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Pubs Harb


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Jesus H Christ its worse than I thought.


So i did as i said and took out my commando DPS and scoundrel healer for a few spins, oh my god.


In six straight warzones my commando was the only non-shadow or non-guardian, all tanks all the time... not a healer to be seen, meanwhile impside always, ALWAYS had 1-2, sometimes three sorc heals, and all mercs/snipers (4v4 regs, alderaan, odessen, it didnt matter), after a few more i ragequit to my healer...


And immediately found out that none of these tanks guard, they run off to the sides and focus all their attention on the worst possible targets, do nothing to protect their sole healer... even when you put target markers on the primary threat, they just cheerfully ignore your instructions and do 200k damage for the whole warzone, if that.


Five warzones in on a healer and at last I could truly see. And it only got worse.


I legit lost my **** when i was in a hypergate with three sages, asked if any of them were heals... every one of them was telekinetic.


What the actual....


Pubs are mostly completely useless. Hell in one 4v4 reg my healer outdamaged one of these terribad sentinels, how the actual hell... the only one ive met so far that was even remotely useful was that vanguard that stuck with me the whole makeb 4v4, clearly another imp on a pub alt, had to be, he had a clue.


The only warzone i have won the entire day was being the sole pub on a team of imps in odessen. Only one.


One win, over twenty losses... yea... dare i even try ranked? I dont think so.

Edited by rylanadionysis
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with that ratio, its not the team.


Oh? Care to elaborate? Cause ya know, when one is the only healer on a team, if I am even on the healer, and my opponent has 2-3 sorc heals... yeah, just try to snark that again ********* <3


Clearly you didnt read the full post anyway, its blatantly obvious pubs are clueless. Cant solo 8 guys myself, im not as pro as you, forum warrior.


Its rather funny considering both my operative and my scoundrel are complete carbon copies of each other, yet my pub toon goes 1 for 20, whereas my operative on a given day will at least win half of the matches, and most of the time its vs other imps, i rarely see pubs against my Operative, wonder why that is...


Yeah its all me bro. Not the quality of the teams or the others playing or anything.

Edited by rylanadionysis
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Been playing a lot of Pubside pvp lately, and I think I have figured out the problem:


Most pubs play Jedi, because it's Star Wars, and you end up with warzones of Consulars and Knights going up against Imp teams full of snipers and mercs. Sad as it is, being a Star Wars game, the force users just can't compete. I will see four to five mercs and two to three snipers in every match, yet I will only see the odd commando here and there and rarely see any gunslingers. Playing a scoundrel, I am, more often than not, the only non jedi on my team.


I also remember the days when Pubs always had heals and the Imps rarely did, now it's the other way around. Those merc/sniper teams are always paired with a sorc healer, without fail. Pubs seem to rarely have healers queuing at 70.


This is my observation, pvping as a Scoundrel non stop at 70 over the last two weeks. In my last 25 matches, I went 3-22. It's pretty bad.

Thanks for the laughs! I've only been back in the game since a few days ago and this couldn't be more accurate. :o

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