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<Fortitude> is Recruiting


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Greetings, Jedi Covenant!


Finally, after two long and grueling years, we have a new operation inbound! I'm really excited, as are a lot of other raiders I know. With the launch of the first operation boss being a couple months out, I'm here to extend an invitation to all raiders, new and experienced, to come and join our ranks in <Fortitude>!


<Fortitude> is one of Jedi Covenant's established raiding guilds on the Republic side. Our members come in all different skill levels. From beginners who are completely new to raiding, getting their feet wet in SM ops, to top tier NiM/Master raiders who love to challenge themselves in the hardest content available. <Fortitude> is also committed to the improvement of the raiding community on our server. Our experienced raiders are always willing to share their knowledge to those who are looking to improve their game. They also work closely with our beginners, giving constructive criticism, teaching them proper execution of mechanics, and guiding them in playing their chosen discipline as optimally as they can.


Currently, <Fortitude> has six raid teams:

- Resurrection: NiM/MM Progression

- Kessel Run DMC: NiM/MM Progression

- Never Tell Us The Odds: HM/VM Progression

- Red Squad: HM/VM Progression

- Domino Squad: Beginner/SM Learning Group

- Dogs of War (Imperial sister guild): Casual HM/VM Group


We would love to get more raid teams started to give people more in-guild raiding opportunities as well.


If we sound like the kind of guild you’re looking for, you can put in an application on our guild website: http://fortitudeguild.enjin.com. Feel free to post here, or contact me via DM or in game if you have any questions or need more information.


Thank you for taking the time to read this. May the Force be with you!



GM of <Fortitude>

Edited by happysister
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We are trying to get another Republic Veteran Mode team up and running! The roster is not finalized yet. We've got 8+ interested players, but not everyone's schedules are lining up, so technically, we need more bodies. So far, the most popular day is Sunday, with Friday at close second. Most likely will be running in the evening / at night (Eastern time). Days and times are not set in stone yet though.


Keep in mind, this is a brand new team being built from scratch, not a pre-existing team that is trying to remake itself, or fill in holes. Depending on how fast we get enough folks with working schedules, the group may or may not be raid ready within a couple weeks. If that doesn't bother you, then feel free to put in an app on our guild site!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
<Fortitude> is still recruiting! If you're looking for raiding opportunities, give us a try! We're still trying to form a new VM raid team, and possibly another MM raid team. Our SM raid team is also looking for new members as well.


What about Impside? My guild only PVP's and I was hoping to do the new boss soon.

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<Fortitude> is still recruiting! If you're looking for raiding opportunities, give us a try! We're still trying to form a new VM raid team, and possibly another MM raid team. Our SM raid team is also looking for new members as well.


I would be curious to know how many teams you have and what kind of content you guys are doing!

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What about Impside? My guild only PVP's and I was hoping to do the new boss soon.

I can check and see. We're primarily a Republic guild, with imp alts in a sister guild (Imp side is not as active as Pub side). There's only one raid team running Imp side, and I'm not sure if they have open spots or not. I'll check though.


I would be curious to know how many teams you have and what kind of content you guys are doing!

That information is in the very first post of this thread. :D

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  • 5 months later...

Hi there! I am the GM of Tragic Heroes on TEH maybe you have heard of us! I am reaching out to other reputable pub guilds that will be part of the East Coast Server Merge. If you guys are interested in working together and such let me know!


If you have any questions or comments feel free to mail me on the forums :D


Look forward to raiding and having fun with you guys

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Hi there! I am the GM of Tragic Heroes on TEH maybe you have heard of us! I am reaching out to other reputable pub guilds that will be part of the East Coast Server Merge. If you guys are interested in working together and such let me know!


If you have any questions or comments feel free to mail me on the forums :D


Look forward to raiding and having fun with you guys

Hello, GM of Tragic Heroes. Next time just DM me instead of posting in our thread that's meant for guild recruitment, lol...

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Greetings TEH... I am the GM of <NAM> We are excited to hear of the new servers and bringing folks together. A little bit about us. We have been running together for about six months now or longer. We have cleared every HM and Nightmare Boss. We have claimed 4 of 5 NIM Timed runs... Linked is some if not most or all of our clears. I look forward to meeting you folks. Cheers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8b7i2NDNbFbN_fmLFE4B-Q Edited by OasisKid
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Greetings TEH... I am the GM of <NAM> We are excited to hear of the new servers and bringing folks together. A little bit about us. We have been running together for about six months now or longer. We have cleared every HM and Nightmare Boss. We have claimed 4 of 5 NIM Timed runs... Linked is some if not most or all of our clears. I look forward to meeting you folks. Cheers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8b7i2NDNbFbN_fmLFE4B-Q


So after she oh so nicely asked me not to post on her recruitment thread you feel the need to do so? Very classy Kytera.



Please join fortitude guys all the ones I have met are super cool!

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I refuse to get down in the mud with anyone.... Ghost or whomever you are I like when you twist things around to fit the narrative you are trying to spin. I will not be negative or mean. Auro not sure who your statement was being said to but sure lol.... Servers are happening and I get it some folks do not like me... some folks don't like other folks... what difference does it make... Its a game and such so grow up or deal with it
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Just a reminder to all this is a Fortitude Recruitment thread everyone please all and by all I mean all as we are not taking sides in this off server memefest but if y'all want to meme each other please do it elsewhere as those posts are off topic and detracting from our recruitment. Kthx have a good day all. :) Edited by FerkWork
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