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Companion romance in 5.2


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I am highly doubtful. I think any romance content/dialogue will focus on the two returning class romances, Elara and Quinn. And likely will be along the vein of the other chapters with romances returning, Aric, Kaliyo, Vette etc . So a few romance lines , one scene each romance specific. but that's about it. Nothing, or maybe one-two lines for the some other romance-able companions.


Yeah, my expectations are low.

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I'm curious if with 5.2 your current romance will be affected by your choice with either Republic or Imperial.

Meaning if you are with Theron, but decide to back Imperial or Lana but decide to back Republic.

I hope is not something like a deal breaker with them.

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That seems unlikely. Lana and Theron both often talk as if they are no longer officially part of the Empire or Republic.


Yeah, I've noticed that too. Like they both said 'bah screw it' and just stick like stink on **** to the Alliance Commander.


I can see it now...


A'ight guys, I'm going to pick side, hmmm which side...*crickets chirp from Lana and Theron* Come on, guys, I need help choosing! *more crickets* Okay, I'll choose Repub...*hears a loud AHEM from someone*...um okay, the Imper...*another AHEM* *sigh* Damnit, y'all giving me more stress than I need! *closes eyes and plays eeny meeny miney moe*


As for who will like/hate you? Pfft. No idea. I see it as someone will always be 'disappointed' in your choice of something you do.

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A'ight guys, I'm going to pick side, hmmm which side...*crickets chirp from Lana and Theron* Come on, guys, I need help choosing! *more crickets* Okay, I'll choose Repub...*hears a loud AHEM from someone*...um okay, the Imper...*another AHEM* *sigh* Damnit, y'all giving me more stress than I need! *closes eyes and plays eeny meeny miney moe*




This i can picture it... :D

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Yeah, I've noticed that too. Like they both said 'bah screw it' and just stick like stink on **** to the Alliance Commander.


I can see it now...


A'ight guys, I'm going to pick side, hmmm which side...*crickets chirp from Lana and Theron* Come on, guys, I need help choosing! *more crickets* Okay, I'll choose Repub...*hears a loud AHEM from someone*...um okay, the Imper...*another AHEM* *sigh* Damnit, y'all giving me more stress than I need! *closes eyes and plays eeny meeny miney moe*


Let's see whose head the outlander will bust open, Lana or Theron's head.
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I am wondering about my female SI who romanced with Andronikos and now she is with Theron Shan.


What has happened in 5 years with Andronikos?

Working as a pirate smuggler or for Republic or Empire?

What is the 2nd companion to be together with him? Mako?


My female SI will broke up with Theron when Andronikos returns but Andronikos has been with the republic from his history.

What kind of faction should my female SI be with about the romances and factions?


Republic with Theron and possible if Andronikos like it or not.

Empire but Theron might not like it and instead Andronikos do like it.


My imperial agent have a romance with Lana and he will choose Empire but Acina will be your follower companion again with more romance options. I don't think Lana will be happy about it if I choose to be with Acina.

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I'm surprised that your decision won't affect any existing comps. I'd be shocked if Theron approved of Acina over Elara and his father.


I wouldn't bat an eyelash. Theron is not on good terms with his parents and during KotFE and KotET he grows more and more annoyed with the Republic. He was always a neutral character, leaing dark more times I gave him credit for :)

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He was killed though, so it's not like he has anyone close to him at the Republic anymore, especially with the crap he saw from the Republic.


I get pissed at Satele over this. I mean, okay she thought Jace would go dark with how he was and such and that's why she broke it off with him, but she was pregnant with his kid. No where in star wars land does it say one has to marry or stay with the baby's daddy. All she had to do is tell him she's knocked up, have the kid, and fork him over. But she gives her kid up to her old master then they find he's not force sensitive so he's basically given up again to an extent. I'm like 'pffft, I wouldn't be surprised if Theron went out and smacked or offed his biological parents just because they were both dumbies'


Nothing like Star Wars to bring out the drama llamas in everything.

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I get pissed at Satele over this. I mean, okay she thought Jace would go dark with how he was and such and that's why she broke it off with him, but she was pregnant with his kid. No where in star wars land does it say one has to marry or stay with the baby's daddy. All she had to do is tell him she's knocked up, have the kid, and fork him over. But she gives her kid up to her old master then they find he's not force sensitive so he's basically given up again to an extent. I'm like 'pffft, I wouldn't be surprised if Theron went out and smacked or offed his biological parents just because they were both dumbies'


Nothing like Star Wars to bring out the drama llamas in everything.


Sounds plausible. People do stupid things. Mothers have given up children for dumb reasons all through out time, no reason to believe Star Wars universe is any different, especially since one can die from a broken heart.

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Just to clarify, Theron would NOT have been abandoned for lack of force power. The jedi have several branches. He would have left becoming a padawan and the jedi would have helped him explore another branch of the republic he could serve. Many actual jedi went this route too. This is likely how he ends up in the SIS. They wouldnt open the door and kick him out.


Satele may have feared her own family history as well. By the time Theron would have been old enough to show he wasn't force sensitive, he'd have been old enough to choose his future to some degree.

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I wouldn't bat an eyelash. Theron is not on good terms with his parents and during KotFE and KotET he grows more and more annoyed with the Republic. He was always a neutral character, leaing dark more times I gave him credit for :)


I can see Theron being irritated and resentful of Satele (which he seems to be though also cares about her as shown when Tython is attacked and other instances) but I thought his relationship with Jace was amicable if awkward and I mean it's not Jace's fault he wasn't in Theron's life, Satele robbed both father and son of that relationship with her selfishness. If he knew Satele was pregnant, he would have taken Theron and raised him.

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I wonder if they will ever give us the option of marrying either Theron or Lana.

I know i won't loose sleep of signing divorce papers for Quinn. :p

Yes please T_T (Theron, no Lana for me ever lol) how cool would it be if there was an actual scene for it too rather than a they walk away, it fades to black, and they are suddenly married like with the class stories >.>

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I wouldn't bat an eyelash. Theron is not on good terms with his parents and during KotFE and KotET he grows more and more annoyed with the Republic. He was always a neutral character, leaing dark more times I gave him credit for :)


Yep. He wholeheartedly supports if you

kill Saresh

so I don't see him having any problem with either side. I know although my agent didn't become a double agent in the class story, he like Theron became fed up with his side of the equation. I liked that they gave you an option to have your character say that you want the Alliance to be separate from the Republic and Empire when you

turn down Acina for a treaty.


Edited by Venn_Dras
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  • 2 months later...
Yes please T_T (Theron, no Lana for me ever lol) how cool would it be if there was an actual scene for it too rather than a they walk away, it fades to black, and they are suddenly married like with the class stories >.>


I agree!! I would love to see us being able to marry Theron/Lana and have more than what we saw with the class stories and have more dialogue between them afterwards.

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