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Galactic Command isn't that bad and i'm enjoying it


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Currently at 270. Got 236 chest and earpiece (second duplicate) from last massive crate opening. 11 levels to tier 3 and current total is seven 236s, five unique.

236 is tier 2 though...? At 270, you should be getting 240 and 242's...

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Do you spend your credits on mods, augments & other pieces to fill out the rest of your stats?


Nah - I'm a mismatched mess and hanging below the accuracy cap, but I'm not worried about at the moment - I haven't been actively raiding in over a month. With my current play style (I bounce between things I like doing so that I don't get burned out) and had this been the old system, I'd currently be pumping my Data Crystals into things like top tier Companion Gifts - the ones that are now 250,000 a pop.

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What hypocrisy? Those that didn't leave already have lived the nightmare. Those with direct experience with the RNG are frustrated or know too many others that are frustrated to the point of leaving just like those who left on the prediction this system would be a disaster. This system is directly responsible for chasing people away. Network effects will cause others to leave.


Are you one of those pining for a private server? Well it looks like you're well on the way to having that wish granted. Even a skeleton crew ain't cheap. When Ben & Co. come to collect their salaries how do you plan to finance that?


Somehow, I just can't see anyone ever caring enough to try with a private server for this game the way they do with, say, early WoW, early EverQuest (<---there's even a semi-officially official one, if I'm understanding what P1999 is correctly) or SW: G, or probably will with Asheron's Call in due course.


I just can't.


For some reason.

Edited by midianlord
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Nah - I'm a mismatched mess and hanging below the accuracy cap, but I'm not worried about at the moment - I haven't been actively raiding in over a month. With my current play style (I bounce between things I like doing so that I don't get burned out) and had this been the old system, I'd currently be pumping my Data Crystals into things like top tier Companion Gifts - the ones that are now 250,000 a pop.


It's very cheap to be in full purple 228s and augmented in mk-10s, which will grant you access to the entire game.


Sell the stuff that comes out of command crates and sell crafting materials on the GTN. I'm exactly like you, I don't grind at all, and I play all activities.


I sold a Data Strategic... Matrix... something something (iuno, some purple mat) twice these past two weeks, first for 1,000,000 credits, and the second for 1,100,000 credits.


Use that money to gear up instantly through the GTN and not have to grind ever.


Don't rely solely through GC, it's inefficient.

Edited by Lionflash
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Somehow, I just can't see anyone ever caring enough to try with a private server for this game the way they do with, say, early WoW, early EverQuest (<---there's even a semi-officially official one, if I'm understanding what P1999 is correctly) or SW: G, or probably will with Asheron's Call in due course.


I just can't.


For some reason.


I can. This is a much, much better game than either EQ or SWG, both of which were deeply flawed. I played both through to endgame, SWG from launch, EQ from maybe six months after launch.


SWG in particular was horrifically bad, both before and after the NGE. The fact that people look back at it with rose-colored glasses amuses me greatly. It is one of the worst MMOs ever made by a AAA studio, and even it has private server love.

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You have alternatives, which "Master" gave you, yet you choose to keep complaining about a system you no longer have to use. [/Quote]


What alternatives are those? The absolutely absurd PvP grind? Been there/done it before, didn't much like it then, I imagine I'd like it even less with this added all-but-explicit "raid or die" meta that's been added.


Sounds like a you problem i.e. you're choosing to take someone else's good luck as a personal attack.


When the someone in question passive-aggressively rubs it in my face, then yes, you bloody well better believe it --because that's exactly what it is.


Ah, here we have the root of the problem. It's not the RNG aspect of GC that you object to, it's the fact that everyone has the opportunity to get good gear, not just those who raid. You believe that grinding Heroics or Starfighter or Flashpoints qualifies less than grinding Operations. Your elitism is showing :rolleyes:


Wrong: I'm a semi-casual generalist, so if any play style "has options," then it's mine...In fact, grinding [HEROIC]s and [DAILY]/[WEEKLY] (lots of creds to round out my set!) is my "default" along with Flashpoints, solo'ing Tac-modes, and solo'ing the "first five," as the initial Uprisings are called. I can only tolerate so much of that, though, so I jump into PuG raids on occasion too....All this together (less Uprisings, of course) along with some PvP, pre-5.0, gave me a nice, set, not-unreasonable path to get geared to do the things I normally do without having to rely on anything beyond my own time and commitment.


Now, It's nothing but grind, grind, grind, and pray (and/or spend millions on the GTN).


Just as an aside: Another irony that seems lost on the "CASUAL RIGHTS!!111oneone" banner-wavers is that this system is about as casual-unfriendly as it's ever gotten in this game, especially for casual/semi-casual PvPers. But we don't want to admit that, now do we.


Again, interpreting someone else's good luck is not a personal attack, even if you choose to interpret it that way.


"I got mine --the rest of you should just shut up and stop being poor!" Yes, that is exactly what it looks like, and I',m not the only one feel that way, I'm sure.


Wrong. I'm not going after them because they did nothing to offend me. Fight your own battles.


Well...Good for you, I guess?


Done and done, found no hypocrisy in anything I've said. Moving on....


Of course you didn't...Christ, /facepalm.


The OP, and the person who's under your skin, are in fact demonstrating positivity. Isn't that what you find so offensive, the fact that others have succeeded where you've failed?


No, they're bragging, and demonstrating a peculiarly modern (2000s - present) type of intellectual cowardice by casting anyone who calls them on it as "negative."


And no-one's "succeeded" in any objective sense. They got lucky. Fullstop/end-of.


Actually, the OP was asking people to share tales of silly mistakes made while opening packs. I'm not certain anyone in this thread actually read past the title. Regardless, you could always just not post if you don't have anything constructive to add. Lord knows there are enough anti-GC threads already where you can vent and bash and curse the devs. But you saw someone actually enjoying something and you just HAD to come and stomp on it, because thats "simply the way it works".


Just because one has the right to be a jerk doesn't always mean one has to be.


Humblebrag is still a brag. And yes, I will tear you down harshly for it. I come from a world/time where that's simply seen as being a douche, and where being a douche is not welcome.


It's a very simple matter of showing a little good taste.

Edited by midianlord
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It's very cheap to be in full purple 228s and augmented in mk-10s, which will grant you access to the entire game.


Sell the stuff that comes out of command crates and sell crafting materials on the GTN. I'm exactly like you, I don't grind at all, and I play all activities.


I sold a Data Strategic... Matrix... something something (iuno, some purple mat) twice these past two weeks, first for 1,000,000 credits, and the second for 1,100,000 credits.


Use that money to gear up instantly through the GTN and not have to grind ever.


Don't rely solely through GC, it's inefficient.


I haven't yet seen any mats, but just tons of schematics - almost every crate. Each time, I have to tell the husb because he's the crafter in the family and I like to tease him that BW won't let me give him the schematics ;). I can't think of anything I've received out the crates that wasn't bound to me or legacy other than those empty shells that don't sell for much of anything and Companion Gifts. But, like I said, I've only had 28 crates so far but the theme I do notice for the majority of the crates are Jawa scrap, rep tokens, shells and schematics. I'll keep an eye out for crafting mats and other stuff that might sell on the GTN - thanks!


How can someone be below accuracy cap?


It's not difficult to get 40% crit and 110% accuracy in 228s and 230s. In fact, I was at around 110,79% in tier 1. After getting to tier two I managed to get enough accuracy to remove augment.


It's not difficult, I just don't care about the cap at the moment is all. I've equipped a few pieces of higher item level armor, but the stats weren't ideal to my current setup, as a few accuracy pieces were replaced with higher GC item level pieces that didn't come with accuracy on it, and so I fell below the cap. It's definitely not an ideal setup, but since I'm not doing anything serious lately (just things like heroics, alts, etc.,) I just haven't bothered to do some stat juggling with the rest of my gear. If I were actively raiding with the guild, this would be a different story.

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Pointing out obvious hypocrisy? Nope, never can....


That is not a fair statement on your part. I've always made it clear that my opinion was my own and I stated various times that I do not expect SWTOR to fall over and die. There is no hypocrisy from my side. It's just a matter of you jumping to false conclusions because you couldn't care to separate myself from the general doom and gloom populace.


In fact I agree that the other way around happens too and it's the same problem there just the same. In this case, however, the op is someone who says all is fine because he is fine. So I find my comment fair in this context.


Please, if you are going to accuse me of being a hypocrite at least do your homework. I was not one of the doomsayers and I was always up for finding solutions that work for more player groups than just my own corner. I am more of a raider but I also wanted something that works for pvp' ers and solo players. I was never against everybody getting gear. I was simply against them destroying progression gearing as we knew it.


Disappointing really.

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That is not a fair statement on your part. I've always made it clear that my opinion was my own and I stated various times that I do not expect SWTOR to fall over and die. There is no hypocrisy from my side. It's just a matter of you jumping to false conclusions because you couldn't care to separate myself from the general doom and gloom populace.


In fact I agree that the other way around happens too and it's the same problem there just the same. In this case, however, the op is someone who says all is fine because he is fine. So I find my comment fair in this context.


Please, if you are going to accuse me of being a hypocrite at least do your homework. I was not one of the doomsayers and I was always up for finding solutions that work for more player groups than just my own corner. I am more of a raider but I also wanted something that works for pvp' ers and solo players. I was never against everybody getting gear. I was simply against them destroying progression gearing as we knew it.


Disappointing really.


Just jumping in to support Tsillah on this.


While we don't agree on many things, Tsillah is not an off the cuff doom and gloom ranter in the forum. Tsillah is generally fair minded, does hear other peoples viewpoints, generally does not attack them, offers valid contrasts, and is the antithesis of the term hypocrite.


eriksarcasm, you owe Tsillah and apology.





As to the topic, and GC in general.... it's clearly a very polarizing element of the game. But so what.. when has there not been strongly polarizing elements in this game, or any other game? It's called difference of opinion, and differences in wants, needs, and playstyle.


I ignore GC, because it simply is NOT a requirement in my guild to build gear progression to be able to do the hardest content in the game. Some people insist I am wrong, and I insist they are wrong and explain why and how, and the circle will never end.


I really don't know why people don't just adapt to the changing nature of MMOs and play what is fun, rather then what you perceive to be a studios latest set of "forced hoops" .. and there are ALWAYS a new set of hoops, but different opinions as to the value and aspects of any given hoop. But at the end of the day... MMOs are all about the hoops... and different players prefer different hoops and define fun differently, which honestly is what I like about MMOs over other digital games...... there is diversity in players, and diversity in content for those players. Problem is, some players do not accept this nature of MMOs and think they should be hand crafted to their play preferences, which frankly is unrealistic and exactly why there are a lot of choices in the MMO market.. so players can find what best suits them.

Edited by Andryah
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So many awsome stories of folks enjoying this new RNG paradise




THEY ARE RE-OPENING the 150 servers closed in the original grind Fiasco!!!!!


I LOVE GC!!!!!

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Nah - I'm a mismatched mess and hanging below the accuracy cap, but I'm not worried about at the moment - I haven't been actively raiding in over a month. With my current play style (I bounce between things I like doing so that I don't get burned out) and had this been the old system, I'd currently be pumping my Data Crystals into things like top tier Companion Gifts - the ones that are now 250,000 a pop.


Only real solution to that is make use of all the crafting professions and spend several millions on the GTN...That's what I did to get my almost all 230s set --3 of my set armourings are still last tier's at GC level 86, almost into the next frigging current tier! With the last 45-odd levels being crate.

After crate.

After crate.

After crate.

After crate...of worthless garbage.


All I want is an optimised "starter-plus" end-game set; Like I implied above, that's more than enough for many of the things I typically do in-game, and it was always quite straightforward to get pre-5.XX.


Hell, if I were a more frequent/enthusiastic PuG-raider, then it'd probably have almost been too freaking easy, before.


This isn't gearing-up, this is reaching into a grab bag full of **** and hoping that you'll eventually --maybe-- find a few peanuts amidst all the handfuls of warm, fresh excre-- errrm, pardon: Excitement.


It's absolutely insulting and utterly insufferable, as are the supporters of same.

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So many awsome stories of folks enjoying this new RNG paradise




THEY ARE RE-OPENING the 150 servers closed in the original grind Fiasco!!!!!


I LOVE GC!!!!!


It was 180 servers, if memory doesn't play me false.



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What might have been...If only we'd had a dev-studio that hadn't crawled up its own behind, and wasn't too intellectually-imprisoned to do anything more than blindly ape WoW without even understanding what the Hell it was they were blindly ape'ing.


I haz a sad nao :(

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It's very cheap to be in full purple 228s and augmented in mk-10s, which will grant you access to the entire game.


Sell the stuff that comes out of command crates and sell crafting materials on the GTN. I'm exactly like you, I don't grind at all, and I play all activities.


I sold a Data Strategic... Matrix... something something (iuno, some purple mat) twice these past two weeks, first for 1,000,000 credits, and the second for 1,100,000 credits.


Use that money to gear up instantly through the GTN and not have to grind ever.


Don't rely solely through GC, it's inefficient.


Depending on the augments and all that wouldn't pay for your augments and kits, never mind actually installing them.


Not to say it isn't easy to gear up with 228 gear but it isn't so cheap that 2 million does the job. I have and do gear my 70s now in 234 mods and enchants, and 230 hilts/barrels and armorings. Ear/implant and relics 234. I have not been lucky with getting 234 armoring/hilt/barrel recipes. Its a bit expensive but it lets me grind all crates with no temptation to keep anything but set pieces.


But if you bought all of the parts from the GTN you are looking at millions and millions to pay for it. Works for some, others not so much so. My suggestion is find a way to either craft it yourself or make a good deal of money. There are many ways to do whichever you prefer.

Edited by Sargrith
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Depending on the augments and all that wouldn't pay for your augments and kits, never mind actually installing them.


Not to say it isn't easy to gear up with 228 gear but it isn't so cheap that 2 million does the job. I have and do gear my 70s now in 234 mods and enchants, and 230 hilts/barrels and armorings. Ear/implant and relics 234. I have not been lucky with getting 234 armoring/hilt/barrel recipes. Its a bit expensive but it lets me grind all crates with no temptation to keep anything but set pieces.


But if you bought all of the parts from the GTN you are looking at millions and millions to pay for it. Works for some, others not so much so. My suggestion is find a way to either craft it yourself or make a good deal of money. There are many ways to do whichever you prefer.


No not saying it pays for everything, just saying there is a lot of value that some people might be selling/disintergrating.


I also sell orange shells & purple/gold companion gifts. I expect that when I get home I'll have 500k in mail waiting for me on my shadow to continue gearing him up. Weeklies, Dailies & Command Crates are my source income by selling on the GTN.


Purple Jawa Junk I usually trade for autoimmune regulators or which ever other mats people tend to pay a lot for.

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No not saying it pays for everything, just saying there is a lot of value that some people might be selling/disintergrating.


I also sell orange shells & purple/gold companion gifts. I expect that when I get home I'll have 500k in mail waiting for me on my shadow to continue gearing him up. Weeklies, Dailies & Command Crates are my source income by selling on the GTN.


Purple Jawa Junk I usually trade for autoimmune regulators or which ever other mats people tend to pay a lot for.


What a profitable way of enjoying the game!!!

Thank you VERY MUCH for such an amazing tip of how to ENJOY THE AWSOWMNESSSSSSSS of the MIGHTY GC SYSTEM!!!!

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That is not a fair statement on your part. I've always made it clear that my opinion was my own and I stated various times that I do not expect SWTOR to fall over and die. There is no hypocrisy from my side. It's just a matter of you jumping to false conclusions because you couldn't care to separate myself from the general doom and gloom populace.


In fact I agree that the other way around happens too and it's the same problem there just the same. In this case, however, the op is someone who says all is fine because he is fine. So I find my comment fair in this context.


Please, if you are going to accuse me of being a hypocrite at least do your homework. I was not one of the doomsayers and I was always up for finding solutions that work for more player groups than just my own corner. I am more of a raider but I also wanted something that works for pvp' ers and solo players. I was never against everybody getting gear. I was simply against them destroying progression gearing as we knew it.


Disappointing really.


I'm not one to take someone's entire personal history into account when commenting on a single comment.


My hypocrisy observation was of the larger "discussion" your comment was a reply to (the highly inaccurate "I got mine so screw the rest of you" nonsense), not everything you've ever said or done. As I've explained, the hypocrisy comes from the open hostility of anti-GC posters toward those who've had good luck using it, coupled with the attitude that someone sharing their good luck is somehow a personal attack on you and others who've had bad luck. It is not, and the whole premise of saying such a thing is ludicrous. Your "if I had a penny..." line was simply the best opportunity to make a snarky reply to the entire idea.


Someone seems to think I owe you an apology. It wasn't a comment or attack on your personal character, merely one on that single comment and the larger discussion. I shall not apologize for that. I know who you are and I know where you stand on this debate and I don't group you in with some of these haters. However, when you take a side like that you're open to criticism.

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I'm not one to take someone's entire personal history into account when commenting on a single comment.


My hypocrisy observation was of the larger "discussion" your comment was a reply to (the highly inaccurate "I got mine so screw the rest of you" nonsense), not everything you've ever said or done. As I've explained, the hypocrisy comes from the open hostility of anti-GC posters toward those who've had good luck using it, coupled with the attitude that someone sharing their good luck is somehow a personal attack on you and others who've had bad luck. It is not, and the whole premise of saying such a thing is ludicrous. Your "if I had a penny..." line was simply the best opportunity to make a snarky reply to the entire idea.


Someone seems to think I owe you an apology. It wasn't a comment or attack on your personal character, merely one on that single comment and the larger discussion. I shall not apologize for that. I know who you are and I know where you stand on this debate and I don't group you in with some of these haters. However, when you take a side like that you're open to criticism.


You are beeing very agressive sir, pls be more polite; and as I love RNG and the mighty bags also, because is the best thing that ever happend to Swtor since the introduction of SGR companion romances, would you sign a petition with me to ask for a lesbian wookie?

I assume that since whe have a lot in common it would not be a problem so, maybe we can make the devs drop it from those enjoyable GC Crates and make GC more awsome?

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What alternatives are those? The absolutely absurd PvP grind? Been there/done it before, didn't much like it then, I imagine I'd like it even less with this added all-but-explicit "raid or die" meta that's been added.

The alternatives are there, yet you refuse to use them, and would rather complain endlessly and demand people lose their jobs. Gotcha.


When the someone in question passive-aggressively rubs it in my face, then yes, you bloody well better believe it --because that's exactly what it is.

So, anyone that does well and shares their good fortune is passive-aggresively rubbing it in your face? Anyone who succeeds or wins something should be silent about it lest it offend you? Cmon....


Wrong: I'm a semi-casual generalist, so if any play style "has options," then it's mine...In fact, grinding [HEROIC]s and [DAILY]/[WEEKLY] (lots of creds to round out my set!) is my "default" along with Flashpoints, solo'ing Tac-modes, and solo'ing the "first five," as the initial Uprisings are called. I can only tolerate so much of that, though, so I jump into PuG raids on occasion too....All this together (less Uprisings, of course) along with some PvP, pre-5.0, gave me a nice, set, not-unreasonable path to get geared to do the things I normally do without having to rely on anything beyond my own time and commitment.


Now, It's nothing but grind, grind, grind, and pray (and/or spend millions on the GTN).


Just as an aside: Another irony that seems lost on the "CASUAL RIGHTS!!111oneone" banner-wavers is that this system is about as casual-unfriendly as it's ever gotten in this game, especially for casual/semi-casual PvPers. But we don't want to admit that, now do we.

*Shrug* depends on your definition of casual. I'm enjoying playing my alts, the 4 that are at level 70 as well as the 4 that aren't.



"I got mine --the rest of you should just shut up and stop being poor!" Yes, that is exactly what it looks like, and I',m not the only one feel that way, I'm sure.

Stop taking it that way. That's a wrong, wrong, wrong assessment, and no amount of people who feel that way will make it right.


Of course you didn't...Christ, /facepalm.

Show me what hypocritical thing I said. You've called me out on that twice without demonstrating it. You can't just say a thing and make it true, whether you're an electrician, a trucker, or the president. Truth doesn't work that way.



No, they're bragging, and demonstrating a peculiarly modern (2000s - present) type of intellectual cowardice by casting anyone who calls them on it as "negative."


And no-one's "succeeded" in any objective sense. They got lucky. Fullstop/end-of.


Humblebrag is still a brag. And yes, I will tear you down harshly for it. I come from a world/time where that's simply seen as being a douche, and where being a douche is not welcome.


It's a very simple matter of showing a little good taste.


Just stop with this. You're choosing to be offended over something inoffensive. You're offended by someone else's success and are attacking them for it. It's like you want your own safe space where no one who's succeeded better tha you can come and make you feel bad.

And they absolutely put in work for said success. Their grind is no different from your grind. Had you been more successful you'd feel very differently. Full stop.

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You are beeing very agressive sir, pls be more polite; and as I love RNG and the mighty bags also, because is the best thing that ever happend to Swtor since the introduction of SGR companion romances, would you sign a petition with me to ask for a lesbian wookie?

I assume that since whe have a lot in common it would not be a problem so, maybe we can make the devs drop it from those enjoyable GC Crates and make GC more awsome?





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