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Is there any more story chapters coming soon?


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They said back in a livestream when 5.0 was announced that new episode chapters will only occur with the next expac and that none would be released after the initial ones in KotET. Instead we shall be getting the more traditional content such as daily areas, and an Op (Praise Kephess after 2 years).


Which I am glad. :)

Edited by FerkWork
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Operations... oh... that's such a shame. These kind of things always keep me from fully enjoying a game's story. Same happened to Guild Wars 2. I'm more of a solo player because I can't find anyone play with. I once tried to do some Operations with a few guilds here and there; they were all failures. The ones I queued for didn't work out either... and these things last for hours and drain me out completely.


I still haven't managed to finish the Dread Masters storyline at all. I have asked for some of guide on the Forums and did my search, but came out empty-handed. I was really hoping for a normal Chapter or a Flashpoint...

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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They said back in a livestream when 5.0 was announced that new episode chapters will only occur with the next expac and that none would be released after the initial ones in KotET. Instead we shall be getting the more traditional content such as daily areas, and an Op (Praise Kephess after 2 years).


Which I am glad. :)


Um hate to break it to you but story chapters are coming in about 2 weeks. It is confirmed though maybe they aren't chapters 10 etc. However your decisions in 5.2 will affect companions that are coming back in the future.

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Here is hoping they come out, but yes i hear it will be in the next expac..lets hope they Don't do what happened this time and try and kill Torian again :( best romance in the game for us women >< who else do we have..traitor, holocron head, bug boy to name a few..Crossing my fingers they keep the romance going with Theron Shan :) always like a bit of romance along with the action and adventure and at least we have some form of bandage since being shorted at launch =) . As to ops FINALLY YAY!!!!!!! OH and they ARE bringing in intermediate characters..crossing fingers we can kill the traitor >:) i think everyone with a warrior ( my girl was made at launch :/ all light V gear so i couldn't even get mad at him or she would have been naked uggg . anyways can't wait.
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Operations... oh... that's such a shame. These kind of things always keep me from fully enjoying a game's story. Same happened to Guild Wars 2. I'm more of a solo player because I can't find anyone play with. I once tried to do some Operations with a few guilds here and there; they were all failures. The ones I queued for didn't work out either... and these things last for hours and drain me out completely.


I still haven't managed to finish the Dread Masters storyline at all. I have asked for some of guide on the Forums and did my search, but came out empty-handed. I was really hoping for a normal Chapter or a Flashpoint...


We needed ops dreadfully bad. This game has gone from bad population to worse population through a combination of an absolute draught of ops and pvp content, lack of daily areas, and the abomination that is GC. We have had quite enough story content over the last 2 years. And please dont say " OH THE METRICS!" The metrics are highly skewed because people who played ops before a lot and played pvp a lot before have left even before KOTFE was released.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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We needed ops dreadfully bad. This game has gone from bad population to worse population through a combination of an absolute draught of ops and pvp content, lack of daily areas, and the abomination that is GC. We have had quite enough story content over the last 2 years. And please dont say " OH THE METRICS!" The metrics are highly skewed because people who played ops before a lot and played pvp a lot before have left even before KOTFE was released.


I have to wonder how folks think they can construct an argument on empirical evidence all the while dismissing any factual evidence as skewed... And no, not all people that did ops (my guild has a run almost daily) left... And not all people that PvP left since my waiting time was less then a minute for warzones last night. Some people left, true... For whatever reason... Now the question is do you cater to then and try to bring them back or cater to those that are still here?! I'm just making a point mind you, I think new ops and PvP warzones are vital to the survival of any mmo and in glad they are bringing them... But they should not forget that it is the RPG part (i.e. story) that makes swtor what it is...

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I have to wonder how folks think they can construct an argument on empirical evidence all the while dismissing any factual evidence as skewed... And no, not all people that did ops (my guild has a run almost daily) left... And not all people that PvP left since my waiting time was less then a minute for warzones last night. Some people left, true... For whatever reason... Now the question is do you cater to then and try to bring them back or cater to those that are still here?! I'm just making a point mind you, I think new ops and PvP warzones are vital to the survival of any mmo and in glad they are bringing them... But they should not forget that it is the RPG part (i.e. story) that makes swtor what it is...


Your waiting time has decreased because people are moving servers. Case in point is TRE. French and german guilds have abandoned ship on the other servers and are coming to TRE en masse.


Story is great and all. But factual evidence also shows you have had more than enough story content in the last 2 years. Factual evidence shows that we have had a complete lack of pvp, and large group content in the last 2 years. And Factual evidence shows that there has been an approx. drop of 30% in subs since GC was released. Every move BW does is a shot in the foot lately.


A responsible MMO developer would introduce something for everyone every xpac released. But BW is seemingly incapable of doing that. So it is high time for ops and warzones to be addressed.


I can tell you right now, my 2 guilds have dwindled to nothing since the beginning of the kotfe campaign, and the introduction of GC. These are guilds that had 500 active members. And now we are down to 20. Entire OPs based guilds have disappeared and many MANY pvp guilds have gone quiet. You cannot support an mmo on story content that has 0 replayability. If the story introduced had a unique playthrough for every class, that would be different. But not what we are getting now.

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Like I said I agree that swtor needs plenty of group content thrown into the mix... Where did you get the 30% from BTW? Or is that just a guess? Anyway... Personally im enjoying the game (I don't even hate the GC since that's only a bonus to gear I get through group PvE and PvP content) and ofc its everyone's choice whether they fell the game is for them or not (anymore).
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Like I said I agree that swtor needs plenty of group content thrown into the mix... Where did you get the 30% from BTW? Or is that just a guess? Anyway... Personally im enjoying the game (I don't even hate the GC since that's only a bonus to gear I get through group PvE and PvP content) and ofc its everyone's choice whether they fell the game is for them or not (anymore).


The problem is, without the set gear in pvp you are at a massive disadvantage. You need it, and the grind is just too much atm, and a ton of people left because of it. As for the drop off. You just have to do the math. Peak periods had far more players before and during kotfe, then it dropped a little, and then after GC many servers are flat lining. Check the server forums. It is pretty well documented that GC has absolutely driven off subs in droves. Servers that were struggling before might as well be dead.

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like the title says and also been thinking about unsubscribing as well as I just can't seem to keep on playing this game any more but I just don't know if I should unsubscribe.


What is the problem here?




If they add this or that later so what? You can come back later and check it out*.


If you are that worried that they will come up with some "subscribe by <whenever> to get <whatever> offer then tell me why it's impossible for you to keep your eye on the site to stay aware of such things.

Don't have to scour the forums for such info, it will be on the front page of the site. However long it takes you to get to the site, check the news, and move on. That's all the "commitment" you need if it matters so much.





*Unless the game shuts down before you get around to it, of course.

This is not a "doom and gloom" statement, just a fact. Wait too long to do something and it won't be around to do.

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More chapters? The emperor is dead. The original story arc is complete. Time to return to PVP Maps/ GSF Maps / Operations / New Strongholds. Realize Buy0ware left Austin with a skeleton crew compared to what it was in 3.0.


The disney model is to make the movies (story) and then work on the theme park rides (ops/pvp). We need a couple of new roller coasters (ops) and Tron Deadly DIsc Arena (pvp) and a new peter pan ride (gsf) as the story has come full circle.

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The problem is, without the set gear in pvp you are at a massive disadvantage. You need it, and the grind is just too much atm, and a ton of people left because of it. As for the drop off. You just have to do the math. Peak periods had far more players before and during kotfe, then it dropped a little, and then after GC many servers are flat lining. Check the server forums. It is pretty well documented that GC has absolutely driven off subs in droves. Servers that were struggling before might as well be dead.


So there is no actual evidence then just a hypothesis. Fair enough. The forums are hardly representative of the whole player base though... What was it, roughly 5% of the players of a game ever contribute or even read the forums?!... I forget... It's one of those game developer things.


Also... This grind is too much?... Gotta contest that. Any mmo veteran will tell you that this is hardly the grindyest mmo on the block. Character development is suppose to take a while in an mmo... And no, just because some people are altoholics (or don't want to put in the work) that doesn't mean that the game should cater to that specifically. That's their choice. And even if you do play multiple characters you still have the PvP and Ops routes of faster gearing. Clearly MMOs are not for everyone, but thats not news...

Edited by Valceanu
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Im over the need to be 300 RIGHT NOW!!!!! I stopped caring. My IA is about 150. Any duplicate gear I don't disintegrate but instead I strip, put in legacy gear, and send to Alts. I geared up my smuggler this way.


My IA is geared in 234-240 2 set bonus and could probably do ops. Gearing is a pain I agree but it's been one for awhile. I think people would be happier if they took the random gear elements out. All I get on my smuggler are earpieces and implants. Stoooooopid :p lucky I gear her through my lucky IA.


Unassembled components annoy and confuse me so I'm holding onto them until T3. The two pieces I bought I got in crates later...And kept getting them a few times as if the universe was having a laugh at me.

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I hope not.. They need to start doing endgame content and ACTUAL FIX BUGS and the hole they dug them selves instead doing solo chapter content.... I Still have yet to do the new chapters on any toon, cause I dont give turd about them, i want end game content and bug fixes..
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So there is no actual evidence then just a hypothesis. Fair enough. The forums are hardly representative of the whole player base though... What was it, roughly 5% of the players of a game ever contribute or even read the forums?!... I forget... It's one of those game developer things.


Also... This grind is too much?... Gotta contest that. Any mmo veteran will tell you that this is hardly the grindyest mmo on the block. Character development is suppose to take a while in an mmo... And no, just because some people are altoholics (or don't want to put in the work) that doesn't mean that the game should cater to that specifically. That's their choice. And even if you do play multiple characters you still have the PvP and Ops routes of faster gearing. Clearly MMOs are not for everyone, but thats not news...


If there was the content being churned out to WARRANT this grind it would be fine. But as is we havent had new ops in 2 years, we have had ONE single warzone map in 3 years, no flashpoints in 2 years, and no starfighter maps...........ever. If you are going to compare this game to other mmos , you have to take that into account as well. I didnt mind grinding my gear like crazy in ESO. Why? Because the devs released content to WARRANT that grind. Not in this game. And this game was built around alts, so dont even take that ridiculous stance. BW even said they wanted it to be more alt friendly, and then they came out with GC? Yeah. Just no. FF14, ESO, WoW, Wildstar (even tho it died a horrible death ) and many other mmos that had a heavy grind release MUCH MORE CONTENT than this game. It is warranted in those games. This game, just no.

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If you mean KotFE/KotET type chapters, then the answer is no.

For one the story arc is over, this type of zero-replay value single player mode content has done so much damage to the game, that it is a question if it can recover.

I'm not against single player games, I love them, play them, but this is another genre.


You need to have repeatable content, otherwise people just unsub, as you can play the story only so many times.


If they added class specific story elements, now that would add a large infusion of replayability, because than it would make some sense to replay content.

The way they have done it in 4.0 and 5.0, it just doesn't make sense.

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If there was the content being churned out to WARRANT this grind it would be fine. But as is we havent had new ops in 2 years, we have had ONE single warzone map in 3 years, no flashpoints in 2 years, and no starfighter maps...........ever. If you are going to compare this game to other mmos , you have to take that into account as well. I didnt mind grinding my gear like crazy in ESO. Why? Because the devs released content to WARRANT that grind. Not in this game. And this game was built around alts, so dont even take that ridiculous stance. BW even said they wanted it to be more alt friendly, and then they came out with GC? Yeah. Just no. FF14, ESO, WoW, Wildstar (even tho it died a horrible death ) and many other mmos that had a heavy grind release MUCH MORE CONTENT than this game. It is warranted in those games. This game, just no.


Let's just say I disagree... But I will entertain your argument. The answer is right there in your post though... More content, not easier to get/meaningless gear. On that (the need for more content) I agree... And I hope that with the latest ME finished more manpower and resources will be diverted to swtor...

Edited by Valceanu
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