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SWTOR is still canon to me. Screw Disney.


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I have enjoyed all of the movies, including the new ones.

I've also enjoyed many of the cartoons and the like.

As well as the games like this one and KoToR.


This will always be my favourite era for sure and my favourite storyline... from KoToR to now. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the others though.


I tend to write fanfiction, when I write it I simply stick to whatever canon suits the theme I am writing for. Most of my fanfic is for this era though because its so much more fun.

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I hadn't realized that the lore about the crystals was changed, so I'm grateful to read this. I think rewriting the lore in this way is terribly limiting too, in terms of story potentials. What would happen if a Sith killed a Jedi and took his saber? And ignited it, would display as red? Would it retain what the previous owner had as a colour? How does this explain General Grievous...he's pretty evil...why aren't the lightsabers red? Is it because he's mostly machine? But then the 'parts that count like his brain and heart' were still biological right?

The most canon source (the movies) would say the color doesn't change. Darth Vader activates Luke's lightsaber in RotJ and it is still green. Likewise, we've seen Anakin with green and blue blades, as well as blue and red. And when Anakin goes evil, his lightsaber is still blue as well.


The only way crystals matching temperament would fit with the hard-canon is if the crystal is imprinted with the color at the time of its harvesting or the lightsaber's creation. Which would be all around better than Mood-Ring Lightsabers.


But hey, this is why most of those things should be considered soft-canon.

Edited by Battilea
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I hadn't realized that the lore about the crystals was changed, so I'm grateful to read this. I think rewriting the lore in this way is terribly limiting too, in terms of story potentials. What would happen if a Sith killed a Jedi and took his saber? And ignited it, would display as red? Would it retain what the previous owner had as a colour? How does this explain General Grievous...he's pretty evil...why aren't the lightsabers red? Is it because he's mostly machine? But then the 'parts that count like his brain and heart' were still biological right?


It comes from the Asohka (or however you spell her name) novel, and originally from George Lucas' original plans for how lightsaber crystals worked.


Basically Kyber Crystals can't be used by dark siders initially. They don't show themselves to Dark siders, and they have to hunt them down and "Steal" them, or kill a Jedi and take one from their lightsaber. Then they have to "break" the crystal and it "bleeds" which turns it red, which is why sith lightsabers are always read. Crystals can be "healed" by a jedi which turns them white.


So how the crap slaughtering 30 younglings doesn't make Anakin's lightsaber turn red, I don't know. And it doesn't explain Mace Windu's saber, the Temple Gaurd sabers, or the various other colors (such as Adi Gallia's red lightsaber, despite that she was a Jedi Knight) in the canon Clone Wars TV show. So yeah, I think it's stupid. The old explanation was simpler.


@ OP


I don't despise the new canon, I just don't like parts of it. Clone Wars is good but I honestly prefer the old EU "Republic" Comics, and Republic Commando. I don't like Rebels, but I don't like the EU explanation for the founding of the Rebellion either. Tarkin, Catalyst, and Rogue One are great. Aftermath was bad, its sequels are iffy, and Chuck Wendig insults Star Wars fans and hides behind the LGBT label whenever his work gets criticized.


I don't like much of the EU, let's face it most of it was terrible and a lot of it did have contradictions, and I applaud the Holocron for resolving so much of it and keeping a continuous timeline, and for Bantam/the storygroup/Lucas himself for checking for continuity and having standards of quality control. But there are some parts that shouldn't have been thrown away. Thrawn Trilogy should have been slightly fixed by Zahn to match the prequels and made Canon. The X-Wing Novels, the Republic Commando Game, Outbound Flight, KOTOR I and II, Tales of the Jedi, Golden Age of the Sith, the KOTOR comics, the Darth Bane Trilogy, and some of the Old Republic Novels (Deceived, Annihilation, Fatal Alliance) should have been kept as-is. There are ones I'm certainly missing as well in that list.


The problem with a lot of the EU's content is that it conflicts with Lucas' original idea that the Dark Side cannot create force ghosts, and the fact that views of the force and how it worked conflicted consistently throughout the 270-odd books and thousand-odd comics is the reason it was thrown out, not timeline continuity.


~ Eudoxia

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As well as the KOTOR games. I dont give a fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

Disney cant just disregard all this amazing work, get the hell out of here.


Agree completely. Star Wars *is* the Old Republic era for me. The "A New Hope" era stuff is just some Mad Max-like dystopian future Star Wars that I basically DGAS about.


The worst is the pseudo-canon, the stuff that Disney tacitly adopts and depends on via the movies but is from noncanon stuff. Basically things get incredibly silly and contrived (at least on the Sith side) around the time the "rule of two" gets invented for plot armor reasons. I don't care if it was Drew Karpyshyn. It's dumb. There's no way those guys wouldn't be gathering force-sensitives and pulling a Malgus. To not do so is simply stupid.


So much more interesting stuff going on in the Old Republic era.

Edited by stoopicus
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The most canon source (the movies) would say the color doesn't change. Darth Vader activates Luke's lightsaber in RotJ and it is still green. Likewise, we've seen Anakin with green and blue blades, as well as blue and red. And when Anakin goes evil, his lightsaber is still blue as well.


The only way crystals matching temperament would fit with the hard-canon is if the crystal is imprinted with the color at the time of its harvesting or the lightsaber's creation. Which would be all around better than Mood-Ring Lightsabers.


But hey, this is why most of those things should be considered soft-canon.



It comes from the Asohka (or however you spell her name) novel, and originally from George Lucas' original plans for how lightsaber crystals worked.


Basically Kyber Crystals can't be used by dark siders initially. They don't show themselves to Dark siders, and they have to hunt them down and "Steal" them, or kill a Jedi and take one from their lightsaber. Then they have to "break" the crystal and it "bleeds" which turns it red, which is why sith lightsabers are always read. Crystals can be "healed" by a jedi which turns them white.


So how the crap slaughtering 30 younglings doesn't make Anakin's lightsaber turn red, I don't know. And it doesn't explain Mace Windu's saber, the Temple Gaurd sabers, or the various other colors (such as Adi Gallia's red lightsaber, despite that she was a Jedi Knight) in the canon Clone Wars TV show. So yeah, I think it's stupid. The old explanation was simpler.



~ Eudoxia


Thank you both, that does make it a lot clearer. It would make sense for the crystal to retain it's original colour then, until broken. If they just changed according to the alignment of the person weilding it, that would be too much. Definitely killing a classroom full of younglings would turn that blade red.


I think it's close to that other thing we don't like to talk about...y'know the *coughmidichloreanscough*

Edited by Lunafox
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Am I really the only person that actually loved the New Jedi Order series and the Yuuzhan Vong? :o


Not at all. For whatever reason I avoided it until this past year, and I am glad I finally gotten around to it.


Just completed the 14th book in the series, "Destiny's Way", and about to embark on the Force Heretic trilogy portion.


Like a fool, before I began NJO, I already read the Dark Nest trilogy, Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi novels, so I more or less know who survives the Yuuzhan Vong War. Still, I am curious to see how this wraps up.

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Am I really the only person that actually loved the New Jedi Order series and the Yuuzhan Vong? :o


I never got any further than

Chewie's death

- had to put it down after that and never went back. First time I ever actually cried while reading a book. And I'm not talking feeling a bit sad, I'm talking full on tears running down my face.

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Also, glad KOTOR isn't canon anymore. We already have fans who can't accept that Revan is now a human male as canon. :p So, they can quit putting in such stuff so it doesn't throw people off.


You people about Revan being a male... Big deal! The Exile was female and I played it as a male and you don't hear me complaining about it. I ENJOY THE STORY and that's the whole point so poo on you and being happy The Old Republic Trilogy is no longer canon. Me I'm not thrilled Revan got axed. I love his character and I personally want Disney to restore him.


Add-on: Had they not axed the scene in The Clone Wars in an episode dealing with Bane where both the spirit of Darth Revan and Bane appear, Revan would still be canon in the Star Wars Universe. Poo on George Lucas for that call.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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You people about Revan being a male... Big deal! The Exile was female and I played it as a male and you don't hear me complaining about it. I ENJOY THE STORY and that's the whole point so poo on you and being happy The Old Republic Trilogy is no longer canon. Me I'm not thrilled Revan got axed. I love his character and I personally want Disney to restore him.


Add-on: Had they not axed the scene in The Clone Wars in an episode dealing with Bane where both the spirit of Darth Revan and Bane appear, Revan would still be canon in the Star Wars Universe. Poo on George Lucas for that call.

Back when it was made that the Exile was a woman, dear God...the edit wars on her Wookieepedia page!


That being said, I prefer a female are revan. *shrug*

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I prefer male Revan, cause let's be honest here if you had to pick Bastila or Carth which one would you choose (regardless of orientation)? Exactly. And honestly the storyline works better as male too. It makes Bastila's capture more relevant to the player character because of the canon romance.


Regardless... most of us don't really care. Yeah we played a femrevan or a male exile, and the official version was announced. But it doesn't detract from our fun playing the game, it's just the official version, that's it. Not a big deal.


I mean it's the same way with Mass Effect. I went into it knowning that Shepard was officially male, but played female anyways because the female voice acting was SO MUCH BETTER. God I hate maleshep's voice.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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You people about Revan being a male... Big deal! The Exile was female and I played it as a male and you don't hear me complaining about it. I ENJOY THE STORY and that's the whole point so poo on you and being happy The Old Republic Trilogy is no longer canon. Me I'm not thrilled Revan got axed. I love his character and I personally want Disney to restore him.


Add-on: Had they not axed the scene in The Clone Wars in an episode dealing with Bane where both the spirit of Darth Revan and Bane appear, Revan would still be canon in the Star Wars Universe. Poo on George Lucas for that call.


It's actually a non issue with me. Revan is a male to me, because TOR made him a male. Doesn't matter what could have been in KOTOR.


It's like now in TOR. Canon wise, only one of the class character's is the Outlander. The other seven are dead or missing.


So, if they look back at the TOR era in future star wars products and say "That outlander, he was some sort of powerful and great jedi knight" You'd just have to get used to it.


However, as we see with Revan, people don't :p

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It's actually a non issue with me. Revan is a male to me, because TOR made him a male. Doesn't matter what could have been in KOTOR.


It's like now in TOR. Canon wise, only one of the class character's is the Outlander. The other seven are dead or missing.


So, if they look back at the TOR era in future star wars products and say "That outlander, he was some sort of powerful and great jedi knight" You'd just have to get used to it.


However, as we see with Revan, people don't :p


I played Revan as a light side male and as a neutral female. Dark side revan got too dark for me. The male was just much more natural, especially with the Bastila arc.


I only played Meetra as a female. Not sure why, though - the male romance options would have been interesting. Visas Marr is one of the best characters ever done in the series. It's probably because I played the restored content mod, which makes the game long but oh so worth it - it turns that game from a confusingly hacked disappointment into a game that is maybe 1.5x-2x better than the original. I ended up liking KotOR II + RCM much more than KotOR, at least from an interesting story standpoint.

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