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Rage Quit


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Oh, too late. I was going to suggest you give Tora your stuff before you go. Have fun.


Dang it, I'm ALWAYS too late to ask "Can *I* have your stuff?" Always! Uuugh. One day, I shall be quick enough to ask that before anybody else can. I shall be the beneficiary of the stuff! :p


Okay, seriously though - really, OP? You quit because of trolls? You...might as well quit the internet, then, because trolls are everywhere. You either learn to deal with them (ignore them, report them, turn off chat, grow a thicker skin), or you retreat to your safe place where nothing can hurt you. :/

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Dang it, I'm ALWAYS too late to ask "Can *I* have your stuff?" Always! Uuugh. One day, I shall be quick enough to ask that before anybody else can. I shall be the beneficiary of the stuff! :p


Okay, seriously though - really, OP? You quit because of trolls? You...might as well quit the internet, then, because trolls are everywhere. You either learn to deal with them (ignore them, report them, turn off chat, grow a thicker skin), or you retreat to your safe place where nothing can hurt you. :/

I think the OP is accusing Bioware and/or EA of being trolls, actually, but doesn't want to *say* that.

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Goodbye trolls of swtor. Thanks for making this game unbearable. Subscription ceased, game uninstalled.


Through my many years of gaming, I am continually amazed at how some folks can get "trolled" away from a game. First and foremost there is an ignore option, I use it quite often to silence away cynical people who play this game and many others. Their opinions that they seek to justify against the masses, aren't revolutionary, or doing anything but feeding (no pun intended) their ego.


Secondly I know that in game you can get grouped with people who play in FP's or PVP, SF etc that do their best to ruin the gaming experience. Well I'm here to tell you that the best way to put this aside is to actually become sociable in an online game *gasp* yes, this will genuinely cut down on those experiences you might be having. If you are partying with friends you make in game, or real life friends you manage to convince to play with you, then the less frequent these incidents can occur.


At the end of the day though, you feel this way for whatever reason, this may even be an account designed to illicit reactions out of folks, possibly a negative one, well I hope that isn't the case and you return to SWTOR when you cool down, the galaxy is big and there's plenty of room for you =)

Edited by TheKookyboy
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All that aside, this community is poisonous. This game promotes this community as a good and helpful one, but in reality it is quite the opposite. Still, not a reason to quit, but we should not look away from this growing problem.


I've played since the game's original launch, with a couple of breaks, and I've never felt the community was poisonous. I don't spend much time on the forums, admittedly, but I can't imagine what you're talking about here.

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I reinstalled the game for the duration of the subscription. Left my Jugg back to craft and focussed on my assassin. Playing my assassin, most players are just awful and dont have a clue, but instead of helping, its insults, tank cant pull, healer cant heal. Im takeing a back seat as a damage class and just shaking my head. I have a hard time playing with the "elitists" who can only run with fellow elitists. Do us a faver and Q with your guild mates if your not gonna help randoms. Edited by DLdouglas
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, most players are just awful and dont have a clue, but instead of helping, its insults, tank cant pull, healer cant heal. Im takeing a back seat as a damage class and just shaking my head. I have a hard time playing with the "elitists" who can only run with fellow elitists. Do us a faver and Q with your guild mates if your not gonna help randoms.


Unfortunately, this is the case in Every MMO. Dick bags who spend their entire day, everyday, doing nothing but PVP and Ops. They have the best gear, the most experience, know all the tricks and tips, yet instead of helping, they stand on their mountaintop and yell insullts. I have found it best to simply avoid them, and if I run into one unexpectedly, the Ignore option is awesome! The key to a successful and rewarding STWOR experience is to not let idiots ruin your game! same could be said about Life!

Edited by Vagaslupus
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SWTOR isn't all that toxic. Or at least, no worse than other multiplayer games or anywhere else on the internet for that matter.


The only exception to the above might be Harbinger, which is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. If you're on Harbinger and don't think the high population is worth the toxic atmosphere, transfer to or roll a new toon on Ebon Hawk. It's not as crowded but far from dead (Imp Fleet had two instances last night, for example) and there's a lot less douchebaggery in general chat than you find on Harbinger.


No server is entirely free from trolls, PVP/Ops nerd rage, and ****posters of course, but that's just the internet being the internet. The only way to avoid it entirely is to unplug completely.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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  • 6 months later...
I reinstalled the game for the duration of the subscription. Left my Jugg back to craft and focussed on my assassin.


Well, there's your problem - you're playing Imp side. Imps are mostly nasty Sith and vicious Imperial Agents. Try the Republic - I'm sure you'll find much nicer people over there. :)

(Just kidding, btw)

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