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Staggered Launch Appreciation Thread.


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I'm really happy with this system.

Things are smooth, it gives people a chance to get the hell out of dodge on the first planet or so, making it a smooth launch for the next wave, and it rewards people for supported bioware by buying the game day one.

I ordered two copies for myself and my partner, day one, just to make sure I would get in.


and thats a good way to shop??? buy a mmo from a company that has never made a mmo without looking at waht they are doing...


simple fact is ... 2-3 million people pre-ordered the game. bioware doesn't know what to do so they are staggering and giving majority of people headstarts before preorders in october which is when beta weekends started.

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I believe BioWare/EA were very smart (and brave) to implement a system like this, and so far I believe it's been well an truly worth it, with what appears to be a very successful day 1 for the Early Access launch. My thanks to the developers and publishers, and anyone else involved in crafting what is undeniably a magnificent game, I look forward to giving you my money for years to come. :p


FYI, this is easily the best day 1 for an MMO that I've ever been apart of, though I must admit I've only been there for a couple of them in the past. Still, it must certainly be up there as one of the best..

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I'm glad a lot of people are responding to my thread. Makes me feel hopeful about the people I'll be playing with. I was afraid that I'd be surrounded by negative whiny people complaining about everything under the sun(s)!


i think you were right. most of the patient people are being pretty silent. i myself am just browsing for threads that arnt just a full of :mad: and have more :D in them

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To those who have mentioned that they wanted to "test the waters" and see how the game is before preordering, there was a simple option. Day 1 of preorder, go to gamestop and put $5 down. Ta-da, you have preorder code. This grants you the lovely EGA. You play EGA and decide you don't like the game, cancel your damn preorder and get your money back. Nuff said.


You have no one but yourself to blame for not preordering earlier. Personally I didn't preorder until Aug 8th. Was hoping to be a part for the EGA today, but oh well. I'll just have to check for the Golden Ticket email tomorrow.

Edited by CommieVTK
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There are many people that have made excellent points regarding how this could have been handled better.

No there aren't, there are a tiny handful. What there are MANY of is spoilt little brats. We don't want to see that here or in the game when we get access.


A large part of the complaints could have been alleviated through simple communication. You can't seriously expect anyone to believe that a company the size of BW/EA couldn't manage to have a small group of people sit down at some point in the last 10 days and determine a schedule of when people will be allowed into the game. Simply send a mass email to all pre-orders stating "Check the chart and match your redeem date to see the general timeframe you're in."

The most you could fault Bioware for is the assumption of a modicum of patience, maturity and perspective from their playerbase. I agree that they should really have known better than to expect this from this shower of mewling malcontents.


Plus I think it threw a lot of people for a loop that invites for day 1 stopped at 2pm CST, especially when coupled with the fact that for some inexplicable reason they decided to start the next round of invites 2 hours later tomorrow than they did today. I can easily see how some people would take this as insulting treatment from BW.

I can't. Did you forget that SWTOR is opening in many more timezones than CST today? Or do you think that people over there should just get some kind of preferential treatment?

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/Massive John Hancock Signature right here.


They're putting a lot of effort into making this as smooth of a launch as possible and learning the mistakes of past MMO launches. If this makes a few babies rage quit, all the better. This community does not need impatient people who would rather sacrifice quality just to appease their instant gratification mentality.

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I think anyone who has been through multiple MMO launches knows they never go well. People seem to forget or don't realize that most of the time you end up with the servers down for the majority of the first week. So if waiting a few days allows them to make this run smoothly so I can actually enjoy the game I played for, I'm all for it.


Why care if other people are 50 already? The majority of us weren't going to be the first wave or even 2nd wave to 50. You would have been left behind regardless. For those concerned about the games economy, relax. It always has crazy prices when a MMO first starts. The economy will eventually balance out.


I get wanting to play (trust me I'm kicking myself for not pre-ordering earlier). This will be well worth the wait. If it wasn't for early release you wouldn't be playing till the 20th period. We're lucky we're getting in early at all.

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I believe BioWare/EA were very smart (and brave) to implement a system like this, and so far I believe it's been well an truly worth it, with what appears to be a very successful day 1 for the Early Access launch. My thanks to the developers and publishers, and anyone else involved in crafting what is undeniably a magnificent game, I look forward to giving you my money for years to come. :p


FYI, this is easily the best day 1 for an MMO that I've ever been apart of, though I must admit I've only been there for a couple of them in the past. Still, it must certainly be up there as one of the best..


I'm going to wait until the game is officially released before I pass judgement on the launch but, with how bad many launches have been because the developers could not manage the massive number of users joining the game, I think this approach was worth a try. I expect, and hope, that their experience today will allow them to more accurately predict use loads and they will be able to have more (and larger) waves in the comming days and this will be one of the smoothest launches of a MMO ever

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Greetings, everyone. We already have a discussion thread dedicated to talking about invite waves. If you'd like to share your thoughts, you'll find the discussion thread here:




We're going to close this thread and ask that this discussion continue in the existing thread, so we can keep the conversation a little better consolidated. Thank you!

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