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They need to announce news faster than E3, bc this game is dying


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If EAWare would just admit they screwed up in the first place, admit they were wrong and apologize for what they've done, I think that would go a long way to quieting some of the rage.


Really, seriously, that plus having a substantial component reward rate buff in 5.1.2 might be all it would take. Agree.


All they need to do is admit that they got GC backwards, that components/pieces should be the primary gearing system and crates the secondary bonus system, and adjust rates accordingly. But that implies admitting they were wrong, so I fear we are just going to see a series of incremental half fixes. We'll get to the same place eventually, just the most painful way.

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This may not be a fair comparison, but in WoW you can get gear from multiple sources (Dungeons, World Quests, Raids, Order Hall Quests, PVP, crafting, and many other more ways.) and you're guaranteed a piece of gear per dungeon or whatever content you're doing.


In WoW, you can run about 2-4 dungeon in an hour depending on your group - which basically means you're guaranteed at least 2-4 pieces of gear. AT LEAST. With our lovely GC command system, you run an hour of FPs to get 1-2 galactic command levels that have a very slight chance to net you a piece of gear. I would much rather spend 8 hours playing WoW because I'm guaranteed multiples pieces of gear rather than this system of opening stupid boxes of RNG to get gear.


I don't understand how people like this system other than the people who are extremely lucky to get tier set pieces. But even then how is it satisfying? You just grinded 200 freaking Galactic Command levels just to get to tier 3 stuff. That's ridiculous.

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Clean it up quick bc we dont want the game to die. I want a vibrant and populated game. I really love the game, but endgame has to be fun and what you guys put in place, is not very fun. Its insanely brutal RNG and the cartel market seems to have the same brutal RNG. Fix the equation a bit. You need to make sure that even the most unlucky player in the world, feels lucky sometimes. There cant be a situation where a player gets punished for playing your game, that makes zero sense.


It's like they know there is a definite END date to SWTOR and all they are doing is keeping people subbed so that they can maintain a employee staff of 5 or 6 people until that time comes to pull the plug. I don't count the cartel pack department as staff as they can easily go make furniture/outfits for Sims F2P.

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Game has been dying for four years now. Your late to that circle jerk party mate. lol Its star wars which means it can go at least ten years before unplugged. Besides if they announce anything now all the haters will just come out of the woodwork like usual.
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As far as that goes, I'm pretty sure that when your husband breaks his promises, he not only acknowledges he broke a promise but he apologizes for it. That is something EAWare has failed to do. They have not admitted their fault in breaking their word about ops content, they have not admitted any fault in how horrible GC is... they're just ignoring all the negative feedback, publicly patting themselves on the back, and pretending everything is as it should be while offering some mealy-mouthed PR nonsense about 'tweaks' to the system to save face.


If EAWare would just admit they screwed up in the first place, admit they were wrong and apologize for what they've done, I think that would go a long way to quieting some of the rage. But that is the one thing they will never, ever do. Ben Irving's ego won't allow for that, I suppose. It's that level of hubris and disconnect from their customer base that stokes my own personal ire towards them.



When my boyfriend apologizes for something then it is never brought up again. But even if BW apologizes people would constantly bring it up

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I want them to stop bleeding subs. A huge announcement will fix it, I guess the new movies will help. Just letting us know that they still have big plans for this game, would help. The new OP and planet will definitely help. GC though is not rewarding enough and it definitely encourages burnout.




There is soo much right about this game and just a few bad things, its too bad that they made the bad things so integral to the end game experience.


That bad thing (galactic command rng grind & gear) is so omnipresent in the end game, I'm not sure anything will make the subs who don't care for that type of play stay subbed/resub. I loved the game, but I don't have time to make it a full time (unpleasant) job. ,And since the new content is likely going to be gated behind the high tier gear, and alts play at end game can never be supported in this system - well, really nothing short of scrapping the whole rng grind and gear would make me consider a resub. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of others like me out there too.


But whenever SWTOR does die (no judgment here: we can't expect a MMO to last forever) I fully expect it will be 5.0 that was the death blow. Oh, other stuff contributed (slow trickle of minimal content since 3.0 hit) and it will survive on life support for some time... Only time will tell, but I'd put money on 5.0 being the "jumped the shark" moment.

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When my boyfriend apologizes for something then it is never brought up again. But even if BW apologizes people would constantly bring it up


Oh yeah. They'd spitefully rub it in their faces until the end of time. You aren't going to get an I'm sorry from them. They make mistakes (we all do) and their apology is them trying to make it better. I get that 1 operation isn't good enough but they have other content coming and we've no idea what comes after with the 2nd boss. Could be pvp, flashpoints, we don't know yet. And if another game pumps out more at a rapid pace and that's what you as a gamer want then go for that.

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Oh yeah. They'd spitefully rub it in their faces until the end of time. You aren't going to get an I'm sorry from them. They make mistakes (we all do) and their apology is them trying to make it better. I get that 1 operation isn't good enough but they have other content coming and we've no idea what comes after with the 2nd boss. Could be pvp, flashpoints, we don't know yet. And if another game pumps out more at a rapid pace and that's what you as a gamer want then go for that.


I'm not seeing a new PvP map this year.

2017 has been mapped out and planed already, group content and some fetch quests on iokath.

The raid bosses are this years version of the KOTFE monthly car crashes...errr I mean chapters

Once are month (or two) a new raid boss will launch and if things go bad then BW will go "OMG look a shiny" and do something like start a new PvP season or release a new map like they did last year.


In other news I finished my warlock Tranmog in WoW yaay

Edited by benmas
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All this talk about leaving for other games on the forums lately. I never thought I would say this since I am so burned out on them but 5.1 has been making me think about WoW, TSW, and EVE again.


Ok I remember why I quit TSW. First area amazing, second good, third bad and fourth meh. If they had kept their content up to the par of the first lovecraftian area I'd still be playing that game.


I quit EVE because the lowsec piracy meta had become unfriendly to solo hunting and had gone to small roving fleets of Twitch streamers. I was friends with those guys but it wasn't my thing. Still, I have hundreds of ships and billions of ISK sitting in EVE - hmm. Basically I just hate fleeting up in EVE.


I quit WoW a few years after launch because grind and because by a few years in to it I was so burned out on endgame raiding (from it, EQ, and other early MMOs) that I still can't do it, raids and ops in any game just feel like an unfun second job full of high-maintenance coworkers. WoW PvP is good though, or was last time I did it (maybe a decade ago, soon after BC).


I fired up DaOC the other day (just because you can). That was an amazing game, back in the day, for PvP. Sadly it did *not* age well. Still, fun to see my old toons still there.


Meh, I just love the Old Republic game universe. So I guess I'm here until they turn it off :)

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