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We don't want it, we're vocal about not wanting it. What logic is there in cxp?


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If you're losing money because of the galactic command system, what possible reason is there in keeping it around? You're bleeding players because of this system.


The devs--specifically Ben Irving, since GC is his baby--don't want to come out and admit they screwed up because that makes them look bad to EA and could cost them their jobs. So they'll try to spin BS to the EA execs as well as to their player base, hoping if they repeat the lie that RNG is EXCITING!!!!™ enough that somehow people will actually start to believe it. There's probably a certain amount of ego and hubris involved too, because I suspect they can't even admit to themselves that they've poisoned the well.

Edited by AscendingSky
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If you're losing money because of the galactic command system, what possible reason is there in keeping it around? You're bleeding players because of this system.



They aren't bleeding any more players then any other change to the game in the past. Sorry to burst your bubble. You must grind in a mmo. It forces you to be online everyday. You might wanna learn about mmo's since you seem to be new to them.

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They aren't bleeding any more players then any other change to the game in the past. Sorry to burst your bubble. You must grind in a mmo. It forces you to be online everyday. You might wanna learn about mmo's since you seem to be new to them.


It's not so much the grind that's the problem. It's that you have absolutely no guarantee of getting anything as a reward for all that grinding. The risk/effort vs. reward equation is majorly out of whack.


They keep addressing the symptom (slow cxp) but refuse to acknowledge or do anything about the problem (RNG gearing).

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We should have already had 12x CXP events (yes 12x CXP) the moment it was discovered that most everyone was farming PvP and/or Fractured Uprising for CXP.


Instead CXP boosts were added to the cartel store, CXP rates nerfed (gold bosses, arena matches) and a complex multi-tier gear tree (Command Tokens, Unassembled Pieces) introduced.


PvP can and usually is toxic. Imagine PvE players farming PvP for CXP. The end result is burned out players.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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1.) OPs: drop tokens + CXP (Increasing next week, by A LOT) for crates

2.) PVP: drop a currency to purchase tokens (this is getting increased on February 28th) + CxP for crates.


That is really the only people who need BiS gear, but Bioware decided to be nice, by allowing all content to reward CxP which results in:


3.) All content awards CxP - GC crates which drop BiS (They are increasing the amount of CxP we get significantly, which means higher tiers faster and many many more crates)


+Bonus crates dropping as a quest reward (February 28th)


The combined 3 things, with the upcoming updates through the 28th is going to result in a significantly nicer experience. Nicer than any MMO out there. Content not being released, I understand, but a system that allows any content to grant BiS? That is unheard of and amazing. It is getting a lot easier, but it should never be too easy.


If you do not play those activities, then what is the problem? 230 blues are enough to do almost all other content, except for master stories and uprisings. Maybe they should add components there.


BiS is difficult in every MMO, it will and should always be. Somehow making it more accessible, resulted in people being unhappy. I 100% do not understand that. When it was locked behind NiM, it wasnt a problem.


And they are making it much easier. More Crates (RNG), More Unassembled Compenents (No RNG), OP bosses drop pieces (only partial RNG). :confused:


I agree with the poster above, it seems people do not understand how RPGs work. Some of the fun of an RPG is getting the gear. IDK though, explain where I am wrong if you think I am missing something.

Edited by IstariZen
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If you're losing money because of the galactic command system, what possible reason is there in keeping it around? You're bleeding players because of this system.


The system itself is fine. Its the grind that they screwed up on. And I already put them on notice if the rate is too low, I'm gone. And nobody from my guild will return when I tell them it is still too low. There is about 15 people not playing right now waiting for my feedback next week.

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They aren't bleeding any more players then any other change to the game in the past. Sorry to burst your bubble. You must grind in a mmo. It forces you to be online everyday. You might wanna learn about mmo's since you seem to be new to them.


Your absolutely 100% wrong.


#1 not many MMOs have 52 slots per server for alt toons.

#2 I don't need a grind. I played 4.0 and had all my gear in 1 month and played every single day after I ground my gear. so no it doesn't need a grind like this for gear. it is completely unnecessary and ruining this game right now.

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Your absolutely 100% wrong.


#1 not many MMOs have 52 slots per server for alt toons.

#2 I don't need a grind. I played 4.0 and had all my gear in 1 month and played every single day after I ground my gear. so no it doesn't need a grind like this for gear. it is completely unnecessary and ruining this game right now.


Seriously, did you "accidentally" subscribe again?

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It seems you actually never played any RPG outside of this one. SW:ToR is way to easy to gear up. If you ever played a REAL MMORPG you would find droprates like ~5% for really good gear from a harder boss respawning every 6 to 8 hours. You would find out you need to farm way more of the same enemy than the guy getting Rank 100 in the first 3 days only to get an important drop with a 0,01% chance. Oh and did I mention that - in REAL MMORPGs - your gear can actually BREAK while enhancing it? POOF gone. Start again from zero. Most of those games even sell stuff to make all this chances slightly better.


Try it. You'll crawl back into SW:ToR because you never have seen a real grind with real RNG.

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They aren't bleeding any more players then any other change to the game in the past. Sorry to burst your bubble. You must grind in a mmo. It forces you to be online everyday. You might wanna learn about mmo's since you seem to be new to them.


the reason people are willing to grind is because there is an end goal. when RNG determined what that end goal will be, people get frustrated when it doesnt come out in their favor. RNG should never be the result of a grind. RNG should be a lucky bonus, not something you actively work toward.

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It seems you actually never played any RPG outside of this one. SW:ToR is way to easy to gear up. If you ever played a REAL MMORPG you would find droprates like ~5% for really good gear from a harder boss respawning every 6 to 8 hours. You would find out you need to farm way more of the same enemy than the guy getting Rank 100 in the first 3 days only to get an important drop with a 0,01% chance. Oh and did I mention that - in REAL MMORPGs - your gear can actually BREAK while enhancing it? POOF gone. Start again from zero. Most of those games even sell stuff to make all this chances slightly better.


Try it. You'll crawl back into SW:ToR because you never have seen a real grind with real RNG.




While I personally am fine with GC as long as it keeps getting improved, I dont agree with your post.


Youre talking about the Chinese grinder model I'm guessing, which tends to have a smaller player base for a reason. Either way I'm pretty sure FF14 is a "real" MMO since it has 6million subscribers, and considered to be hugely successful. It's "really good gear" always drops from the appropriate bosses. Harder bosses = better gear. Nothing in your post applies to FF14.

Edited by Radzkie
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i never said i didnt want it or had a problem with it, stop using "we"


BW you are doing a fine job



Any group of two qualifies as we....the poster can find at least one other poster on these boards that agrees with him so he can use we. You are not the only other person besides him that plays this game...although if they don't fix their mess that might change. Keep using we, because we are not happy that the devs are not listening and keep saying they are.

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They aren't bleeding any more players then any other change to the game in the past. Sorry to burst your bubble. You must grind in a mmo. It forces you to be online everyday. You might wanna learn about mmo's since you seem to be new to them.


The actions of the studio say you're wrong. You don't gut a new system immediately and repeatedly if it isn't a major threat to your revenue.


You might want to be less of a condescending jerk.

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i never said i didnt want it or had a problem with it, stop using "we"


BW you are doing a fine job


There's nothing more annoying than the never-ending "we" semantics posts. It means the person speaking and others, you are adding the implication of universal inclusion in your head.

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The difference between this game and asian MMO is that the grind there is for players to give real cash to speed things up. Here we give money for the grind really that that sounds okay we give money to get more frustrated are we masochists or something?
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The logic to using this was to keep subs. This has proved to be false logic.


Last night at 8pm eastern, only two servers had standard pops (harbinger and ebon hawk). Shadowlands and Jedi Covenant are dropping fast and can not maintain standard pops through out prime time.


The only two server who can hit standard pops outside of prime time are harbinger and red eclipse.


This is not good so soon after an expansion and major Star War movie release.


The game is hurting.

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Any group of two qualifies as we....the poster can find at least one other poster on these boards that agrees with him so he can use we. You are not the only other person besides him that plays this game...although if they don't fix their mess that might change. Keep using we, because we are not happy that the devs are not listening and keep saying they are.


It is actually better not to use we for the reasons people stated. It is better to use me, you or some people don't like this as we could be interpreted to include everyone, that is why when I do my posts I normally say me or the people I know that way there is not interpreted that I am including everyone in my comment.

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There's nothing more annoying than the never-ending "we" semantics posts. It means the person speaking and others, you are adding the implication of universal inclusion in your head.


If he/she is adding it, others will too. It is always better to specify those things. And this will show that the minority is against GC, while the majority isn't even in the forum because they enjoy the game. :rolleyes:

Edited by Methylium
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I think this thread title needs translating so here go's


"We don't want it, we're vocal about not wanting it. What logic is there in cxp?"


Should say....


I don't want it, I am vocal about not wanting it, So why is there CXP.


Really getting tired of this universal "WE" That players keep posting on these forums. As it is I don't mind CXP at all. Note OP, I said I don't mind it, not we don't mind it. Huge difference.

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While I personally am fine with GC as long as it keeps getting improved, I dont agree with your post.


Youre talking about the Chinese grinder model I'm guessing, which tends to have a smaller player base for a reason. Either way I'm pretty sure FF14 is a "real" MMO since it has 6million subscribers, and considered to be hugely successful. It's "really good gear" always drops from the appropriate bosses. Harder bosses = better gear. Nothing in your post applies to FF14.


And you think the "chinese (they aren't even chinese) grinder models" have a smaller player base because of RNG? They have a smaller base because you can choose from alot different games. There is no big name like Warcraft, Final Fantasy or Star Wars. Certain games are around as long as WoW and yes, even WoW got grind on a RNG base afaik.


RNG is not the devil. Accept it. The only thing I'm saying is: RNG could be around way more and the only solution. Be happy that BW brought back your beloved tokensystem, which was /dice-RNG too.

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If he/she is adding it, others will too. It is always better to specify those things. And this will show that the minority is against GC, while the majority isn't even in the forum because they enjoy the game. :rolleyes:


There are many indications that you are wrong. The actions of the studio, the server populations, and Google trend data all suggest that most players dislike the state of the game so much that they've left entirely.

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There are many indications that you are wrong. The actions of the studio, the server populations, and Google trend data all suggest that most players dislike the state of the game so much that they've left entirely.


You know the server populations? Wow. Any chance you can cite those sources?

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