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Just for Fun; Starfighter Powerups.


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Please note: This is completely a work of fiction.


Bioware, in an attempt to spice up the Galactic Starfighter Meta, releases a new slot on all ships, the 'Powerup slot.'


A powerup is a passive effect on a single component; power-ups are purchasable with Fleet Requisition and are tradeable. Powerups can be exchanged in the loadout before queueing for GSF.


To begin, here are a few of the options available.




Restorative Armor


Reinforced Armor gains the ability to passively regenerate hull strength whilst out of combat.


Ion Jamming


Sensor Beacon prevents the use of mines and drones within a 5000 metre radius.




Plasma Burn becomes Inferno, which changes the DoT from being constant to decreasing damage over time, but gains the ability to spread to enemy ships within 3000 metres as long as the DoT is active.


Chain Reaction


Plasma Burn now hits as an AoE.


Total Retribution


Feedback Shield now triggers off of all Primary and Secondary weapons, excluding mines, drones and turrets.




Hydro-Spanner now heals all allies within 3000 metres.




Fortress Shield grants 50% damage reduction from all sources; but drains all engine power for the duration. Additionally, all allies within 3000 metres gain a 5% damage reduction from all sources.


Group Vengeance


Feedback shield is applied to all allies within 3000 metres.




Just for fun; put your ideas down. Make them as outlandish or balanced as you wish.

Edited by Eagling
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I'm guessing you're a Gunship pilot? :)


Buzz Droids :

Sabotage Probes is now instant (like Rocket Pods)


Everything's perfectly all right now. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?

Remote Slicing decreases the communication/sensor range of the targeted ship by 99% and as a 8000m range


Thrawn Pincer

All ships can use a Hyperspace Beacon during a game (without having to resurrect). This is only possible during the first 5 seconds after the beacon has been launched.

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JawaTech** Equalizer TM Repair Probes.


All enemy ships within the probe range will have all equipment upgrades temporarily disabled for 30 seconds.


**JawaTech is a Czerka subsidiary trade name and has no actual relationship to Jawas.


Blizz confirms this, "Turn off probes stupid. Why turn off? Blizz make probes better. Probes takes off enemy ship parts and put parts on Big Boss ship. Make Big Boss ship better."

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EMP Mastery:

EMP Field does 1000 damage to all mines and drones and field size increased by an additional 500 meters.

EMP Missile is now a dumbfire missile with no lock on - it will explode on contact with a ship or an object dealing all EMP Damage with an increased radius of 500 meters. If no object or ship has been hit, It will activate when maximum range has been reached. Damage to all missiles and drones increased to 1000 damage, damage to ships remains unchanged.

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Missile Mastery:

Missile Lock on time decreased by 30% and all engine abilities cooldown also decreased by 30%. All Torpedoes and Missiles can no longer be evaded by activating engine abilities. Concussion Missiles will now generate a shockwave of 500 meters at the target. Cluster Missiles cannot be evaded with either engine abilities or Distortion Field. All Torpedoes increased speed by an additional 100% and lock on time decreased by an additional 20%.

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I'm guessing you're a Gunship pilot? :)


Buzz Droids :

Sabotage Probes is now instant (like Rocket Pods)


Everything's perfectly all right now. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?

Remote Slicing decreases the communication/sensor range of the targeted ship by 99% and as a 8000m range


Thrawn Pincer

All ships can use a Hyperspace Beacon during a game (without having to resurrect). This is only possible during the first 5 seconds after the beacon has been launched.


I like to think I'm marginally competent at all ship types; I just had more Gunship ideas at the time. A lot of scout options are viable right now, whereas Gunships have less options; although they are very effective with the options they do have.


I do like your options; Thrawn Pincer will be a great benefit for teams with good communication.

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Thrawn Pincer

All ships can use a Hyperspace Beacon during a game (without having to resurrect). This is only possible during the first 5 seconds after the beacon has been launched.


Hahaha I like this one. Although I'd prefer if it called in a Victory-Class Star Destroyer, lol.


Seriously though, I think 10 seconds would be a better window.


Also I noticed not one of these suggestions would be remotely useful for fixing Strikes, lol.


~ Eudoxia

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Rally Around


Combat Command grants the effects of Weapon, Shield and Engine Powerups


For the Lulz


Sabotage Probe automatically activates the enemy's engine ability.




Hydro-Spanner now heals 10 times more, but can only be activated whilst out of combat. If Hydro-Spanner is activated in combat, then normal healing applies.


Ion the Prize


The Range of Ion Cannons is increased by 25%.


Leet Pr0ton Hakx


The lock-on of Proton Torpedoes can only be delayed, not broken, by crossing over objects that break the line of sight.


The War Doctor


Repair Drones gain a Rapid Fire Laser Cannon for self-defence.




Deflection armor reflects 5% of incoming damage to all enemies within a 3000m radius.


Bang bang bang bang!


Continuous hits with Rapid Fire Lasers increases damage dealt.

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Hahaha I like this one. Although I'd prefer if it called in a Victory-Class Star Destroyer, lol.


Seriously though, I think 10 seconds would be a better window.


Also I noticed not one of these suggestions would be remotely useful for fixing Strikes, lol.


~ Eudoxia


That's because it takes hours to think of effective fixes for strikes.

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Also I noticed not one of these suggestions would be remotely useful for fixing Strikes, lol.


~ Eudoxia


You missed that :

Everything's perfectly all right now. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?

Remote Slicing decreases the communication/sensor range of the targeted ship by 99% and as a 8000m range

That would be extremely annoying for a Gunship, and make the T3 Strike one of the funniest ship to play


Nerfed Rapid Fire Laser Cannon

The RFLC has been so nerfed that it is now a healing ability.

Edited by DennisJD
added some text
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Bomber/Gunship upgrade to Engines:

Oil Spray - Jettisons Oil into the surrounding area blocking out vision of all ships for 20 seconds.


Change out C2-N2- and 2v-R8 - co-pilot ability: Windshield Wiper. Completely useless unless you're flying in rain or get hit by an oil spray.


Plasma rail gun would ignite oil covered ships for 2x damage.


Also would like to see -


Concussion missiles get a powerup so it blasts the area even if it loses a target. IE: Concussion would proceed to the last known position of intended target and than detonate in the area.


EMP blasts hit areas even if target is lost or destroyed. EMP cancels system and shield buffs when it blasts an area. IE: takes down charged plating or targeting telemetry.

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Strike Fix Powerup:

Turns your Strike Fighter into a Type 2 Scout


Co- pilot power up for lingering effect- Turns target t2 scout into a t2 strike. Now that would quite a lingering effect.

Edited by Kinsha
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Deflector shield. Deflects all rail-gun and Ion gun shots from you to someone else on the enemy team.


Tick puller. A lock on missile that works through solid objects and slowly pulls a tick-bomber out of its hiding place and into plan sight.


Proper Wingman: Releases a drone with your co-pilot on board, watching your six and drawing fire, while helping to DPS the enemy.


Beacon bouncer - A short lock on missile that turns the enemy hyper-beacons to your side.


Smart bomb: kills all enemy ships in 20K radius.


Cargo scoops: - Steals stuff from a destroyed enemy's inventory and lets it float in space to be destroyed or scooped up.


Super speed: Insane scout speed. - even 'ludicrous speed'. - let you spin around the map several times - disables guns and missiles, but at least you get to see the scenery whizz by.


Teleport beacon: - lets another team-mate hyperspace to your beacon while in flight.


Hangar doors. Power up that stops Gunships getting out of their hangars.


Super strike power: Gives strikes a 25% buff to everything.


Power up that guarantees dev time to expanding and tweaking GSF. :) - Well OP did say ridiculous. :)

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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This thread is a great idea. Musing over some suggestions.


Bomber/Gunship upgrade to Engines:

Oil Spray - Jettisons Oil into the surrounding area blocking out vision of all ships for 20 seconds.


I like this. Alternatively, they could simply re-purpose the smoke cloud associated with a ship's demise. Call it smokescreen. That damn smoke has led to my own self-destruction too many times to count.

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For the Lulz


Sabotage Probe automatically activates the enemy's engine ability.



I laughed really hard imagining this one!


Point me to the treasure


All Gunships-Railguns within 5.000 m range turn into Rainbow-Laserpointer for ten seconds.


Unfair Advantage


Applies a huge Target Marker visible from 20.000 m on the enemy who currently has the most kills. The Target Marker stays for one minute and the marked enemy will receive 120 % more damage.


Force in Balance


Sacrifice yourself and a random teamplayer to immediatly destroy the targeted player.


Opposite Day


Invert Mouse Vertical and Horizontal of the targeted player for 30 seconds.

Edited by Bobby_McDonald
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Overloaded Cannons


Switching between Primary Weapons grants the effects of Wingman, Base Targeting Telemetry, Base Blaster Overcharge and Bypass, but puts weapon switching on cooldown for one minute.


Feel the Vibration


Concussion Missiles reduce the accuracy and evasion of the target by 5%.


Assume Control


Remote Slicing automatically launches the equipped secondary weapon at the nearest allied ship.


Angels of Mercy


Repair Probes disable enemy systems within 5000 metres for 20 seconds.




Shield Projector increases evasion for all affected allies by 10%.




Overcharge Shield ignores all shield bypass effects.

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I win


Pressing alt F4 unleashes a fantastic array of gunship blasts which destroys everything on the screen and you automatically get the win. Only useable once a day.




Power Shields (strike)


Strike fighter shields absorb all damage for 5 seconds.


Mach Missile (strike)


Deals damage through shields with secondary splash damage that bleeds through shields(very useful around sats with bombers)

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Quadruple Rippling


Hits from Quad Laser Cannons cause a quarter damage to up to four enemies within 3000 metres of the target.


Heavy Recoil


Damage dealt with Heavy Laser Cannons is increased by 50%, but your ship is shunted back 1000 metres after every shot.

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Supreme Slicer: Lockout one enemy combatant from using one ship on their hanger for the duration of the match.


Spinning the Roulette Wheel: all ships have all their components randomized from the available options.

Edited by iDahj
second idea to add
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We should rename this to the Master Suggestion Box:


Great ideas and all but i have a few silly ones to add



1. Stripped and Loaded Q - Stripped - all the ships you've bought are available BUT you may only use the upgrade w/o any additional tier leveling. So ie - (Scout - BLC - no upgrades, Bomber - heals - no upgrades (ammo), etc) .


Loaded would be all ships. this would solve the new pilot learning curve a bit


2. A record board. Every game has one. Why not GSF? Also make it for the Loaded versions only. So people don't go "farm" new pilots on the Stripped versions.


3. Friendly Fire - Totally different game. And probably a lot funnier.


4. The tunnels in all matches. Should have a bullseye switch right next to the doors. When someone is going thru a tunnel? Shoot the bullseye and the tunnel closes on the enemy. Hulk Smash.gif.


5. Turn on the Turrets in TDM, turn them off in Dom. Make them one shot kill. So spawn camping is quelled


I had others but I'll post them later on

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