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The Holy Grail of Satisfaction


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Huttball match back on The Fatman - four sets of well known pre-mades...all geared/skilled players.


We fought the entire match without a score. Gets down to 10 seconds left...they kill our ball carrier and drop down to run away. I grapple the ball carrier at the last second, into the fire, Carbonize stun, he uses CC break, I Electro-Dart him in fire....he dies and I get possession, and run the ball in with 2 seconds left for the win.


Pretty amazing. I got all MVP votes.


Ah man, that must have been awesome.


I had the opposite thing happen - time running out with a tie, I'm chasing the ball carrier towards our goal, I'm getting wailed on by his team, not going to make it, leap is down, push is up - the fire trap lights, I take the chance and push him into the fire - he goes almost all the way through and starts running out, looks like he will make it - I leap - and land in the fire and die before I can kill him. He makes it and scores.


I just sat there and read the trash talk for a minute. Yep, I deserved it all.

Edited by stoopicus
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A few more. I always like with my sin to overlord+root people to acid in huttball.

Yesterday in queshball i got one just the moment he was comming up the ramp, rooted and acid starts dripping, then opens completly and dies melting :rak_01:


Pushing snipers and sorc/sages off the pipes in queshball is always nice.


Yesterday with my Jugg i got an hypergates match and we were crushing the other team. I was killing a sage when i read his name and notice he is one of my main competitor for my artifice crafter. The kind that when you put something on sale for 1000, he then adds a page o so of the same at 999 and does so in almost the same combination of items as you (nothing wrong with it, is just bussines, but it still bothers :p ). So killing him a couple times was double the satisfaction :D

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Voidstar map. Was on my Vanguard. Down to a sliver of health and was by the bridge. I knew the sorc heading my way would end up either killing me or pushing me off the edge so I jumpped off the bridge and harpooned him and pulled him along with me.


I also tend to do stuff like that to guildies when I'm on my sage in Ops. They call the power "rescue" but that's not how I use it.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Please excuse any grammatic or other errors - english is not my native language :)


1st one was a classic Huttball:

The score was 5:5 with about 30 seconds to go.

The enemy republic team managed to get the ball and passed it to a waiting scoundrel on the upper left ramp.

The scoundrel started rolling over the upper left fire pit and then to the middle ramp down top the goalline.

I was tank specced on my assassin and came running from the right upper ramp towards the mid. I tried to pull the scoundrel back but he was stil too far away and almost at our goalline.


In a last desperate attempt I hit Force Speed, ran over the right fire pit and jumped while hitting Force Pull in mid air.

Just as the scoundrel was 1 step away from scoring, he suddenly found himself on the lowest level again, with noone to pass to.

My team then went on to gang up on him and we killed him with 5 seconds left on the timer and the ball in our hands.

Didn't even get one MVP that match :rak_03::mad:


My second favorite was another classic Huttball:

We got the ball and my teammate managed to get to the first upper right fire pit.

The enemy team started to gank up on him right before the fire pit but couldn't push him due to filling his resolve bar. The vents luckily let me land a split second later behind the enemies, so I ran forward and hit Overload.

5 players landed in the fire pit and died - my personal record so far :p


3rd one was a Voidstar:

The enemy team had a healer - we had 3 or 4 stealthers. They managed to get through the first door after a while and opened the first set of bridges just before the time ran out but didn't get over them.

In the second round we manged to take them by surprise with our 3 stealthers and opened the door in the first minute. So we ran down to the bridge where we start a prolonged fight not being able to kill the republic team as fast as we would like due to them having a really good healer. Yep we died a lot :)

We still had 3 minutes to go when I saw the healer running from the east side of the bridge, where he had just prevented a cap, to the west side. But he/she didn't take the small ramp but instead ran in front of it closer to the open gap in the middle.

I low slashed the sage, phantom strided and manged to position myself perfectly for a well placed overload over the ledge. This gave us the advantage we needed to open the east bridge with one and a half minutes to go.

1 stealther manged to get over the bridge fast enough and then planted the bomb on the west door while the rest of my team manged to keep the enemies from reaching the west door in time.

Was really nice to see our team working together like that and ensuring victory, despite being outdpsed and dieing a lot in the first round.

Edited by panoukla
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