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You win, Bioware. GG.


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I disagree. It used to be more like Stockholm Syndrome than white knighting, but anyone still arguing for this abomination of a loot system is pretty much straight up white knight trolling at this point, because no one could remain THAT deluded, right?


Even Hallinalle, who it usually seems pointless to engage to me, casually threw out there that he ground to CR 234 via roborunning Chapter 1. This is not exactly what I would call a worthy emergent behavior, but it is common, because of the eminently predictable reaction of MMO players to pointless grind.


That's a pretty interesting distinction. I'm not a fan of MMO's, and don't care enough about the gear to grind endlessly for it. If I get it, I get it; if I don't, I don't. I wonder if the people that hate it the most are MMO vets, and the people that either don't care or actually like the system are here just because Star Wars and/or Bioware (stories!!!). I think there were MUCH better ways to gear before, but again, I don't hate the game or system as much as some (but still not a fan of the system!)

Edited by aerockyul
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That's a pretty interesting distinction. I'm not a fan of MMO's, and don't care enough about the gear to grind endlessly for it. If I get it, I get it; if I don't, I don't. I wonder if the people that hate it the most are MMO vets, and the people that either don't care or actually like the system are here just because Star Wars and/or Bioware (stories!!!). I think there were MUCH better ways to gear before, but again, I don't hate the game or system as much as some (but still not a fan of the system!)


I hadn't thought about that, but I think you may be on to something.


It's funny. I only care because I mostly PvP. The prior Expertise system was great for this because it allowed rapid levelling of the playing field without impacting PvE balance.


That died with 4.x but from 5.0-5.1, bolster was above the max gear level, which was even better. It was probably the best time for playing alts that the game has ever seen. And since we had just rolled off of DvL and all had lots of alts, this was great.


They ruined this with 5.1 and threw PvPers into the gear grind if they want to remain competitive. The 8-10% gap between bolster and max is huge when you are talking about players of near equal skill. This is literally the only reason I care about GC at all. So now I'm de facto forced to grind.


This is a problem for me. I quit playing MMOs for most of a decade because I hated the endgame grind. Forced grind has made me quit MMOs before. I realize that this is my own thing and I am not blaming anyone else for it, but it is what it is.


Pre-5.1 this was not an issue AT ALL with SWTOR. It was one of the best things about the game for me. And 5.1 totally ruined it.


So yeah, I'm pissed. And yeah, it's because I'm a 20 year MMO veteran.

Edited by stoopicus
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That's a pretty interesting distinction. I'm not a fan of MMO's, and don't care enough about the gear to grind endlessly for it. If I get it, I get it; if I don't, I don't. I wonder if the people that hate it the most are MMO vets, and the people that either don't care or actually like the system are here just because Star Wars and/or Bioware (stories!!!). I think there were MUCH better ways to gear before, but again, I don't hate the game or system as much as some (but still not a fan of the system!)


One of the reason i stoped playing MMO over 10 years ago was the perpetual grind both for Leveling and Gear. So after doing my test run in SWTOR in 4.X and decided to sub i feel cheated with 5.X because it lost Half of its apeal. I can still level playing, but for gearing is grind. And actually is partially the leveling part too, because they put other layer of levels for the gearing system making that a perpetual grind. And yes is perpetual because they add more Tiers after a very short period, most people are just getting one toon to tier 3 (some not even that) and they decide to add a new tier with 100 extra levels. That is just sick. Asian MMO sick.


That is what they tried to replicate here, the ASIAN MMO bussiness model ("RND is Fun", "The thrill of the Hunt"). They thought: "If it works for them, it should work for us". WRONG. The culture of the target is NOT the same.

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Even Hallinalle, who it usually seems pointless to engage to me, casually threw out there that he ground to CR 234 via roborunning Chapter 1.


Yet when pressed on the subject of grinding for gear he mocks you by asking you why you're not running Ops. He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows the way to get gear is to do mindless grind of other things besides the thing you want to do yet he trolls you with run Ops. He's a troll and can't be taken seriously.

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Being a white knight is not equal being a developer pleaser. In the name of all real white knights I refuse being associated with grind addicts suffering from Stockholm syndrome. That being said I do feel just like the OP. So make cxp gaining rate as it is and with the announced increasing probability of BiS gear dropping as you advance in tier level, the game becomes just playable. I am not for legacy bound unassambleds, though. There should be a close link to the class one plays in PvP and legacy bound unassambleds just go against that imo.
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