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Quality of gear in crates are the problem, not quantity.


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The issue is with the loot tables that drive the crates... NOT the crates themselves.


That may sound like a nit to some....but in reality there are productive ways to discuss and petition changes from the studio... and accuracy and objectivity are important ingredients in any effort.


Further..... most players have no use for tier 1 gear and I do believe the studio should simply remove tier 1s (since crafters can easily craft 228s with vendor recipes and easy to aquire materials, and there is not much difference between 228s and 230s), and flatten the loot tables some as well as adjust drop rates on set bonus items. .


Getting crates of junk faster....only adds to frustration. Getting crates with worthwhile items in then slower is encouraging. When you open a crate and it has junk you know you just got ripped off for the effort you put in, but even if it takes twice as long if you open it up and find something you want well you feel good about the time spent and want to do it again.


I will disagree with the tier 1 part though to a degree. Getting the set armoring for those not in 224s already is rewarding. Maybe make teir one the first X number of crates. Say for arguements sake 35, ever 5th crate you are guaranteed one of the 7 set pieces do it in some kind of order and after that all teir 2. So on your 5th, 10th ,15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, and 35th crate you get one of the each armoring. The other crates in between come with something else of value like blue and or purple implants, ear pieces, relics whatever.

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The content of the Crates is something we are looking into as well. Keep the feedback coming.




My two cents: Add back the previous gearing system, but keep GC in place as a secondary gearing method not the primary. With the current system in place, my Sage healer I've played for years, which is my main toon for PvE, has yet to even get a 5.x set bonus piece, and keeps getting the stupid greens and blues, and not for lack of doing content.

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The content of the Crates is something we are looking into as well. Keep the feedback coming.




If only there was a place where major pushes and content changes could go to be tested by large numbers of actual players before it arrived on live servers .......

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My two cents: Add back the previous gearing system, but keep GC in place as a secondary gearing method not the primary. With the current system in place, my Sage healer I've played for years, which is my main toon for PvE, has yet to even get a 5.x set bonus piece, and keeps getting the stupid greens and blues, and not for lack of doing content.


This is my recommendation as well. GCS should have been an alternate route, not the only way. You don't demolish an existing interstate because another road is put near it.

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The content of our brains is something we are looking into as well. Keep the feedback coming so that we man ignore it.





Before you's "fix" "change" things with more stupid please THINK, you do realize when people STOP complain that is when people no longer care and you's really are screwed cause they would of left, Start Listening before it to late.

Edited by Kyuuu
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To make GC system better I'd suggest the following:


1. Make GC level legacy-wide. This would eliminate unnesessary grind on alts to make them viable.

2. Remove green gear from chests completely.

3. Chests should drop gear tokens. You might introduce purple gear tokens which would be common in chests with a rare chance of dropping gold tokens. These tokens apart from being legacy-bound and could be used to gear alts, can help getting gear for other disciplines cause now the drop is discipline-specific.

4. You should be able to Disassemble a token for a certain amount of unassembled gear pieces so you could exchange say 2 random tokens for a needed one.


I am against of increasing the rate at which you gain chests (and GC levels as well). You might only balance it around all types of activity. But letting people jump into GC level 3 fast is working against operations which have increased popularity now. However increasing the usability of the contents is much desired.

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To make GC system better I'd suggest the following:


1. Make GC level legacy-wide. This would eliminate unnesessary grind on alts to make them viable.

2. Remove green gear from chests completely.

3. Chests should drop gear tokens. You might introduce purple gear tokens which would be common in chests with a rare chance of dropping gold tokens. These tokens apart from being legacy-bound and could be used to gear alts, can help getting gear for other disciplines cause now the drop is discipline-specific.

4. You should be able to Disassemble a token for a certain amount of unassembled gear pieces so you could exchange say 2 random tokens for a needed one.


I am against of increasing the rate at which you gain chests (and GC levels as well). You might only balance it around all types of activity. But letting people jump into GC level 3 fast is working against operations which have increased popularity now. However increasing the usability of the contents is much desired.



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I still don't like legacy wide GC rank. I dont expect or want all my alts to simply skip every level of gear and just jump to 242 after my main gets there.


I get how unfriendly this is to alts. Its unfriendly to mains too. I have dozens of alts and how I geared them in 4.0 was usually passing them mk-2 gear or crafted stuff until they could go get set pieces. In this current mess of a system I can still craft lots of things for my alts and get them rolling quickly. I decided I wanted my sentinel working and crafted him 228/230 gear. He went right into a HM op and did just fine. How unfriendly is that really? Do I really expect an alt to be able to jump into a NiM op without an issue? (Op was DF).


Now crafting past the 228/230 is way expensive and a reduction in those costs would actually make a big impact in things for me. Even the 228/230 level is a bit too expensive in my view. Reduce those costs, allow for recipes to be sold on the GTN and honestly that's all I need to be happy with my alts.


Get rid of RNG and GC, well that would make me all kinds of happy.


I don't like the current system for gearing even a little. But alts in my view are ok with only some reduction in crafting costs, the more reductions the better.

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Before you's "fix" "change" things with more stupid please THINK, you do realize when people STOP complain that is when people no longer care and you's really are screwed cause they would of left, Start Listening before it to late.


or because their subs ran out, so they can no longer post, after BW decided they could move at a snail's pace...


What I find interesting, is two competing MMOs (FFXIV and ESO) have both recently admitted to an uptick in new players recently. I wonder where those new players are coming from?

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Do I really expect an alt to be able to jump into a NiM op without an issue?

I'm curious. Are you involved with raid management at all and if so has your team struggled with the roster boss?


It's situational. If a raid team is short on a particular role and heavy on another they may ask people to main-switch or create a back up character.


Having a reasonable catch-up mechanic is essential. The 5.1 changes don't even come close to correcting the damage GC has done. NiM in particular doesn't have enough headroom for carries. Losing anybody means progression stops (or regresses) until the team is back up to an appropriate gear level.


Having BTDT too many times I've seen how demoralizing a loss of progression can be. I've seen several raid teams collapse because of it and very few survive.

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I'm curious. Are you involved with raid management at all and if so has your team struggled with the roster boss?


It's situational. If a raid team is short on a particular role and heavy on another they may ask people to main-switch or create a back up character.


Having a reasonable catch-up mechanic is essential. The 5.1 changes don't even come close to correcting the damage GC has done. NiM in particular doesn't have enough headroom for carries. Losing anybody means progression stops (or regresses) until the team is back up to an appropriate gear level.


Having BTDT too many times I've seen how demoralizing a loss of progression can be. I've seen several raid teams collapse because of it and very few survive.


All very true and seldom understood by people not doing progression raiding. (Not that there is a huge amount of that left right now, for obvious reasons.)

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I'm curious. Are you involved with raid management at all and if so has your team struggled with the roster boss?


I am. I run a guild that raids. I am also our raid leader. We've shrunk thanks to a lack of content and 5.0 but we still raid. I don't expect someone to swap from say heals to dps and join us on a NiM run. They wont know their part well enough. NiM doesn't leave room for failure or kind of knowing your part. So we do HM runs to practice with someone new to a roll, it helps them learn the part and now will get them a piece of gear. Look when I can craft more 240 stuff I would take a fully 240 crafted geared guy on a NiM run, I think they would be fine.


Reduce the cost of making 240 gear, allow for recipes to be sold on the GTN, and alts will be ok. I don't expect or want my alts to skip the work needed to gear up with 242 set pieces. If my alt has 230/224 set armorings and everything else 240....I will be ok in a NiM run.

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I am. I run a guild that raids. I am also our raid leader. We've shrunk thanks to a lack of content and 5.0 but we still raid. I don't expect someone to swap from say heals to dps and join us on a NiM run. They wont know their part well enough. NiM doesn't leave room for failure or kind of knowing your part. So we do HM runs to practice with someone new to a roll, it helps them learn the part and now will get them a piece of gear. Look when I can craft more 240 stuff I would take a fully 240 crafted geared guy on a NiM run, I think they would be fine.


Reduce the cost of making 240 gear, allow for recipes to be sold on the GTN, and alts will be ok. I don't expect or want my alts to skip the work needed to gear up with 242 set pieces. If my alt has 230/224 set armorings and everything else 240....I will be ok in a NiM run.


Sorry but those recipes shouldn't be sold at all they are earned, ohh yeah you can sell them to the vendor :)

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Sorry, lost track of this thread. Just found it again.


I am. I run a guild that raids. I am also our raid leader. We've shrunk thanks to a lack of content and 5.0 but we still raid. I don't expect someone to swap from say heals to dps and join us on a NiM run.

So either you've not yet had a roster issue that prevents you from doing the content you prefer or your team is perfectly OK with dropping down to HMs until the team is NiM capable again.


I don't do high-tier raiding here but did so in Wildstar. We were constantly looking for talented folk. Due to population issues several top-tier raiders had to restart characters on our faction. Or people that had demonstrated skill with alternative classes and roles. (aside: There are a few 3 and 4 tank fights. I was the 3rd tank which meant I had to flex between tank and DPS depending on the boss)


Gearing people up to roughly our level was simple, much like 3.0. We would not have survived without it. Burnout and RL has cost us several key people. Being able to cover those holes were essential to keeping progression going forward. And there one of the chief factors in burnout was lack of progression.


If my alt has 230/224 set armorings and everything else 240....I will be ok in a NiM run.

That's a mighty big "if". Having a full 6-piece is not a given unless you have a very deep bench or contact list that have theirs.


I came into 4.0 very late in the cycle. I had assumed that 5.0's gearing wasn't going to be this insane so I didn't go crazy about getting set bonuses. Think my 4.x main had four pieces of 216. But even if I did I decided to main switch (wanted to go ranged).


Now I'm kicking myself for not grinding out the pvp 204's for her. I suppose I should grind out the UC's to fill out the missing bits but I don't really like PvP'ing with her.


Look when I can craft more 240 stuff I would take a fully 240 crafted geared guy on a NiM run, I think they would be fine.

If you have the 224 set armorings, yeah that's probably "good enough".

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The content of the Crates is something we are looking into as well. Keep the feedback coming.




So, how many months, posts, and unsubbed subscribers is enough feedback? Apparently there wasn't enough feedback during Beta when just about everyone said don't do this. Then it wasn't enough feedback when 5.0 launched and people complained and quit. It's never enough feedback, like somehow it's the player's fault for not telling you enough times.


People have been posting the same things over and over and over. Stop saying you need more feedback.


Get rid of the RNG. Not too hard. Every so many crates you are guaranteed Item X, then Item Y, then Item Z.

Edited by Sundragon
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