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Does Swtor now use more than two CPU cores.


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Hi guys


I feel silly asking this, except I can't seem to find a definitive answer when I google, most of it is just speculation or unsupported hyperbolically.

I know swtor is not a proper multi core game and it isn't completely single thread and I believe it used to use two. But since the performance boost in 5.0, is it still the same. There is obviously two instances of it running which suggests two threads atleast.


The reason I'm asking is my current system has started to develop some weird issues, crashes, lags, flaky performance, system not starting or restarting and I think it's because we've had some heavy electrical storms. I've tried all the trouble shooting there is by swapping out components, PSU, Graphics, Memory, Hard drive(s), reinstalling windows 10 and also trying to test on another drive in Windows 7. I just can't pinpoint what it is. I'm guessing it's the Motherboard or CPU and I can't swap them out and they are now obsolete (z97 board, 4790k). This has been a great setup for both gaming and my work requirements.


I'm now researching my options for an upgrade and Ryzen is being released. The multiple CPUs it is offering will help with the non gaming applications I use, so the PC isn't just for gaming. What I'm trying to work out is a balance. Normally I would just automatically upgrade to 7700k, so going to that price point is possible. Ryzen CPUs are offering fantastic bang for your buck and I'm stuck with choice. The Ryzen x1800 is only $100 more than the 7700k and the x1700 is nearly the same. Both the Ryzens blow the 7700k away in multicore/thread applications, but gaming is close and the 7700k beats them when they all run at stock because it runs at 4.5ghz and the others run at 3.8-4.0ghz (boosted). I would definitely OC the Ryzens above 4.0ghz and early leaks suggest it will OC well with good cooling, so I expect 4.2ghz should be achievable for both. The dilemma is will they match or beat the 7700k@4.5ghz in swtor performance. If they are both able to, then I'll save some money and just get the Ryzen x1700.


I know you guys will say to wait, its new tech, early adoption is risky and I should wait for benchmarks. But I need my pc for work and can't do without it. So if it dies before I can build another PC, I'm up ship creek. I can probably risk a week, but that only leaves a few days after Ryzen is released to make a decision and I like to research the hell out of things before I do.


Which brings me back to my original question, does swtor use more than two cores since 5.0 and got such a massive performance FPS boost.

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Hi guys


I feel silly asking this, except I can't seem to find a definitive answer when I google, most of it is just speculation or unsupported hyperbolically.

I know swtor is not a proper multi core game and it isn't completely single thread and I believe it used to use two. But since the performance boost in 5.0, is it still the same. There is obviously two instances of it running which suggests two threads atleast.


The reason I'm asking is my current system has started to develop some weird issues, crashes, lags, flaky performance, system not starting or restarting and I think it's because we've had some heavy electrical storms. I've tried all the trouble shooting there is by swapping out components, PSU, Graphics, Memory, Hard drive(s), reinstalling windows 10 and also trying to test on another drive in Windows 7. I just can't pinpoint what it is. I'm guessing it's the Motherboard or CPU and I can't swap them out and they are now obsolete (z97 board, 4790k). This has been a great setup for both gaming and my work requirements.


I'm now researching my options for an upgrade and Ryzen is being released. The multiple CPUs it is offering will help with the non gaming applications I use, so the PC isn't just for gaming. What I'm trying to work out is a balance. Normally I would just automatically upgrade to 7700k, so going to that price point is possible. Ryzen CPUs are offering fantastic bang for your buck and I'm stuck with choice. The Ryzen x1800 is only $100 more than the 7700k and the x1700 is nearly the same. Both the Ryzens blow the 7700k away in multicore/thread applications, but gaming is close and the 7700k beats them when they all run at stock because it runs at 4.5ghz and the others run at 3.8-4.0ghz (boosted). I would definitely OC the Ryzens above 4.0ghz and early leaks suggest it will OC well with good cooling, so I expect 4.2ghz should be achievable for both. The dilemma is will they match or beat the 7700k@4.5ghz in swtor performance. If they are both able to, then I'll save some money and just get the Ryzen x1700.


I know you guys will say to wait, its new tech, early adoption is risky and I should wait for benchmarks. But I need my pc for work and can't do without it. So if it dies before I can build another PC, I'm up ship creek. I can probably risk a week, but that only leaves a few days after Ryzen is released to make a decision and I like to research the hell out of things before I do.


Which brings me back to my original question, does swtor use more than two cores since 5.0 and got such a massive performance FPS boost.


My vote is to upgrade to Ryzen. You have our permission. :D

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Hi guys


The reason I'm asking is my current system has started to develop some weird issues, crashes, lags, flaky performance, system not starting or restarting and I think it's because we've had some heavy electrical storms.


That's sounds like a bad motherbord. The only fix is to replace.


Question: is it "stable" when it's horizontal?

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Remember. Never upgrade/buy new PC ONLY for swtor.


I had FX 6300, 4gb ram, 7850 2gb, ssd

Now i7-4790k, 16gb ram, 7850 2gb, ssd


NO DIFFERENCE IN FPS on very low, or ultra (with low shadows), with OFF scaling nameplate, disabled many UI elements, installed dx9, v-sync on/off, low resolutions, win xp/7/8 compatibility, installing on SSD, reinstall game, format system, upgrade/downgrade drivers etc. etc. etc (looked probably 40+ threads with advices).

Im playing also on 1366x768 resolution so its not even HD...


I have around 200 fps when i check GTN or Iam on my personal starship/SH, about 120-150 while I doing chapters, running on fleet (drop to 100-120 in very crowded area so its very nice)

When I start Warzone or 8 ppl ops my fps are 70-80 with random drops during action to 30-40 sometimes 20.

There's no difference in game settings, i get maybe 5 fps more but no matter if its still drop from 70 to 20+ and game starts to not be smooth.

I remember when I've started to play when Rise of Hutt Catel came and my game runs more smooth on FX 6300 than KotFE FX 6300 (later I upgraded).


There's a lot of performance threads but nothing work. I wanted to upgrade my GPU becouse I working on PC, and from games playing only SWTOR, but my guild mates told me its waste of cash becouse they got smilar PC to my with 970-980 GTX / 1060 GTX and got fps drops problems too and its egine fault.

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Hi guys


I feel silly asking this, except I can't seem to find a definitive answer when I google, most of it is just speculation or unsupported hyperbolically.

I know swtor is not a proper multi core game and it isn't completely single thread and I believe it used to use two. But since the performance boost in 5.0, is it still the same. There is obviously two instances of it running which suggests two threads atleast.


The reason I'm asking is my current system has started to develop some weird issues, crashes, lags, flaky performance, system not starting or restarting and I think it's because we've had some heavy electrical storms. I've tried all the trouble shooting there is by swapping out components, PSU, Graphics, Memory, Hard drive(s), reinstalling windows 10 and also trying to test on another drive in Windows 7. I just can't pinpoint what it is. I'm guessing it's the Motherboard or CPU and I can't swap them out and they are now obsolete (z97 board, 4790k). This has been a great setup for both gaming and my work requirements.


I'm now researching my options for an upgrade and Ryzen is being released. The multiple CPUs it is offering will help with the non gaming applications I use, so the PC isn't just for gaming. What I'm trying to work out is a balance. Normally I would just automatically upgrade to 7700k, so going to that price point is possible. Ryzen CPUs are offering fantastic bang for your buck and I'm stuck with choice. The Ryzen x1800 is only $100 more than the 7700k and the x1700 is nearly the same. Both the Ryzens blow the 7700k away in multicore/thread applications, but gaming is close and the 7700k beats them when they all run at stock because it runs at 4.5ghz and the others run at 3.8-4.0ghz (boosted). I would definitely OC the Ryzens above 4.0ghz and early leaks suggest it will OC well with good cooling, so I expect 4.2ghz should be achievable for both. The dilemma is will they match or beat the 7700k@4.5ghz in swtor performance. If they are both able to, then I'll save some money and just get the Ryzen x1700.


I know you guys will say to wait, its new tech, early adoption is risky and I should wait for benchmarks. But I need my pc for work and can't do without it. So if it dies before I can build another PC, I'm up ship creek. I can probably risk a week, but that only leaves a few days after Ryzen is released to make a decision and I like to research the hell out of things before I do.


Which brings me back to my original question, does swtor use more than two cores since 5.0 and got such a massive performance FPS boost.


Im also hyped about Ryzen, but wait until some PRO hw users will do performance tests in games. I did that mistake 11 years ago when i spent over 3000$ into best possible PC components, result = i was totally dissapointed, my performance was 1/3 in comparison with first wave of benchmarks.


Environment in AMD tests is setup to show best possible performance of new AMD CPUs.


I recommend to wait for reviews where you can see real FPS in games which uses only one core / multiple cores, also i want to see FPS comparison with same graphic card, hdd, rams between intel and amd CPUs in games.


But still, im sitting here with my 8 years old i7 920 OCed to 4.0 GHz, vga sapphire r380 nitro 4GB, 16 GB ram, ssd and im enjoying swtor in full HD almost on ultra settings in 75 FPS (locked fps max due to freesync).


Anyway as somebody here already mentioned, inside 8vs8 warzones i have insane FPS drops too, so i guess its not about HW, but poor engine optimalization (i know its way more better, then few years ago, but...).

Edited by Chimeree
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I consistently get 55-60 FPS in all situations with the following:


hand-built machine

Windows 10 pro

3770K I-7


nVidia GTX 680


1920x1080 resolution



full screen mode windowed

bloom - on

conversation depth of field - on


All in-game graphical settings maxed except for:

texture quality - high

shader quality - high

anti-aliasing - very high

character LOD - high

anisotrophy - high

char. texture atlasing - high

visible char limit - high

shadow quality - low

shadow map cascades - medium

grass render distance - medium

shadow map resolution - 1280

tree quality - 20

grass quality - 0


--- I didn't catch which graphics card the OP is using but here this is anyway:


nVidia Profile Inspector is a 3rd-party program that exposes more graphics card settings than NVidia's default program interface and can has profiles for many games. Google it and download it if you want to manipulate your NVidia graphics card beyond the rather ham-handed settings available through NVidia control panel. I'm using version


Settings for Star Wars: The Old Republic profile (only listed if other than default):


Antialiasing compatibility DX1x - 0x000012C1 (you must type in this compatibility code, it's not on the drop-down)

Antialiasing fix: on

Antialiasing behavior flags: none

Antialiasing mode: Enhance the application setting

Antialiasing setting: 0x00000016 AA_MODE_METHOD_MIXEDSAMPLE_6X

Antialiasing - transparency multisampling - Enabled

Antialiasing - Transparency supersampling - 8x supersampling

Enable Maxwell sample interleaving (MFAA) - On

Toggle FXAA On or Off - On

Anisotropic filtering mode - User Defined / Off

Anisotropic filter setting - 12x (I always make sure this is a clean multiple of the antialiasing setting)

Texture filtering Anisotropic filter optimization - off

Texture filtering Anisotropic sample optimization - off

texture filtering quality - high quality

texture filtering trilinear optimization - off

Ambient occlusion usage - Disabled



One thing to note about these settings is that the yellow dashed warning markers that you find in hangars and various other locations do not alias with MIXEDSAMPLE_6X and look rather horrid unless you're right on top of them. But MIXEDSAMPLE_6x is a very good compromise between FPS and aliasing quality throughout the game otherwise.


The only way the yellow warning markers will alias at all is by using supersampling (D3D) either 2x, 3x, 4x.

2x gives me 55-60FPS, but 3x gives me 40FPS, and 4x gives me 25 FPS.


Using 2x Supersampling fixes the yellow warning markers but doesn't do an adequate job on other aliasing details.

The combined methods and the CSAA methods listed, which I've tested extensively, perform a more selective aliasing and leave out the yellow markers. Also left out are decals --- footprints in snow, footprints in sand, etc.


All other aliasing using MIXEDSAMPLE_6X look just fine. Of the dozens of other settings, some are ignored by the program completely and others will melt a 680 GTX.

Other people have other recommendations for profiles for star wars. I've tried them but didn't like them (such as using sparse grid).


Hope this helps.


EDIT: Some settings like 0x00000007 AA_MODE_METHOD_SUPERSAMPLE_4X_GAUSSIAN get rid of the aliasing issue with the yellow warning dashes but (at 4x) everything else looks rather horrid. If you have a stronger card than I have, you can try some of the higher alternate aliasing methods.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Im also hyped about Ryzen, but wait until some PRO hw users will do performance tests in games. I did that mistake 11 years ago when i spent over 3000$ into best possible PC components, result = i was totally dissapointed, my performance was 1/3 in comparison with first wave of benchmarks.


Environment in AMD tests is setup to show best possible performance of new AMD CPUs.


I recommend to wait for reviews where you can see real FPS in games which uses only one core / multiple cores, also i want to see FPS comparison with same graphic card, hdd, rams between intel and amd CPUs in games.


But still, im sitting here with my 8 years old i7 920 OCed to 4.0 GHz, vga sapphire r380 nitro 4GB, 16 GB ram, ssd and im enjoying swtor in full HD almost on ultra settings in 75 FPS (locked fps max due to freesync).


Anyway as somebody here already mentioned, inside 8vs8 warzones i have insane FPS drops too, so i guess its not about HW, but poor engine optimalization (i know its way more better, then few years ago, but...).


I'm actually ready to preorder except there doesn't seem to be any of the Asrock Fatal1ty 370x motherboards available in Australia. So I might be waiting till that happens. Either that or I buy the cheapest AM4 board and keep it as a back up when I get the Fatal1ty one.

Also kind of sucks the 1800x costs $699 in Australia. Even with the exchange rate difference it's $50 more expensive than the US.

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those 2 "exe" running is one the reason we have performance issue cause both have to be insync think one is game data the other is the GUI which would explain GUI has such huge hit.



Make the game run off 1 exe is much more beneficial or make 64bit client which would also be 1 exe

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the Ryzen chips are nice, but there single thread is still slower then 4790k 6700k 7700k


compared to a 6900k its about the same single thread which about 2100, Mutlitread wise is good bit better but this game dont give crap about multiple cores/threads.


1700x also 600$less then 6900k less watt, same amount cores for simialr performance, but out box ryzen dont beat or meet the stp cpu kings


Also kind of sucks the 1800x costs $699 in Australia. Even with the exchange rate difference it's $50 more expensive than the US.

be glad its not price at 1000$ like 6900k from intel,

Edited by Kyuuu
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