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Post Your Closest GSF Match Vids


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It seems that lately my only redeeming quality is a vocabulary so let me introduce to you the word "hyperbole"


180CC round trip is the sum total ...that is not "a lot" that is 34% of a monthly CC grant most of the super serious crew have spent 10x that amount a reskins of ships

OK, for real, dude. Get over yourself. What you're doing is like laying claim to a basketball court, or baseball field, and telling a bunch of people that they aren't welcome to play on "your field". You're saying, in effect, "You can't play here, but there's another field/court on the other side of town where you should go play, because then it will just be you!" The one thing you're neglecting in your wild rants about all this is that the people doing Super Serious Night are ALREADY ON HARBINGER.


I mean... Who the heck are you to decide what's convenient for other people? I don't see you offering to pay for character transfers to/from whichever server you deem as being appropriate for this sort of thing.


Not to mention bringing this gripe you have into thread after thread after thread that it DOESN'T BELONG IN. If you want to rage about Super Serious Night, go rage about it in that thread until you're blue in the face, but leave it out of this kind of thread.


Look, I get it. You can't stand Sriia, and feel compelled to post some kind of rage directed almost solely at her every single time she posts on the forums. That's friggin' toxic as hell. It borders on being a bully. But even more than that... For God's sake, you're acting like a 12 year old who got rejected by your "one true love" for the 8th grade dance and has made it your personal mission to try to ruin the object of your desire's life.


The only thing you're accomplishing is making yourself look bad. If you have nothing to add to the conversation, then please do us all a favor, and just don't post.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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OK, for real, dude. Get over yourself. What you're doing is like laying claim to a basketball court, or baseball field, and telling a bunch of people that they aren't welcome to play on "your field". You're saying, in effect, "You can't play here, but there's another field/court on the other side of town where you should go play, because then it will just be you!"
Yep you got it exactly right. I am trying to get the overly serious club ball players to go reserve their own private court rather than taking over the public park being jerks and dunking on kids.


The one thing you're neglecting in your wild rants about all this is that the people doing Super Serious Night are ALREADY ON HARBINGER.

Yep, and they might even get matched up against each other....maybe


Not to mention bringing this gripe you have into thread after thread after thread that it DOESN'T BELONG IN.

Newsflash I am not the one that brought SS up in this thread. But now that you mention it, see below


Look, I get it. You can't stand Sriia, and feel compelled to post some kind of rage directed almost solely at her every single time she posts on the forums. That's friggin' toxic as hell. It borders on being a bully.
So what does it mean when someone makes a snide off topic comment........what are they being......say it with me A _ u _ l _


you're acting like a 12 year old who got rejected by your "one true love" for the 8th grade dance and has made it your personal mission to try to ruin the object of your desire's life.

Not on a boat, not in moat, not on plane, not in the rain, not with a cold, not for some gold, not to save my life, would I take that strife

Look, I am happily married and have been so for probably longer than you have been alive, I have a kid that acted 12, four years ago and is more mature than you and better spoken as well. I have great news though, your transference is not lost to me. Perhaps in this grand moment of white knighting, maybe you will finally be noticed and given the reward I am sure you think you deserve.


The only thing you're accomplishing is making yourself look bad.
No that's not the "only" thing, but it is one of the things for those that have a counter view to my own. I however have also shown the the silent majority that the people do have their champion and he will not be dissuaded by the unsilent minority no matter how vocal they get, they can tensor and go from zero to butthurt as fast as they wish. The people's champion will not even charge for his services for the people get a discount and I shall double check to make sure they are always being defended.


I say good day to you sir.......I say good day


The People's Champion has spoken: Let it be written let it be so



P.S. I was watching on SWTOR streamer on Tuesday and people in their voice comm was ticked off to the point of excessive profanity by going up against people just practicing for the event. Imagine what the real thing is going to do. Just in case you think I was basing this off of nothing.

Edited by Lendul
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Harbinger does seem to have a pretty bad skill disparity, I think the effort to get a "super serious server" going should still happen and take priority if there are enough people willing to put some effort into making it happen. If there isn't, then we are left with precious few options, but it certainly doesn't seem like a real effort was ever put in to make something like that a reality.


Matches are more fun and balanced when you are not only able to count on your teammates, but are relatively certain that your opposition will do more than put in the time.


Lendul is not completely out to lunch here IMO, and while the way he goes about it is undoubtedly rubbing people the wrong way, it is turning into an elephant in the room the way one side dominates.


I also think that the presence of a stats record thread may be having a detrimental effect, since for some reason people seem to be actively avoiding challenging games.


Disclaimer: my experiences on harb lately have been a handful of games, so I may be totally out of line with my sentiments.


Devil's advocate, signing off.

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I also think that the presence of a stats record thread may be having a detrimental effect, since for some reason people seem to be actively avoiding challenging games.

I'm not sure why you draw that conclusion. Most of the stat records (whether of the 'career' or 'single match' variety) actually require challenging games to achieve... or at the very least, they require non-lopsided games. Close games offer great opportunity for posting high numbers.


KDR and Win % benefit from lopsided play, but I don't really see people posting crazy stats in those categories very frequently. Maybe people want to achieve high marks there for their own personal satisfaction, but it would take some convincing for me to believe that the presence of a stats thread (or two) is motivating people to do stuff



'Avoiding challenging games' is kind of an ill-defined phrase, but if you're referring to people not competing hard, or just sitting out half a match under a satellite, I think that's driven by the desire to get the most CXP/reward-of-the-month for the least effort.


- Despon

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I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I can provide a few details of my experience on Harbinger over the last year or so.


1. Harbinger has a very solid core of local skilled pilots as well as some multi-server aces that could form a terrifying 4 or 8 man premade nearly every night of the week.

2. Whenever I queue with 3 SRW pilots, all of those aforementioned pilots either disappear or queue on the same side we're flying.

3. If I queue by myself, most times I end up fighting one of those very strong 4+ man premades. I'm not complaining about this because it can be a lot of fun as long as my team isn't full of 2 shippers.


I know it's not a coincidence because we used to try to preannounce the nights we would fly on Harbinger, and those ended up being the most silent of all nights.


I think the overall stats records thread is pretty detrimental because it discourages people from putting themselves in situations where they have a chance of losing. Some of the players I respect most are the ones that swap sides to purposely play on the 'bad' side. Guys like Halkian and Mikaboshi have done that for years. And I've noticed some newer guys like Stewon and Mendac doing it too. Kudos. Their win records and KDR are probably not super impressive, but their flying speaks for itself.

Edited by RickDagles
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II think the overall stats records thread is pretty detrimental because it discourages people from putting themselves in situations where they have a chance of losing. Some of the players I respect most are the ones that swap sides to purposely play on the 'bad' side. Guys like Halkian and Mikaboshi have done that for years. And I've noticed some newer guys like Stewon and Mendac doing it too. Kudos. Their win records and KDR are probably not super impressive, but their flying speaks for itself.

Those stats are only part of the Overall thread's scope. The value that such a collection of stats provides is that it comes as close as we'll get to showing the performance ceiling of the various ship types. I wish it included data from many more players, as it would be legitimately useful in looking at how ships perform relative to each other. You can learn a lot from looking at the data, particularly if you get a big enough sample size. People make so many arguments about this ship or that being OP, well... with no data to look at it all comes down to anecdotal experience to judge, which is really almost worthless for serious analysis.


Personally speaking, I also find shooting for such records to be a personal motivation to play more. I like to have something concrete to judge my progress against. It drives me to find the flaws in my game and try to improve on them.


There is certainly a positive way to approach viewing and/or participating in a thread like that one, and quite a bit of useful info to derive from it. I guess I just don't see an epidemic of people trying to run up KDR/win% to get on the board that would convince me that it's impacting the game in any large sense. Prior to the JC guys this month, there had only been seven or so records posts made in the previous year. I'm in favor of more people participating and using the stats to encourage their own development.


Though wasn't this thread about closest match videos, or something?

was a really close one, over at GSF School. Maybe I can find some raw matches I haven't yet posted to add.


- Despon

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I am currently at a private party at a bar and I have no idea why I am even responding to this now but I think the point we are trying to make here is that it is creating a perversion in the statistics that is creating a real detriment to gameplay on a daily basis.
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Not a vid. But the other day, this lunchtime match went right down to the wire.


998 to 1000 Game


The opposition had a slow start, then capped two for a couple of hundred points lead. B switched both ways, while we made raids on their guarded node to draw off the B defenders. In the end they were about 948 to our 900, when we held B and since we were ticking at 2x rate, we overtook them for the win , desperately scrapping to hold B. - While they chucked everything at it.


I switched to Razorwire mid game to defend the sats, but needed a scout to get to the mid sat FAST and use the last few seconds to hold, -basically tanking but stopping the cap.


Great game. Only wish we had MVP votes. :) my team-mate flew his socks off!


Still, we had a nice chat about it after. - The community is quite close on Progenitor these days - just like 1 big family!


Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Not a vid. But the other day, this lunchtime match went right down to the wire.


998 to 1000 Game


The opposition had a slow start, then capped two for a couple of hundred points lead. B switched both ways, while we made raids on their guarded node to draw off the B defenders. In the end they were about 948 to our 900, when we held B and since we were ticking at 2x rate, we overtook them for the win , desperately scrapping to hold B. - While they chucked everything at it.


I switched to Razorwire mid game to defend the sats, but needed a scout to get to the mid sat FAST and use the last few seconds to hold, -basically tanking but stopping the cap.


Great game. Only wish we had MVP votes. :) my team-mate flew his socks off!


Still, we had a nice chat about it after. - The community is quite close on Progenitor these days - just like 1 big family!



sounds like another amazing one. ill have to work a toon on progenitor with the xp boost. would love to play with you guys!

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That it was. I'm still not quite sure how we won...I was fully expecting a loss right up until I saw the final score.

Dude, if you listen to my reaction at the end, I actually thought we lost it until like 5s after the match ended. :eek: Then I totally geeked out! :o

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I am not sure if the last kill was mine (scoreboard popped up before my target was blown up)... also enemy scored a kill a split second later :) So it was either someone's else kill or the match was practically a tie :) Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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