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Bump my suggestion box request. :D


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Hey all.

I recently created a thread in general discussion suggestion box requesting that all the req grant items from the daily and weekly by made BoL rather than BoP.


It's currently on page 2. Can I get some folks to respond to it, say "aye", and bump it?


That's a super simple fix. Who know, maybe we'll get it.


See you in the air.


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Unbound would be a really big change. You'd be selling player power on the GTN. You'll be flooded in P2W accusations, I would think. GSF progression is, IMO, fine, but it does get complained about, so it at least has some degree of an image problem.


Legacy wouldn't really help new players, but it would be super nice for us.


Both ideas are interesting. I think the legacy one is a little better because it doesn't distort the game too much.

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You'd be selling player power on the GTN. You'll be flooded in P2W accusations, I would think.

Isn't 'selling player power' what selling ground-game gear on the GTN already does? Requisition is, essentially, gear for GSF. My understanding of complaints over P2W is that it mainly stems from paying real-world money to get something that is otherwise gated for someone unwilling to do so. People have always been able to pay in-game credits to get better gear more quickly. I don't know if there's a top-tier of gear that strictly has to be earned, or what performance gain said gear might have over that which is obtainable on the market... but buying better gear with in-game currency is a staple MMORPG thing.


What if the req grants were made unbound but monetarily valueless and ineligible to be sold on the GTN? They could still be given away to new players, in that case.


I'd be happy with BoL, though I'd personally rather see cargo bays full of req grants go to new players rather than solely provide veterans with insta-alt mastered ships. Or at least that there be a choice.


Oh, also, in either case.... make them stack. Please! It is so dumb to have cargo holds full of these things when if they stacked in batches of 100, well, that would be both sensible and a nice QoL buff.


- Despon

Edited by caederon
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Isn't 'selling player power' what selling ground-game gear on the GTN already does?


No. Or, more fully, it doesn't sell best in slot gear. The GTN, like the WoW AH, sells decent gear, but never anything that is top tier. The best gear in the game is always BoP, whatever content it comes from.


Requisition IS gear. It is BiS gear.


GSF came out in December of 2013. At that time, the BiS gunship railgun was a fully upgraded slug railgun, which cost 33,500 requisition. Also at that time, the BiS weapon for any ground game class was some level 55 thing, probably out of something with 'Dread' in the name. Here in 2017, that same slug railgun, with the exact same point expenditure, is still BiS. That requisition spent is still relevant. Meanwhile, your ground game guy had to level to 60, get more BiS gear, level to 65, get more BiS gear, level to 70, and complaint about Galactic Conquest. There were actually multiple BiS steps at these points.


PvE is based on a gear treadmill. PvP is not, and the devs have to be careful about handing out gear too freely, because that gear is relevant forever. Selling BiS GSF stuff on the AH actually could trivialize the gearing system.


but buying better gear with in-game currency is a staple MMORPG thing.


Fully gearing up in PvP from the AH is not. Fully gearing up really anywhere is not.


What if the req grants were made unbound but monetarily valueless and ineligible to be sold on the GTN?


"WTS [Fleet Req Token]x50 for X credits"


Break the ability to trade for credits, now you've made some guy a trusted banker to help you facilitate the swap. Once it is unbound, it doesn't matter how you break the GUI, it is gonna sell, there is gonna be a market, and people will skip the gearing. Would you be ok with BiS gear in any other situation being tradeable for credits directly, but not AH-able?


I'd be happy with BoL, though I'd personally rather see cargo bays full of req grants go to new players rather than solely provide veterans with insta-alt mastered ships.


It would go to the highest paying "new players", or the veterans that also have credits to buy a full hangar for their alts. Many new players would probably complain harder, because the change would not benefit them at all- they couldn't afford it, and now they would believe that they would need to. "GSF is too expensive, it would cost me 50 million to master my hangar, and I don't have that much!"

BoL would at least only at worst transmute one veteran with geared ships into his equally geared alts with ships- it isn't at the *expense* of anyone, unlike a free market (with or without a broken auction house).


Oh, also, in either case.... make them stack.


Psh, I'm sure that would cost us TDM Denon. NEVER happen. WAYYYY too hard.


Seriously why don't they stack?

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TBH we need to start a crowd source fund to make them make a new Denon deathmatch map. TBQH this is more of a bribe fund to make them make it because it might cost an hour to remove some satellite and put in some damage overcharge spots


its not like im asking them to make this :csw_xwing::csw_tiefighter::csw_vadertie::csw_shuttle::csw_destroyer::hope_01::wea_08:


listen i get an oil change in less time and less money and thats a harder job and i get respekt there usually too

Edited by Krixarcs
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TBH we need to start a crowd source fund

I suggested that a while back, though my goal was not Denon TDM. People had opinions. At this point, it would probably be easier just to crowdfund someone to make a game that plays just like GSF.


PvE is based on a gear treadmill. PvP is not, and the devs have to be careful about handing out gear too freely, because that gear is relevant forever. Selling BiS GSF stuff on the AH actually could trivialize the gearing system.

Yes, it's relevant forever.*


* Forever, or until they make it irrelevant by changing the game, which... ok. Forever.


Treadmills and grinds exist to artificially prolong people's participation in subscription-based games (or to nickle-and-dime players with microtransactions in other pay models). Now, sometimes said treadmill can actually help players become accustomed to a game by limiting the complexity of their play experience when they start with few options, and open up more things as they grind their way to better gear. Star Conflict does this, and in one way it works pretty well. It is a reasonably effective way to get players used to the game's mechanics before adding complexity to them. GSF does not do this at all. Yes, you get a few choices when you get to the upper levels of each component's tech tree, but you are faced with the full complexity of GSF from match one.


So if 'better gear' is the carrot dangling from the stick, what happens when the players get the carrot, eat it, and find out that was the last carrot EVER and there will never again be carrots for them? In GSF, it seems like the answer is 'keep playing and post on forums and start Discords and make YouTube channels.' Even when there was no reward, people played.


Now that there is a 'not useful for GSF but useful in the rest of the game' reward, we're seeing more participants, which is great (with caveats). Are those people who are playing motivated in any way by the carrot of better gear? Is there value in keeping them from that gear in the current environment? Would they play more or less if they simply had that gear given to them or it was very easily/quickly obtainable?


I would agree with your argument that you can't let people buy their way to the best gear in a PvP game if that game has a real leaderboard, rankings, etc. Then it makes much more sense to have players 'earn their place' so to speak. GSF has none of that, and no rewards relevant to GSF that can give an advantage to those who have the best gear. The reward for playing GSF is getting into matches that you enjoy.


Your points are all perfectly valid if you're looking at a PvP game freshly launched with reasonable systems attached to reward player progress. In the current state of GSF, new players need all the help they can get.


Specific to Req Grant tokens, I guess I don't know if players would price gouge or not. My perspective on credits in SWTOR may not be other people's, as I don't care at all about non-GSF portions of the game so I have millions of credits that are useless to me. I'd happily give away hundreds of un-stackable req grants. I think they would make great prizes for tournaments or events.


- Despon

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