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Sith Inquisitor is canonically light side?


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The Inquisitor is light.

Have you *played* the Inquisitor as Dark-dark from level 1? I suspect not. Try it. Some of the situations are *epic* if you go dark.

* "Just ... show me where the fun is."

* "Murder and mayhem await."

* A mission-giver on Belsavis where you choose the DS option, and the cinematic shows a bit of lightning crackling around your body as if the thought of doing whatever it was is giving you a *big* thrill.


And so on. Of course, if you go truly 100% dark, your character is evidently unhinged. Well, it's more like you're so far unhinged that all the hinges are on the other side of the galaxy, in fact. But it's great fun.

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Have you *played* the Inquisitor as Dark-dark from level 1? I suspect not. Try it. Some of the situations are *epic* if you go dark.

* "Just ... show me where the fun is."

* "Murder and mayhem await."

* A mission-giver on Belsavis where you choose the DS option, and the cinematic shows a bit of lightning crackling around your body as if the thought of doing whatever it was is giving you a *big* thrill.


And so on. Of course, if you go truly 100% dark, your character is evidently unhinged. Well, it's more like you're so far unhinged that all the hinges are on the other side of the galaxy, in fact. But it's great fun.

My Sith Inquisitor is Darth Nox.

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i thought Darth Nox was just the name given to you, didn't know you could get a different name based off making LS decisions.


I sometimes forget swtor is still a bioware game.


Dark Side: Darth Nox

Light Side: Darth Imperius

Neutral: Darth Occlus


If you maintain these levels of force alignment, you will be referred to by these titles in three distinct moments in game: 1. by Darth Marr when you are added to the Dark Council. 2. when Darth Marr calls you on your ship to summon you to Makeb and 3. when you begin Knights of the Fallen Empire by the imperial officer who greets you when you first arrive to Darth Marr's flagship.


There may be other's but these moments stick out to me the most.


Side Note: I have done all three SI endings and to me full Light Side was the most amazing of them all. The moment you kneel down to focus on releasing the spirits from their endless afterlives of being nothing but force spirits, cleansing them and releasing their spirits up into the sky in a large flash of yellow light like a beacon of pure light and having the SI fall over from the effort of helping to make them one with the force finally was really awesome to watch.


To me, it makes sense to be a LS SI because of where you came from. I think a slave that rises to power sees potential in changing the Empire from within so that other's do not have to suffer similar fates they most likely did while they were a slave.


I have three Inquisitors named after the three force alignment titles just so I could hear my character's be addressed by their darth titles in game. =)

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  • 1 month later...
My 2nd is a S.I. they're quite Dark and I didn't really have to do anything I thought was fanatical or evil. I was really just taking care of business. I *may have Mislead Ashara (not sure if I remember though either) but had no trouble there. This was a Potential aid so my S.I. did what was required to get the best result (Taking care of Business again). I actually have came to like that character. Its absolute taking care of business, sometimes one way, sometimes moving others out of my way.
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By that standard, nothing in TOR is canon at all.


We know TOR isn't canon, at the same time, we know, even in non canon universe, the time line only goes one way. Forward :p


So, when Luke looks back in a newly found archive of long forgotten history, it will show that famous smuggler, in it's canon form. Same with all the classes.


The holo recording won't show 1million Smugglers who all ran the same life but made slightly different choices. :p

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I didn't play the SI light side, just 100% dark side, but I moste say dark side choices never felt out of place like "why the hell would i do that?". But nevertheless the SI is probably together with the agent the class which supports different play styles the most. What does that mean? Imp is the better side :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
LS Inquisitor seems more realistic IMO. It doesn't make sense that any of your comps would stay (barring Khem and Xalek), and based on your backstory as a slave, it's more likely you'd be a little more introverted, and less hostile in general. Not sure if 100% LS is good, because sometimes LS means a lot of extra work, but generally LS works better. I tend to equate the canon inquis to act a lot like Lana. Calm, smart, but willing to kill a few people if they get in his way.
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I think the Inquisitor starts as a survivor doing what he/she must to stay alive in the Sith Academy if it meant doing a lot of cruelty so be it.. it beats being dead. When you rise to Lord you are able to start making some choices but.. you are pitted against one of the most powerfull sith in the galaxy a member of the dark council that alone is enough to make 99% of the Sith wet their pants... again do what you need to keep your edge it meant enslaving dead people. While in the academy my inquisitor went full dark .. she had no choice in the matter it was like Zaleck said " Kill or be killed ". As she became a Lord she had a but more freedom and made some light choices avoid senceless brutality when possible but her own survival was at stake so again she did what she must. Finally as Darth Nox my inquisitor said " i once lead a multitude of ghosts against a member of the dark councill " but i did not release them. This comes to me with a realization .. time has passed and she had acess to all the hidden secrets and knowledge in the Sith Empire as its Keeper .. so technically she could have delved deep into them so deep in fact that she had no further use for the ghosts and released them just to get rid of their complaints since they are still able to speak after the mind healing on Voss. The only moment when i felt the story was guiding my char to more lightside aspects out of necessity and because there was no further use for old patterns of behavior was during and after Makeb. So i dont think there is a cannon .. its more of a ... all roads lead to Rome kind of thing.
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Eh.. I see what you all are saying, and there are some valid points. It's true that the story seems to want you to make the Light Side choice of releasing the ghosts, and it's perfectly plausible that a former slave would choose not to do what his or her former masters did and show benevolence. But at the same time, a lot of the story feels really geared toward Dark Side, as if it expects you to make those choices.

Which also makes sense, if the former slave was particularly vindictive and wished to use their newfound power spitefully.


Playing through the Inquisitor story, a lot of the Light Side choices, dialogue and actions seem really.. Forced. Not entirely genuine, and frankly, a little obtuse. Personally, I found the Warrior story to feel more naturally Light Side inclined- the story was comparatively more lighthearted than the Inquisitor's, and most of the time, going Light Side just made sense. I also found it particularly fun for my Warrior to surprise people by actually being a rather decent person. There's a certain satisfaction that comes with astonishing people with unexpected kindness. But maybe that's just me.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's kind of hard for me to believe the writers wanted the Inquisitor to go Light Side when other elements of the story speak differently. Same goes for the Warrior being Dark Side. Feels a little.. Disjointed. As if two different writers were subtly fighting over their personal vision of the character, despite the fact that there are multiple ways to play the story.

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I understand where you are coming from. I found playing my warrior light side a blast, especially getting into arguments with Jedi who are convinced you are going to kill them and you are like nah, I don't even know you why do I want to kill you? Because you are a sith.Nope not really feeling it. But...but you have to you are sith. No good day.


My first inquisitor ended up neutral, because it was like a lot of dark side choices were really badly written, but a equal number of light side ones were also. Honestly seemed to flip flop like maybe there were 2 different writers for the story one wanted DS one wanted LS and they ended up with half making more sense LS while half made more sense DS.


I have made another of each class and am deciding if I am going to play them completely different than I did originally (which I did redo all my toons after a long hiatus from the game because I really didn't remember the storylines very well)

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I used Diplomacy to fudge my Assassin's alignment so I could keep her going towards Dark V (for the achievement) without being "stupid-evil".

There are just times where the Dark Side choice is utterly retarded and I like my Sith to have something approaching sense even if they're evil.

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