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Innovative Ord in PVP


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I main IO in PVE and I would like some ideas on what typically works in PVP. I tend to use electro net as an escape but not sure if its effective


So first of all, electro net should only be used when you need to stop a sorc from using their God bubble (Force Barrier) or a stealther.


I would also apply your IM (incendiary Missile) first as it slows down enemies, and this is very useful if you don't want to get massacred by a marauder.


Pop your defensives! I see so many merc nubs that don't pop their HO or their energy shield. I always pop my energy shield when I am at 70% health while I am getting focused.


I could give more tips, but I can't remember them of the top of my head.

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Not sure I agree with the above electro net advice. There are lots of classes to use it on and I definitely use it defensively at times to control a pesky jugg/op/mara.


There's no real secret to IO in PVE. Just don't think you need to try and spread dots every time you cast them. If there's not at least three targets I'd not worry with the spread.


Use Thermal Sensor Override on cooldown prior to an unload. Work in some auto attacks to help reduce heat. Stay below 40%. Take the Improved Vents util in tier 1 utilities.


Since serated shot and powershot both have cast times, this reduces your mobility vs. arsenal. You also have less burst but more consistent damage with the ability to spread damage when appropriate.

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IO merc can be a tough spec to play if you are new or just don't pvp alot for these various reasons.


1. It has a static rotation and ability progression. What this means is that if you leave the rotation or hit the wrong button even for a second, you are on the way for overheat. So if you are one of those pvpers who gets jumped by a melee class and starts to panic on what to do you will struggle in this spec.


2. Secondly it take a setup, you need to not only get your dots on the target but use two methods of spreading them. That would be explosive dart and fusion missile. Dart has a timer before it goes off so you have to make sure the target is not going anywhere and neither are the people around him. Fusion missile is casted so makes sure they stay where they are.


3. Mobility, now as the above post said it can be limited but you should never be casting serrated shot because mag shot makes it instant. only cast powershot when the 10 stacks of surging shot are built. then keep moving around everything else is instant. Or if you got the 10 stacks and use the insta powershot (mag shot makes this instant as well) then cast serrated shot but you should not be casting both.


4. Practice, this spec in pvp takes practice to learn. If you do it wrong it punishes you. As seen in topic 3 you need to be considering alot of factors as you are fighting. Can't just yolo around with IO otherwise you won't get the results. Personally I would only recommend this spec for people who main their mercs because of the time spent with the class and understanding utilities.


So if you are okay with the above and can get through the learning curve of the spec, you should see some nice results in pvp and fill the team comp well especially if you have alot of burst on your team. In pve you should have no problem because IO is one of the best specs parseing wise.

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Best utility for IO is "Gyroscopic alignment jets" because every time you are stunned, leapt to or immobilized you vent 20 heat and your next tech attack does 10% more damage which is nice for burst if you have your Thermal detonator ready, if you do not take this utility you are seriously gimping yourself unless all the team on the other side are ranged (which of course you can't know before hand). Edited by MuskyBoy
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Merc IO is of the best specs currently for pvp, but Arsenal is better.


The advantage of IO to Arsenal during the previous patches was that it had much more survivability and could dps under pressure. 5.0 buffs nullified that.


While IO takes advantage of 5.0 buffs having equal and in many cases higher dps in Regs due to AoE, there is no match for Arsenal in yolo.


Tip: Use Swiping Blasters to trigger Mag shot. Use first instant (or power surge) for Serrated shot and later power shot. Sync Dart or Fusion and TD with Mag shot to execute.

Edited by Aetideus
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