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Your experiences with Customer Support.


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Only a few hours ago I wrote them concerning an issue with gear, and they almost immediately fixed it. Although at first I was vaguely concerned that I had been hacked after finding I couldn't log in again, lol, it was just customer service however. Edited by RACATW
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Then I guess I'm just unlucky... because if that was me, they would say that they don't have the power to restore characters.


YOUR UNLUCKY THEN. I had Great experience with phone support with my billing account & i had great experience with in game tech support with game issues. I find being pilot helps with service. I find being respectful and non demanding very helpful. & dont beg them to hurry. iv'e known people that beg them and they got slow response time.


Just tell them the issue in good detail. and Let them know you understand your not their only costumer with issues and when they get the chance to look into it is fine by you. Say Thank You and leave it at that. Dont send them a reply the next day cause you didnt hear from them just give them their time they will get it taken care of like they done me.


Ok Good Luck.

Take Care & Be well......

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My one experience with Customer Support was great. :) My e-mail wasn't working, and I'd gotten logged out - and required a one-time password to log in to anything. The forums, the game itself...one-time password. Gah. So I called Customer Support, waited only a few short minutes, and soon was talking to someone who helped me set up a different e-mail account to send the one-time passwords to. Problem solved. Any awkwardness or problems that arose during the process was due to my nervousness and shyness (I'm...not a good conversationalist over the phone, to put it mildly).
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My one and only experience has been very disappointing. I'm trying to complete Chapter IV: The Gravestone, and I'm at the point where you're supposed to find water with Lana, but I never received her as a companion, so I can't continue the quest. I submitted two tickets, one two weeks ago, and a second about a week ago, and haven't heard a peep from them. I later learned from a reddit user that this is apparently a known issue, but a response would have been nice.
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YOUR UNLUCKY THEN. I had Great experience with phone support with my billing account & i had great experience with in game tech support with game issues. I find being pilot helps with service. I find being respectful and non demanding very helpful. & dont beg them to hurry. iv'e known people that beg them and they got slow response time.


Just tell them the issue in good detail. and Let them know you understand your not their only costumer with issues and when they get the chance to look into it is fine by you. Say Thank You and leave it at that. Dont send them a reply the next day cause you didnt hear from them just give them their time they will get it taken care of like they done me.


Ok Good Luck.

Take Care & Be well......


I am as polite as I can, spending a handful of minutes spell checking and making sure that everything's alright. I'm usually a patient person and try to implement as much information as possible. That still doesn't help me from getting copy-and-paste messages from all Support members I've encountered except for that woman I mentioned. She was the only person who acted like a human being.

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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Slightly over a month ago I started experiencing unplayable levels of lag during peak times (i.e. between 8 pm and 9 pm GMT). In many cases this would end in me getting disconnected from the server - The Red Eclipse, to be exact. The issue would generally resolve itself within 15-30 minutes. While not a major problem, it obviously had a knock-on effect on everyone raiding with me. To determine the location of the problem I ran traceroute multiple times. Comparing traces from when I was experiencing the issue and when my connection to the server was acting normally indicated that the issue was on Telia.net servers (i.e. BW's end) - latency on two Telia.net hops was all over the place.


I submitted a ticket that was more detailed than the above description. What I got in return was a true copy & paste joke of an answer. One suggestion involved corrupted game files... I guess game files can be corrupted in way that makes the game throw a tantrum at a particular time of day. Another 'suggestion' was a link to a thread on the EA Customer Support website which, among others, contained instructions on how to run a traceroute...


That sounds really bad... and doesn't surprise me as much as I'd thought it would.

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My experiences have been great. Anything to do with my account, early access, etc has been no problem whatsoever.


Having said that...


The only bad experience I had was with their "account disputes" process when I was mistakenly banned from the game for a week since it's ONLY via email and never in-person.


So when I was recently falsely accused of "referral spamming and harassment" it took 4 days of back-and-forth emails that could have been solved in a 5-minute conversation. Long story short, the referral link they put into the ban email and accusing me of "referral spamming and harassment" wasn't even mine.


And at first, they said "after a thorough investigation" blah blah blah they said the ban is a good ban. It was only AFTER I had step-by-step explained how it could not have been me and that it wasn't even my referral code so why would I even do that? One, I don't spam-scam for referral clicks and, two, if I did why would I do it with someone else's referral code?


They finally removed the ban and saying I was right and gave me a few days free but the process itself was ridiculous and stupid. I remember begging them in emails to just call me and we can solve this right now. But, no, email only, then waiting until the next morning to even expect anything if at all.

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I had to phone CS twice, got on line with the same man every time but he was extremely polite and had the knowledge to help me with my issues. Cheers to you sir, whoever you might be! :)


In-game tickets take a bit longer but whenever my character got stuck in a loading-loop or had other emergencies I always got help within an hour or so - non game-breaking issues take a bit longer but never more than 24h.


I guess I am very happy with CS here :)

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All of my dealings with Customer Service have been great. They've been able to resolve anything I've contacted them over save one which is the Cartel Market Meditation Chamber regen item binding to character but not unlocking to collections. They were sympathetic and directed me to file a bug report but so far nothing's come of that.
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I am as polite as I can, spending a handful of minutes spell checking and making sure that everything's alright. I'm usually a patient person and try to implement as much information as possible. That still doesn't help me from getting copy-and-paste messages from all Support members I've encountered except for that woman I mentioned. She was the only person who acted like a human being.


Well bud i am sorry that your XP with support wasn't great like all of mine. I can only tell you my view with them and its a great view. I wish you all the best and Luck.......

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