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Pubs, please, stop whining, start winning


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you wut mate?


I have trouble sleeping sometimes, so I keep playing through the night. I ended up playing 28 hours yesterday, but I've played for up to 39-40. It's hard to remember the exact number after you've been playing that long.

Keep in mind this is all pvp and no planet questing, FPs or OPS. Most of the time it will be 1-2 classes only, by the time I'm finished I'm either rolling my face on the keyboard in auto mode or passed out on the keyboard. It's not a good look, imagine Penny from Big Bang after Sheldon introduces her to online gaming. Luckily for me I have built in airbags, so they cushion the fall, sometimes, lol

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I have trouble sleeping sometimes, so I keep playing through the night. I ended up playing 28 hours yesterday, but I've played for up to 39-40. It's hard to remember the exact number after you've been playing that long.

Keep in mind this is all pvp and no planet questing, FPs or OPS. Most of the time it will be 1-2 classes only, by the time I'm finished I'm either rolling my face on the keyboard in auto mode or passed out on the keyboard. It's not a good look, imagine Penny from Big Bang after Sheldon introduces her to online gaming. Luckily for me I have built in airbags, so they cushion the fall, sometimes, lol


Just gonna throw a wild guess here, but he was most likely "wut"-ing about you playing 25h in 24h ;)

Edited by Kirpputori
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Just gonna throw a wild guess here, but he was most likely "wut"-ing about you playing 25h in 24h ;)


I realise that, to me it was one day because I'd not slept, I was just giving context 😉

Edited by Icykill_
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Republic players aren't bad. It's a myth, and the evidence of bad Pubs is woefully misleading. There are a lot of factors why PUB looses more than imps. Now, if I play, say, between 2 a.m - 10 a.m. (GMT-5), ranked or unranked WZ, on PUB, its a 2/3 win ratio. And I wonder where are all these good players during "normal hours" noon - late evening.


I surmised it's a great many things: (list not exhaustive)


1. Everyone wants to appear to be "good" even if he/she is not. So, joining the Republic is the obvious choice.

2. I have yet to meet a Obi-Wan or Anakin hater; most people want to be either of the two. This results in most players choosing to be a Jedi. And the class trailers definitely make you want ot be a sage :D

3.Based on 1 & 2 above, most new players chose to be Jedi, and unfortunately, most of the jedi classes aren't top of the line, and predominately ,melee. Sentinel is the strongest and definitely requires a lot of skill.

4. Republic players play their imp alt for PvP - the que pops faster and the win ratio isn't bad. Why you think I'm a good Marauder but a Bad sentinel? seriously?

5. Somehow I think PUBs have less leisure time (mostly kids in school). Most of those youtubers play imp, Vaulkk is the only one I see is a consistent republic player.


IMPS aren't great. Most of those Imp players are actually PUBs trying to get their daily/weekly completed.

Edited by Yezzan
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Republic players aren't bad. It's a myth, and the evidence of bad Pubs is woefully misleading. There are a lot of factors why PUB looses more than imps. Now, if I play, say, between 2 a.m - 10 a.m. (GMT-5), ranked or unranked WZ, on PUB, its a 2/3 win ratio. And I wonder where are all these good players during "normal hours" noon - late evening. ................................


You forgot the single biggest problem for Pubs, we almost never have healers when Imps do.


For Bioware, I see this as a disgusting example of neglect, for the fact that they post Rankings publicly, Pubs so often get out-matched with Imps who have one or two heals.


Then there's the "tunnel vision" problem, had a healer yesterday in my group insult my DPS, until I pointed out that I'd spent the entire match self-healing, I had an equal proportion of self heals to DPS, that kinda silenced him.

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You forgot the single biggest problem for Pubs, we almost never have healers when Imps do.


For Bioware, I see this as a disgusting example of neglect, for the fact that they post Rankings publicly, Pubs so often get out-matched with Imps who have one or two heals.


Then there's the "tunnel vision" problem, had a healer yesterday in my group insult my DPS, until I pointed out that I'd spent the entire match self-healing, I had an equal proportion of self heals to DPS, that kinda silenced him.


And then when we play our healers there are nothing but healers. xD I swear its a hive mind problem. :D

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You forgot the single biggest problem for Pubs, we almost never have healers when Imps do.


For Bioware, I see this as a disgusting example of neglect, for the fact that they post Rankings publicly, Pubs so often get out-matched with Imps who have one or two heals.


Then there's the "tunnel vision" problem, had a healer yesterday in my group insult my DPS, until I pointed out that I'd spent the entire match self-healing, I had an equal proportion of self heals to DPS, that kinda silenced him.


lol on JC its totally the opposite. most pub teams have something like 3 healers 2 tanks lol. Saw 4 healers 3 tanks once (and not skank. max mitigation guardian, please). meanwhile its 1-2 healer max on imps, if any. Did see 4 in an imp vs imp last night tough. painful novare spam cap fight.


And the average quality of their dps is really bad. like 2kish seems good for them bad.

Edited by verfallen
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lol on JC its totally the opposite. most pub teams have something like 3 healers 2 tanks lol. Saw 4 healers 3 tanks once (and not skank. max mitigation guardian, please). meanwhile its 1-2 healer max on imps, if any. Did see 4 in an imp vs imp last night tough. painful novare spam cap fight.


And the average quality of their dps is really bad. like 2kish seems good for them bad.


Yup JC PvP has become pretty much this. Especially since impside has gone down in quality over the course of the game.

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lol on JC its totally the opposite. most pub teams have something like 3 healers 2 tanks lol. Saw 4 healers 3 tanks once (and not skank. max mitigation guardian, please). meanwhile its 1-2 healer max on imps, if any. Did see 4 in an imp vs imp last night tough. painful novare spam cap fight.


And the average quality of their dps is really bad. like 2kish seems good for them bad.


On Harbinger there have been a few 3 healer premades on the Imp side lately, especially when reps start dominating. All the games start to grind to a holt and it's boring.

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On Harbinger there have been a few 3 healer premades on the Imp side lately, especially when reps start dominating. All the games start to grind to a holt and it's boring.


I got in a reg-arena with 3 healers and me on my DPS operative today. Against 4 other imps, all DPS. There was no premade though, as far as I know. We all had a ***** session about how bad it still was that bioware doesn't even try to balance things. We won, but that's because a couple of our healers contributed to the DPS and the other team didn't off heal really at all. And luckily I didn't embarrass myself too much. At least I did have the highest DPS in our group each round. :p


I also had a heal-fest AHG which was pretty boring at first. The first two rounds went with a total of ONE death. But then it got weird when they double capped us in round 3, and it stopped being a heal/slug-fest in mid with no one really paying attention to the pylons. We started trying to manage both pylons, and suddenly the group was split, which kinda messed up the cohesion and people started dying on both sides.


I got accused of being "the problem" because I was waiting in reserve in steatlh while we fought to keep them from capping in round 4, and not contributing to the DPS of my team. The other side did cleared the field except for me with about 50 seconds left, and I was able to mezz their cappers until reinforcements could arrive. But I guess I was not supposed to be trying to think strategically, and instead just mindlessly DPSing. :rolleyes:

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... I got accused of being "the problem" because I was waiting in reserve in steatlh while we fought to keep them from capping in round 4, and not contributing to the DPS of my team. The other side did cleared the field except for me with about 50 seconds left, and I was able to mezz their cappers until reinforcements could arrive. But I guess I was not supposed to be trying to think strategically, and instead just mindlessly DPSing. :rolleyes:


The problem there is that you likely had PvE players with tunnel vision, solely looking at total damage as if there's an enrage timer.


In two separate 8 man WZ's yesterday, I was on Pub teams with between 1/2 and 1/3 the damage & kills of the Imps and we won by a mile, the reason is that the Imps were easily lured into fighting away from objectives while we capped & guarded.

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On Harbinger there have been a few 3 healer premades on the Imp side lately, especially when reps start dominating. All the games start to grind to a holt and it's boring.


I never have seen this premades on impside and I played at least 100+ games last week on spring break. Regardless a "few" is no where compared to the amount of 3 healer 3 tank games I had to edure last week all coming from pub side. It got so bad I started leaving these games. Every game vs pubs was at least 3-4 healers and 2 tanks. I can't stress how unfun imp v pub games were last week.

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I never have seen this premades on impside and I played at least 100+ games last week on spring break. Regardless a "few" is no where compared to the amount of 3 healer 3 tank games I had to edure last week all coming from pub side. It got so bad I started leaving these games. Every game vs pubs was at least 3-4 healers and 2 tanks. I can't stress how unfun imp v pub games were last week.


I guess it's spreading to other servers now cause it's epdimec on JC with pubs. And people ask why PvP is a joke in this game. :/

Edited by FerkWork
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I guess it's spreading to other servers now cause it's epdimec on JC with pubs. And people ask why PvP is a joke in this game. :/


Doesn't help Sorc are still very good at healing pvp, mercs/snipers/maras are so hard to kill (that's all you see in games). :/

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I never have seen this premades on impside and I played at least 100+ games last week on spring break. Regardless a "few" is no where compared to the amount of 3 healer 3 tank games I had to edure last week all coming from pub side. It got so bad I started leaving these games. Every game vs pubs was at least 3-4 healers and 2 tanks. I can't stress how unfun imp v pub games were last week.


Could have been time of day. It's also when reps seem to be winning the most that the Imp healers increase. But I do agree that reps often run too many healers. Regardless of side, I've started to leave matches as well with too many healers because it's just one big parsing exercise. The only matches that I don't leave are Hypergates and HB because tactics and strategy can still win those even if there are multiple healers.

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Doesn't help Sorc are still very good at healing pvp, mercs/snipers/maras are so hard to kill (that's all you see in games). :/


Don't forget the amount of Sins at the moment. Most of them seem to run in small premades of 2-3 or if they are solo they still run in 5.2 OWPVP. A pack of 2-3 Sins can take you down fast.

Edited by Icykill_
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Don't forget the amount of Sins at the moment. Most of them seem to run in small premades of 2-3 or if they are solo they still run in 5.2 OWPVP. A pack of 2-3 Sins can take you down fast.


Haven't witness this either. Are you talking about lowbies? All it is in 70s is Sorc healers, jug tanks and merc/sniper/Mara dps.

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Haven't witness this either. Are you talking about lowbies? All it is in 70s is Sorc healers, jug tanks and merc/sniper/Mara dps.


Oh, I have.


They rotate mind maze on the top Mando for the duration of the round while picking off the rest one by one.


All it takes is two stealthers communicating (premade) and the fight's over before it starts.

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Oh, I have.


They rotate mind maze on the top Mando for the duration of the round while picking off the rest one by one.


All it takes is two stealthers communicating (premade) and the fight's over before it starts.


"Premade" is the go to excuse for just about everything.

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"Premade" is the go to excuse for just about everything.




If there's more than one stealther in the opposing team, and they're in the same guild, it's a near guarantee the top Mando (or merc) will spend the fight stunned.


I used the word "premade" to illustrate that this is especially true if the opposing team is communicating in real time, that doesn't mean random pugs won't do it, but for a premade that's together on TS or Discord it's a guarantee.


I have seen multiple stealthers fail to do it, a sure sign they're not premade or coordinating in real time communication.

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If there's more than one stealther in the opposing team, and they're in the same guild, it's a near guarantee the top Mando (or merc) will spend the fight stunned.


I used the word "premade" to illustrate that this is especially true if the opposing team is communicating in real time, that doesn't mean random pugs won't do it, but for a premade that's together on TS or Discord it's a guarantee.


I have seen multiple stealthers fail to do it, a sure sign they're not premade or coordinating in real time communication.


I know people think damage, protection, and healing are all that make up PvP, but the truth is there is so much more. Control is a huge part of PvP and all you described to me was good PvP play. Bad PvP play wont do that or do it correctly. That is not an "issue" that needs to be corrected, rather praised and learned from.

Edited by Mikeieveli
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The problem there is that you likely had PvE players with tunnel vision, solely looking at total damage as if there's an enrage timer.


In two separate 8 man WZ's yesterday, I was on Pub teams with between 1/2 and 1/3 the damage & kills of the Imps and we won by a mile, the reason is that the Imps were easily lured into fighting away from objectives while we capped & guarded.


There is a new meta for impside pvp on harb where all imps do is fight. I've been in many games where we double or even trupple the kills and dps but lose to 3 cap turret or 3 cap node on coast line. Now that my main char I pvp with are mostly 246/248 idc anymore about components so I just join in on the number farm pr0n

Edited by DenariusJay
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There is a new meta for impside pvp on harb where all imps do is fight. I've been in many games where we double or even trupple the kills and dps but lose to 3 cap turret or 3 cap node on coast line. Now that my main char I pvp with are mostly 246/248 idc anymore about components so I just join in on the number farm pr0n


I've seen this at times also. The greatly superior imp team gets 5 times the kills as the other side but lets them win. This may be the new norm, the imp/pub gear imbalance is so pathetic, at least let them have wins for being punching bags, give them something or they never queue again maybe is the thinking.

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