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Goodbye SWTOR


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Let me begin by saying I'm putting this here in a very likely worthless effort to let Bioware/EA know why a player is leaving and not to complain to you fine folk. Why make any effort to explain? Because I LOVED this game. I absolutely loved it. I'm not trying to be whiny here. No, you cannot have my stuff.


The following is what I wrote in the "Why are you leaving" part of canceling my subscription, a subscription I've kept up since swtor first went live.




I can't help but wonder if anyone actually reads this, but here goes;


I am not a Guild Raid type of player. I just liked goofing around with friends. Grouping to do Missions and Flashpoints. I do not belong to a Guild, I do not raid. I do not want to raid, I do not want to join a Guild.


I am leaving swtor because you took away all the stories. Swtor had 8 different stories, one for each class. To make it more interesting you could play each twice if you play as both male and female to enjoy the romance stories. Also you could play twice again if you play one light side, the other dark. So thats like what, 24 stories? Well, let's cut it down to 18. 18 different stories.


Now? There's only 2 at most. Light side and dark side. With the way the game is now, there's just no replayability. Now, there's just either a light side or dark side choice with kotet and kotfe.


Well, I played it, light side and dark, so now, there's nothing left for me to do since I do not raid. So goodbye swtor, you were beautiful, truly beautiful while you lasted.

Edited by Trintric
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You story folk have been catered to for the past 18+ months...your quitting is exactly why I think attempting to keep folk like you is a fool's errand.


If they kept up the cadence of KotFE and somehow found it within themselves to do more than one thing at a time, they could have packed on some new WZ maps and FPs (maybe even Ops) while trickling out the story. Then we all could be happy.


But then they would ruin gearing. Or balance. Or roll out some other idiotic change that no one likes.

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You story folk have been catered to for the past 18+ months...your quitting is exactly why I think attempting to keep folk like you is a fool's errand.


I can understand what you mean. For a big chunk of the game, the raiding and such is what you're after.


However, the whole "class story" thing was absolutely central, vet much the core of the entire swtor experience.


Losing the only thing separating each class like this, for some of us, it's losing the entire reason we loved classic swtor. And having lost it, all the delicious flavor is lost. Now it's bland. Like supermarket tomatoes.

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