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Meetra Surik's fate during SW : TOR ( SPOILERS ?)


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Since her first apperance in Kotor 2, i've been a fan of Meetra Surik's character, thinking of her story to be far more interesting than any other character's so far (after Revan's of course), I always hoped to know more of her whereabouts since the events of Kotor 2 and the victory over Traya/Sion/Nihilus. Her death was quite a shock, the authors then decided to make her a force ghost instead of allowing her to become one with the force like any great jedi.


I was then wondering : what happened to her after the encounter with Revan on Teral V ?? Why wasn't it clearly established ??



Edited by DamienForlan
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According to WOOKIEPEDIA and KARPYSHYN's novel, Meetra Surik doesn't become one with the force after she was murdered. They say her spirit remained with Revan for all the time he was prisonner.


But i cannot help but to agree with you when you say that someone who is a force ghost is one with the force.


But it seemed not be the same thing for her


That's why i wanted to know what happened to her after the events on Taral V : was she at last one with the force ?

Edited by DamienForlan
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God I hate the name they came up with for the Exile...

Aside from that, I'd assume she would follow standard force-ghost procedure (:D) and become completely one with the force, like Obi-Wan and Yoda did, since it appears her only concern was Revan, and now that that's taken care of, she can rest.

Edited by blooddodo
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Seeing as she dead i think there are really only 2 options, you cant really draw her story out beyond using her as a catalyst for greater events(ie. got there because ....) its possible they might use her in the future as a starting point for a story element as she is used now.


But i think your getting your hopes up thinking there will be any story beyond that. Thinking some adventure featuring Mettra Surik, Force Ghost will appear. There isnt much you can do in this universe with a force ghost, every force ghost to this point was just a person that watch from the wings with the exception of maybe exar kun but even then he wasn't a force ghost .


Her death was very disappointing though and i really wished she would have ended up in stasis like Reven but alas.

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I wasn't thinking of another story that would include Meetra, but A REAL ENDING to this great character.


This is the point of this topic : why didn't bioware give her an ending ?? Like uhhh......Let her be one with the force for instance..



Well hope BIOWARE will hear me:(

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I would imagine that she didn't truly become a Force Ghost, she remained near Revan, and he fed off her residual force power to sustain himself while in Stasis. We can assume that Revan, essentially, consumed the essence of Meetra Surik until there was nothing left of her (Surik became "one" with Revan)
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After seeing the Sith Inquisitor questline i wonder if she became a accidental Force Walker. And by this was powerful enough to bind her spirit to Revan, without him becoming a Force Walker.


Remember she is fairly unique character in Star Wars she is the Wound. I dont recall a single other force sensative doing what she has done, being what she is. She is disconnected from the force, she is apart yet learns to become sensative to it in different ways. Its possible they've left her abit 'undefined' for the purpose of not painting themselves into a corner later should they need to tweek what she is to fit something else down the line.

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Meetra appears on Taral V after Revan is freed from Stasis, that means she's still there.


A force ghost is supposed to have "unlimited" power after death. Remember Obi Wan in "A new hope" against Darth Vader


After taral V, she explains the situation to Revan and THEN we never see her again....


So all these things you've said cannot be correct.



And in Karpyshyn novel it's clearly stated that Meetra even doubted that Revan could sense her presence near him while she was trying to help him resist the emperor's power


In TOR, it's confirmed, Revan was clearly surprises to see her ! He was even sad to see that she had not become one with the force :rolleyes:



It's good to talk about that but only writers "made in Bioware" can answer this crazy mystery



""Though her life was ended, Surik's existence continued in some ethereal form through the Force. With Revan captured by the Sith Emperor to be used as a source of life energy to draw upon, Surik's spirit remained on Dromund Kaas to keep Revan's spirit alive for the centuries he was to be held in captivity""

Edited by DamienForlan
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I'm happy we get to see her in the game. But I would have prefered it if was still alive like Revan. The Exile is one of my favorite characters in a game, I found her story fascinating, and she deserved better then getting stabbed in the back Edited by GreyLisa
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Seeing her in the Republic flashpoint was pretty depressing for me. Completely losing her personality after being leeched as a force ghost for 300 years? I wasn't expecting much for her fate but yikes, she deserved something better than that after living such a miserable life.
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What happens in the Book is that Revan goes after his "dreams" and gets captured on a world that the Emperor destroyed when he became Emperor.


Lord Scourge is the one who captures Revan, along with a member of the Shadow Council (forget her name).


They take Revan back and imprison him for 2 years or so.


Meetra eventually traces Revan's roots and discovers his whereabouts and save's Revan, but at the same time, they convince Scourge to join them in defeating the Emperor as they learn that the Emperor basically wants to suck all the life in the Galaxy into his body, to become more and more powerful and Lord Scourge, even though he is a Sith, recognizes that this would be a bad thing and that he needs to be stopped.


So the three of them go after the Emperor and in a battle, Revan almost dies but is saved at the last second by Meetra, who could have left Revan to die and killed the Emperor but chose not too.


Either way, their chance to kill the Emperor is gone and what happens is that Scourge recognizes this and "betrays" Revan and Meetra by killing Meetra, thus convincing the Emperor that Scourge was actually just "playing along" with Revan and Meetra in order to save the Emperor.


The truth is that Scourge didn't really betray Meetra and Revan, he just recognized that they were going to fail and it was better for him to abort the mission and kill the Emperor in the future, than die today.


Scourge wants the Emperor dead, but the Emperor doesn't know this and gives him the power of Imortality.


Meetra herself dies, but she forces her Spirit to protect Revan, who is imprisoned by the Emperor. Her Strength is what keeps Revan going for the last 300 years.

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