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Question to regarding expansion stories.


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This have propably been asked before, but i wanted to get a possible straight answer.


I just finished the Sith Warrior quest line and starting on doing the expansion story quests, but one thought have lingered and I cant find any real answer. So I turn my question to the infinite knowlage base that is the forums for answers.


Does the expansions like Rise of the Hutt Cartel, Shadow of Raven etc have any major class difference in way of play? Say I play my Warrior through the RoHC and SoR, will my Inquistor or Agent have any difference in the way the story is told any major plot twisted etc? Or will the experience be pretty much the same for both classes with some minor tweaks to cutscenes/dialogue and does that also go for the Replublic side too?

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This have propably been asked before, but i wanted to get a possible straight answer.


I just finished the Sith Warrior quest line and starting on doing the expansion story quests, but one thought have lingered and I cant find any real answer. So I turn my question to the infinite knowlage base that is the forums for answers.


Does the expansions like Rise of the Hutt Cartel, Shadow of Raven etc have any major class difference in way of play? Say I play my Warrior through the RoHC and SoR, will my Inquistor or Agent have any difference in the way the story is told any major plot twisted etc? Or will the experience be pretty much the same for both classes with some minor tweaks to cutscenes/dialogue and does that also go for the Replublic side too?


RotHC has a different story for each faction. Within a faction the differences will be minor, as in dialogue changes for the most part. SoR is the same story for both factions, but there is one point in that expansion where there is a brief class-specific mission, so you'd need to play through with all 8 classes to experience each of those. Other than that, it's just a matter of some dialogue differences.

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Does that apply to KoTFE story and so forth?


More or less. There are some minor dialogue differences (most notably in chapters/missions where you meet former companions of various classes; if you've had previous experiences with them, then the dialogue will reflect that), but for the most part it's one story fits all, no matter your class.

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Thanks for the replys. ^^


I wanted to do the expansion stories, but I wasnt so psyked for the notion of playing through all story missions on all classes :|


Now I can play on my Sith and turn my attention to my jedi after I am done with that.

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Does that apply to KoTFE story and so forth?


One important thing to remember is that, if you are going to do the KoTFE and/or KoTET chapters, make sure that you complete all your main story companion storylines first, as you will not be able to once you start KoTFE/KoTET. Just go to your ship and make sure none of your companions have outstanding dialogues (assuming you have completed the main class story).

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