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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pubs, please, stop whining, start winning


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Lowbies and midbes are all about withering away, new player start on their lvl 65/70 Toon, which in turn means that we're getting more and more people into pvp that not been schooled through low- and midbies. All together it means that more players entering swtor pvp at top tier level, is doing so with less knowings of the fundamentals.


I would say this been going on since KotFE. So not necessary pver's could just be plain Newbies . . .


Don't forget the accelerated XP at the moment. You don't even need to roll lvl 60/65s because you can lvl up a new toon in a few days (thank god that's ending)

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I've had wins with the opponent's team having double digit kills down their column, ours having 1,2 or 3, & low damage.


Reason; we had no heals, so we lure them away from the doors, use defensives and self heal long enough to buy time for someone to sneak in.


Solely looking at damage alone isn't telling the story, look at objectives and individual heals, again, there are no enrage timers in PvP, just objectives, kils count, but objectives count more.


You might wanna be careful of any Emu's, avoid an IQ test..


If you are going to insult my intelligence, you should probably quote everything i said instead of just cherry picking. I specifically said it was JUST a deathmatch at mid on AHG the whole match. You seemed to have conveniently missed that part. There was no luring away, or objectives being done, it was just a deathmatch. In such a case the numbers are important, especially when there wasnt a single healer or tank on both sides. Stop taking things out of context to prove a point that wasnt being debated n the first place.

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Solely looking at damage alone isn't telling the story. . .


Hey, Hey, susch, we need those Dps junkies, those with severe inches guarding the doors alone, thinking their mates gonna rant him down with his high defender points but no Dps count. Man, are those easy to fool at the doors/node/ run past in huttball as they stay to solokill the perceived easy target class.


Objective Based PvP never is about numbers, it's about winning; if you can kite-interrupt the node you're defending for more than 3 min then you're a true hero, you're numbers will suffer but hey, we'all get there in time to support you or might not even have too if you're 1 awesome S-O-B.


What worries me though is the seemingly unlimited CC-breaker abilities, makes a stuncap a real challenge, well, in most cases.


High Dps with low objective point tells us that all the fighting has been done in all the wrong places . . .

Edited by t-darko
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Hey, Hey, susch, we need those Dps junkies, those with severe inches guarding the doors alone, thinking their mates gonna rant him down with his high defender points but no Dps count. Man, are those easy to fool at the doors/node/ run past in huttball as they stay to solokill the perceived easy target class.


Objective Based PvP never is about numbers, it's about winning; if you can kite-interrupt the node you're defending for more than 3 min then you're a true hero, you're numbers will suffer but hey, we'all get there in time to support you or might not even have too if you're 1 awesome S-O-B.


What worries me though is the seemingly unlimited CC-breaker abilities, makes a stuncap a real challenge, well, in most cases.


High Dps with low objective point tells us that all the fighting has been done in all the wrong places . . .


Unlimited cc breakers? GS has 1..... :/


And if a whole AHG is done at mid and one team dominates exponentially in numbers and kills, you can win that way, I am not saying, and did not say that is the way to go, but fact is the matches I have seen lately seem to be that on that specific map, and when its a dps fest, and dps dont have even 1,5 k dps, something is very very wrong.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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If you are going to insult my intelligence, you should probably quote everything i said instead of just cherry picking. I specifically said it was JUST a deathmatch at mid on AHG the whole match. You seemed to have conveniently missed that part. There was no luring away, or objectives being done, it was just a deathmatch. In such a case the numbers are important, especially when there wasnt a single healer or tank on both sides. Stop taking things out of context to prove a point that wasnt being debated n the first place.


I looked back, and yes, you were talking Hypergate - I missed it, which is true, you CANNOT just guard only and expect to win, have had players rant in BOLD to everyone to "just stay on pylon, you're feeding them kills".....which only allows Imps free reign over the Orbs @ mid.


In the case of Hypergate, I've had situations where I run mid, two Snipe's keep active AOE's on me while others continually stun me, you can bet money my DPS is cut....you can also bet money someone's gonna insult me without realizing why.


I do object to your insult to players intelligence, part of the reason pub PvP's so weak is exactly why I opened the thread, experienced players whining, complaining how bad the group is in chat, but very little explaining what went wrong.


I try to open dialogue in PvP chat after matches, topics like CCing heals, avoid Mercs until last, fighting near or away from doors on VoidStar, while others will go in the same chat and openly insult the rest of the group they just played with.

Edited by Markark
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People carrying rivalries, see BBB x person on other side, say something disparaging in gen chat and then quit.


Newbs love Sages and Guardians while IMP side full of rage classes


Newbs have no idea what they doing, don't follow instructions, and make the same mistake over and over.


PUB side usually end up against a pre-made.


Decent PvP players do not play on their PUB toons unless they running a pre-made.


The problem is republic players have the deck stacked against them.



Hard to get a good Rating as a Solo Player. Its like riding a roller coaster. Your Wins go up/down due to new comers and their lack of direction. Have 300+ matches under my belt in Rwz. Just to break even. At one point wrote a ticket about it, and the respond I had was that Rwz are design for player to obtain gear and Cxp. Then why have a rating system to begin with? to measure my success! perhaps to measure how successful I am at carrying a bunch of lowbies..

Reward players after X amount of Matches + Wins with meaningful gear, and eliminate the rating system since the solo objective is for player to obtain gear. This game..either they learn from World of Warcraft or I don't know whats gonna happen..We're already seen the aftermath effect

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So Verfallen and I were on pub midbies tonight, and the only matches we lost were going up against our own guildies a couple of times. It goes to show that it's the players, not the faction


pretty much. Altough midbies level is a lot less competitive than 70s, the same can be said when we go on our 70 pub toon and make friends.


Always the best way to bring victory your side.


EDIT: We had another premade queuing against us, safe one match were we were put together, it kept thing balanced.

Edited by verfallen
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I looked back, and yes, you were talking Hypergate - I missed it, which is true, you CANNOT just guard only and expect to win, have had players rant in BOLD to everyone to "just stay on pylon, you're feeding them kills".....which only allows Imps free reign over the Orbs @ mid.


In the case of Hypergate, I've had situations where I run mid, two Snipe's keep active AOE's on me while others continually stun me, you can bet money my DPS is cut....you can also bet money someone's gonna insult me without realizing why.


I do object to your insult to players intelligence, part of the reason pub PvP's so weak is exactly why I opened the thread, experienced players whining, complaining how bad the group is in chat, but very little explaining what went wrong.


I try to open dialogue in PvP chat after matches, topics like CCing heals, avoid Mercs until last, fighting near or away from doors on VoidStar, while others will go in the same chat and openly insult the rest of the group they just played with.


Not everyone was stun locked, it was the entire team save for the 1 guarding on each side. Our team has the exact same opportunity to do the same, which is why I was insulting some of their intelligence. That is another part of the problem, people not even knowing how to even remotely utilize their classes. Now Yesterday I will say was a good day for pub, but that was the exception more than the rule. Best I have experienced ( and I only play pub since 4 years now ) is a 50/50 wn ratio, at very best on average.

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So Verfallen and I were on pub midbies tonight, and the only matches we lost were going up against our own guildies a couple of times. It goes to show that it's the players, not the faction


I have noticed in the past that republic players play midbies a lot more than imp. : shrug :

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On JC at least, it's a severe lack of skill for most solo players on pub side. Trying to queue solo there is a nightmare. I generally just premade now so I know that I'm not wasting my time pvping with the terrible component gains from losses. If I go on my sage healer and have some competent dps in my group, I usually win almost all of my games. Often times there are imp premades queuing at the same time which makes for some interesting and close matches which are always fun win or lose. When I just get a team full of bads on my team though when I'm solo it's just discouraging, if I dps then the healers can't put out more than 3k hps and everyone dies, or I go on my healer and the dps can't put out more than 1.5k dps and nobody on the other team dies, even if they only have 1 healer. There's no carrying that, maybe if I played a stealth class I could cap nodes to make it closer, but as a slinger/sent, there's no way. As sad as it is sometimes, it is amusing to see my damage being as much as the rest of my team's combined, or at least as much as the next 3 dps combined.
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On JC at least, it's a severe lack of skill for most solo players on pub side. Trying to queue solo there is a nightmare. I generally just premade now so I know that I'm not wasting my time pvping with the terrible component gains from losses. If I go on my sage healer and have some competent dps in my group, I usually win almost all of my games. Often times there are imp premades queuing at the same time which makes for some interesting and close matches which are always fun win or lose. When I just get a team full of bads on my team though when I'm solo it's just discouraging, if I dps then the healers can't put out more than 3k hps and everyone dies, or I go on my healer and the dps can't put out more than 1.5k dps and nobody on the other team dies, even if they only have 1 healer. There's no carrying that, maybe if I played a stealth class I could cap nodes to make it closer, but as a slinger/sent, there's no way. As sad as it is sometimes, it is amusing to see my damage being as much as the rest of my team's combined, or at least as much as the next 3 dps combined.

That's the one good thing about Bodyguard merc, when needed you can do a bit less healing and do some decent off dps. usually you can at least hit 3k hps and 1k dps.

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I'm not really sure what you're saying here.


They play midbies, until 70, stop, make a new character, and repeat. I knew several guilds a year or so back that did that rep side. Dunno if its changed as i havent played midbies in eons, but yeah. Just an observation.

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On JC at least, it's a severe lack of skill for most solo players on pub side. Trying to queue solo there is a nightmare. I generally just premade now so I know that I'm not wasting my time pvping with the terrible component gains from losses. If I go on my sage healer and have some competent dps in my group, I usually win almost all of my games. Often times there are imp premades queuing at the same time which makes for some interesting and close matches which are always fun win or lose. When I just get a team full of bads on my team though when I'm solo it's just discouraging, if I dps then the healers can't put out more than 3k hps and everyone dies, or I go on my healer and the dps can't put out more than 1.5k dps and nobody on the other team dies, even if they only have 1 healer. There's no carrying that, maybe if I played a stealth class I could cap nodes to make it closer, but as a slinger/sent, there's no way. As sad as it is sometimes, it is amusing to see my damage being as much as the rest of my team's combined, or at least as much as the next 3 dps combined.


You have the best sage/sorc healers on the server I think, safe perhaps 1-2 very good one we have on imp side. I don't know who your healer is as its not in your sig, but I recognized your slinger and sent names. Tbh from playing with them a bit, and more often against them I'd say more often than note its a dps issue pub reg teams have. They don't die fast, but their dps due crap damage and don't peel, so we eventually overcome the healers. I typically did twice the damage of the closest 2nd dps in the group, safe one game I think on my sage.


I also rolled a sage because I tought it was sad we never see good sage dps, only good sage healers :)


And I gotta say, again, barring a few exception, some of your commandos are getting globaled. I have no idea how you can currently manage that, as just rolling your face on the keyboard with some keybind probably is enough to trigger a dcd and save you.


That said, last night I managed to win a 3vs1 on my sorc in a voidstar, including a healer, they finally got me by respawning and justcoming back. I'm good, but not THAT good. To win that (first goal was dragging some off the other door thinkin team could handle a 7 vs 5 easily enough) I needed some failure in front, no one is so awesome that they can win a 2vs1 against a good healer and dps. They actually killed me because I didnt want to phase walk, as said goal was keeping them there.

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You have the best sage/sorc healers on the server I think, safe perhaps 1-2 very good one we have on imp side. I don't know who your healer is as its not in your sig, but I recognized your slinger and sent names. Tbh from playing with them a bit, and more often against them I'd say more often than note its a dps issue pub reg teams have. They don't die fast, but their dps due crap damage and don't peel, so we eventually overcome the healers. I typically did twice the damage of the closest 2nd dps in the group, safe one game I think on my sage.


I also rolled a sage because I tought it was sad we never see good sage dps, only good sage healers :)


And I gotta say, again, barring a few exception, some of your commandos are getting globaled. I have no idea how you can currently manage that, as just rolling your face on the keyboard with some keybind probably is enough to trigger a dcd and save you.


That said, last night I managed to win a 3vs1 on my sorc in a voidstar, including a healer, they finally got me by respawning and justcoming back. I'm good, but not THAT good. To win that (first goal was dragging some off the other door thinkin team could handle a 7 vs 5 easily enough) I needed some failure in front, no one is so awesome that they can win a 2vs1 against a good healer and dps. They actually killed me because I didnt want to phase walk, as said goal was keeping them there.


My sage's name is Katlinne, I'll add it my sig since I do play on that toon quite a bit now.

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They play midbies, until 70, stop, make a new character, and repeat. I knew several guilds a year or so back that did that rep side. Dunno if its changed as i havent played midbies in eons, but yeah. Just an observation.


saw some guilds have a bigger midbies presence than others, but I wouldn't call them midbies campers, as they are also very active in the 70s. Jedc's imp guild is the one I saw the most in mids on imp side, but its a very pvp oriented guild, and I doubt those players stay in mids. No pub guild seemed very present, and I have to say I don't know a single dedicated pub pvp guild active on JC so far other than Stim Addicts, which seem fairly small. Its more like a couple friends that enjoy doing regs together.


I see those same guilds in the 70s. I did notice sometimes some characters seems to be "stay" in the mids. They tend to farm the average midbie player, but stand very little chance when a seasoned pvper that is leveling a new toon come at them.

Edited by verfallen
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saw some guilds have a bigger midbies presence than others, but I wouldn't call them midbies campers, as they are also very active in the 70s. Jedc's imp guild is the one I saw the most in mids on imp side, but its a very pvp oriented guild, and I doubt those players stay in mids. No pub guild seemed very present, and I have to say I don't know a single dedicated pub pvp guild active on JC so far other than Stim Addicts, which seem fairly small. Its more like a couple friends that enjoy doing regs together.


I see those same guilds in the 70s. I did notice sometimes some characters seems to be "stay" in the mids. They tend to farm the average midbie player, but stand very little chance when a seasoned pvper that is leveling a new toon come at them.


the main bunch mostly do 70's. Most of them in mids are either pickups, haven't been playing as long, or trying to get their alts to 70 for the expansion. full 1000 guild, but with the amount of alts a lot of us have.... :p


about 10-15 of us on TS, but probably make up half the guild lol.

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You may have mentioned this before and I may just not recall but just out of curiosity, which server do you play on?


It was on Harbinger. I noticed not long after I made this post the tide turned back to imps, seems as soon as the rep fleet population goes under 100 it changes because the imps get more pops against imps, so people switch sides and also the imps have a bigger pool of players to choose from, while the reduced rep population has even less players that might be good.

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