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Your Star Wars movie ( some spoilers)


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Sorry if this should have been posted to off topic!

What if you could write a script for a SW film?Here are my ideas about it:


- Finn was actually a starship technician, not a stormtrooper

- Rey was just a force sensitive, not anyone's daughter or grand-daughter

- Kylo Ren wasnt a male at all, but a human female, apprentice to Darth Maul

- Snoke ' s appearance is only a programmed hologram, the voice belongs to a person not from human but humanoid species ( you pick.. )

- the last jedi is not Luke, but someone who escaped order 66. He or she wasn't THAT important to be chased by the Empire.

- there is no connection to the SW Rebels cartoons.



Edited by bluehufsa
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Something i've always wanted to see are spin-off movies about Revan, Marka Ragnos, Tenebrae, Darth Bane, Darth Krayt, they all got such interesting stories i think it would be incredible to see them on the big screen.


- the last jedi is not Luke, but someone who escaped order 66. He or she wasn't THAT important to be chased by the Empire. -

This grabbed my attention, i would also love to see more of the Jedi that initially managed to survive Order 66, even if they were hunted down afterwards.


Overall there are many incredible persons and stories in the SW-universe, wether it be canon or expanded universe, so many that they'll never be able to do justice to it all. But regardless i hope the filmmakers decide to take a step away from the Skywalker saga and make more spin-offs.

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"The Last Jedi" you do know that the word Jedi can mean 1 Jedi or Several Jedi, more than 1, right?


They could mean it as ' The Last of the Jedi ' they just left out the " of the " to make you all guess, what ya think? :D


Things that make you go, HMMMMMM? ;)


It is plural. The Spanish / Portuguese translation for Latin America spoiled it. Guess the markleting team still lives in 90s, not in the era of Facebook, twitter etc.

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Why i think Luke shouldn't be the last Jedi : if the producers want the movies to have success they have to come up with other characters than Skywalkers. For example:

"X" Jedi escaped order 66 because he or she was outside the known galaxy, exploring.

"Y" Jedi was frozen in carbon by a bounty hunter but never delivered to whoever payed for his capture. Now, the mechanisms of the carbon chamber failed and the Jedi woke up.

"Z" Jedi was meditating in a secluded area and went into a deep trance, so he was never found and killed.


And i'm sure you guys could find many other scenarios.

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I don't see why they have to get rid of Skywalkers to keep the movies going :p


I would like to hear other Jedi who escaped Order 66.


I would love to hear Rey is Luke's daughter (unknown to him). He had children in the EU, I don't want to see him not have any in the new canon.


I would either get Denis Lawson to reprise his role as an older Wedge or someone else to play the part, but I'd like to see him over seeing a new group of X-Wing pilots :)


Finn I'd like to see as a Force Sensitive, not as powerful as Rey, maybe the new trilogies version of Gus :p


Kylo I hope gets redeemed and not die :p


I hope Snoke turns out to be a Jedi who escaped Order 66 but driven to the dark side for having to live on the run from Vader.

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I don't see why they have to get rid of Skywalkers to keep the movies going :p


I would like to hear other Jedi who escaped Order 66.


I would love to hear Rey is Luke's daughter (unknown to him). He had children in the EU, I don't want to see him not have any in the new canon.


I would either get Denis Lawson to reprise his role as an older Wedge or someone else to play the part, but I'd like to see him over seeing a new group of X-Wing pilots :)


Finn I'd like to see as a Force Sensitive, not as powerful as Rey, maybe the new trilogies version of Gus :p


Kylo I hope gets redeemed and not die :p


I hope Snoke turns out to be a Jedi who escaped Order 66 but driven to the dark side for having to live on the run from Vader.


I agree with some of your ideas :


Finn being a force sensitive, makes sense

Rey being Luke's daughter, makes sense again


Furthermore, Snoke being a fallen jedi is quite acceptable, that would explain why Kylo is so poorly trained - Snoke instructed the first force sensitive he could get on his side, but in secret he plans to find a more powerful force sensitive to corrupt, someone like Rey, for example.

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- Balance in the Force does not mean no Sith, it means Jedi and Sith living at once.


- Anakin was not destined to destroy the Sith. He was destined to bring balance to the Force, but the Jedi Council believed the Light side being the sole survivor meant actual balance.


- Kylo Ren is no longer a title, but the name Ben Solo changed his name to to signify his abandonment of his former Light Side identity.


- The Knights of Ren exist, but they are the fallen Jedi of Luke's new academy that Kylo led into destroying the new Jedi. In following the Rule of Two, these people were not allowed to pursue Sith training like their master Kylo from Snoke.


- Supreme Leader Snoke and Kylo Ren are Sith Lords, though only Snoke holds the title of Darth as of the Force Awakens, given that Kylo has not finished his training.


- Ezra Bridger is a Sith Lord thought dead after a long apprenticeship under the likes of Darth Maul and subsequently Lord Snoke. His goal is to unite the Sith under one banner; his own. He wishes to do away with the Rule of Two, to which Lord Snoke holds on to.


- Duchess Satine and Obi-Wan Kenobi conceived a child during their time together before the Clone Wars series, but she decided to hide their daughter from Kenobi and the Jedi on Tatooine, away from the wars that followed.


- The line of the child of Satine and Kenobi would eventually lead to the birth of Rey, whose blood is almost entirely Mandalorian, like her great great grandmother's.


- Finn and Poe Dameron are Force sensitive, but they're not as strong as Rey.


- Rey's parents were Ezra Bridger and one of the descendants of Kenobi and Satine.


- Ezra covertly rescues Rey after she is abandoned to drown in a losing battle against the First Order on the planet of Manaan by the New Republic, and seduces her to the Dark Side as the first step in his war against Darth Snoke.


- Luke trains Poe and Finn as well as he can, but realizes that they may not be enough for what's coming so he calls for Anakin and Obi-Wan's help through the Force, who lead him to more Force sensitives.


- Luke is wary about training another generation of Jedi after his past failure, so he decides to destroy Snoke alone.


- Ezra, in the meanwhile, watches from the shadows as he sends his new apprentice Rey to convince Kylo Ren of her master's vision for the new Sith Order, just as his old master Maul had taught him.


- Rey fails in bringing Kylo to her side, but she finds his followers, the Knights of Ren, easily swayed, thanks to their jealousy of their leader Kylo. They are formally inducted into Ezra's new Sith Order and his Rule of One, unbeknownst to Kylo Ren, who has now become Darth Ren.


- Guided by the voice of Darth Vader, Kylo Ren is finally given the mission to annihilate Luke Skywalker and his supposed Padawan Rey.

- Upon finding his objective, a near reincarnation of Darth Vader himself, Darth Ren battles the new Jedi Order consisting of Poe Dameron, Finn, and Luke Skywalker.


- Darth Ren gets the better of the trio and separates Poe and Finn from Luke on Dagobah. Darth Ren handily defeats Poe and Finn without their master's protection and attempts to rearrange their minds into joining his cult, the Knights of Ren, but Luke finds them in time, accompanied by the true spirit of Vader- Anakin Skywalker.


- The ghost of Anakin explains to Darth Ren that he has been manipulated by Darth Snoke's voice all this time, that he has never had prior contact with his grandson through his old helmet. He explains that Snoke's dark power has been constantly stumping any attempts from him, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Qui-Gonn to appear to the troubled Sith Lord, and that he can be redeemed.


- Kylo warily lowers his blade, for the first time feeling his mind and heart clear. Ben quickly apologizes to his uncle, then explains that Rey is not dead and that the galaxy is in danger of being shattered by a hidden Sith Empire.


- Luke's New Jedi Order, comprised of the redeemed Ben Solo, Poe Dameron, Finn, and himself, report to the New Republic of their findings as Ben faces accusations of treason and murder of Han Solo. Ben agrees to be held accountable for his actions, but does not agree to being detained while this situation is going on, so he returns to Snoke, secretly a Jedi.


- Snoke orders Ben to infiltrate this new Sith Order and to bring it to pieces from within, as they are fake Sith. Snoke, however, feels a growing spark of the Light side within Kylo, which he believed would help his apprentice become stronger at one point, but now it was becoming overwhelming for a mysterious reason.


- Snoke calls in the second most powerful Knight of Ren to his presence, a Miraluka of the line of Visas Marr, and offers her a place at his side should she prove successful in assassinating Kylo Ren, gifting her a lightsaber.


- The Marr girl, already a traitor to the Knights of Ren, as the others were, and a member of the new Sith Order under Lord Ezra (He'd ideally have a cool Sith name), keeps quiet of her mission to kill Kylo, but does not move to kill him either. She simply watches and lies about her second lightsaber, informing her friend Rey that she had built another as a further step into her servitude of the One Sith Ezra. Rey, however, becomes suspicious, not recalling Ezra ever teaching any of them how to build a Sith lightsaber, given that he had sent them each to sack Sith tombs on Moraband (Korriban) to retrieve their lightsabers as their Sith Trial.


- Rey warily inducts Kylo Ren into the new Sith Order after he approaches her meditation chamber on Moraband, now known once again as Korriban after thousands of years, feeling the strength of the Light side surrounding him, but unable to deny her master's wishes for the Solo spawn to join him.


- Ben, guided by Luke, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, and Qui-Gon, plants a feeling of uncertainty of the Dark Side within Rey's heart upon asking her why she betrayed the last Jedi. She responds that she was left to die and that she hated the New Republic and Luke Skywalker, but can't truly believe it, thanks to Kylo's strange Light sided aura's clearing of her feelings.

- Rey begins to have visions of an Old Republic and an Old Sith Empire on Yavin IV. She begins to feel a powerful presence saturated with BOTH the Light and Dark sides of the Force on the planet. She reports this finding to her master Ezra, who allows her to go along with her friend Marr and Kylo to investigate this source of power.


- Ben informs Luke, Poe, and Finn about his trip with Rey and Marr to Yavin IV, to which they decide to go to as well on the Millenium Falcon, along with Chewbacca, BB-8, and R2-D2.


- On Yavin IV, while Ben is secretly transmitting to the Jedi and Rey is meditating in an attempt to see more visions, Marr contacts Snoke, who asks her why Kylo Ren is not yet dead. She tells the Sith Lord that he must prove his power to her before she does as he asks, and that she will not serve a weak Sith. She taunts Snoke, telling him that so far Ezra has proven to be a much more active Sith Lord and master than him.


- Snoke unmasks her feelings to her, informing her that he knows of her infinite hunger for power and that that lust would lead her to become little more than a corpse without his protection. When she denies his words, saying that she will one day rule the Sith, Snoke opens her mind to a vision of an ancient Sith Lord named Darth Nihilus, to whom her ancestor Visas Marr knelt. He scrutinizes her mind and tells her that she's vain and poor, devoid of love she so wants, a void that cannot be filled by Ezra's ultimate rule. He tells her that she's been filling that void of love with artifacts of power that she gifts to her lord Ezra in hopes of getting something greater in return in order to have everything she always wanted, but that she will only snap and consume everything in time. He tells her that without a body, that with only a dark spirit bound to a mask, she cannot have love.


- Finally, after this revelation of her future, Marr kneels to Snoke and resolves to kill Kylo Ren. She hopes that after his death Snoke will protect her from herself while giving her all she ever wanted.


- Marr now plans to use this source of power Rey had seen to kill them both, knowing that the pair were more than a match for her inexperienced self.


- Meanwhile, Rey is broken from her meditations of the Dark Side by the Force ghost of an ancient Jedi who calls himself Revan. Revan acknowledges that he could never hope to truly be a Force ghost, given his life as an uncertain walker of darkness and light at once, but that he's bound his spirit to his mask in order to shoo away Jedi who would be ravaged by Yavin IV's dark energies. He comments that he finds it strange that he could only reach out to Rey, who wasn't even on the planet, given that he hadn't been able to touch anything off-world through the Force through all these thousands of years. Almost instantly, Revan concludes that she is of his blood, but upon feeling the Force around her decides that that is not possible and that she must have some sort of connection, not to him, but to his mask.


- Rey comments that Luke Skywalker had told her about her lineage being almost neatly 50% Mandalorian and 50% Force sensitive, and Revan imprints the location of his mask onto her mind in hopes that she would find it, letting her know that the mask is a Mandalore's mask from the Mandalorian Wars and that it belongs to her. Before she goes, however, Revan warns her of the path she is taking and of the emotions she is allowing to cloud her true convictions. Rey points out that being abandoned once was difficult enough, but that being left for dead was unforgivable. Revan counters by telling her that she's perhaps gotten ahead of herself and that she's much like him. He tells her of Lord Scourge's betrayal of him and Meetra Surik, and of his centuries of years left behind to Lord Vitiate's excruciating power. But he also tells her of the Hero of Tython's bravery and his redemption of Scourge, of Praven, of Master Kira Carsen, who was more bound to Lord Vitiate than he ever was, and of the Republic's simple inability to find him when he was so lost. He tells her that everyone believed him to be dead and that she shouldn't think that they never tried to find him or that there is no hope for her. He tells her that it's impossible that no one ever cared for her, or that anyone cares for her now.


- Left with much to think about, Rey exits her camp and gathers Kylo, who's connection to the Force seems remarkably similar to Revan's, they find Marr, then they set out to find the Mandalorian mask.


- Upon arriving on Yavin IV, the Jedi are visited once more by the ghosts of the old Jedi, who have found the spirit of Revan on the planet. Master Yoda summons Revan's ghost and the latter explains everything that's been going on with Rey to the Jedi. Feeling guilt welling up in his gut, Finn exclaims that Rey's fall to the Dark Side was his fault because he couldn't save her. Luke, with a pale face, tells the young Jedi that her fall was his fault, just like Ben's had initially been, because it had been under his watch. The Jedi Master comments that he should have disobeyed the order to retreat on Manaan, but Poe tells him that his death would have meant the complete end of the New Republic, especially after General Leia's death. Encouraged by his father, Anakin, Luke resolves to find Rey and Obi-Wan pleads to Luke to bring his descendant back to the Light, for the sake of Satine. Revan reveals the location of the mask to the Jedi, and they, along with Chewbacca, set out for the Tomb of Darth Revan, formerly the restless place of Exar Kun.


- Upon arriving at the tomb, Kylo, Rey, and Marr are bombarded by frantic Massassi warrior's who have enchanted suits of Imperial, Republic, and Mandalorian armor to fight for them against the invaders. Fighting deeper into the tomb, more and more dark side abominations rise to defend the legacy of Darth Revan's shade, but eventually the trio hit a dead end in the maze and Marr suggests they split up to find the mask. Disagreeing with the idea, Ben is overrided by Rey's acceptance of the new plan and the three go their separate ways.


- Eventually, the Jedi reach the tomb but are being led directly to the mask by Revan's ghost. Within the massive room in which Revan's mask was placed, Ben is laying badly hurt at the feet of Marr, who is wearing Revan's powerful mask. The Jedi engage the empowered Sith, but soon enough Rey finds them all and her memories of abandonment rise upon seeing the champions of the Light Side. Rey leaps into the fray in the defense of Marr, feeling the nearly irresistible pull of Revan's mask filling her body with the incredible power of the Force.


- Marr, drunk with the destructive power Snoke had warned her about, desperately reaches out to her new master in the midst of the battle between dark and light and is answered. Snoke pressures her to kill Ben as she disarms him once again, but she (and note that more characterization needs to happen) fails to do so, given that she loves him, and she is blasted by Ben's channeling of the dark and light side energies within the mask away from him, knocking her unconscious.


- Rey immediately calls the mask onto her face and with an outburst of pure Dark Side lightning and seriously maims all the Jedi save for Luke and Finn, the latter of which was behind Luke when he shielded himself with the Light Side. Rotating around Rey, Luke and Finn begin explaining to her why they couldn't save her and deeply apologize. After giving in to her anger, Rey lashes out and puts up a weaker fight than before, noting that her heart wasn't fully engrained in the battle. After a few more minutes of tired fighting, Rey falls on her knees, crying and begging for forgiveness from the two Jedi, finally acknowledging that her abandonment wasn't their fault and that she never wanted to betray them and her ideals.


- Marr awakens suddenly, temporarily filled by the power of Snoke, and she unleashes a torrent of lightning upon Luke, who manages to barely block the stream of lust with his blade. Shouting over the sound, telling Rey and Finn that he couldn't hold it for long and that they should take the rest of the Jedi and go, Luke felt his green blade bending backwards. Finn defiantly jumps between the stream of lightning and Luke, but his lack of enough power in the Force to halt Marr's onslaught ends with the Sith lightning disintegrating his left arm and Rey temporarily holding the stream with Anakin's lightsaber (which she always carried), which ends in the old lightsaber shattering to pieces and Rey being thrown against the wall. The lightning reaches Luke's palms and he holds it, taking difficult steps toward Marr in order to end the stream, but Marr's doubled voice possessed by Snoke screamed and Luke was cast into the wall with bleeding ears and a lost consciousness. The storm ceases for a moment as Marr fixes her gaze upon Rey. The Sith proclaims herself Darth Marr before Force pulling Rey right in front of her face and raising her crimson lightsaber.


- Ben is freed from his dark slumber by his grandfather Anakin's ghost and, amplified by the Light of Kenobi, Jinn, Yoda, and Revan, he channels the mixed power of the Dark and Light sides of the Force within Rey's mask, sending a surge of the Force from Rey's body that smashes Darth Marr against the coffin of Darth Revan and seals her within it.


- Ripping the mask from her face, Rey shakily stands as the Forceful screams of Darth Marr, no longer possessed by Snoke, rattle the tomb. She calls for the ghosts of the Jedi to aid in waking Luke, but telling her that they can only awaken their descendants, only the old Jedi Master wakes and Rey, Luke, and Ben carry Poe and Finn out of the tumbling tomb.


- Ben looks back at the shattering tomb, his heart sinking at the thought of seeing Marr crushed beneath its weight. Luke consoles him and tells him that he made the right choice, to which Ben replies that he had no doubt about it anymore, but that there may yet be darkness within him. Finn embraces Rey, but she doesn't hold him for a moment, feeling inadequate about celebrating her mistake, but Finn assures her that they're even now and she embraces him back.


- The Jedi ghosts appear once more. Obi-Wan smiles proudly at Rey and notes that she has the heart of a Jedi before fading into the night. Anakin tells Ben that there is darkness within everyone, but that all must choose which side to act upon. Ben agrees, but comments that there is a more tangible darkness within him than his grandfather defined, to which Anakin assures him that with the guidance of his now wiser son, he could not fall again. Anakin fades. Revan finally reveals himself to Rey alone, too weak to appear to all of the Jedi, and tells her that his mask was shattered with that final channeling of the power within it and that he will soon become one with the Force after so many years of being stranded on Yavin IV. He tells her that he is glad that this is happening and that she should not mourn the loss of the mask. Rey asks him why she shouldn't mourn, given that it belonged to her ancestors, but he tells her that she can never truly be left behind if she remembers that the Mandalorians, her true family, were always there as long as she remembers them. He also nods in the direction of the rest of the Jedi and smiles as his image begins to fade. He tells her that she reminds him of a certain Mandalore from clan Ordo who never failed his friends. Revan fades.


- Luke and the Jedi return to the Jedi Temple and Ben is seen recovering a purple kyber crystal from a beautiful cave. The story ends as Rey assembles her new lightsaber with the Force


... I do have a life, I am going to work now, I swear! I just couldn't hold back so I wrote episode 9. Or what I think would be cool for Ep. 9, I'm sure Disney will blow my fan Fic out of the water. Id probably do all this if I was a writer at Disney, though.

Edited by Joluka
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