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Everything wrong with Ilum


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Hey, so I have played now through Ilum with all imperial classes and I must say some things aren't fitting.


BH/Agent: For them it's fine


Warrior/Sorc: Grandmoff Regus talks to you like he is above you or at least equal, which shouldn't be since you are either the wrath or a council member who are above anyone besides the emperor himself (You can only punish him for his behaviour if you choose to recruit the Kaleeshs).


Sorc: Malgus is sent by the council to assist Regus, errr.... I am in the council and nobody told me. If you tell him that he says, Maar and 2 others send him. Still, why would they send Malgus if they know you are already present? Then Malgus says he will watch everything at first. For me it sounds like he is my supervisor and watches if I make mistakes, which is totally unfitiing if you consider Malgus isn't in the dark council so you should be the one watching.


I'd like to hear your opinion to the Ilum matter

Edited by ThePsyEagle
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For the Sorc, you gotta remember you just got to the position you're in, while everyone else you deal with has been there for a long time. Regus is a Grand Moff, the highest position a non-force user can attain, so it stands to reason he treats you as an equal. This is his operation, he's had the potion longer than you, and you're about 40 years his younger. Technically you outrank him, but you can't really discipline him, because he reports to a different sphere than yours.


Same can be said for Malgus. It's clear that he doesn't respect the Council or it's infighting and prejudice, so he's going to act superior at first because he kind of is. If you agree with him throughout the quest, he'll start to respect you more, even up to the False Emperor flashpoint.


As for the Warrior, how people treat you largely depends on how much they respect or fear the Emperor. It's clear Malgus holds no regard one way or the other, but he knows the Emperor has been silent. I don't remember Regus indicating whether his allegiance was to the EMperor, or to the Council, so I can't really comment on that point.


The big thing you're missing is how much power these men have. While you officially outrank them, in both cases, your true power is only known to the Council, as both classes overthrow their master in the Council chambers. As a Sorc, you have a considerable power base, but it's nothing compared to these two, who have spent decades building theirs. As a Warrior you have even less of a power base, only having the backing of an Emperor that people are following less and less. Both Regus and Malgus have a perceived power that vastly outshines yours. It's only by witnessing your actions that they come to truly respect you (with Regus) and see you as a thread (with Malgus).

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If Malgus wasn't such a moron, the rebellion would of been more appealing.


At least there's the option to say - both to Malgus and to the gathered officials of the Empire after the flashpoint - "I agree with your ideals, but the way you're doing it is way off the mark."

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