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Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber for Direct Sale


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Personally, I think if BW put out more comprehensive content that was released on a regular basis... comprehensive as in the original content: OPS, not Star Fortresses, Flashpoints, not Uprisings, explorable planets, not Chapters, Companion interactions/stories, not Alliance Alerts, etc... I wouldn't even blink at this direct purchase. I blink now because I think I'm at a point where BW appears to now be catering only to the lowest common denominator which keeps getting lower as MMO's get more and more popular. >.< This is why we get $60 direct vanity purchases and not $60 full expansions. BW is simply maximizing their revenue for minimal effort because we, the players, enable them.


*rocks in her rocking chair on her front the porch mumbling something about the good old days*


Completely agree.

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Yo, Eric!


Personally i don't care about this saber. Becouse it's ugly.

Let's face it - it IS ugly.


Im more interested (and im pretty sure that many others too) in TUNINGS.

As i remember correctly - some person from BW promised that we will be able to get tunings ASIDE from CPacks.





So why don't you put tunings instead of ugly weapons?


Bioware already showed it's greed by completely ignoring possibility to add tunings in collections.

Then why stop now?

Just put it in CM. At least it will be fair for those, who unable to buy insane amounts of Packs, but will gladly pay fixated price for direct purchase.

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The price is a little steep, but for people like me with abysmal luck with hypercrates and platinum items (I got a platinum Blue dye once.......yay me?) this is welcome.


I saved up and bought this saber when it first came out and I have no problem with it as a direct sale. Pop the Vented Lightsaber for direct purchase and I'd definitely buy it.


Interesting to see how successful this little experiment will be.

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As i remember correctly - some person from BW promised that we will be able to get tunings ASIDE from CPacks..


Sorry, you don't:


Are they exclusive to the Cartel Market?

The Lightning Weapon Tuning is exclusive to the Cartel Market, but there may be future Tunings available from other sources.


"may" is not a promise. The original blog post doesn't say you can get them outside the CM, either.


I agree, it'd be nice, but BioWare never promised that it would be an option. And sadly, your reaction to their ambiguous statement is likely a contributor to why they don't make other such 'theoretical' statements on the forum. Any light suggestion made by a staffer is treated like gospel, and thrown in their face when it doesn't happen.

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Hopefully, this doesn't mean that you are moving away from the GTN as the primary method of getting specific Cartel Market items. I do buy a pack or Hypercrate from time to time with Cartel Coins, but I always get my items from the GTN.

If someone doesn't have the 50+ million credits to buy the Unstable Lightsaber from the GTN, he should just buy a few Hypercrates and convert them to credits, that would increase the supply on the GTN and there'd be no need to offer direct-sale items.

However the price on the GTN is 50 Mil on Shadowlands and doing some thinking while watching the vast amounts of "Buy credits for blah blah" I came to this conclusion:

7900 CC = $60

50 Mil Creds = $32.45 (checked from a shout on fleet)

So being a logical person I would rather pay $32.45 than $60

Final Conclusion: Bioware needs some business courses to run a digital market

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However the price on the GTN is 50 Mil on Shadowlands and doing some thinking while watching the vast amounts of "Buy credits for blah blah" I came to this conclusion:

7900 CC = $60

50 Mil Creds = $32.45 (checked from a shout on fleet)

So being a logical person I would rather pay $32.45 than $60

Final Conclusion: Bioware needs some business courses to run a digital market


Even if I wanted one, I would not think that a virtual light saber would be worth risking my account, credit card info, etc.


That is just me, though. Others may have different opinions.

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If they want to make money well then there are so many good ideas in the Cartel Market Suggestions section of ideas that I believe people would absolutely jump at the chance of buying, you start putting out more character/species customisations (please with the Purple Twi'lek skin already) as an example I know a lot of people would jump on them. Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Would love to find out how many of these were actually bought within the offer timeframe. Hope Eric can showcase that


I would be surprised if that information were actually shared.


While it's not a total picture of all servers, I think we can probably get a vague idea of how many were sold by watching to see how many of those light sabers suddenly show up in characters hands or on the GTN. Sure, there will be some who sit on their purchases, waiting for the prices to go back up, but I expect that many will try to cash in now for the quick score, rather than wait for a larger payout.


I think the only way we will know if the experiment was a "success" is if they offer other platinum rarity items for a similar cost. On the other hand, if we never see another platinum rarity item for direct sale, or if they offer other platinum rarity items for a lower cost, then we can make an educated guess that the experiment was a "failure".

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I'm not surprised nor disappointed at the price.

Hopefully this price will keep this item rare and unique.

If I didn't have this item already I would purchase this direct sale.

I hope BW continues to offer these rare items in this manner.

I have no problem with BW trying to maximize their income by selling cool looking vanity items.

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It is simply priced too high for one item, no matter how rare. This kind of thing creates bad blood with the players and leads to cries of money grabbing etc. I believe one item of platinum rarity should be no more than around 5k cartel coins in price, as you'd expect to recieve a rare item from that amount of cartel coins spent on crates and it seems a fair tradeoff to sacrifice all of the items you would have recieved from crates for one very rare item. Edited by I_like_black
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It is simply priced too high for one item, no matter how rare. This kind of thing creates bad blood with the players and leads to cries of money grabbing etc. I believe one item of platinum rarity should be no more than around 5k cartel coins in price, as you'd expect to recieve a rare item from that amount of cartel coins spent on crates and it seems a fair tradeoff to sacrifice all of the items you would have recieved from crates for one very rare item.


What one might expect is not always reality, though. The reality is that many people were opening 4-5 hypercrates or more before they got one of these lightsabers.

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It is simply priced too high for one item, no matter how rare. This kind of thing creates bad blood with the players and leads to cries of money grabbing etc. I believe one item of platinum rarity should be no more than 5k cartel coins in price, as you'd expect to recieve a rare item from that amount of cartel coins spent on crates and it seems a fair tradeoff to sacrifice all of the items you would have recieved from crates for one very rare item.


1) You don't get to "negotiate" the price. Nice try, but no cigar.


2) They actually priced it so that it is roughly at price parity with what they are selling for on GTNs (100M credits avg)from other players (and have been for a long time now). Given the current RMT hawking of prices.... 100M credits is worth --> $60. 7600 CCs, conversion value from CCs to Credits = $60. So it looks to me like they carefully priced it to NOT undercut the fair market prices in game for the same saber from Cartel Packs.


3) Most players report opening 4+ hypercrates to get said saber.... which is a far higher price in CCs then simply buying the saber direct during this limited time offer.


4) Happily since these are, and have been, freely tradable/sellable in game... YOU do NOT need to spend actual real life money to obtain one.


By the way... this is NOT the first platinum item to be sold on the CM. It may be the first item of platinum quality that originated in cartel packs. But Black/Black, White/White, Black/White, and White/Black dyes are also platinum quality items, sold only rarely on the GTN, usable only once, and sell for 2000cc or 1000cc each. By comparison, the saber is actually a reasonable price being as it is able to be added to Collections.

Edited by Andryah
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Sorry, you don't:




"may" is not a promise. The original blog post doesn't say you can get them outside the CM, either.


I agree, it'd be nice, but BioWare never promised that it would be an option. And sadly, your reaction to their ambiguous statement is likely a contributor to why they don't make other such 'theoretical' statements on the forum. Any light suggestion made by a staffer is treated like gospel, and thrown in their face when it doesn't happen.


We already got some from the DvL event packs last year. The dark side and light side tunings also dropped from the non-cartel market packs.

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1) You don't get to "negotiate" the price. Nice try, but no cigar.



I bet BW doesn't mind at all hearing from a customer the price they would pay or would find acceptable for items of this rarity even if they are selling it for more. Because if it doesn't sell as well as they hoped customers who gave them a price they would buy it for have given them valuable feedback on how to price other items down the line.


I can't see any company being upset about a forum post stating I would buy X that you sell if you sold it for Y. Because it is actually useful feedback, it would be the same if the poster said I would buy satele's outfit for this price. It gives BW actionable feedback they can take or leave, but the choice of taking or leaving that advice is theirs, not yours, not mine. But anyway you look at it, I can't see BW wanting to discourage such feedback.

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it look like the game bleeding subs put Bioware in full cash grab mode...a lot of players predicted this would happen


Actually Cartel sales must be hot; you don't add high price items if sales are down, when sales are down you cut prices.


The thing is about items in this price range is they start to highlight the disparity of the player base IRL which I do not think is a good thing overall. The fact that this is a days wages for some, and less than an hours wages for others, creates in game status symbols that reflect RL, not in game, accomplishments.


To be fair when an item like this is on the market, it should also have a small random chance to occur anywhere in game.

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Can we not JUDGE people as morons/idiots if they want to "waste" their hard earned dollar to a Barbie doll dress up cosmetic saber?


It's their money, their choice. The barbie saber might not be valued that much to some of you, but to some people it's a great deal and they don't mind the price. I'm always amused to see people say "You could've gotten 1000+ games with lower than that price on Steam!1!" What if they don't give a **** to all of those Steam games? I sure don't want to play 2D farmland by some Indie developer. Not saying those are bad games, I'm just saying it's all come back to personal taste, and personal definition of how you value that cosmetic saber. So, please, quit telling people what YOU'd buy with that amount and let people do what they want with their own $.


Also, if you'd ever purchased a lot of hypercrates to pursue that saber and never got it and ended up spending much more than 7600 coins total, and it's never been if not very rarely sold on GTN, you'd have appreciated this offer.

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I'm always amused to see people say "You could've gotten 1000+ games with lower than that price on Steam!1!" What if they don't give a **** to all of those Steam games? I sure don't want to play 2D farmland by some Indie developer. Not saying those are bad games

More exactly it was more along: you have a choice of 900+ pages of games, from which you can choose, starting at that price and lower.


Then we are not speaking only about indies games.

You can get top current AAA games for that price, or many still great ones.


I'm sorry it makes you laugh because personally seeing how deep this game sunk is really sad.

Edited by Deewe
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