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No more PVP for me, period!


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Couldn't disagree more. Now is the only time you can walk in with any gear and have an impact on the combat.



In 4.0 all you needed to do was get some cheap pve gear that didn't go over a certain rating and you would get full expertise. So really anyone could have an impact as long as they weren't clueless. Ok, so you couldn't use you operations gear without a penalty to expertise but I think that was fair.


What went wrong in 5.0 is that the lowered bolster rating and with expertise being gone, having better gear and set bonuses actually became more significant than before. Also the increased survivability of dps classes makes it so that some players are just unkillable even when attacked by 3 poorer players. You may not have noticed it yourself but I see this regularly. Personally when I pvp I am a healer. It's my main class. So when I am in a group with where 2-3 dps are attacking an opposing player for like a minute and don't seem to be able to make a dent, it's either about gearing or the player having tools (skills) that allow him some level of invincibility against poorly geared players.


They are not making a difference. I see it regularly players are unable to kill opposing players. I am sure there is some skill involved but when I see it regularly that 2-3 dps cannot make a dent in an opposing dps (one person), then the warzone is going to be long and boring. It's going to be a stand off and it's all about who gets lucky with the caps and then holds on. It's a combination of factors that leads to this. Either a team is wiped off the board or it's a stand off. Either way it's not fun. Add premades to that and unranked becomes generally a pain rather than a fun thing to do.


Skilled players often play unranked and destroy the fun of others. But what else are they going to do? Ranked in 4v4 gets boring quickly. It's just a mismatch and from what I see it's worse than ever before.


Things like sleep from stealth and multi stuns on one class were already game breakers. Now we've got reflect on various classes added, but that increases survivability and kills objective play. Funny thing is, most warzones are about objectives. It makes sense in 4v4 death matches but currently it just makes PvP boring.


Add to that, that now a lot of non PvP'ers do warzones just to get components and you have the mix complete. These people don't really want to PvP, do not care if they suck at it or afk most of the matches creating team imbalances.


This is all part of 5.0 and I'm not a fan. I'm not a big fan of PvP overall in SWTOR cause it always had problems and not enough variety, but now to me it's more boring than ever. It's cute to see these dps that do millions of damage and have like 2 kills. Maybe it makes em feel good to have high numbers but if you don't get kills and cap objectives or whatever, it's just not getting you anywhere. Winning is not the objective of a lot of players in PvP and that's something that 5.0 really supports. That's why I think it's a mess.

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Couldn't disagree more. Now is the only time you can walk in with any gear and have an impact on the combat. Prior to that it was about EXPERTISE and if you dared go in with PVE or RECRUIT gear you would be throttled and wouldn't even make a dent in your enemy. Now you can utilize galactic command and get the better gear thru a variety of tasks which is a huge first. Someone who only does heroics can accumulate the better gear to jump in and participate in PVP now. That is HUGE!


But alas this thread is about faction imbalance and lets face it the Imperial side is stronger probably rooted in more interesting class stories which bond players to their toons.


OP - Harbinger has some unbeatable Republic PVP'ers who run premades in unranked on a daily basis. Other servers once had these stronger pub players but they have vanished as their respective server populations dried up.


The Skinny: Want to win as a Pub? Spend 90cc ( around 1 dollar) and move your character to Harbinger. There you will find the active pub fleet you once knew back in the day.


You could amass an insane amount of warzone comms by the time you hit max level before , giving you access to a full set of pvp gear within seconds of hitting max level. How on earth is THIS better?!

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^ this


Having bolster below max gear is just fail on so many levels.

Of course someone till tell us that 242 with full set bonus is not really better than 230 bolster without set bonuses.

It's really all about skill :rolleyes:


I agree. PvP for max level has to allow someone to very quickly get to max gearing like 4.0 it was instant (meaning you didn't have to set 1 foot out into the battlefield at 65 without level 2 full set).


Its funny the skill > gear argument. If that was the case then all skilled players should take off thier gear because they'd still win anyhow right?


Problem is there is 8 players on each side, one side has most of the gear, those with gear more often run in groups of others with gear so its more like:


(skill+gear) * 8 players MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH GREATER THAN (no gear + skill) * 8 players.


But hey, i'm sure many thousand extra stat points on one team versus the other can easily be overcome by just adding a tish more skill to all 8 players on the other team....yeah right. Lets see the skilled players play with no gear above 232 (bolster).

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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What went wrong in 5.0 is that the lowered bolster rating and with expertise being gone, having better gear and set bonuses actually became more significant than before.


Summed it up nicely, really. That period in time between 5.0 and 5.1, when bolster was 250, was *perfect*. Alts were viable!

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If i may PvP main issues are:


  • STUN fest: needs better mitigation
  • Gear disparities: gear should not matter in PvP


Adding voice chat could help but not sure people would understand my accent :) nor that I want to hear others saying how I suck at PvP either :eek:


Then I wish we could choose to opt out from some WZ, I just can't stand some of the maps hence the /ragequit upon landing into them.

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