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So did "Curative Agent" Bug or whatever that was, really needed to be fixed?


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So given the state of Operative/Scoundrel Heals; and given the abilities that Mercs (Responsive Safe guards) and Sorc (Force Barrier)... Was that so called bug (or what many called it in the streets as "the Operative Oh Sh*T button heal") needed to be fixed? // As suggestion of course: A "re-name" of that or a designated utility for it should of sufficed. I really don't understand what goes on the mind of the SWTOR Combat Team. Is it that you guys just sit there and listen to who ever it is there from the "PvP Community" cry about something.. regarding a class then you proceed to hurry up and reverse it, butcher or "so call quick fix"? Do you guys realize how much that just ruins a class for PvE Content?? Please before making sudden fixes review everything, compare what the other classes have! before "balancing"... This gives the perception to many players of the classical "F you", to whoever plays the Operative Scoundrel Class. Take time listen to real feedback before making drastic changes... You introduce the Command Rank System to allegedly even the playing field with the casual player right? The casual player doesn't play the operative scoundrel doing 11K EHPS (effective heals per second)...


my 2 cents...im sure the "super clear content elite player" will respond by.. "oh oh the Operatives are still viable etc etc...classic Forum dweller response none the less

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As someone who has extensive experience with Operative and mains it, has 2 elite warlords with the class and is pretty well-known on his server:


Yes, it did need to get fixed. Just because other classes have retarded utilities doesn't mean that bugs shouldn't be fixed. Operative heals obviously needs some tweaks and readjustments, but being able to instantly heal 80% of someone's HP every 45s is broken.


Personally, I'd be for the utility being reworked so that it makes Kolto Infusion heal for considerably more than what it normally does for DPS (with no HoT attached), and for healers, make it so that their next kolto injection is instant when they use countermeasures.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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So given the state of Operative/Scoundrel Heals; and given the abilities that Mercs (Responsive Safe guards) and Sorc (Force Barrier)... Was that so called bug (or what many called it in the streets as "the Operative Oh Sh*T button heal") needed to be fixed? // As suggestion of course: A "re-name" of that or a designated utility for it should of sufficed. I really don't understand what goes on the mind of the SWTOR Combat Team. Is it that you guys just sit there and listen to who ever it is there from the "PvP Community" cry about something.. regarding a class then you proceed to hurry up and reverse it, butcher or "so call quick fix"? Do you guys realize how much that just ruins a class for PvE Content?? Please before making sudden fixes review everything, compare what the other classes have! before "balancing"... This gives the perception to many players of the classical "F you", to whoever plays the Operative Scoundrel Class. Take time listen to real feedback before making drastic changes... You introduce the Command Rank System to allegedly even the playing field with the casual player right? The casual player doesn't play the operative scoundrel doing 11K EHPS (effective heals per second)...


my 2 cents...im sure the "super clear content elite player" will respond by.. "oh oh the Operatives are still viable etc etc...classic Forum dweller response none the less


Bugs need to be fixed because by definition they're broken abilities.


That being said, this particular bug did make the class a lot more viable in all games modes and from what I could tell didn't push the class to a point where it was outperforming other classes. From a balance point of view, they probably should have kept it in the game.


As someone who has extensive experience with Operative and mains it, has 2 elite warlords with the class and is pretty well-known on his server:


Yes, it did need to get fixed. Just because other classes have retarded utilities doesn't mean that bugs shouldn't be fixed. Operative heals obviously needs some tweaks and readjustments, but being able to instantly heal 80% of someone's HP every 45s is broken.


Personally, I'd be for the utility being reworked so that it makes Kolto Infusion heal for considerably more than what it normally does for DPS (with no HoT attached), and for healers, make it so that their next kolto injection is instant when they use countermeasures.


As someone who has extensive experience with Operative and mains it, has 3 elite warlords with the class, was the operative class rep and is kind of a big deal:


Bugs should be fixed I agree but it's certainly worth looking into this one a little more as it did seem to fix a large portion of issues the class currently has. The heal varied from around 40% to 60% in my experience and based on my combat logs and observation, but I've never been one to let facts get in the way of a good "heal to full and make them pay" meme.


The part that is interesting to me is that even with the bugged talent, Operatives were still under-represented and underperformed when compared to most other classes. IIRC only powertechs and juggs were behind, Sorc DPS would be behind them too but because you can't filter by role on the leaderboard it's not possible to separate them out from the healing specs. Here's the chart someone knocked up around the time it was removed.


I know that you didn't play any ranked this season but even with the bugged talent Operatives were still squishy under focus fire. It's possible that if we didn't currently have a very Merc heavy meta they'd have overperformed but because we're facing an average of 2+ Mercs a game all those nets flying about tended to dump on Operatives.


The kolto infusion idea is a decent one for sure. One of my guildies is the top rated Operative healer right now and he seems to be able to get the class to work but from conversations we've had it seems very clear that you can get the same (if not better) performance with far less effort required by using Sorc. I'm not really expecting any balance changes for another 6 months though.

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Bugs need to be fixed because by definition they're broken abilities.


That being said, this particular bug did make the class a lot more viable in all games modes and from what I could tell didn't push the class to a point where it was outperforming other classes. From a balance point of view, they probably should have kept it in the game.




As someone who has extensive experience with Operative and mains it, has 3 elite warlords with the class, was the operative class rep and is kind of a big deal:


Bugs should be fixed I agree but it's certainly worth looking into this one a little more as it did seem to fix a large portion of issues the class currently has. The heal varied from around 40% to 60% in my experience and based on my combat logs and observation, but I've never been one to let facts get in the way of a good "heal to full and make them pay" meme.


The part that is interesting to me is that even with the bugged talent, Operatives were still under-represented and underperformed when compared to most other classes. IIRC only powertechs and juggs were behind, Sorc DPS would be behind them too but because you can't filter by role on the leaderboard it's not possible to separate them out from the healing specs. Here's the chart someone knocked up around the time it was removed.


I know that you didn't play any ranked this season but even with the bugged talent Operatives were still squishy under focus fire. It's possible that if we didn't currently have a very Merc heavy meta they'd have overperformed but because we're facing an average of 2+ Mercs a game all those nets flying about tended to dump on Operatives.


The kolto infusion idea is a decent one for sure. One of my guildies is the top rated Operative healer right now and he seems to be able to get the class to work but from conversations we've had it seems very clear that you can get the same (if not better) performance with far less effort required by using Sorc. I'm not really expecting any balance changes for another 6 months though.


Concealment needs skill to get high rank in RWZ, else is cannon fodder. Not only because of Nets; there are many roots and Merc has a great one.

Lethality can be more versatile and effective, imo, in RWZ but requires even more skill and almost nobody tries.


But in your chart more apparent is the lack of PTs who are the new Mercs.

Edited by Aetideus
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