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Hey, it's that voice!


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So, we all know the main characters and most the companions voices (Kath Soucie, Tara Strong, etc), but how many other, non-"important" NPCs have you found that have had a voice you recognize? Particularly that aren't on IMDB?


The one that jumps out at me right away is the woman who wants her son to go to Korriban on Hutta. It took me a few listens, but I couldn't shake the feeling I knew that voice, until it clicked when I was watching Star Trek: TNG with my wife; it was Denise Crosby! (Tasha Yar). If anything, it sounds a lot like her.


And speaking of TNG voices, is it just me, or does the transportation/speeder bike droid's voice sound an AWFUL lot like Brent Spiner? (Data, from TNG as well)


Anyone else found little gems like this or have theories like these?

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I am hearing Simon Templeman (Kain from legacy of Kain, Loghain from DA ) a lot, and a lot of the DA cast from both origins and 2 seem to be in it.


Big fan of Templeman so its great to hear him being used in a lot of Bioware games recently.

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There is an NPC who gives one of the final Taris bonus quests that sounds just like Steve Blum (Ohgren from DA). If it wasn't him he sure did a good impression.


Nah, it was Steve Blum. He did a lot of voices in the game (Also did the Bonus giver of Alderaan)

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I've recognized Richard Teverson's (Malavai Quinn) a few times. I heard him do an ikea commercial, one for Hasbro I believe for iron man toys, and one for a casino lol.


I love good voices, and my ears just pick up when I hear a good familiar one. It's kind of fun picking them out. Like David Duchovny doing Pedigree Pal commercials lol.


Now, if we could get Benedict Cumberbatch to voice a character here...that would be awesome. Not likely, but awesome to dream about! :D

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There is an NPC who gives one of the final Taris bonus quests that sounds just like Steve Blum (Ohgren from DA). If it wasn't him he sure did a good impression.


Steve Blum did and does a lot of VO work for this game. He is also the great Baron Deathmark

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Ah... Jennifer Hale. The main reason I played a female Trooper. Tried to name her Shepard but it was taken. Lol.


Now... I know this is a bit of a necro, but one thing has continued to bother me... On Hoth, pub side, there is an officer you speak with during your class quests and... I swear, it has to be Morgan Freeman. There is not credit to this and it is hard to believe Morgan Freeman wouldn't get cred but it is his voice!

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Ah... Jennifer Hale. The main reason I played a female Trooper. Tried to name her Shepard but it was taken. Lol.


Now... I know this is a bit of a necro, but one thing has continued to bother me... On Hoth, pub side, there is an officer you speak with during your class quests and... I swear, it has to be Morgan Freeman. There is not credit to this and it is hard to believe Morgan Freeman wouldn't get cred but it is his voice!


That's actually Tom Kane. ;)


Even though I knew immediately that it was him, the first person who came to my mind was actually Morgan Freeman as well, since the character model kinda suits him.


Either way, just goes to show that Tom Kane is simply amazing; Saying the man is talented is an understatement.




BTW, it's not during your class quest but rather as a part of the world arc. Here...



Just go to 01h01m00s, since youtube is absolute craptastic really.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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There is a quest on Drommand Kass from a heavy set npc that wants you to end a string of 'brutal, bloody, murders' that sounds an awful lot like Bohdan Feddic (the dwarven merchant in your camp) from Dragon Age. Voice of Dwight Schultz (Howling Mad Murdock from the A-Team).
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That's actually Tom Kane. ;)


Even though I knew immediately that it was him, the first person who came to my mind was actually Morgan Freeman as well, since the character model kinda suits him.


Either way, just goes to show that Tom Kane is simply amazing; Saying the man is talented is an understatement.




BTW, it's not during your class quest but rather as a part of the world arc. Here...



Just go to 01h01m00s, since youtube is absolute craptastic really.


Heh. Mystery solved. Thanks! Tom Kane does a great Morgan Freeman. :D

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