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Sudden death in Ranked vs Stealth


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It's retarded. Make it so stealth is impossible when timer runs out. People are just either waiting in stealth the whole match to win acid, or if they are last man standing go and wait remainder of the match to try win acid (and they do win it sometimes), how is this tolerated?
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Acid it itself is a dumb mechanic. Don't blame the player for gaming the system. Blame the system for being game-able.


It's only ever healer games that go to acid anyway. They should do away with acid and introduce a system that decreases healing output over time. Like 1% per 2 seconds untill 50% is reached.. or something.


Anything is better than acid really.

Edited by Evolixe
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Don't blame the player for utilizing the tools available to them. Fan out and find the stealther. If you cannot find them and/or stand in the middle and AOE the hell out of it to pop them out as they try to jump in to claim victory that is on YOU.


Edit: This made me chuckle because I have had to use this mechanic when I have had really awful teams but I was not going to lose because of them. My own team was trying to tell the opposition where I was hiding and everyone on my team begged me to just let them kill me so they could play the next round. They changed their tune when they saw that the mechanic won us the round and morale was restored and we outright won the next round without me using the mechanic.


The verbal abuse from the other team was funny. I wish I had it all on video. :D

Edited by CrownofGold
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Don't blame the player for utilizing the tools available to them. Fan out and find the stealther. If you cannot find them and/or stand in the middle and AOE the hell out of it to pop them out as they try to jump in to claim victory that is on YOU.

I know how to play against acid players, the problem is mechanic is too random and accommodates stealthers a lot.

Acid it itself is a dumb mechanic. Don't blame the player for gaming the system. Blame the system for being game-able.


It's only ever healer games that go to acid anyway. They should do away with acid and introduce a system that decreases healing output over time. Like 1% per 2 seconds untill 50% is reached.. or something.


Anything is better than acid really.


Healer cannot just stand for 5 minutes and wait for acid to win it. Also if healer is left solo he won't win acid against 4 players. How can I not blame the player if it's a scum move to do it?

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Acid it itself is a dumb mechanic. Don't blame the player for gaming the system. Blame the system for being game-able.


It's only ever healer games that go to acid anyway. They should do away with acid and introduce a system that decreases healing output over time. Like 1% per 2 seconds untill 50% is reached.. or something.


Anything is better than acid really.



I think this is a good idea. You could combine it with the OPs idea: Decrease healing and remove Stealths. Then the game will naturally end but without these frustrating results where people die in the same second sometimes.

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I know how to play against acid players, the problem is mechanic is too random and accommodates stealthers a lot.



Healer cannot just stand for 5 minutes and wait for acid to win it. Also if healer is left solo he won't win acid against 4 players. How can I not blame the player if it's a scum move to do it?

Sorcs and Sages can, and DO! As long as they have their immunity bubble available.

The trick is knowing when to pop it. Most of them pop it as the acid gets to you, but this is incorrect, as the acid will deal damage through the bubble.

The correct way is to pop it earlier, so it is WEARING OFF as the acid gets to you, as the 8 stacks of healing mechanic (forget the name) WILL WORK IN THE ACID.

I have won many a match this way, even against other sorcs who waited to pop bubble, and died in acid inside it.

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Sorcs and Sages can, and DO! As long as they have their immunity bubble available.

The trick is knowing when to pop it. Most of them pop it as the acid gets to you, but this is incorrect, as the acid will deal damage through the bubble.

The correct way is to pop it earlier, so it is WEARING OFF as the acid gets to you, as the 8 stacks of healing mechanic (forget the name) WILL WORK IN THE ACID.

I have won many a match this way, even against other sorcs who waited to pop bubble, and died in acid inside it.


^ more proof the system is broken. But yes, it is true.


In any case even if it doesn't work against the acid itself.. it will work against damage the enemy team will try to do to you. And since you wont take damage and they will.. they die before you since you only take acid damage and they take normal + acid damage = die earlier.

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No, not really. That really only works when both teams have a sorc, and when both of those know what they are doing its still just a diceroll.

Speaking of knowing what they are doing:

How many times have you seen a healer trying to cast heals during acid? It makes me laugh every time, as there is no healing in the acid. Healers should be trying to do as much dps as possible when in the acid. Just the smallest amount can make the difference between a win and a loss.

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It's retarded. Make it so stealth is impossible when timer runs out. People are just either waiting in stealth the whole match to win acid, or if they are last man standing go and wait remainder of the match to try win acid (and they do win it sometimes), how is this tolerated?


I agree. I main a Sin and i hate the people that do it. I think stealth should have a time limit (long, but a limit) and if reached the cooldown should be longer.

But that not only happen in ranked, regs suffer from the same. I undertand that loosing in ranked has a big penalty, but regulars? Making both teams wait forever because the arena is unbalanced and you are a coward? Come on, die with dignity and save your time for a new queue.

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Well not only that, acid wins really don't represent the stronger team.


Sure it does. The stronger team is the one that utilizes all of the tools available to them and come up on top. You don't have to know the best rotation or have the best gear to win. If you are smart you can over come your opponent.

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I agree. I main a Sin and i hate the people that do it. I think stealth should have a time limit (long, but a limit) and if reached the cooldown should be longer.

But that not only happen in ranked, regs suffer from the same. I undertand that loosing in ranked has a big penalty, but regulars? Making both teams wait forever because the arena is unbalanced and you are a coward? Come on, die with dignity and save your time for a new queue.


I think that Stealth should use your energy pool, maybe not heavily, but certainly not indefinitely. No one should be able to stay stealthed forever. It should have a resource cost!


Maybe have the energy pool jump up a bit once you pop out to not completely hinder stealth classes though.

Edited by CrownofGold
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I know how to play against acid players, the problem is mechanic is too random and accommodates stealthers a lot.


With all due respect, it seems you do NOT know how to play against these players or you would not be on these forums demanding some help to overcome your opponent.


And there isn't anything random about the acid: it starts on the outsides and moves its way towards the very center every. single. time. Get to the very center and keep your opponents out. Done.

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With all due respect, it seems you do NOT know how to play against these players or you would not be on these forums demanding some help to overcome your opponent.


And there isn't anything random about the acid: it starts on the outsides and moves its way towards the very center every. single. time. Get to the very center and keep your opponents out. Done.

These are SWTOR forums. I DEMAND you stop making sense!

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With all due respect, it seems you do NOT know how to play against these players or you would not be on these forums demanding some help to overcome your opponent.


And there isn't anything random about the acid: it starts on the outsides and moves its way towards the very center every. single. time. Get to the very center and keep your opponents out. Done.


Sure. Untill you meet an Engineer Sniper and a DPS Merc. One of which has a designated area slow to keep you out, the other a whole array of cooldowns to make sure he doesn't take damage WHILE doing plenty himself.


Unless you are a Sorc, you can be the smartest, most inventive, highest skilled strategist in the world.. you are still going to lose and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.



How dare I suggest a system that favours balanced, actual intelligent play, over a Rock Paper Scissors dicerollfest.

Excuse me.

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I know how to play against acid players, the problem is mechanic is too random and accommodates stealthers a lot.



Healer cannot just stand for 5 minutes and wait for acid to win it. Also if healer is left solo he won't win acid against 4 players. How can I not blame the player if it's a scum move to do it?


How is it a scum move? I rather think its inventive and a bit ballzy! the fact you fell for it is on YOU!

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Speaking of knowing what they are doing:

How many times have you seen a healer trying to cast heals during acid? It makes me laugh every time, as there is no healing in the acid. Healers should be trying to do as much dps as possible when in the acid. Just the smallest amount can make the difference between a win and a loss.


Its last man standing not DPS done. So you heal to be the last standing. hence the reason heals ALWAYS wins win its a 3-4 heals vs DPS

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I agree. I main a Sin and i hate the people that do it. I think stealth should have a time limit (long, but a limit) and if reached the cooldown should be longer.

But that not only happen in ranked, regs suffer from the same. I undertand that loosing in ranked has a big penalty, but regulars? Making both teams wait forever because the arena is unbalanced and you are a coward? Come on, die with dignity and save your time for a new queue.


So it's my fault that bioware can't balance the profession's or the matches and I should suffer because I loaded into a colossally unbalanced joke of a match and i should just let you steam roll over me? Why should I give you guys a quick easy kill work for it!


Kinda reminds me of this commerical



Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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Its last man standing not DPS done. So you heal to be the last standing. hence the reason heals ALWAYS wins win its a 3-4 heals vs DPS


You want to sound awfully cool with what a big boy thing it is to stand in stealth for 3-4 minutes for a certain loss, yet you don't even know how acid works.


Would be funny, if it weren't so sad.


(I love when you sorry little stealth losers troll in stealth for minutes just so that you can build up proper tension... for you getting utterly destroyed.)

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Its last man standing not DPS done. So you heal to be the last standing. hence the reason heals ALWAYS wins win its a 3-4 heals vs DPS

I'm going to assume you're one of the clueless players I was specifically talking about.

I'll try to make this as precise as possible, so you may understand it:

When in the acid (IE: it's touching you), healing doesn't work. It does NOTHING. At this point, healers spam casting heals is doing nothing to help their team. A healer should be trying to do as much damage as they possibly can, to try to down their opponent(s) first.

The ONLY exception to this is a sorc or sage, who can bubble BEFORE the acid touches them, to take the advantage of Enduring Bastion, which is the ONLY HEAL that will work while standing in the acid.

For a more in-depth explanation of sorc/sage acid bubble, see my previous post.

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Sorcs and Sages can, and DO! As long as they have their immunity bubble available.

The trick is knowing when to pop it. Most of them pop it as the acid gets to you, but this is incorrect, as the acid will deal damage through the bubble.

The correct way is to pop it earlier, so it is WEARING OFF as the acid gets to you, as the 8 stacks of healing mechanic (forget the name) WILL WORK IN THE ACID.

I have won many a match this way, even against other sorcs who waited to pop bubble, and died in acid inside it.


Dude im 2k+ rating, I know in's and outs of this game. I'm not asking how they do it, I know how, I'm saying that if one person is left on enemy team against 4 he shouldn't win, unlike some classes with stealth do. Sorcs are also strong on acid plays but they can't sustain for several minutes against 2-3 dps on them to wait for acid, stealthers can wait the whole match with no consequences.

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You want to sound awfully cool with what a big boy thing it is to stand in stealth for 3-4 minutes for a certain loss, yet you don't even know how acid works.


Would be funny, if it weren't so sad.


(I love when you sorry little stealth losers troll in stealth for minutes just so that you can build up proper tension... for you getting utterly destroyed.)


See it a thousand times healers can heal the dmg yes it comes right back but like running into the lava pit i'm taking damage but if i pop a stim and heal ,it will heal me even though i am still taking dmg. Been in matches before 3 healers not one did dps they just healed I unloaded alll my dps went down who got win they did because had one healer standing NO BUBBLE either so don't tell me its dps if that were case that match should have been a win for our team.

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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