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Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber for Direct Sale


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As IanArgent pointed out.. the unstable is actually a hybrid of saber compared to the movie. There is no exact duplicate (probably intentional to avoid needing IP approval), so the cosplayers are just going to have to cope. :p


Meh, neither one of them, nor the Peacemaker's, fully emulates the flame-like quality of the blade itself, but the Defiant comes closest. I think the Unstable's are the dime-store knockoffs of Kylo's saber. But, you and Ian prove my point about attention to detail, and that's not a bad thing.


Anyway call me when Shroud of Memory goes up for sale.

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Full disclosure: I got this from a hypercrate I got from referral CC. So yeah, I don't have a dog in this hunt.


But cash shops are what they are folks. Some people pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to hear their favorite singer sing songs they have already heard. Others spend thousands to watch sports teams play with much worse sight lines than they would have watching on TV at home. Personally, I think all of that is nuts. But if that's what people want to do more power to them.

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Meh, neither one of them, nor the Peacemaker's, fully emulates the flame-like quality of the blade itself, but the Defiant comes closest. I think the Unstable's are the dime-store knockoffs of Kylo's saber. But, you and Ian prove my point about attention to detail, and that's not a bad thing.


Anyway call me when Shroud of Memory goes up for sale.


Selling Shroud of Memory, or Nico, or even Arma Rasa, will chap some crawfish (I'll have mine lightly chapped, for that matter). The sabers at least were always for sale in cartel packs (chance cubes, grand weapon packs, what have you). I won't flounce off in a huff or anything, but I will be mildly disappointed in BW. (What else is new?)

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The best part is...expansions for games don't cost this much.


True. That maybe part of the expense. In the past you brought expansions at a set cost. Now all expansions you get for 1 months sub. As I was subbing anyway? It's is very cheap IMO. Guess BW has to offset that cost some how. So this item is expense. Overall though I much prefer BW to make there money selling cosmetic gear that you don't actually need to play the game as a direct sale. Then go back to selling expansions or put the monthly sub up. In an earlier post I said I don't mind this item being sold or object to its cost. You do have a point though TUX compared to the old cost of expansions this is indeed a high price to pay for a single item, that as said you don't need. So it is something players will need to think about before buying. Still BW said it was to test the market and if it does not sell the platinum items in the future will be lower.


I don't really get the anger going on posts in this thread. Just don't buy it if you don't think its worth it. This last part is not directed at you TUX.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Do the dev team think this is good value?


Direct sales fine, better than gambling boxes. Personally I think its an ugly emo saber and I think the demand for it is crazy but if it does exist direct sale is better than crates. But valuing it as much as a new game seems really awful. Most people would have paid for a worthwhile expansion, it would be something to make the GC grind enjoyable if there had been 30 hours of new story. To think that putting a rare saber in the store is the same value as a game makes you wonder what is going on and if this is the future of the game. No new content, just 100 new GC levels every 5 months and another 60 bucks item.

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Possibly because some players may be sitting on say 10k CC obtained through grants and referrals rather than having to buy CC with real world money, hence resources. Best I can guess anyhows.


Ah... good point on people sitting on CC's obtained from things like referrerals; I hadn't thought of that.

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For everyone complaining about BioWare charging out the *** for cosmetic items, they're not the first company to do so. This is a cosmetic item, with no tangible benefit to ownership. You're perfectly fine with your Sears purse, Crocs, and Timex watch (or a cell phone, whichever). BioWare's seeing if there's a market for high-dollar direct purchase cosmetic items. I say let them go for it.


(For those disinclined to follow links, that's a $3,000ish purse, $1,000ish slippers, and a $13,000ish watch.)

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For everyone complaining about BioWare charging out the *** for cosmetic items, they're not the first company to do so. This is a cosmetic item, with no tangible benefit to ownership. You're perfectly fine with your Sears purse, Crocs, and Timex watch (or a cell phone, whichever). BioWare's seeing if there's a market for high-dollar direct purchase cosmetic items. I say let them go for it.


(For those disinclined to follow links, that's a $3,000ish purse, $1,000ish slippers, and a $13,000ish watch.)


I understand what you're saying, but if Prada were to close their doors, the expensive shoes I bought wouldn't up and disappear. ;)


I'll gladly pay $60 (and so much more) for other things in game such as expanded class stories, new Flashpoints, Ops, explorable planets, missions, Companion interactions, etc... Esentially, I'll pay out of my butt for an experience, but I'm not paying anything beyond my sub for a "thing."

Edited by Edyn
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I got the "peacekeepers " version of this from a box the other night. Lucky as sin, really. Especially since I wasn't really looking for it. It's nice as a rare item. Gosh now as a common item it sucks because it looks like a broken/defective light saber. But it is nice as a rare-ish item.


I might have purchased this if I had not scored the one with the little flame from below. If they have in in their boxes and also sell it straight up like this is fine.


They should - however - make it legacy wide from the get go. Asking for 400 more CCs after a player just spent 7600 CC is pushing over the post purchase dissonance. Heck, it's straight up 8000 CCs! :eek:

Edited by Vagessel
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I understand what you're saying, but if Prada were to close their doors, the expensive shoes I bought wouldn't up and disappear. ;)


I'll gladly pay $60 and (so much more) for other things in game such as expanded class stories, new Flashpoints, Ops, explorable planets, missions, Companion interactions, etc... Esentially, I'll pay out of my butt for an experience, but I'm not paying anything beyond my sub for a "thing."


Playing space barbie and having (subjectively) cool-looking lightsabers IS the experience for a large portion of the SWTOR population. Seeing how much time people put into their strongholds makes me just as confused as anyone else, but I don't doubt they're getting something far more than I ever would from the experience.


People have money, and companies exploit this all the time. Why would I pay Toyota for a Lexus when their Corolla does the exact same thing that the Lexus does (get from Point A to Point B)? Yet you see people with Lexus' all the time. It's the same thing with this situation. I've always loved the Derelict sabers, and just bought one for a few million on the GTN. It does the exact same thing that a 100k saber does, and the exact same thing the 7600 CC saber does.


Everything in the world is only as valuable as people perceive it to be.

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another EA/Bioware game. they STILL got your money xD


Yeah, but I don't think this is an issue of wanting to withhold money from EA/Bioware but more what you get for it in return. Game/expac vs. single item.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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Selling Shroud of Memory, or Nico, or even Arma Rasa, will chap some crawfish (I'll have mine lightly chapped, for that matter). The sabers at least were always for sale in cartel packs (chance cubes, grand weapon packs, what have you). I won't flounce off in a huff or anything, but I will be mildly disappointed in BW. (What else is new?)


I should make mention that I think making Shroud of Memory a sub reward was actually wrong-headed in a really bad way; as opposed to just being mildly amused by the handwaving freakoutery over them deciding to put a really rare item up for direct purchase. YMMV, of course. (Neither Nico nor -55 make me care, because neither of them have a full, if short, chapter attached, and of course SoM was one of their better efforts. Everyone should have been able to get that). Since they did, though, it would be terribly impolite for them to change the Deal.


Over the entirety of pack sales, 7600 CC per saber is probably way cheaper than the number of CC each saber dropped from a pack has cost everyone. But regardless of the cost, every unstable saber in the game originated from someone spending CCs. (My Unstable dualsaber didn't cost me a single US dollar beyond my subscription; I don't recall whether I bought it off GTN or got lucky in a draw - I rather suspect "got lucky" simply because I can't get together more than 5-10 mil at a time, even with maximum effort; but if I did get it from a pack, I bought that pack with grant CCs)

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A company making money rarely concerns people. How they go about making that money however is a concern.


bw moving this direction and at such a costly manner shouldn't be encouraged. One item that costs as much as 4 months for the average sub. or the same price as better games entire expansions isn't something this game should encourage as I see it driving away more than bringing in.


Why are you qualified to be the arbiter of what is a fair price? Only the market will decide that. If they priced it too high their test will fail and very few will buy it. I would suspect the backlash (& hence the risk) is greater by pricing it too low.

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Yeah, but I don't think this is an issue of wanting to withhold money from EA/Bioware but more what you get for it in return. Game/expac vs. single item.
Single cosmetic item that you'll then have to spend even more CC to unlock for all the characters on your account.
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Playing space barbie and having (subjectively) cool-looking lightsabers IS the experience for a large portion of the SWTOR population. Seeing how much time people put into their strongholds makes me just as confused as anyone else, but I don't doubt they're getting something far more than I ever would from the experience.


People have money, and companies exploit this all the time. Why would I pay Toyota for a Lexus when their Corolla does the exact same thing that the Lexus does (get from Point A to Point B)? Yet you see people with Lexus' all the time. It's the same thing with this situation. I've always loved the Derelict sabers, and just bought one for a few million on the GTN. It does the exact same thing that a 100k saber does, and the exact same thing the 7600 CC saber does.


Everything in the world is only as valuable as people perceive it to be.


Absolutely - this is all very relative and I was just giving my own personal opinion on things I consider to be experience as opposed to things. I can only guess that if it were an easy task to get people to fork over a fixed fee for new Flashpoints, Ops, Companion interactions, Missions, planets, etc., it would have been done by now. ;)

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It's a whale sale, directed at players willing to pay $60 of real world money for an ingame item.

Cartel market sales must be having an issue...


Nah I just kept complaining on Twitter whenever they announced more dumb packs. I told them to add the item for direct sale then we'll talk and so many people liked it. ;):p

But seriously...I think I need to get my referral link in my signature. Lolz. I'm too broke for this. And if I wasn't I'd be buying mass effect 3 lolz

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Well to be honest I really feel sad we're coming that low in terms of cash grab.


Now to be fair you'd be surprised the price is not that expensive while comparing it to buying CM crates.


For the record I had to open 325 pack to get a platinum from the current pack, ie 12.5 hypercrates. Did not buy them with cash but people from whom I bought them did. And yeah the inventory on 2 characters and the pack explorer is full of crap.


Now considering you can have full AAA recent games or plenty STEAM ones with that money, you might think there's an issue somewhere, maybe...

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The lack of new content, .


Your ENTIRE argument was nullified by claiming there's no new content. We are in the middle off the most prolific time for new content in SWTOR history. 10 Uprisings, new Chapters, New op on the horizon. Try to put things in perspective.

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