in the US(you just need a permit). Please don't tell me it was more interesting than BH story(lol). Also, as someone who used to be a BH, even of FAR lesser grade, what do you think of BH's story?


I loved the BH Story in game, it had all the elements i wished the real deal had. But The real deal was not as glamorous as it would seem, but it was just as rewarding as getting your in game achievements and capturing that bad guy. In game and the way i play my BH she killed alot of her marks. In most cases the marks was worth more dead then alive, in most cases. IN the real world, i had to turn them in alive cause the law frowns on the other way. lol


But real life was boring, really. Lots of long hours surveillance in cold or hot *** cars depending on the season and it was a pain in the *** to have to go NUMBER 1 in a jug because you dont want to give your self away just in case the jumper is around and might see ya behind that bush or dumpster or tree, taking a leak. So really boring, but tracking down leads and witnesses was kinda fun, putting the puzzle pieces together that eventually will lead to the capture of your jumper. on one rare occasion i had to use excessive force, i tracked down a jumper and he was on meth, tweaked out of his mind. That was the night my Baton got to taste flesh for the first time. He left me no other choice to bust his knee cap as he charged me with evil intentions in his crazed filled eyes. That was the only time i had to use force like that. Even the drunk ones never gave me a problem like that. Hell i even took a few to a bar to have a last drink with them, before i brought them to get processed. I would try to put them on the straight and narrow, help some when they got out of jail or prison even get jobs and so forth.


Being a real life BH can be quite rewarding indeed, but there is always the element of danger, but if it wasnt for that, it would be REALLY REALLY BORING. I say if you are a single person and dont have alot of family around, then you have all the time in the world to devote to the BH life. But because i found my wife at that time and she was scared to death for me to go out on jumper hunts, i eventually quit because i couldnt keep doing that to her every single night, having her wonder if i was coming home or not. I know cops wives worry like that all the time, but it just broke my heart to see her scared every night.

I have no regrets and i am truly happier today with my beautiful wife and 2 incredible kids then in my past life as a BH.


But to set the record straight, being a BH in SWTOR, is Freaking Awesome.......


I dont know if i truly answered your question or not, and i probably said more then you wanted to know. Oh well.


Take Care & Be Well.....

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I remember the times when i had no money or job at all and was a sort of a bounty hunter in real life, used to find lost cats and dogs and cash the rewards - one old lady payed 100 dollars for the safe return of her Maine Coon cat, the feline "rebel scum" was in another neighborhood, chasing birds :D:D:D.

So yea, maybe i'll be an " Ace Ventura pet detective with a mandalorian tattoo and a bounty hunter license" . LOL.

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I would like to be an Agent. I wouldn't make a good Agent though. I really suck at long-term lying; I wouldn't be able to work undercover for long. I can however (as any authority figure in my life can attest) say a load of crap with the straightest face and bulsit my way out of many situations. I would make a very good Smuggler; after all it has many perks of an Agent's life only with less authority and patriotic fervour.


But man, if being an Agent were a prerequisite to getting Vector :o I would make the top of my class.

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I dunno, can't I just be a non-force using warrior? I'm too lawful aligned to be a smuggler though I can throw a haymaker that would make one blush. Plus I can't drive - my rl husband captains the car just like my pretend one does. :p
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Oh, probably a librarian lol. Artifact keeper? So, a bit close to the inquisitor...and I don't mind asking people questions. But seeing as I don't have lightning to throw about, out of the classes we have to choose from, I'm thinking probably smuggler. If there was an Imperial smuggler, I'd be that...cause if you get caught it's better to be caught by the Republic, they're potentially less mean. :D
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The truth is that I would absolutely be a Consular. I wouldn't be amazing at it, and I wouldn't be trusted on important missions unless they were literally out of all other options, but frankly I would be dead in any other class. As a Consular, I would rely on my powers at all times, and also on tanks. I am not a straight shooter, I don't have good combat skills, and I don't like the idea of jumping into melee range of lightsabers.


I am, however, a bookworm who likes the idea of mind-powers very much and I am told I speak well with others. So yeah... Consular it is.

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If I wanted to be really realistic. I'd probably be the unlucky Sob born a ugnaught that works maintenance on the lowest level of coruscant.




But really, if I had to choose between the four non-force users in game... I would make a terrible soldier and an even worse bounty hunter. So I guess I would be a smuggler. Even then, though, I'm not very street smart or sneaky and would probably die on my first smuggling run, so... I don't think I would be a very good one.


New idea: Can I just be a citizen of some distant planet who isn't directly involved in this war mess? That would be nice.

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But really, if I had to choose between the four non-force users in game... I would make a terrible soldier and an even worse bounty hunter. So I guess I would be a smuggler. Even then, though, I'm not very street smart or sneaky and would probably die on my first smuggling run, so... I don't think I would be a very good one.


New idea: Can I just be a citizen of some distant planet who isn't directly involved in this war mess? That would be nice.


People shouldn't sell themselves short. With proper training and maybe even cybernetics, everyone could make some great troopers :)

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People shouldn't sell themselves short. With proper training and maybe even cybernetics, everyone could make some great troopers :)


Being a Trooper of any sort requires much more than training and tools. It requires determination and a kind of conformist thinking. People like Tanno wouldn't be in any military for long(realistically).


But what you described is actually a BH. I believe that anyone who is free spirited could become a great BH given a cybernetic upgrade or two. Hell, you wouldn't even need much of training if you had a good suit of armor and a pair of high quality cyber upgrades...

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Being a Trooper of any sort requires much more than training and tools. It requires determination and a kind of conformist thinking. People like Tanno wouldn't be in any military for long(realistically).


But what you described is actually a BH. I believe that anyone who is free spirited could become a great BH given a cybernetic upgrade or two. Hell, you wouldn't even need much of training if you had a good suit of armor and a pair of high quality cyber upgrades...


Maybe, but most could get into the Trooper job, as they just have to sign up and then go to boot camp. Last beyond one tour? That's a different question.


Many might shoot a politician like Saresh though, if they kept them on a planet like Taris for longer than their tour. :p

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